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Name: ________Leo Forte_____________________ Make a copy of this quiz and share it with me. Fill in your answers.

Title your copy of the quiz as Your first name - Quiz. Matter Exam Grade 6 MYP Science and Understanding Criteria C: Knowledge

1. Organize the following terms within the flow chart. Homogenous Mixture Heterogeneous Mixture Compound Matter Element Mixture Substance

1.Matter 2.Substance 3.Element 4.Compound 5.Mixture 6.Homogeneous 7.Heterogenous 2. Fill in the chart below. Reaction
Striking a match.

Physical or Chemical Change?


How can you tell?

Heat and light are produced. Smoke and ash are produced, which are new substances. Ice which is basically frozen water turns back to its original form. The methane reacts to fire

Melting ice


Burning methane gas


Boiling water


A metal tool rusting.


so it turns into water and there is no sighn of methane or fire. Heating up water makes the water rise, so its still water just in a different form. It is still metal just with some rust on it. It doesnt change the metal, it just doesnt look as nice.

3. How are Elements and Compounds similar and different? An element is made of only one type of atom and a compound is made of two types of atoms.

4. Complete the table below. You can change a Solid to a Liquid by doing this. add heat This process is called heating

Liquid to a Solid

take away heat


Liquid to a Gas

add heat


Gas to a Liquid

add heat


5. Identify each item as an element, compound, heterogeneous mixture or homogeneous mixture.

Air: _________homogeneous mixture Salt Water: __________mixture Pure Water: _________compound Coffee: ___________Homogeneous mixture Sand: _____________mixture Iron: ____________element Methane: ____________compound Salad: ____________Heterogeneous mixture

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