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rax Map Yy Nos. (3) 4:,t:alSiiiE;

4-4-015:005and 7-r-004:007

A],IENDI4ENT CENERAI OE I,EASENO. S-3349 u.s. tease, contract No. DA_94_526_ENS_30 ^.

and Lhe TNITED s-ArES oc A],ERlcA, vhos6 addless t 6 Le : l : s . . a . I y ^ 9 - " ' r y o " n g l n e - - s , H o ! o r u r u D - s L l t c t , Fio r t v s hm,e n r!,,; 5440, he.ina.Le! ! ro .s the co r IIITNESSETII: W H E P . I A G ,d e % ' S tease No. s-33d9 dald Augrst rl, and tss

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AGpcrr{ENr' hade and^enreled rnlo Lhis __-qL


425 ,o 444 uss rssued Lo the c""-rmanr, . .I{ttEREis, rhe Lhat rhe qenelal

WHEREAST rhe Boald of tand and Narula1

neeting nerd on septenber 11, 2009, has app.oved t1r Genelal lease Nd. 5-3349 for the purposes of anendlnq palagraph 22.


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"The :"essor reserwes unro itself

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uro-r pr-sidenr ial Eye.urtve

CONSIDERA'TION THEFEOF, the l,essor and cowelmert r u r L n e r a g r e e r h a l t h t s a h e h d n e n t . r Lease aqreemenr is subject to att the covena.ts and conditions in the Genelat 3349, ercopr as helein provided.

in co"juncl on r.,- rne Genera . --se .. o. rhll r N s-33r9 sel6 .orr. the ent:,i asr-."ent o-."een rne -ha]l noc be alre-ed o.nodrf ed in dny by a neno!.-dun rn u!. 1q srqned by .\e relso!


th srarE oF HA!*rT, by lr! Boald ]N..I{lrNEss WHEREoF, Resoacee, hds cd,sd rh seal of the l a n d d n d N a ru r a l be hereunto artired and lhe palt es he-eLo hare caused rhes6 Dresents Lo be esecured the .ray, month, and y6ar filsr above ,!iria., -. . -

apploved by the Bo.!d of land and Natula1 ResollcaE at lts neeting letd on

seprnhr 11, 2009.

eoard ot *.na ,"a Kat\


rrsfairy APPROVED TO FOR.q' AS ( o n t f a c f in q 0 f f j c e .

el lnlr

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Or lnir 9thDly ofD@bs 2009, t!. !i6t CiElir ofthsl!16of Hslii, tcf@ h .ppeFd ---!lj!!!d-S-&sb E. rlom b h. rh! p@@d66aod F" P.@.dy a tuwno deuld ho 6sgh8 i rruot a 3_pa8. A@rh@r of oddd lle Ao.5+54y.u s. rso. c.ortsEr DA-94,62dF8NG-80, s! riE. of No, u.tded



.rd a'tnsrEdsed rEc"'@d rhes@' tt.r a

Air,-A*|4 1C-'!-n^,
Notdy p!6[., Srte oflliEii My.@nlqio! &(pi6r tulv22. 2O1O

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