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Mechanism of Gelam honey in reducing weight gain on obese induced rats

By: SUHANA SAMAT 2011490642

Obesity major public health problem: Malaysia and worldwide (Pak, 2011) Malaysia :highest obesity rate in Southern Asia, sixth in Asia Pasific region (Arya, 2011) chronic disease such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cancer (Chen, 2011, Louise, 2008). Honey One of potential food, relatively non-toxic, exhibit sweetening properties, lower glycemic load, wound healing and anti-inflammatory activities, antiproliferative effect, antimicrobial properties as well as antioxidant capacity (Kassim et al., 2010). Clover honey in USA has reduced weight gain in animal study (Nemoseck et al., 2011), indicates that honey may use as a suitable food in reducing weight gain and maintaining a health human body.

fructose, proteins, flavonoids, phenolic acids, enzymes, vitamins and minerals,phenolic compounds i.e. peroxidise, catalase, phenolic acids, ascorbic acids,flavonoids and carotenoids. can act as potent antioxidants, which is the effect is better than other antioxidant properties i.e. vitamin C and E (Aljadi & Yusoff, 2004; Jaganathan & Mandal, 2009). Future potential :as a persuasive food in controlling obesity attractive results: antiproliferative study which is may reduce Adipocyte (fat cells) proliferation in obese people (unpublished data). major interest of present study: Study of honey and understand the Molecular basis of honey in reducing weight gain, controlling obesity consequently maintaining healthy life-style using obese induced-rat Lacking the model, the study is worthless and incomplete.

Establish obese induced rats. Investigate effects of different concentration of Gelam honey on obesed induced rats. Elucidate molecular basis effects of the maximal combination of honey on obese induced rats.

Animal and diets

Male Sprague-Dawley rats (70-90 g of body weight) The animals will be divided into two groups. Groups 1: normal diet Group 2 : high fat diet (HFD) 16 weeks (to induce obese).

Treatment Feed with honey different concentration (low, medium, high


Metabolomic analysis
Plasma glucose, plasma total cholesterol, free fatty acid, triglyceride level, LDL-cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol :using commercial kits. Plasma concentration of insulin, adiponectin, resistin, monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1) and tumor necrosis alpha (TNF-) : measured by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay kits

Histological analysis
The subcutaneous fat pads: fixed in 10% buffered formalin and will be embedded in paraffin, cut at thickness of 5m and later will be stained with hematoxylin and eosin (H & E)

Rats (Four week old male SpragueDawley rats (70-90 g of body weight)

Formulation of diet -investigate different formulation of diet to induce obese

Effects of different concentration of Gelam Honey in reducing weight gain

Metabolomic measurements

Histological analysis

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