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Advisor: Mr. Aregawi T.


(from semen eze entrance to endayesus church)


develop an alternative route & design an economical route which is environmentally sound and satisfies socioeconomic requirements.


This material basically comprises four major parts

The first part details about selecting the best optimum route from several alternatives. The second part deals with geometric aspect which is an essential component in highway design. In this part in addition to designing different parts it discusses the external controls and criteria affecting geometric design.

The third part contains drainage work. The fourth part deals with pavement design. Here laboratory soil tests are performed to identify its property. At the end conclusions and basic recommendations are given based on our work.

Traffic forecasting
Traffic forecasting of this project is done by considering the following things: to increase security of the university to reduce the suffocation at the entrance to fully secularize the compound The defense camp is in need of new construction . The constructed road may be extended to the town section

Alignment and route selection


the location of a highway is an important part in highway design process Our selection process involves a number of steps, which includes:
Map study Identification of potential alternatives Evaluation of different alternatives Recommendation and selection

Detailed map study and gathering of information First controlling points of the route are defined. Tracing of possible alignment location by joining series of straight lines. Length measurement and conversion to appropriate scale. Computation of average gradient. Identification of terrain type. Evaluation and comparison.


Alignment alternatives Route 1 Route 2 Route 3 remark

Length(Km) 2.77
Mean 2.5 gradient(%) River intersection no

3 1

4.5 1

Number of vertical curve

Number of horizontal curve



route which stay long in crest

Terrain type







SELECTION AND RECOMMENDATION After evaluating the three alternative alignments designated as route1, 2 and 3 rooute1 is chosen as best route due to the following reasons: It causes no excessive excavation as it passes in flat terrain for the most part. It has the least mean gradient It doesnt cross the major river and It is the shortest of all alternatives. Less number of horizontal &vertical curves


Elements of geometric design

Horizontal alignment Vertical alignment Cross section

Horizontal Alignment
It includes: Tangent section (tangent portion of the road) Circular curve Transition curve Horizontal sight distance Super elevation and Widening

Circular Horizontal Curve elements



90 2



2 2

Circular curve

It is provided to create a smooth transition between the tangents of different angle of the best route Curve -1

In the design the following points were checked tangents of the curves Radius of the curve By the following formulas: T = R tan/2 R min = Vo2 127(e + f ) Where, Rmin = minimum radius of the curve Vo = design speed (km/hr) e = super elevation f = side friction coefficient


1=240 0000 Calculation of the minimum radius required, Rmin=vd2/127(e + f) For DS2 Vd=100km/hr in mountain terrain e=8% from the table(ERA table 8.1) f=0.12 Then the minimum radius Rmin=393.7m. This radius is less than the minimum required =395m.


safe. Provide The length of the curve, Lc1=2**400*24/360=167.55 Widening of curve Extra widening is provided for two cases. Widening for vehicle operation W=nL2/2R Extra widening needed for Psychological reason. W=Vd /(10*R^0.5)

to be conservative and more


total widening needed for n lanes of highway is given by: We=nL2/2R+vd/10R1/2 Where n =No of lane (2 in our case). L =length of the vehicle R = radius of curvature Vd = design speed.

Widening for curve one We=nL2/2R+vd/10R1/2 We=2*72/2*400+100/10*4001/2 =0.623m

Sight distance calculation

The minimum stopping sight distance can be due to


travelled during perception and break reaction time Distance travelled during the time the breaks are under application S.S.D= 0.695*V+V2/ (254*(f+G)) For maximum gradient G=0.1 and friction f=0.12 S.S.D= 0.695*100+1002/ (254*(0.12+0.1)) = 248m


back distance of obstruction (x) from centre line It is the lateral clearance for the driver so that the driver can see the coming vehicle simply. Can be obtained by two cases: When S.S.D is less than length of the curve or When S.S.D is greater than the length of the curve

In our case S.S.D is greater than length of the curve Then the obstruction x= R-(Rw/2)*Cos(180*S/(2*3.14*(R-w/2))) w is lane width For curve 1, x=400-(4000.623/2)*Cos(180*248/(2*3.14*(40 0-0.623/2))) = 19.41

Design of transition curve Can be determined from the two considerations From the rate of centrifugal acceleration adopted in the design dont cause discomfort to the driver. If C is the rate of change of radial acceleration Ls= 0.0215Vd3/RC where C=80/ (75+Vd)


curve one Let us use 1: n From rates of change of super elevation dont cause unsightly appearance .The horizontal run of a unit of rate of super elevation or longitudinal slope is 1:150 to 1:200 in plain

For curve 1 Ls1= 0.0215Vd3/RC, C=80/ (75+Vd) =80/ (75+100) =0.46 = 0.0215*1003/ 400*0.46 =116.85m From rates of change of super elevation dont cause unsightly appearance


curve one Let us use 1: n Htotal=0.342+0.292 3.65+W 3.65*.08 =0.634m 3.65 =0.292 0.08(3.65+0.623) =0.342 Inner side Centre line

c=-2* s=24-8.37*2=7.26 Ys=Ls2/6R=116.5*116.85/6*400=5.69 length of circular curve Lc= c*3.14*R/180=7.26*3.14*400/180=5 0.66m Total tangent length=(R+s) tan/2+L/2 =( 400+1.42)*tan (24/2)+116.85/2 =143.75 Length of combined curve=3.14*400*7.26/180+2*116.85= 167.53m

Setting out of transition curve and circular curve For curve 1 Shift s=Ls2/24R=116.852/24*400=1.42m s=Ls/2*R=116.85/2*400=0.146ra d=8.37 c=-2* s=24-8.37*2=7.26 Ys=Ls2/6R=116.5*116.85/6*400=5. 69 Length of circular curve Lc= c*3.14*R/180=7.26*3.14*400/180 =50.66m


tangent length=(R+s) tan/2+L/2 =( 400+1.42)*tan (24/2)+116.85/2 =143.75 Length of combined curve=3.14*400*7.26/180+2*116.8 5=167.53m


of station PI= sta 0+180 Ts=PI-T= sta 0+180-143.75=sta 0+012.47 Sc=Ts+Ls= sta 0+012.47+116.85=sta 0+129.32 St=Sc+Ls= sta 0+129.32+116.85= sta 0+246.17


flat Then the following standard values are taken from table 2-4 of ERA manual 2002 for DS2 Design speed (V)=120m/s Stopping sight distance (SSD) =285m Sag vertical curve (K)=74 From our road profile Station of PVI = 0+631.5m Elevation = 101m Gradient , g1 = -3.2%

Computation of the curve length 1. Curve length required for minimum curvature, k L =AK = 2.16*74 =159.84m 2. Length required for safe stopping assume SSd < L L1= AS2/200(h+Stan ) where; A=2.16 L1= 157

Vertical alignment

are 2 major aspects of vertical alignment Vertical curve gradient

Vertical curve

required to provide smooth transition between consecutive gradients Simple parabola is used because it provides constant rate of change of curvature. equation of the curve: Y= rx2 +g1x + elevation of BVC 2


two types of vertical curves i.e. sag and crest curves are used in this project L=KA The minimum lengths of crest &sag curves have been designed to provide sufficient stopping sight distance.

Factors we considered in vertical alignment


length should be within allowable limits Gradients shouldnt exceed maximum allowable gradient Cut and fill should be balanced Overlapping of vertical and horizontal curves should be prevented(if exist).

Max gradient

Since the design class of the road is DS2 and the area is mountainous type maximum gradient is 8% Minimum gradient is 0.5% Standard max gradients are set to assure user comfort and to avoid severe reduction in the design speed

Critical length of gradient


the maximum length of an upgrade through which a loaded can operate without unreasonable reduction in speed. Depends upon the gradient

Vertical curve design

The design data is taken from ERA 2002 table 2.6 DS2 Design speed 120Km/hr Topography mountainous Maximum gradient desirable 6% Maximum gradient absolute 8% Minimum gradient 0.5% Min. stopping sight 155m Min .passing sight distance 340m

Sight distance

are two types of sight distances: Stopping sight distance Passing sight distance


sight distance for sd < L L= As2 200(0.6+stan) for sd >L L = 2s-200(0.6+stan) A


drainage is the process of removing and controlling excess surface and sub-surface water with in the right of way There are two types of highway drainage Surface drainage. sub Surface drainage.

Design of surface drainage

Hydrological analysis Hydraulic analysis

Hydrological analyses
determining peak flows based on the following factors rainfall amount and storm distribution, drainage area size, shape, ground cover, type of soil slopes of terrain and stream watershed development potential

using the rational formula Q=CIA/360 where; I(mm/hr),A(ha),Q(m3/s) Total Area=11.04ha(from the map) Cw = (C1A1+C2A2+C3A3) /(A1+A2+A3 ) =0.26 Cw =wetted coefficient of run off

Time inlet(Ti): the time required for the flow of storm water from the farthest point of the drainage area to inlet is estimated from the distance and velocity on that ground The remotest length (L)=160m Average slope=2.5%(from our profile) Ti=25min (from ERA table 5.3)

Flow time (Tf):The time required for the flow of storm water from the inlet to the cross drainage (OUTLET) along the longitudinal pipe. non silting and non scouring velocity (1-2.5)m/s ERA ,we take v=2.25m/s Tf=L/V L=1790m ( From our profile) Tf= 13.26 min

Time of concentration (Tc)

the time required for water to flow from the hydraulically most remote point of the catchment area to the point under investigation Tc= Ti+ Tf=38min The frequency of occurrence the return period considered is 25years.then from the standard intensity duration curve ,the design value of the rain fall intensity I IS determine from f & Tc. in this case I(25,38) is 82mm/hr. I=82mm/hr

therefore Q= (0.26*82*11.04)/360 Q=0.654m3/s

Hydraulic design of the drainage

Assume the section is trapezoidal Design values Q=0.654m3/s S=0.0095 n=0.013 Since our soil type is weathered rock, we take side slope of 2V:1H ;m=2 to determine the cross section of the trapezoid


A=Q/V =0.654/2.25=0.29m2 Now from manning formula V=1/n*R2/3*S1/2 for the values v=2.25, n=0.013 and s=0.0095 we get R=0.164m. From the relation R=A/P which implies P=A/R=0.29/0.164=1.77m. P=1.77m


B=1.77-2*51/2*Y........................(1) A=B*Y+2*Y2 which implies, 0.29= B*Y+2*Y2 ...................(2) Y=0.4m B=0.5m By adding the freeboard of 0.3m, the total depth of the ditch will be Y=0.4+0.3m=0.7m.

P=B+2*51/2* Y which implies, 1.77= B+2*51/2* Y

Cross drainage

drain is used to divert the water away from the road to water course or valley. We have selected pipe culvert as a cross drainage structure

Computation of pipe diameter

A=B*Y+2Y2; where B=0.5m and Y=0.4m, A=0.52m2 The diameter of the pipe to be used is: A=*d2 /4 (0.52* 4)/ =d2 d=81.13 cm Thus use 100cm diameter standard pre cast concrete pipe.

Earth work and quantity

The steps involved in the computation of earth work quantities:

End area calculation Volume calculation Earthwork calculation Preparation of mass haul diagram Balancing earth works using the mass haul diagram

Earth work is conversion of natural condition to required section and grade and the most common item of work encountered in highway project is earth work. Earth work includes: Clearing Grabbing Excavation of drainage channels Borrows Haul & overhaul Grading


of excavated material Usually the classification is into 3 categories Solid rock Loose rock Common\ordinary excavation

End area calculation For the regular cross section we used simple geometry but for the irregular form of cross section the coordinate method is used and the area is
calculated in excel spread sheet.


END AREA METHOD (trapezoidal method) V= (A1+A2)/2*L Where V= volume in m3 A1and A2 are area of successive cross-section in m2 L= distance between successive cross section in m in this case we

Earth work calculation This method consists of averaging the cut and fill quantities of adjacent stations and multiplying by the distance between stations to produce cubic meters of excavation and embankment between the two stations. Now chanage-comulative volume curve is plotted which is called mass-haul diagram.

Mass haul diagram

The mass haul diagram is used to determine: Proper distribution of excavated material. Amount and location of waste. Amount and location of borrow. Amount of overhaul in kilometercubic meters. Direction of haul.


we plot this MHD, we can determine the cost of excavation and borrow materials depending on the terms like: Free haul: is the distance through which excavated material may be transported without added cost above the unit bid price. Limit of economical haul: is the distance through which it is more economical to haul excavated material than to waste and borrow.


haul: It is the product of volume times distance and is represented in the mass haul diagram as the area between the zero balance line and the curve of the mass after eliminating all the free haul Waste: Is the material excavated from the road way cuts but not required for making the embankments

:-is the actual surface on which the vehicles will travel. Its purpose is -to reduce friction -to provide safety for the vehicles -to transfer normal stresses to the sub grade.

Basic Structural Elements

A pavement structure consists of: Surface course Base course Sub base course Sub grade Design Process There are three main steps to be followed in designing pavement.

1.Estimating the traffic and cumulative equivalent standard axels that pass through this road over the design life. 2.Assessment of the sub grade strength of the soil over which the road is to be built. 2.Selecting the most economical combination of pavement material and layer thickness that will provide satisfactory service over design life of the road.


Estimating traffic and cumulative equivalent standard axle


the road to be designed is not an existing road the following traffic Count numbers are assumed for design by considering the factors stated in section 2.2.3 of the project for traffic forecast.

Vehicle type Cars Light trucks Medium trucks Heavy trucks Truck with tailors Total AADTO 750 120 40 60 30 1000

ERA Table 2-8: Equivalency Factors for Different Heavy Vehicle Configurations

VEHICLE TYPE 2-axle truck 2-axle bus 3-axle truck 4-axle truck 5-axle truck

Average ESAs per Vehicle

Typical Range of Average ESAs per Vehicle

0.70 0.73 1.70 1.80 2.20

0.30 1.10 0.41 1.52 0.80 2.60 0.80 3.00 1.00 3.00


the previous equivalent factor the cars and light trucks converted into medium trucks:Total number of Medium trucks = 0.00(cars) + 0.7(light trucks) +1.7( medium trucks) = 0.00*750 + 0.7*120 + 40 = 124

Vehicle type AADT Medium trucks 124 Heavy trucks 60 Truck with tailors 30 Calculation of AADT1 for design period of 20 years AADT1 = AADT (1+ i) N 2

where AADT = Initial traffic 2 = 5% traffic growth N= 20 years, design period T= 365* AADT1 [(1+) N 1]/i

Vehicle type Medium truck Heavy truck Truck with tailor AADT 124 60 30 AADT1 144 70 35 T 1737947 844836 422418 ESA/vehi cle 1.7 1.8 2.2

T= 1737947*1.7 + 844836*1.8 +422418*2.2=27454794=2.7 * 106ESA
Traffic classes Range (106 ESAs)

T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8

< 0.3 0.3 - 0.7 0.7 - 1.5 1.5 - 3.0 3.0 - 6.0 6.0 - 10 10 - 17 17 30

Assessment of the sub grade strength of the soil

1. California Bearing Ratio (CBR) method for the design of flexible pavement CBR: Is a measure of resistance of a material to penetration of standard plunger under controlled density and moisture condition. It is used with an empirical design chart to determine the thickness of the pavement layers. We have taken five samples at a distance of 600m.

General Procedures
Step 1: Disturbed samples of the soil, at different moisture contents are compacted in three layers by static load or impact hammer into cylindrical mold. (Compaction test) Step 2: The moisture density curve is plotted and the sample with maximum dry density, optimum moisture content is selected

Proctor compaction test

CALCULATION Wet= weight of wet soil Volume of mold W = Weight of water (Ww) *100 Weight of dry soil (Ws)
= (wt. of wet soil)-(wt. of dry soil)*100 (Wt. of can + dry soil)-(wt. of can) Dry density can be calculated as follows Dry = wet / (1+w)

COMPACTION TEST DATA SHEET Wt. of the mold +base= 3374.9 gm Volume of the mold = 944cm Depth of the sample = 15cm minimum Sample one(A1) Data from proctor compaction test for the 1stsoil sample

Determination number

Observation 1

Obs .2

Obs .3

Obs .4

Weight of mould + base + compacted soil, g

Weight of mould + base, g Weight of compacted soil, g Wet density





3374.9 1649.5 1.66

3374.9 1405.8 1.49

3374.9 1486.1 1.49

3374.9 1436.7 1.46

Dry density
Water content, ml Can number Weight of can, g Weight of can+ wet soil, g Weight of can+ dry soil, g Weight of water, g Weight of dry soil, g Moisture content, %

100 c-10 6.4 78.8 72.43 6.37 66.03 9.65

200 k-19 6.5 78.7 69.53 9.17 63.03 14.55

300 z-27 9.6 90.5 77.37 13.13 67.77 19.37

400 B-3 15.7 117.9 97.6 20.3 81.9 24.79

From moisture content vs. dry density curve for sample 1 we can see that the OMC is at 1.25 gm/cm3 of dry density. That is 19.37%. OMC=19.37%


the same way compaction for the other four samples is done & the value of OMC is determined from their dry density vs moisture content graph & their result is summarized as below. Sample2 OMC=14.17 % Dry density=1.92gm/cm3

Sample3 OMC=19 % Dry density=1.79gm/cm3 Sample4 (C1) OMC=18.46% Dry density=1.78gm/cm3 Sample5 (C2) OMC=16.84 Dry density=1.82


3: In this step the specimen of 5kg is prepared to compact CBR mold of soil at the optimum moisture content of soil as determined. The amount of the water required for a 5kg sample to prepare the mold is For sample one: 5kg * 19.37% = 0.968 kg = 968ml For sample two: 5kg * 14.17% = 0.708 kg = 708ml

For sample three: 5kg * 19% = 0.95 kg = 950ml For sample four: 5kg*18.64% =0.932kg=932ml For sample five: 5kg*16.84 =0.842kg=842ml The specimen in the mold is then immersed in water and soaked for 4 days or 96hrs to simulate saturation that may occur in service.

CALCULATIONS Piston load (kg) = dial reading *ring factor 1000 Penetration stress (kg/m2) = piston load Area of piston CBR at different penetration = penetration stress * 100% Standard unit stress

Sample one Compacted moisture content =19.37% Maximum dry density = 1.25gm/cm3 Condition of test specimen: soaked Surcharge weight = 44.5N Mold diameter = 152.4mm Mold height = 116mm Area of piston = 19.4cm2 Ring calibration factor = 8.4 N/division Reading from CBR test for the 1st soil

Penetratio n depth (mm)

Penetration on bottom Dial (div) Piston Load (KN) Penetratio n stress (KN/m2) 0 129.9 177.83 220.62 263.92 303.09 342.27 372.16 389.69 CBR (%)

0 0.64 1.27 1.91 2.54 3.18 3.81 4.45 5.08

0 30 41 51 61 70 79 86 90

0 0.252 0.345 0.428 0.512 0.588 0.664 0.722 0.756



Penetration on top (at 2.54mm depth) Standard unit stress = 6.9Mpa=6900 KN/m2 Piston load = dial reading * ring factor 1000 = 61 * 8.4= 0.512KN 1000 Penetration stress = 0.512KN = 263.92KN/m2 0.00194m CBR = 263.92KN/m2 * 100 % =3.82% 6900 KN/m2

Penetration on top (at 5.08mm depth) Standard unit stress = 10.3Mpa=10300 KN/m2 Piston load = dial reading * ring factor =90* 8.4 1000 1000 = 0.756KN Penetration stress = 0.756KN = 389.69KN/m2 0.00196m2 CBR = 389.69KN/m2* 100 % = 3.78% 10300 KN/m2 Therefore the CBR value is the value at 2.54mm penetration (3.82%)


CBR value for the other samples is determined in the same way as the above sample & the values are summarized in the following table.
CBR (%) 3.82 2.31 7.3 5.6 Station (0+000)-(0+600) (0+600)-(1+200) (1+200)-(1+790) (0+000)-(0+600)

Soil sample A1 A2 A3 C1




From ERA pavement design table the sub grade strength value falls in two different ranges i.e. S2 for stations A1& A2 (chainage (0+000)(1+200)) and S3 for station A3 (chainage (1+200)-(1+790) & for stations C1&C2 ( chainage (0+00)-(0+980)) Therefore, the combination of two results that means traffic class = T4 & sub grade strength = S2 and traffic class =T4& sub grade strength=S3 we have selected the following layer thicknesses using ERA method.

First of all, to design a safe and economical highway through the desired design period, social and environmental factors and traffic volume should be studied. Next to these, safe and economical geometric alignment design is provided based on the limits set by ERA2002 manual and engineering judgments which are related to the condition of the project.


data and hydrological data are the basic to do the design. Thirdly, providing appropriate gradients, which is the basic factor which controls economy and aesthetic as well as drainage of the highway. In addition to the above, clear and precise working drawings and typical sections, where ever necessary, are necessary for the contractors and consultants.


Recommendation and suggestion


avoid tiresome computations, especially grade selection and drawing cross-sectional elements, it is better to use soft ware programs. To do the alignments, proper surveying data for both horizontal and vertical curves should be given in order to do the design and the phasing.

Thank you

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