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1. Feelings about controls 2. Feelings about Independence

3. Willingness to take risks

Feelings about controls

1. Do you often feel That is just the way things are and theres nothing I can do about it ? 2. Do you know that if you decide to do something, you will do it and nothing can stop you? 3. Even though it is scary to try something new, are you the kind who tries it? 4. Do you think it is important for everyone to like you? 5. If you want something, do you ask for it rather that wait for someone to notice you and just give it to you ?

Ideal Answers
1. Do you often feel That is just the way things are and theres nothing I can do about it ? ---------------NO 2. Do you know that if you decide to do something, you will do it and nothing can stop you? ---------------YES 3. Even though it is scary to try something new, are you the kind who tries it? ----------------YES 4. Do you think it is important for everyone to like you? ----------------NO 5. If you want something, do you ask for it rather that wait for someone to notice you and just give it to you ? ----------------YES

Feelings about Independence

1. If my friends wont go to a movie I want to see, I will go alone. 2. I want to be financially independent 3. When I know I am in charge, I dont apologize: I just do what has to be done. 4. I speak up for an unpopular cause if I believe in it. 5. I want the approval of others.

Ideal answers
1. If my friends wont go to a movie I want to see, I will go alone. -------------YES 2. I want to be financially independent. -------------YES 3. When I know I am incharge, I dont bother: I just do what has to be done. --------------YES 4. I speak up for an unpopular cause if I believe in it. -------------YES 5. I want the approval of others. -------------NO

Willingness to take risks

1. Can you take risks with money, that is invest, and not know the outcome 2. Do you take umbrella, a hot water bottle and a thermometer every time you travel 3. Do you like trying new foods, new places and totally new experiences? 4. Have you taken any risk in last 6 months? 5. Have you ever intentionally traveled on an unfamiliar route ?

Ideal Answers
1. Can you take risks with money, that is invest, and not know the outcome --------YES 2. Do you take umbrella, a hot water bottle and a thermometer every time you travel.--------NO 3. Do you like trying new foods, new places and totally new experiences? ----------YES 4. Have you ever intentionally traveled on an unfamiliar route ? ----------YES

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