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The Larynx

A special part of the body consists of group of cartilages which are connected to each other by membranes & ligaments and moved by muscles.(the larynx component of 1- cartilages 2- membranes & ligaments 3-skeletal muscles ) Functions: 1. Voice production 2. Protective sphincter for inlet of airway to the lungs
Location: located in the neck At level of C4, C5 and C6 . At c6 become the trachea

Behind the larynx theres the laryngeal part of the pharynx Remember that the larynx anterior and the pharynx posterior Function of the larynx 1 protective sphincter for inlet of air way to the lung 2 voice production

Components of Larynx
Cartilages Membranes & ligaments Muscles


cartilages single paired







Thyroid cartilage
Largest Consists of

- 2 Laminae: Adams apple (in midline Ant.) Oblique line (outer surface, Attachments1thyrohyoid m.2-stylohyoid m.3 inf.constrictor m)
- Superior Horn - Inferior Horn

Cricoid cartilage
small ring of hyaline cartilage Located inferior to the thyroid cartilage Consists of: Anterior arch ( narrow) Posterior lamina

a leaf-shaped of elastic cartilage tissue covered with a mucus membrane Attachments Inf. Part (stalk) : thyroid cartilage Sides: arytenoid cartilage (aryepigottic fold) Upper edge: free

aryepiglottic fold

Related with the tongue by glossepiglottic membrane (reflection of m.m. from epiglottis forward to the posterior surface of the tongue) median fold lateral folds vallecula

Arytenoid Cartilage
- pair of small pyramidal shape - In the post. Larynx, on cricoid lamina Apex: corniculate C. Base: cricoid lamina Vocal Process (ant.) vocal lig. Muscular Process (lat.) lat and post cricoarytenoid m

Corniculate cartilages
Two small conical nodules at the apex of arytenoid cart.

Cuneiform Cartilages
are two small placed on either side, in the aryepiglottic fold fun : to strength the aryepiglottic fold

Membranes and ligament

Membranes & ligaments

Thyrohyoid membrane median thyrohyoid lig. lateral thyrohyoid lig. Cricotracheal ligament

Quadrangular membrane Cricothyroid memb. & ligament

Thyrohyoid Membrane
Connects upper margin of thyroid To hyoid bone Thickened in midline to form ?? Midian Thyrohyoid lig Thickened posterolaterally to form ?lateral thyroid lig

pierced on each side by: 1. the superior laryngeal vessels (from??) sup. Thyroid a (from ant aspect of ECA & 2. the internal laryngeal nerve (from?) sup.laryngeal n (from vagus n )

Quadrangular Membrane
Quadrangular in shape Extends between ?epiglottis & ? Arytenoid Free Inf. Margin thickened to form ? Vestibular fold ( false of vocal cord ) Free Upper margin folds to form ? Aryepiglottic fold Cuneiform cartilage is found in the Aryepiglottic fold & serves to Strengthen it.

Cricothyroid Membrane & Ligaments

Inf. Margin: Upper border of cricoid cartilage Sup. Margin: Free margin, on medial side of thyroid cartilage (within the space enclosed by Thyroid cart.) Attached: Ant.: ? Thyroid c Post.: ?vocal process of arytenoid The upper free margin is thickened to form the Vocal ligaments

Cricothyroid Membrane & Ligaments

View from Superior

Vocal Ligaments, free upper margin


An emergency incision through the skin and cricothyroid membrane to secure the airway during upper airway obstruction, when oral or nasal intubation is not possible

False Vocal cords: Fixed vestibular folds (inf. free margin of quadrangular memb.) vascular & pink in color True Vocal Cords: Mobile vocal ligaments (sup. free margin of cricothyroid memb.) avascular & white in color Rima Vestibularis:
Rima Glottidis:

Sinus of Larynx: A small recess extended from lat. sides of the larynx between ?? False and true

Inlet of larynx
Looks upward and backward into ?? Borders upper epiglottis lateral aryepiglottic fold

posterior and below membrane covers arytenoid cart.

Cavity of larynx
3 Regions
Upper part (vestibule): Inlet ? False Middle part: Between ? False and true Communicates laterally with ? Lower part: From ? true lower border of ? Lamina of cricoid *Mucous membrane covering of larynx is ciliated columnar epithelium, except? True vocal cord (stratified sqamus epithilum

Muscles of The Larynx

Muscles of Larynx
Extrinsic M. Intrinsic M.

Extrinsic Muscles
Move the whole larynx up or down during swallowing Elevators:
suprahyoid group (?? Ginohyoid , stylohiyoid , mylohyoid, digastric ) 3 pharyngeal muscles (Stylopharyngeus, Salpingopharyngeus and Palatopharyngeus)

Infra hyoid muscles, EXCEPT? Thyrohyoid

Intrinsic Muscles
2 groups - control Laryngeal inlet (2 muscles): oblique arytenoid ( action? close ) thyroepiglottic (action?) wide

- move vocal folds (5 muscles): cricothyroid thyroarytenoid lateral cricoarytenoid posterior cricoarytenoid transverse arytenoid Read the table in your book for the Origin?, Insertion?, Nerve supply?, & Action of these muscles

Oblique arytenoid
Muscular process Apex of other arytenoid

Some fibers continue in the aryepiglottic fold as the aryepiglottic m. Action: Narrows laryngeal inlet

Thyroepiglottic Muscle
Inner surface of thyroid cartilage Lat. Epiglottis & aryepiglottic fold Action: Widens laryngeal inlet

Muscles that move the vocal fold

Muscles move the vocal folds

tenses the vocal cord

Muscles move the vocal fold

Thyroarytenoid ( vocalis )
relaxes the vocal cord

Muscles move the vocal fold

Lateral cricoarytenoid
adduct the vocal cord by rotating arytenoid cart.

Muscles move the vocal fold

Posterior cricoarytenoid
abduct vocal cords

Muscles move the vocal fold

Transverse arytenoid
closes posterior part of rima glottidis

Blood supply
Upper half of larynx: superior laryngeal branch of superior thyroid artery.

Lower half: inferior laryngeal branch of the inferior thyroid artery

Nerve supply
above vocal fold internal laryngeal branch of superior laryngeal branch of ? below vocal fold recurrent laryngeal n.

Recurrent laryngeal n. supply all intrinsic muscles except ??cricothyroid muscle which is supplied by ?? External larynx nerve

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