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Pete Doherty

By Ollie Baynham

Pete was born in 1979 12th March, born in Hexham, Northumberland, England. His genres are indie rock, post punk revival and garage rock revival. His occupations are musician, song writer and writer. He plays vocals, guitar, bass guitar, harmonica, melodica, piano and organ. He is associated with The Libertines and Babyshambles act. Pete is addicted to crack cocaine, heroin, and many more other drugs such as ketamine and cannabis. He has been in and out of prison as well as rehab on several occasions. It is becoming a routine. In interviews, Doherty has listed his favourite books as George Orwells 1984, Brighton Rick by Graham Greene, Our Lady of the Flowers by Jean Genet, Flowers of Evil by Charles Baudelaire and the complete works of Oscar Wilde. Doherty has also supported up-and-coming British bands, such as indie bands The Paddingtons and The View. Went out with well known model Kate Moss made Pete more well known as he was in more newspapers and articles about their relationship.

Richard Dyer Star Theory

Pop performer" and "pop star" have become interchangeable strictly speaking, in media terms they are not the same thing. Pop stars have an identity or persona which is not restricted solely to their musicianship. A true pop star does have a lasting significance, and has "brand awareness" amongst a wider market over a period of time.

Richard Dyer Star Theory

Stars as constructions: Stars are constructed, artificial images. USP they can be copied and/or parodied because of it. Dyer says: A star is an image not a real person that is constructed (as any other aspect of fiction is) out of a range of materials

Pete always smoking a cigarette

Pete always wearing a hat

Pete always looking as if hes on drugs

Star Image
A star's image becomes a readily recognised sign that is used in many different media forms. Stars can use the fact that their image has meaning by allowing it to be used for advertising purposes.

Star Image Development

Pete has gone for the edgy/alternative/indie look, and has remained that way for a long time. He is still quite young (33 years old) so hasnt lost his young audience who are attracted to him and his music. Pete has maintained his rebellious image because the industry dislike him, as he remains outside the industry, known as a loose cannon which is another reason why he has so many fans. Pete hasnt changed, nor has he changed his music. He gives off a dark impression in most of his music videos which fits into the lyrics. He also wears black suits with a hat in his music videos and in real life because thats the image he wants indie/alternative. Famous for his strung-out, scrawny appearance over the years, Pete has finally shocked all his fans at his jewellery launch with his bloated new appearance. Turning from skinny to fat.

The Changing Faces of Pete










Picture of Pete in December 2004

This is a prime example of what Pete Doherty is really like. This picture says it all eyes closed with mouth slightly opened signalising hes a drug addict as well as being scrawny, giving off an indie/alternative impression with the hat and the suit, sweaty hair representing rebellion, the bags under his eyes indicate that he doesnt get much sleep party animal.

Industry and Audience

Stars are made to appeal to audiences, which will in turn generate revenue for record companies. Record companies nurture and shape their stars. They tend to manufacture what they think audiences want, hence the 'photocopied' nature of many boy bands, teen bands etc. Dyer says: Stars are commodities produced and consumed on the strength of their meanings.

A majority of Dohertys fans are girls

Aimed at a young audience

Most of his fans are rough/rebellious like himself

Pete loves his fans, and connects with them over the internet using twitter, Facebook and many other websites. His fan website have a lot of information given about Doherty including his own quotes such as I'm not one of these people who doesn't care what people think, otherwise I'd stay in and play for the bedroom wall, but you can't force people to like your music. When he was with Barat in The Libertines, they used to do gigs in peoples house for money which also helped attract indie/edgy fans which is what Pete wants. People like organic bands The Libertines and Babyshambles

Graham Greene english author Jean Genet french novelist, playwright, poet, essayist and political activist Charles Baudelaire french poet, essayist, art critic and pioneering translator Oscar Wilde irish writer and poet Emily Dickinson american poet Tony Hancock english comedian and actor Albert Camus french author, journalist and philosopher Miguel de Unamuno spanish essayist, poet, novelist, playwright and philosopher Joris-Karl Huysmans french novalist Lee Mavers (from The Las) english musician, song writer and rhythm guitarist The Only Ones english rock band New York Dolls american rock band The Stooges american rock band Buzzcocks english punk rock band Chas & Dave english pop rock duo The Smiths english alternative rock band The Clash english punk rock band The Paddingtons english indie rock band

Drug Addiction
Pete has pled guilty to possession of crack cocaine, heroin, cannabis and ketamine. His addictions have resulted in jail time and multiple trips to rehabilitation facilities. In his younger days, Doherty worked as a drug dealer to pay for his drug habit. In late 2007, a photo was published in several newspaper of Pete allegedly forcing his pet cat to inhale from a crack pipe. He made another attempt to fight his drug addiciton in September 2007, when he underwent rehab for six weeks at Clouds House. However. He relapsed in November later on that year following his appearance at the MTV Europe Music Awards in Munich. You can tell that Pete is addicted to drugs judging by his music videos, and the clothes that he wears. His fans as well as the rest of the world know hes addicted to drugs, however they still follow his music. Most of his music is written when hes not sober.

There are many articles about Pete Doherty, most of which are negative. In fact, its enormously rare to find anything positive about Pete because the industry dislike him very much and he gives off a bad reputation as he is addicted to all sorts of drugs. He is a bad influence. Doherty stated that 'as we speak' work has begun on the third Babyshambles album, stating that he was keen to begin writing while he was clean, however he displayed some anxiety at writing music while clean due to the fact many of his songs have been written under the influence of drugs. Pete Doherty gets ''enormous anxiety'' before appearing on stage as a solo artist or with his group, Babyshambles. Junkie rocker Pete Doherty injected heroin on the set of Confession Of A Child Of The Century. Pete Doherty of to rehab after Cannes Festival Film Flop. Pete was also accused of killing a man who supposedly jumped off a building. He says It makes me sick to the stomach. Pete finally admits he is ashamed of leaving the man to die at the party. The clip is on youtube of Pete running away from the dead man with a group of friends:

Interview This interview tells us that some of the public dislike Pete very much the woman interviewer being blunt and forward with all her questions. However, it also shows how loved he is by all his fans (when he gave away some of his tickets for his concert/gig).

The End.

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