You are on page 1of 77


lf --s4€nl!trsrJrf;Tfr-



You may to revies lhe re.ords of your reeti.qs sith Generar
Gorbachev ir ceneta, They are ;ttaclred in
ch'o."roqi.aI orde!. r hlve also included the suma.y recotds of
I the .iist redt,'s tezs rith !;rs, ..orbacnev ( E and K).

:tii..i - !irst !rirate r,rq, r:.v 19

riEn.or - First rlenert r:tq, Not l9
!lenar! rt c, rior I9
Fri!.tc r{rq, Nor 19
!/lirs corbachev
bl, th'- GorSsche! s, xov l9
Fiir at. xtq, Nov 20
fenco. - ahtrd
!le.ary r:tq, Nov 20
Gorh..hew s T€a t/M... Re3qan
rj€rco. Di'ier bl' xaa9en's, Nor:0

cc I vi.e President

/o../ qlt/47 ,
Norehter, 1935
!irst Pritata lleerrnd

Nowenbc! I9, 19ei

l0:20 11i 20 i,!!.
xais.n eur d'Eau,
Geneva, seit2ertand


uf,aon oi s.rrFt s..i.1ist ReD!btics

I GnrLa.her, ..ncrn: sP.rere:t,
. rispensil, InierFfe:er

tel1r.q the cen;al -atr:=Jr t-h.t the rso

talk n.{. The Fresident indr.ated that h.
heetlnE {rth . !err deep aeelrng .hd hopcc that botn of then
c.t1d reatr:e rts irport.n.e ara th4 unruue

The President ifdicated rhat he nnd the

secre:arv ir.C .one aroh sirilar b.-orfiings rhlch rere oDite
rheir.!rrent Fosjtjo.s. He, lers:n, ras bor.
and begar his 1lf-a in ! snalt firning comLrnjrl,, and notr th€ tro
of tlcr u€re here {irh the an thei! ha.ds, sd
,o sP \, T'- u..-. .d t.

r s -i-tf-oiDri- Ftu-2fl 4.9q
dtb ,lt.b I.V1'
or rarrt , the fe:e the onr! ones

bri.. re,.E
rre ?resiieit sai(l that thc ir. o: theh sould tal]: about
1..1r.lrr-o ains, in tne nEi. h..ting, but he
s.riered if th€ lrinary ain b.teee. then should not b. tc
ellrrnare tha susbr.ions rhich ea.h siae had of the oihe:, The
na u_aI l _r''- s
ro rrlk about ern. rhile slch suspi.idrs exist js an enpty sides a.e deiehsive at .egoeiations
. .pL io' r, .ou !!i-: o'
r"h-r -oln.F bu d
bec;!se oi the mist.ust b€t,een then, 'Di-Jaa

shr.h e-!-r. Tne

o rir- ,s. s!5,-, o 9o.P, T- i,
,l .oL ,pt -o.of i -so -.
o 1,'o-or'
c: ne,.uLd lrke r.
:o., o - - .'9
portant rn itseli and he ses ql6C thei ir !.s takinq pta...
rhere h:c beFr n. neeiings betuee. the u.s. Presice.t:rd:he
in r.s.-sovier rer3tr.r. aid
| - :)\
rr,i.i.!.h a F:if..€ nleLjnc af,.rds, le h;d n.t firh nEnSe.s
'd- ,6
o: :h-. u.s, .dhinis:ra-
a 76d
and he, Gorb.che!.,ould IiJ<e to tilk
aLriet:ti qlih thc u.ited sr!t.. !ni fnr the Pi€si

''!r-ne. j"; -. -''

"- : b:-:-"
und.r:randi.9 o: th€ u.s. fron soviet and rserican
haC f.niliariz€d hinself e,rth aIi df the presldent
..d h.d paid sp4cirl .tre.ti.r ro the hos: re.err ones, The
h€ h3d .on6 to nas that he,as c.nwin.ed tlat be
..D1d ncL iqnore er.h other. Norhinq good
L d, op-r ): 1. " o- t
' b-o,. L\ d..
-.-nr "lDroa-n. B!t n-
.'- l- . t^, 1. ".1 ..1_..u,.i.'.'o.1,- 1ey
th€ reetiDg. 'a)-
cone to tnis.oncl!.ion, he had
nF5: , _ ..cp5
bearrnq r! nind tie t:ehendous betre--n rhe two
ar: rr. ir..r:ei harc ta.

c.:5a.5.!..ntrnued tba! in iha

sidered thrt re.slres o!.hr:. be !nii.rt.te! to inrrole
r',S,-5.ri.! relati6n:. fi,is toDii d-.n.ri D.i:r,ical {i1l .t:he
niches: i.rel.,
d6s..nCl.9 upon co:lra.her..i:he PresidFrt, 5ctl irternall! inC
f.or al: nround th! trorti. G.rbacher !as xh:t there
the ;ea. o: nutual dostruct!on, el.h.!qh tni:6jC
soyret Union.ould cooper6te, and thet lad so 1. the past,
ritho!t charginq th€ir political systens, culture o. ideoloqies.
They had cooperated in the z.ea ard culture
xnil€ respecti.q th€ choices nade by tbe U.s- p..ple, and,
.bviously, the sowiet peor,le as well.
corb.chev said sqnarls !! the
bitaterat relationship rhich h.C been severe, perhaps extremery
so, but he could derinjteiy srate th.t:in the
enritl, tor:rd or its pe.!]e.
: Deo l' :'
ie:dershlD of the soliet !ni.n r--coqni?ei the r.le oi the U.s.
in the !,.r1d, and {ished it no h.:n. The! r.ali:ed that irt€!-
iatlcnrl relJti.ns.o!la.ot be bul1r..:.!5;re t. h.rn
Anericar i nreresr.,
Ar thls poirt Gorba.her indicatea th:: he tro!tC like
".d.'. \, / .
t. s:-a a lc'
!:esE.: irten.ti.n:1 situati.n and rhr,t nr th.!qhr shoul
Doi i.r"s if .r{i.r tc ha!e
b:se... crE;ler rea r i si.

h o.-s.d-.. o,..u-d.l
of good trishes rron the people of the lnited stdtes,
o lr r:- -^-oJ.
r, ; , "bo. ,. .! -. .
o: the lhich th. country h.c underqon€ i. the Seconc
'h- _ou-as-, c C rhe "dcE rLa 10
ralrioi De.plc had been lost. Peopre 60 not like !ar. Ane.i-
' c- 'c oe wh-n - e.. t
F,;ji-rj:_: ,

..:rin!ea :h:i.e.i1! ira n.:

f|.i rl.-t 1.llr.i bNt ra'-h.r lri.i rl.t iali:Pd
:r.rt ca.h.rl..:. !h€r€ hi: b!cr ioL mrch.a the 1.!'-er 6. both
:ja.i, an.i n.t enor_ql of ia:ll.rn9 r. ea.h oth.:. 1r th. neetr.9
ni!r th. li:..i qr.u!, {her.€r:ioLla s... nore,
t!-:larE..!lc.r:.1a1. vIy rhe:! i. rr.ri!st betlreer taei, br:
..! lc r:r:.; beoln.ano i.
:b .: :..- o iLa lr. ! d . .: b--:1- o e-:ro.
,eo L o .e h s et:tl

tholght that a ner policy ras ne€ded rhich Fclld b€ adequate ior
F,olicy zined
soviet union, i. the united states, and in the {hole eorld this
sas the dlestion whi.n eas in the hi.ds of
ordi.;r:. !-..Dle, tnose lho v-Are nole faitlilr

Gor'cacli., .:.r:in!ea ,,.t if the t!. sid€s re.ched a substEr-

tlve:9r.€r.n! rr r'.ulc in.i.:s. Ii-E.pte s hope:nc
':rrca tne furu.e sith respe.t to the
'. :o: '" .ra o-" L. L .: 9. ccoro ..-b.,.
tne !.!e.i:.. oa endi.g th. !:.ritrcal jnpoic:nce
' ''e, .o ": D.:: l.5 1 .^ d6
!hrs. rhe sorter sice is ir i.!or .: this, The
-, "-c unich i
!:. rcec t. tr.i a iorrul. .r rhrs meetr:q
ro(erc rorlnc rc..irri.. o: th. rore
rr!.rr.:t ise!.t, airr. fas tne::rs: rhrr..

.r!1. vls-:-ri! tir. P:esider:, rr:,-a-ris .r::

londeri.q abolt vould b€ driwe or not,
rn.r the older th:t h:d sufie!,.c so nu.h, tras also
thrf,j:inq ebc!t
!ir] be great ;nd no strtenenrs
{rr1 tustiftr the hceting. Peoete !rill say th.t se
..e:rreslonsjble. And the two sides sho!Ld n.t sub)ect rhen-
selves t. .r.h a rere.
rh;. h€ r.,..ta titF t.::]. t,. bric! rhinos
.- l. ? .: slou o 16. d
Theye sere Fany prollens in rhe {o:ld, irvolving
.aDitalist cou.t.ies and s..ialist couhtries, nor ro nenrio.
tiird-{orld c.untries, un.r€ rhe problenr yer€ the greatesr,
lne orob .-. s, L:r r.rol,
ec.l..t., so.iotoqt , e:c rl:.' r ssLes o.rard,.C.u:
rtte.:r.f a.i rE.!:r.Ea sol!trcre ba:.. .r .o..::a_.r.r :6:re:
t.iai ..niIor.:it:.r ' Thls ua: ihe

6.rL;.re.. .r.tlnL..l ihei tt. th:ri thrn. re::nat the tNo

. ,. L ".- .: " l:, !.'
req;rd ri. reciof.l,
haa cr-.:t anounri.a r.:.r:l:ni hurar resou.ces,
r.r.rlt bahlna
o. .-.notr, 4e r-d6 -
!esolle then. atis r!s the basis tor coibachew's approach to
o - 9. p - .o ecauF..
corb..he! ihdi.ated that the i.sue of national interests had
arisen. The sovier Union had its n.tional interests ahd the
Lr,s. haC theh as kell. other c.!ntries also I.d their
.at!onal !nterests, rn the !rte!nati.r:l
s! r '' adv '.-ira
sulPresstno other., ii!th.nt
rlifai.ulr t.:.t ir tle i.ternafr.nai.rena. H€ had s_Dcken
s.rt--t !r,ic as.ot
pra!i.c: tv.-tacea Ii it ie:. F,lal.in9 s!.h a q:h.A with
re9ard rinii?a ststas, i: it rirr:,ored se.ret inre.tions,
:n the rclationshi!. Ee uas
th:., and tlris aFplted r. both co.ntries-
o.9. rr. rl
P€rh.rps rhe !r€.:dent !as
;f.r.: ih.t e slocar had L.e: usc.i 6!r1n9 rh. tir. oi:h;s
5..r i. Fand iic rL.: lelona onty :. ti€ trc cf

!hi Fr.sice.i re.iira th.r he lr.c f.: neari.b.!: su.h.

sro94,-bri )]e'i-sh.a r. repl) briear.v
s:ra, and then h. ::orghr 1l for ther to io:.
could r!rualll hci! the d€lelo.inq coi.rries, but one of the
br the u.s. the
sh.Drd prevail. b.vever, th.r the host ihportant
thilc f.r a !ts riqn. t. se1f-6et€rnination. rhe
c I
tecn.oloqie.. rie coDlc''>
heip thon t. rrlrole lheii of
iivinq. Brt thar the Soviet Union .ttenlted to
"h-pe rh- devclog. ng E , ow. pcr -
cf.ei r.ed ollj- bt a rinolity of
rh. r...! - -' 'il .r!;r_jt. 'jf- i..:. !:!rir.a tl a: ri :r. ..i5.
irc :ac:r.r. !r!:.1 ..r:1ri rn.r: ..c::::r:a.rh.: di::er€ tl,
..1r.., it. r.a. .iri r:sI ..,uid tr.. r.
- hr a!s.!s.iig the .a!.e:
.i thrs ris:r'st. rir. L.s, nia : r.:, :rri, t!li.Ai tnet be.lie

The fr!sld.rr: indi.atetr thzr trhe. h. .ni ccrba.h€r f.ul.:_ o.

nee:ing, he ro!ld _cre.t o: the solre:
a.d GorLa.hev shoulri gleet the n.hbers
Deleq:!ion, after Nhich . pnoio opportunrt:' nert
to th.a f:replace beiole thel' s.t dorh
Gort,ache! replied that tn€y woDld continue to dis.uss thes.
larqer seeting, but he rorld 1il<e to say some nore
before they left th€ ro.n, rhele had been tbose {ho co.sidered
that the Aiericar Revolution sno!td
applied to th€ Fren.h- ievolutlon ;nc tc the soviet Revol!iioi.
od,.or 1i, _ .-oD.- .. . ar ooo.o -, .r-t

nof c.rsi'je. that: {at .t.4..o: ,,lrf:.oDlc Lc hEosed i:

o. . _,j. I
nli thes. thinqq trhrch hrppe. in the sorli their
not thirl: that !os..rr ri:s .rc
rh;i r.her he,
..urrr! h€ ro!id
hr'l'.r::si::Ei !4..- irF had trst sa1i, hE tr.!:C tiI:e to cor!ej
s.ji....:i6ejr,-ri.j iri.rx.ri.. Nhjch they cc.]6

cr,rr.:!.\ s.ra rhst b.ior€ c€nefa he h6c re_

i.:.rr:fr.r lroi lhe s.riat !.:.i€rv of,
:i..jai..rrt f.. rar:t: studi€s, !.h€r€ rhe s.ier-
tist: ! th:t therE u.uld be d rri.r errrh
. \4r-d I 'j ,r;,..t -t .--
r.ientists had {ith U,s. scientirt.
. D.o,at v lac
' d-, b,. r\:. irfor .'io !.r -n on -o
rhar irad a1r€:d hc€n knosn. The So!iet scientists "dd-L
rh:r ih€ Frobalriljt! o: an earthqlake of a naonitlde of 7 or r.5
. at. "5. .,r -rnird- .:-_d; .;
o b o, ,.5 r - ."..- i..::l;";.
here lts s.iEn!j!ts 9ire atl the d.tails to u,s. scientists.
!et been published.
The Presiden: lep1i€d that he.e.Ii2ed thar such an earth-
guai€ {:s to be.rc.duc. pe rentioned that an ehtire
.rea aL.n. :he Pa.1al., Asia, S.rr'.1. {.:rc., -ra li.rtl ,Ljr.rrca
t. .e : r:..i ca the r.ica.oes
th.r.. Thie r.i.ecenily be€. d:r--n.:r;t€C ir coionlia, befor.
that !n r:.)i.. a.C i. tne U.s. vrith il.unt sr. lel.i: these
sLofin9 9reat.i a.tir 1tt . Be.3!3€ oi faults i.
:he earth:rC shi:tihq Ftates, r.. }1r.( r)rai su.h ai eveit r.
oie:t deal 0: b... c:eated alonq the gan
qu6kes. The lresideni ihdi.;red that h. liad
t- .r- nerrror' _. co-D f"v :.o
sloke. oil but all oa oui scienrists rrnen i.t this
and corrd happen at anl tihe.

Dinit!i z.!echnat,
Department cf state
!:l !r.!J!!L_qr- lol]€-rli]]r-qI ,er, r9st

11:27 !.1r. - 1..:r5 P,x.

r:esldent Fonald rea9a.

s.c.etar of statP
chief of s.aff, ,h: t.
securit! Aff.rrs

c.radraf Aal.rrs
sF.crat rssista.t to
li;ti n.a I Se.unty lfiairs
!alnef , r-;p!tf .ss:sr.rt secretrrv

so.iatist PeFublics
Ger.ial Secretart i!iLhair corlr..he!
Eduard shewardnacze, xihist€r of Foreign nffairs
D.PUL\ r:. s--- o lor..9n a!-" -
Anatoly .. Dot,rynin, irb:.s.dor to the Unitec srates
Aleksand! Yakorrer, chief, p.op.sanda De!.rtnert, cent!al
2aht:tin, ahiei, rntorhation Departhent
cenlr:1 CrtrLittee, cFsL
I9-Fntov, As.i.ta.t
sergev P. Tsrasenr(o, Assista.t io lyinister o: Foreicn nffairs
ruly D. rlspen.rl / rnterpreter

rq, -08 + *4D

!h.: riesia.r: a:C the cEn.:: :: eieicea:!.r ther!
Tn.-r. !as r:it: . lhot..rf,.,rJrr tr. celeq.rioi. f.r€

I: ! .: : .!.:ec the n!.:rn! tf s r;:1r: t. rhe Gerer.:

ras Etcrsea rtat trE neet1.. is fln.lla under-
.:r: the t\,. .: rnen nai bc.: t:tkind ab.!t h6r
ee!1io3 ar€,;.c then fl.or olcr tc

clr5ache! tbanked the lresident. se noted rhat ne and the

F .d t'-c .i qa. -Ior
'i-!\ "r I s .e ndd .rleadv 3aid or...9
.: . 3 i' i-."1,n9 D1";
sere. yelrs srhce the last slllmjt. A 1ot of tht.os
have cha.ged in the and in borh of our counrlies. lcanv
b ob 6". na - -.n- up'o.]d
!hi I "'c o..on -'n to r- Ar-,rc-n o;.-
Fle, to the s.vret peoDre and to their le.ders, Ne r€card rhi6

i.t!:.ed ro the quest:.. oi h.! to F,ro.ced a.d

thEt rE.eec t. bolster.onfi-
d.i.. i..ui r!i.r:oish:p. 1;e reeC to thrnl: togethe: ebc!t a
rr.i.nisr:.r ihDlenFr! ir9 rhrs 1a€ .. Ttis sh.u1d lncilde a D.-
liti.rl irn1.9!e ar r:r:..s l.!ei<.
ie.d.a !€rrcas .ui .€t;ri.rstirL rs reiL.ea :. lra!rno .L: ertire
dr:i.,cu. ra\€ a,l:.. !ra rhe t..:s.
rd.: a!.ur Ciaio.r€ . ai,.;ie.idenr li.i said tha:
-. :ri.r :b.!:
?.. 5!:.r- ui r. s-r.rctir.rri.c 't..r;ra!..e. ti. !nou16 be
l..riir. io. .::,..i!!rr:iee r:. L.1i.N er:rFte rrace anc
c.. h. r.! i Di! L
ir:!r.r:e... r:s sno{i l]:ri :.. 5orj.i ::r.. :nc the r:.ired ...h ::c. .f ,,:ade ahd eco_
': ) "
'-- ' -t-. r.oroni
ih€nselves bur a 1s.
as a linh. Thcre a nai.rial basis fo! rhe
sone una€restihate rhis fa.!, he co.tin!.d, soherines these
Dsed ir . \,af qbic]] ts d!irir,.fi-at !o the process
rr r:nt_ This bai h:Pben.rd i, the noi. that the
lr€sident nac se,an rh.r, 6nd taa l
Drfortunatelyr this a.rjon v.s not forrorec t,., other sr;ps.
?here i. inrer€st anLonq l],s. busi. sc!iet econonic
clr.les. comercial be p art o: ihe he.hanisn of trust,
a'i1,..r. !i:.1 :i,.1 r,r f'1._:ia t:" i:.siaEr: rier:'i i
.rF::.i ih: r
.r;::!r Lrae.:t:J a:rc !..:lF .r a ..rri rlr;1 .;i4ir-
.a. t:a!tl:. ',lr s.r,Ft t:1!or r.! q.rnc !r z.a i:i:,'.] s...
ir,00r .n.,i:ilt - re :i.. !,.1..nii ; l1relt :ri d!nrilc se-
.: cont:.te bErv:eei :.r!iqn nrfr:--!res.:a e:ra:.s:e.. Er!-i 1e!.1
sutrits should:rr ir ritr,.nrs aia n. tr..irier!re:..i ou:
n.E.hanisr for tur liin.

:,ect oi dialogue in greater detail, lie henii.,ned it ne

io d.ce r h-

se theh returnec t. shat he called the poirt: that

lartons ale at the iorest lewer ever. lie did rot knoq {hether
and his ndninistratio sood. The Presj-
dent's i..e.t sr.tehents seehed to irdicate that re uaf.s ir
ieet that ihe eris:rnc diff€ ard !it!ru: sin-
I-': r ! d.ff ._l -. ."
trejr r{:atjois irit. e ncrnal chah.el. ire hai said in thel! pra-
''' ''' :: - .l Le -l
irDr.!enent, riat he did not see an! oqposjtiof t. this vie{.
rl tha: t.:he !,s. de.rie, ?he sorret !njor is ri!jrnq t.
tiri! l'!..'s€ th. rr.s. n.: set ..,ojri..5 ao. a. inlro..nent in
1. be ri.c.elta5tn.
I'. n. nt i.nea
eni se.uritr adris.r x:rarl.nE diJ!
,r i
lrsr..:. Tferc scer t. b. s?rerar dernsi.n: on rh€ rarr o: th€
Ll ludg' | . 1d. . r. oL b- r,s,
'':hinl: ianks.'These i..!uie su.h id:as:. ihe..ntertto. that
ls in : !e!ilous stat. and ther.fore it can be
.ubject to ihe pr.assure oa to give mor. teverage to-
.,s. ioreioi p.1ic!, or thar the soriet rinion is laqqi.g bchinC
a. nigh technol.ql s. that the Unjted staies can rusi aheac ahd
a.hrewe nilitart sDberioritr. or rhat the soviet union seels
nila::rt. superioritt.
r. u.!id norc hcr. fhat he hrc.nid to shuttz ahd xcrarla.e.
'- dccL.r-a ci .,..)no p oD,n l : Ll-
in the Thi:d r,ror1d. The two sides
:1,Lar ions aJa o P'-iflc
ii:ia!€:i-:ra r::e:.::r:.i: na.({f. P:: ::i l:::i n:...E::l
: re..orirr., .! tn. fa:. .ra !€jq:: c: tn: !n1:.4 s:.:.:5 !.
t.:;.rroi:l :::'r!:s- Ti. f.r:e:s c!ir_
.: - i. . - . i rf:. (:1,:
!r!r!:..4 1ii,...4 tnr rJe!i.r: re.rI.. ln. S.r:.:. qre:.1!
d1:ferer...: .j.litr.rli, a:,a :. r.:le .: r.r.r!
But re ha.. i-..dea tc:te,r:!1ve ior reit !aarc. !ni f..!,6
!:a: sr"i: ezch otle!. L.: u5 !fa! tc G.l 1a.i
TfF :- :; ar ' i- . ir" -.1 J r:c .:- ir iad dr_
rc:ibed !..!li neke ai irjr:o!er.nt :ri ::l.tro:s ..,:rejbt(
tie contlnuec thar it rould be bad i: t.steac.: D.Iicr re ^nl) pu! 'c radcrrons ar e p np!. \:. r' 1. ^rn ;rDp-: on
occaslon. but tt !s. diffe.e.t nattc::: rhis tF.dnes the polict
itself. This uoutd naie both ihe Unired siatcs and the Sovi€r
unioh lnse.ure. to be r long-t.lh
auture oi o!. relations. The Sowiet Unior hotds rhat it i3 nec-
€Esarti t. deverop a ne{ po1i.y, should not be cap-
t1!e to oDrdated approa.hes. has "-h:h.ed.iC it is at$6!e
!e co't:nuec the tro si6€! rr] t. d. in se.rahg
roir. j.i, Lh- !,-opl.s o thF lorli aI dcti
o: ':i ahi peace. Mhe r{o o: rheh rre urable !o rackre thi!
i.sue, it i. d!a:icul: ro see hor rhp!.an {ieai Firi orner..
lbls Louri dew.t!e the unoiE Dro.ess. the! Fust .ieai *itn tha, Djr.tal iss!e ol peacc 6nd {:r. Their neeriig nuer
c:. seld :b.:: hacl: 1. G.n€r;, 3ut i: he
o. sone !jylt. anl gienrer hope or :n-
Ir,se ro tne
ir:es ena i. rhe F.:ii. I's.': rhls ra. iisue shici
h!st bF a: th€ cert€r.: their jriIr!ron/
G.l:lach€i c.,:,.-:fr:ed th61 :h€:e:.e :,nt:1. 1:ntec to nilita.r
.fi.irs i. h.r| re.lized ttra: rhei€ are beoFle {h
i:oF these i!ttets. Bur sEldres in both coun-
fh;.: f.r exanp:e, FRG been
nble t. d. rith Iittle expebditure oD rhe nrtttait. Thet
-xpprien.Fd dpll'9c, so. rpr ."d trh.:ic.n ecirotal
one lob ir rhe
costly ds ln the civjlian job. .an be cleared if
sone] rs chann€led:rro.ivirian .ltoarioh is sc
:cL, t,.d 1a Lhe! \ji'aut sav!ro d'wrhinq abour dms
pr wjt rai- Flt
c.!- t,irrh to a mous., I<oDle
The u.1rcd sreteF h:e econohic probtens .^d the solict uhioh
n.3 then, nach kn6!s nrs orn Probl€ns beitei. But both could doi
bett.r if the!.ouid to the civi i ia. eco.oio

:t!i!!!:=+5:,rr E
{a._ :j.rr:urr.jr. li':' tn: n.:::1:-. F.:ra::: _ - !rr:':
i:rtr.Ll:i11 rl.r r.! Pi:erd':1 'a:
;.:.r::i.. the:1.i. arra r!..ri f:r: !!:.:.1:r-_
tLr. r..e:1.!, thei r:i..!r s.r'in. tn.t
s.ri.: !ii.:. rLt hr::.rr rFa..!s :la: thi. !:a: n.: rcs-
.lerusio.. The s.!l.r Li ioi
!hi.h !i1l in ,:!.arE of its !-!a,blens-
corrach.-. c.r ri:uec ere n:nt Frobien.
Nhich aie pa!tj.Lla11! z.rtc ir the ierelo:trq !o:ld- 1t n.kes
the Ii.iteC stat-": and th€ so!iet !.i.f seiflsh
nilitary Nhe. the desriry ol hillions
o: Deople is at stale. It.hould not be a surprise that the.e
ar. pfotests a9€ this in Latin rheri.a, Afri.a and else$her€-
TI. nilr cry is d- aL I c
tal<e e reatistic
Gorhachew addec th.t he betieve. rhe:e is a basis for nove_
ea.n orher's had recenttv
satd that. rlclear far nrst never be th.i they shonllj lroceei .. an egrar basrs
Fe acreed. Ijre lrac said h€ !::s icr eYcher9e
?he s.!i.t sid::9r.ed !itn
slthi.: fran-Fvr.ji:.: rcstec: t.r eo'€relqnt! a.d
i.r rhe !,a th
rr. t thel a !ter
ttat r)reie.r.r:d b: !. ngreen.-.r :r:rEii rr .l.c!r.r:
..t a!a:r.l ritnr-.15, but ho{ r. ore t. !.de:sta.d neiion:l an-
rerest. ia' i5 n..€str:iit rr. d.firr.c
. !jd)rt to.:1'.l.rr.thers .r r. in?i.qe on tile sec!rjt! oi ott'ers
:i the nar. rle coLl..a\ for.rnse!: that
fhrs rs trar i. rl€fin€ orers i.terests. Ee re..Iled;
c..versatioi .olrrtlr P!tne utnlster Tir6t.he: in uhj.h she glcted
'o d D.,- \ " p
He a-drees trtth thts and t.!1i sav ti.t the
n.tions. Eotlr of us nust tal:e the interests of othErs into z.

I!.{eve!, lha: js the sovle: if:be

. vlt,l inter€s: !n a.eas di:ta.t tron it, zreas
io-: {onv 7o -c r'6 dd-
.lared lital int.rcsts of the UDited stetes. The soviet
f:ils to un6€rstand
j hor the united take ac.ount of
o!her .o!!t!ies interests,
1li.'- .: !r:: l'r':!l :r: - n Frr tr..l ..:!
dlr.:iir.r, r,.:i s:d.. ..:r.i ".
ai{:: f;r :ia !e... :.i rir.:f::rer:. !-. r:r:ld lil. rr ..r.1!sr.t
o: h:s.r.:rietr.::ae r.r1.l s:rt::r.: t.
riri.i t,.irrfes thaL lhE.errr.l a.f t. hali lne:rns in ilsarr-. I.'r .... rts r,a:rir. ti4::fr.: lir:o. r.ula not D!:
f::: h- tnir-
5tatE., ,!het .re for -"!_f,al s!.urlit. Ii anrthins detrinen..l tc
stabilrtl. ?h€

haltlnq the the c.nditiors for buildihq a cooper.
rbe Sovi-.i Irnion; the soviets nave good econohi. coopei:tion uith

'e t" L:on - on

t " bY " "'P g ,
ter€stei.,h,i the Dni:ed s'.ates, th€. this ejll all cone to noth-
irq. The s.\,iet r:fi.r eiLl not pernit ar uneqxat approach but if
ther. i. .r the !.9. s:de a poeiti!e ril:, the IJnitcd stateq {a1l
:i,i tn! s.rieis...ct!ve !a:ticigant ii Lhe process.

:s hc:rad.ofed ea.lje./ iJ ihe tF.ide: are to qet dorn to th.

ca rie a:si.!s: qhl.n h:c I.i:. l!ildinc ttreee
Nnr ri€
plr.s .. n!lr th. S.frr. lr.j.: :i :h€ se..ii forli 1.r.6re burieri
had r.r sustaihed
oi c!..: d.!est.rr.: i !nE r!.1.;, 're:poi, Thet !ere the onl!
f.rces fr.n itcive hitii.. io. rillioi and a half
than hali th.t nlnbe:. lnd the !n1te.l states began nattng pr.-
posrl. t. the sor:et unton.nd the uorli about sharing.uclear
technol09! and doing a$a}' Fith the leapoi- Eighteen tihes befoie
rhi. m.etrnLr the Unired Si;]:es had propcsed heetin9s to dis.uss
arr! reau.rion a.C to: ttr,-lv..i those tin€s the United states
'o- o., -\-U. dr,i ioJ v l e roqive
!l( n-r!d -

Tne Pree!'lentst.tei that tnts is tbe first heetind uhere we

de<l- or.: vi l .iol. :r9 . "eopon n
:q9: !.::. ez:a :::a: ie ..r lL r.: c.:.:::' L-.i1. :! l/:,.
.f;:.. r'.rli 5_-.r:'-lr
:aiiE rr ..: re:l r.a!.t-1r:r.. :1:: :i- 9.r1.t l!.d'r.!
fdi !rll€d.a{r:..:r-r.ila :.a r:a !e.r rnsrii-
thE sn-ret rr::::i! brriiu!,,. r!. nu.le3: r.!, Ttrr.
.:r-. i.are: ac2ei..: !nitea s:.:.s !r.qr,i:li. T.e rrrr:ei srate.
h:s fer.r.!ct:ar !j"ainns th-. r. r969, hu::i. s.r:.t buitd!!
r. irst..t, :.:, he .a.i rade a
.io.e,5!f ttrc unlted st:t.s r5 str:r !!ai.ij Tn. s..iet Lrfjcr
has 5,1 nilli.r hen in their The t.s. has 2.1
niillion ner. Tlre ljnited states.ts. se€s r. exransr.nist S.!:€t
a satetlite i. cuba ilet 90 niles oii our sho;e5.
re had DrobLens there n!.1e:r nissite. b!t this las serrled,
Nok !e see A:ghanistan, 'irirEthiopi!,
elanple 35,000 cubans in A.qo1a,
stated thlt he Nas settino out ar1 0: this to
-wp.oi. ,t- . .
ro our milit:ry indrstrv h:vinq. policr- el:e.t, he norec that
p.-a " a .or -o-jo .--d . " ". ,.... o. l
n..lotrerr oily a shall Fe.cenrise
tor.l hiLita.f brdget is E lerr snalt Dercert.ce oi oDr cN!;.f
be betrer oi: !irl,.xt ir_ an. La.ic inier..!.:
'L a
:r41..e indLstry. has.. c...ini. ",ronoDr-.
interest i.
nri:r::! bur I du..

fhe tr. sidei ),;..€ t. thi s

r..tiiq h! rai sa:.j .:a:t:tI r-ht the k€.:..r to.!1. iad lears,
!:!i. not fe;rs th-i the so!i.r Lr:jcr corLC acoujre
. ll . ..
"- -; -- ..!a r" mceL
-d- . L -6. ." 9-,
ieeds. I: !e l!.t d.t i. bargainiro.wer of", partj.n-
lar types of {eapo.s s. are likelr 90 on trlrng to keep advan-
d.cds bn.F),-/- L. .an I on h- od"rs
of rrust, the. those nountains of reapons {il1 sh-ink guicIl! as
re !i11 tie confid.nt th.t they rre not neeied.
Tlre lreside.t .o.tinued by ..ting the tka supei-
other.atiois in the nort d c.r dc lhat the sovict
rrnior and the Unit€d srates cen. Thet
c:n blinq about a uorld war- The onli
of their resDonsibilitr. Tbe tso rusr renove tbe.arses of d is-
Ei.ce riorlc sai ir has shoo rha: if the unired
'' I ! ': : ' tar'-
tn.r s.ic:h:i t.del h€ f:rtei tc ta!r: zr'oDr:
.:. =F..::i..f:e:ior. c.rb..r:f ):ai seid th.r !.e ijritea st:tes
r. a.l1.v!nc . ilrs: st.lte .:Fabrlrt\' bl li6!r.9 r:hic. r3uii drst:o! ni3srles before tier
ii:: _,.e 1;, o... :h. U:it.i St:r.s iri nrt inoN trh!li:ei this
i. .ossrLl.. ri. Ijnite6 srares h6C 3 iesear.h proqran.
lle s.rje: !'1or liini o: !roc:an. lhe lnjted states
has s.m€ hope thar it night be p.ssible. 1f both sides contanDe
theil lesearch holn n! system then
the! sh.!ld srt doNn ard nake it araiLable
rould hewe a fear o: a .uclea! strike, a nad han hight cone
alo.! xiih a nlclea! seapon, It *e could con€ np rith a Enreld
:nC share it, then.obddv vo!1d worly abott tbe m.d nan. He
didn r €ven tnis : *capon, tt uas z defensive svs'

Th! rresident said !h at he hoped

the si.cerest.i{,si:e of t he ri i:ed ster:es to elirin.t€
a:.:s!...Drc..iiFI..e ir h.l!'!nq tie w.rii, 5e think
de!d:. tnjs ir il. Lest wzt i

c.r:..f.r .:led rne:her tfrre

the! --;i:-G theI sch.d!1e ?
'rl. r'r..r ieit
ua. fine and he {ou1d resP..d {hen the!
the r.esident roula gire hin the flooi,
that the f1..: uas C.rsach€! s.
corbachev said that h€ tnde!sro.d :hEa k.Dld qe! i.'-o hore
spe.lfL disusstoh i! the afternoor-
The President aqreed, and the neerinq e.ded at ll:15 P.M.
lt/tt 1,17t,,
, i.)

N.lef,Er, tq3i
a{.nd ]ffi J_e€ Ling

r? renber ti, 19P 1

!!4! ! xaaso. lreur d Eau

' cene!a, s{itz.rland

Fresident for Nationat

r securrrv Cou.cil

rriio. oi sowiet so.ialist perubli.s

!ik)reiI corb:ch€r
!du:.a Sh.rardnai3., !irist.! of roreign /:ftatrs
celrgy rr. ]rornite.ko, rirst Deputy xinister or r.reign Aff:irs
A.3tor! f- Doliryfi", Anbassador to the unired st.tes
! FL -ld- v.\ t-,re:, P.or.c".o"
cordrirre€, cPsu
Z.n!.tin, Chief , Intern:tional I.forhation DeDartnert
c€rrr3l ..mi:,.c., .Psrr
Al.l:r..Cror to 6enerar secr.tzr!

,, nb-aryt!3!
ath ,^,, i/u,.l,q
l.:r : .::T:rr o. rir

tse r:r11 ba re:so.ablein wnet he,

,hat president said. B!t, as ne saia
.^ ,F p!i..,.
o _, ) L v- "DD-or.h rh"L iE Lha
sorld i.ninati... rle hale dis.ussed rhis hany tihea, and'rhen
r:rs€s jssues, the r.s. fr€.uertI!, charoes the sowiet
LIni.i 'ith ex!.nsi.rnisn -- in rfghanjsian, Angori, ewen sorrh

Ii. tbods.: inte.national .onflict

canrinuec, bu: rh€ s.!ier. U,s.
raev..f tne cars.s.: reoionEl confri.:. you sa!.ir"-r the sor_
rf L,€. prll.rer
thi. nisrake. rieu, jt is djjJicult tc s.; rhe,av
rh:ra r.rrd .r rh. i:srs .i s!ch a
I rter n.rr.!.1 .e.uiiti. rr i:.):e a ,Drin

arC:teir probl€Fs_
rn .o!rrries \hi.h.):D1oii
:ri's, a.c desire no

se.cnd, i: ],.u d,-we1o!ins !or1d rn ei lnbiased

$al, Iou s11l sEe rhat rh€re is a lorq-t€rn oL!t..tile plocess
!hi.h bedan aft€r kortC js : naturai one .f third
resources and tabor,
root..r!se oi rha: !r hall]elrfq.

!.s. art!lbute. to ossR Lhe po,€r an.i calabilit!

to up.rt th-A wbole so!td, bu! r.e ar€ r.-!l!stic pragnatiits eho
categoricallt oFpos-a attenprs tc donin.:e oth€r countries fron

Tne rl.s, sre:r:e.i rign;.rst...ii iiil.pia
the s.rie: uit.; ':i.r;c' lut re rir st he'rd
.i..i.r.i:i.. there o. ih. rie h..: ieLatr"s rith
laile selessie thE.:!s. nl the'o'c
revoL!]:ior rher€'
It js trronq to thinl ue are !lott!.qt this 1s rrqnt'
-rus" 'ot no!€_
se do suplort Pr'qressive
.""r:. t. nake n. secret of thts anc it is ir the Partl p'ogran
But ue have no secret plans tor world ioninarron
The L,',S. has its walues ;nd the so!iet rrnion
t sioneL problehs are caused b a s.cial fact:o! strusqle erolwinq over
me"v staqes. soretines vo! suP ort ..e and
but_Loth of us car plav a iole! t' solrE Pr'blens' and rn
aiready do so.
rr afqhan::iar, the rr.ior s!;qor:s i 'rE9!l;rizjq
oroc:."".i"un0 r,hrt courtir' : P.lttlcrl
ir,i!ec Naiiois, :.d !.u..ulc heiD rhe r.s. h.\ie!er but
does no:
thE rasr shouli rj:lrira{ its rr.oD5' ectuaIlJ
yo! rart thetr the.e, enc tte;.r er ih.'L.rt:r'
c..L..h.r .crtirreC, sar:.c th:: th-" sorlrts
!ror.:F : .:.iaoe solutl.. a i.r_a:rq.ei riglr:nistar,
i;"1;: i;.,;; i,'tra..;ii. .":,...a ".c iriertationn1
atar.':.e. ;: n..u:s:de rrt€:ie.e.... ri.!e .r. g.ssibilitjee
i.i : .orati.e! rec.r.rliatior, h: .died, :!.: s:ri that,clohrni_
read! ro...r,er.!.,

Hethei asserted thet ihe s.!ie! !rio. h.. n. .lan for tsrng
naqh.nistan to 9ai. .ccess
inallence to th€ Pcrsian cDli, o. to rnpi.gF o. rr.s.
is a situatior rhich ..uld be used t. lrliove our
ov;!ari rel.rionship, b:' fosteitns cooPeration bl the conrlrctl'9
sjdes a.d abstai.ini ftan int€rference. lt i. ai area ve should
e):r,1ore, he .on.luded-
c.rbacher then stated that iust exan!les to itl!s-
t'.te the sowlet policy t.r;rc ih: ?hird torld. Pa:i.alLv
issDes a.e inte!na! P.oblehs for the states irvol!.d can
issues Iith our dis.xssrons bl ste'rer-
ists on regional matters.
..rLa.h.r ir).r r.r-Fi:id::f. !:..i.1in: iac cr:ro.j ri::
ini.. lrl:..r i.i b€€r r,riIirr. ur it.:rne rriie
is . r:r.r c!es:ro.. xuct: i
.h:r:.r.. o: tne rr.seni ::r-rarecrc situat:on:!c
1! 'frll a.r!1.!:r ihe:rture. rr t.:n..F-trat (-n.-stjo. oi

ftcrer ..rfjnnea bt, sa!i.9 !n.. --r e.r., ve.:s ac. thErc
: ...j .. r ,-, 4,,"....
.i. .. "-. - oo. a - Lne
s.!!Fi lrnion Ijai possessed four t:nes as nlch? The Lj,s. sould
:ake sters,

Ir f3ct, G.r!,a.hov ass€rted, the u.s, h.s tripled the number

of rts rlclear u.aa,o.s and ha6 nore nuctear reapor6 than the sov_
.-t u|o . ', ub .Do-od t.d od. ,Lv. aro rhe
Lfn . u- -dr b6taJ " rr; a!- ror .,1, , e
su9eriority ca.not b€ the ror
.orn.r relations, !11 instiru!es whicb strdy the problen, in-
'L': - .rId. I. udr'a-r
- r.!o..., rF. -. /
nY'l a .
Tn: S!ri€r urior u;:rs pb.1t1,.i- e 1.r:r leret. he.ontirued.
't. ,
. -r "a:1.
. l.-s come i.r us

sr,:.e. !L: a.! chaij.ra€r ih.!qL !..! nrobt not thin

:lar tr. r.s. .haitenoe::.r us and se
k.Ll.: Fi.iir :.r: :er.t:
. c.rir;.re\ rhe. raia -li.! rhe],, in. soviet:, thinti sDr c:.
_ ., .. ,,-d4 _, -
:. "!-:- !..
qill be h.rder to re:iat aid {jt1 re.d suspiciois d.c njsirust.
ant, shield .a. be F,iercec,
-\- .' . vn) eaLb : : . o-lv ii .o o-.-ro "galnsr
:!.r :',:r. L..- L u:r : rc., .tint:
9J: :- '-. i. :h. s....,.,
'. ,oLld ., cr rrL. horror.
r-airb.r'6rhd. rre .sr...d su.h.6e.4rse, rr
Lo r: b^ D-a, rtd !, , do o. r, -
'-nD- rnr re .o c i- w h
says rt is go.i if _vd! d. it and bad ii r€.r. jt.
C.:i:.|.. :ran s.ri iie_ h. !..u. tr.:raen: rs a:::ci4. :.
ai. ic: :na: hare ;ne!!u ei :'-
eeri.usl!. The so!ret.o.clNsron is tfi::a rhe f,9. irrl,.ien:s
. r' c1 ef o
oai r.:., or). 1_ : "ri r. .1" ,"-e ir. E:p:,
.:,c Li_ r:l: tu:li ur ir. oii- 1.:ali.
-, .-J" ! ,:
Yc! s.t the sovre. Lrnini ls.ioinc tn: eaFe, h€ continuad,
5!: :sr.!-.ed rhet thrs rs o: rs dc :eseerci, bu: Sor:et.e..;r.h rs ic: reiceful purposes.
diffelen.e, The U.s, soa) rioiates the,(B!1 T!e.ty, ehich ts of
fuhdah.n!at jnport.n.e. Teqtinq is ats. ir,cansistent xirh the
ir.F-r!, onrf nldccrbdre nrstiqs:.
lf the Lr,s. enba!ks on sD1, the f.llo'in9 rirl h!ppen: l1)
no.edlction of ofJehsiwe leapoh!j and l2) soviet ontoh re-
spoid. rhis respobse will not bc a nirror ih.oe of your'il1progld,
brt . simpler, more effective st,sleh. Khat fjll h.ppeh if '1lo!
pL_ )n orr '<eva- lavp of dafe-.- fe pur I oL . _

It s!li rrquire rltoFari2a:ioh rhicb uill place

inno:tanr iecis:ons :r the hanis .i .onputers and Doliticai !eac-
.rs vjtl tlst bc in bunkers tich raLinq the d--.isi.n..
-. co. l a. ur. onr:o 1.b1a pr ocF f.. irven r Er.Lfh:
!hr: rh..ucnr it xili be a fas:e o: nonc,\', ;na elsc rill cau!e

referred io the !resri!ri's

renarlr: .eoardirc
9e-- nr! ci nr.le.: v!,a5.r., liE .t.!: r"a I hat ,-h.\ sno!Ld
:i. uil. rer. , f) -. r... rr.. :-i.. fo: "
dater s D.h u.e.
Gn:ra.r.r rne. .onci!ded bt vErrficatio. (it1
pre:..e4 !.r iull !e!iilcaii6..a a jr;r or sp.ce reae.ns. r:
!!cL r ir:. is ao:eeC urer, then the t,c.oub+-ries could neootiate
or tiei:,.siectrrE propos:!s Jo! o:f€.stve weapors !eduction,
;re leadt to conrproris., rf !p:cc reapons are ban.ed,
!.urd be conpletelt dilf€rent; it ,ould ..eare a
on tbe soviei sice. The process eoDlc be di:Ierent,
ho{ewc!, jf theJ lE:ve Geneva r-ithout any agreenerts. tf agree-
ndht.n this Folrt is not possible, th-ay the Soviets sould have situ.r;on.

rhen nrde the follorinE pornts:

-s€.!€!ftal3r r r r!
rs dia:r.!t: f.r r: .,. !.d!:sr:.i 1ne 1e..i.t oi sus
ri.r.. uhich trE s.rr.t lrni.r r.:a:.
rnen ts. f-:! rlll.: a:
scvre: s!s.i.i.r. r-l
r.rri!.r\ rr oiier t.
oaro.!. or b.htrrrr! .r: €n.Erj . tE .a...: under-
rlrC.: sxsrr.ion.
--}.\ o_ Po"._
fered to p1:ce alL nuctea! {eap!-ns cortrol.
It has also other oftrrs, and rhe !.Fsideni listed
t{elve such betseen r95l and 1969,
siqned, the sovi€t lrion has added 6,000
nucre.r raiheads. 'as stnce SALT-tr, 3,350 ha!e been added. t.tean
uhile, ihe r:r,s_ rerlved 2400 rarh.a;ds FLrope, !hiie:he sor-
iet |nio. th:eatened Europe riirh rrs ..s-2!L!. our it;jes .eque.rei
prote.tron and it ieli to Presirlenr r. impiEn.n: their:cquest
.e:rsed to c.n.iDde

e r..rec ir Das::Li.ij.n p!l,c!.

.ot i_r:wr- as rsit IcBlt s :s scrlet !.r.r., ,u: !ds
lrrt,.. !u::her€ r. sonetha.q !r.i0ti:ed abort

-- Th! stretegr. r: :.
rirsLcr!:!acne.:i.r a deie:se r. t.L:c r.!:h. ev€r!
P!esrderr s idea.
ci:ersiv! redD-
on. ri. .i.. r t..r, i: . J:-: o ,.
ble, b:: ia:iro!:re, tha! .rcula n.: .. .niFl..t rlth an .r_fe,.-
ust be :.a!ce. s. i.. uir no: b. : rhr-"z.,
tn.l:J str;tecr. dEre Drole !.s.ilrte, tr. v.!ld,:eter to
dotrr ar.i 9e: rii of n u.lear reap.ns, ;nd rirh :h.n, the thr€.tsitci

-_ R:qardrnq Aiqhaiistah: Thet! ' reader" {.s

es the! I rshed. The
three hr l liio.
.|c!t the hurual
rlihdrarat of.tI ourside forces, the. forning
ro suljervise the r.sta11ati.. of
sen by the people ol Afqhanistan?
re..rdihq carbodia:
ir sas rh. xorti lieinan.ase t..I {ith
ndi.ehert No!rh viet-
over south
:;,4 io ]:irs ira :-.-ra;: :rr..:rise e.tabtishnrn

rr.m!.a.Ls F!:11;rl
t.;. :her':eei:o! 6e:ens€. l.aer h:..i..i:ct;rer::.;rh o: s.r.aC
.lserh!r-", rh. tb.n:erie,ec the iistorr
pi.nlse.: :re€ El..tions ani a f:e4 pre:s, lut then qhen soroza
thp sandrnistas for.ed other dlaups out the costr
ii.n an.i are rrJ-ing to establish toratiraria. .ontiot. oaThe corrras
a.e onry trving to r€i.Erare the qo:ls of the original revotutio.,
are behind ou: suspicion and nis-

- Everl niljtarJ jDdqnent has it that soviet are de-

slqned tor o:iensi!e .9er!tio.s.
Nit tr.q r. s.:l
sD: s.u1d .e!er r,e used bl, u.s_
to rnprove its
o:fErstle.a!ilrrlrt,\.or t. i:nn.l . iirs: stril:e. sDr snoulC not
t.t| c,..1d!
/ cfaersire tr!.1. r:.
| -- ri4s:::,. rhires f!.o!]d.. ro:en.!. mistrus:. our goar
!,. ri tv in..e dj teo,aysj
\ ''
\ s!!.rloitry, h: frtt iirr r'.a: i. ie.?eiirr :o !:ore.r jts free_
t_- -
Th! Ii..iao:r re!lied
r.du.a_ih r.r a .J;p.i;, say .oulC reo.ti.te on rh.
!.rc.e, ! ince our f.rces is

!qr:!!!!l as}:ed aholr the u.s.

ah. Pilqjden! s:id thar h€ did not s,-.- a d..!ensiv€ shield:s

: chine3e .j:iciat ..d rrDdssador qatters, rn rnich xalte:s ras
:.led qhai h.lpeis trhe. a han {irh e sDe:r th.t.a. DFnerrare
'h ' -t-L s anpenetrable. falrers
responded thJ,- he dii..: jrnor, bL: th;: he kno{ rhat nabDens
c.rb!.h.r then .skeC qiierher :he Presidert corsidered
dev€i.!ing sDl feaFons as the hrii:irr-.!6 ^f sb!c€,
L cio n r.
!a .: .-.. . . d L- .n" i- irE--'h . o" s.o.:. :_pi;"
did, It sho.ld 5e done in .onbination !ith 16re:-
anq o:tensire r€apohs so that gain a iirst-srrjlg

other private!sation and

s€c?t.l7sETltrsrr1 \ E
ET!' ncrEnher 20, 1935
g€, 10:r5 - r1:25 A,!J,

il ,+, [' il-ir5
:resrder: i..ald i:aqa.
Dln,l!! t Zar.. rr.l, | ),,i

Cora..5.r, c.-e.a1 se:r.t.:!, c€.::.i 4.:u-: ri€e

a..nrni:: !ait!.: i.-E s.r!e:
Lis!:.:rrt I :.r.j!:er:!

ine liho:o o!p.rtunii! :r e. adtoir:.9

Colbacter Dviie{l Pie!:.etrr ieacan io
rext .. rhe nair beeiirc !.or vrhiiE
iool ther: seers, aite|riici he ari

ro talt kirh nin lriwately abou: a sl}t€ct snicn he !ha:

the soliei side...slcered tc be in:e:i€r:nce ir irs irteinrl
air.i:s. The tiesident srressed thet f.e d:c
fere i..!he inte.nal ait:irs c: rhe s.!l.r Lr.i... but fre Cia
\E\ rart to speal {ith! ab.!t hhan ljqnts,

rae .reside:t g:cuDs 1i th€
' 'i|._u9h lobi
att.chneit to
P:trick s Dat'. This r:s a special holadal, io. the Irish, anc
bad cone fror qrou:s in the -n-s.
su.h :s Ukrainra. ,rreric.ns, Lithuariar Arericans end rolish
trerl.ans hawe tieir or-sanizations, custons and ho1lcals.
Th-F lresideit.aid ih:t he did nor *ish to rais. this assue
i. the n;i. reeting, te ashinq t. get coii:.hav s
' rni.r. r ire
''' .1 :". : Li.-s - ",
.: s.!er.: nen ;nd sirc -ere ;ii.;!i ic r-.i.
!u::i: F:!:ii:i:! a.c saic
n.t t!:e res:? ;r er::nEle c: sL.;: ai rs:!E f:g
'nt t. err9.ate t.:::;.1. Tirer. r:a: a

r , i .a j n F.ula ieler !.:s: rtr a:

i;: g:v:i^f ir t. tn. r.5.
::p!e.::_-i.. :.: rh:: r:. !,orld be r. ii:.: :i:-:
': : . E!t :h: :e.: !i;.
o: ire r:esia..: r. a.
ti::r--s t;1ch th. rr'. c.!.:ir4 s cou]C d. r-cq.:.e:,
he E!esideil n€ed:a
a.rcrGssr.:er 5L!!iorr.
rh. r:esraen: sdid that he viish.d r. gi?e an exarpie oi thls
t_'!e o::F,!r:.a.h. In 1931, du!inq h:s:irst ir ojfi.e, de
s.riet soveirFer: las eager to h:ve a rer 1dng-tcm 'raln agr€€-
nent (:th tie L.s., .:ter tnr inposiiro. o! th€ eFbalqo b!
''' ," d !. \'r h !'. -o
) r .? \ ,i,:.'-, ".o..
,.-_r . i!,.!
.:t:nq rle s.p.r:r. €*ar9t€.i th" Perte.osiairsts 'hc r:d been
1iL.g f.r iile y.:rs in lhe the n.s..!; :nbas.t. Ii
iaet ha.: le:t :h. .n5a:.v, !he! ro!1i have
rr,t. troiliE :ite: ira!:.,c .siel] io: rirrrssior

Ti€ F:esicEnr rndacated tha. tnls !a: tie .y e o: ini.q 'hrci

iie {asseek Jh!^
rlla i-.1 rre s -
Lii on. Il- ro!1d
thi.qs that,e ccnld do tcgether if he r€re not cc.sta.tly re
mirled about the restr:clions iED.sed on sowiet people, tire re-
frsal to le:hit then to pr:cti.e thei! reltglon,

::rb.:h!! !e:lied ii:i h€ .c:sri.rei tia: ai s.:e s:-:.. o:

Gar:-.5e\ tnen {eri on:! orre speclirc e}an!1cs, Ieop:€

::.n r.. !,S,'.i:we1 i. the sd!ict Lirior anc ri.e !e:s:- ipo!le
t- o: --heir orrdin, such E::ie rjklaire, the Eal:jc stares,
.nC s. on, Tne s.-;iet Li.ior re:c.r,es this arC is o.€n tc.u.h
t: ;".J,i.."i;

aii :h.: Goriracnev h.C r.rti.!ed that of,1!

:!r !.nil!.zd n.r
Prt ne t;d a huc| :
:rso sishec to q:!e
.-leqorj-..!ek.ev i. , !- .or ie_
',ji:or, lho rished t o eFig.:ie to isr.e1. \ot only he
t he r;s aiso de.ied perrlssion 'as
to p1a!'lerred
piano nitr rajor or - ,.. be !. Ht - - '' of
rne i:.r rart he h:
hich cort6.her This Dan h:d a
!ri. r.: a sn.Ll ch

i:r: lE:: l:i. 4.5:r

:t:tr. ler.! oi cen€..1 se.ret:r\

.. 9 .v _ _
n: - ' 1" _d

!r!r.... LhE serE::l arn.s! o: ou: r€latroiship,

1:1. nurdnitari:r i:s:Es..uii quiclii! bc res.liec.
ror !:s p.ep;red i. r.sol!e tii.r. r!t ij .:u.st1..5
for P!, the s.rlet
a! rc e::nrne specraic c:s.s, especiallr tncs: n-ai-
ri.d,r I


it ;t .,

!fr5rrd Pr r

cene!a sdmit Records

Yor nay qish to reriet rhe reco!,is of yolr heetings tith cen€ral
secr€tary Gorbachew tn Geneva. rbey
chronolo9i.6l orde!. I hewe also included the swary record. of
tbe filst Ladyrs tees 'ith ]{rs. corbachev (Tabs E and (l.

rilst }riraie litg/ to\: 19

Fi:sr tiena!y iirE, li6v 19
se.qnd llenal; ]tIg, Nov l9
secc.d Private ri,-g, NoY 19
Di.ner br tlre co:b.chetis, Nor 19
1"; .
_T;t-E '--.. T' o P.l.:," ,o! ro
--14*6€i ffl'llr, "r', rifr+o--i
llehcon - tcurth Plenar! l:t9, tiol' 20
trerccn - U:s. Golbecie''s Tea {/urs, Re:car
xehccn - Dinner jr! reag!!'s, No! 20

cc: vice President

GclasllT)' d oaD.
tl ra liL
f;tirt11 i:,])

ra.ra:N-aaFFrcanf I,iiFTIras iN
ri.rEnr.:, l9e!
;on!th !len.r! Meetirc

\.renb,.r 20, 19er

Il}1! ' 2,45 !. 14. - 3:30 P,11_

cen€la, s{itz,Frtand

:' !: ri.i: i.i.i: i...n.

nt r:. lie arFsrde.r a..r
S!.rr:Lr aia.l
:'r.]!] rif:s
':.i I' 1i:i..}],

tt._.itr_:: -!!ft'iL ia!: li ! Pa !:

.nriar sec!.r;:r !1ikh.1t co
.!:.d si,.rardnia:., I,ri. i s re
e:r9r' I. r:..iit..r:., rr ist
iri.rr F. ti.irr\irn, nFL).ssa
re)is.ndr rat.flev, cirief, P ri., chie:, r t
a,-. r ra L c.rFir
iire! .ri, xl.r:i. rd:or-nce!.to
erii€l F. r.r :i.ei t. , !.siisia

d\a . 5ltul.N,
Trte i-t:rde.,! beoai bt nottr9 rhr: ne !trrld l:ke to surn;.:2e
xlth Golba.her trc iEvs, t.
-a: ter r, in'-E r ralie qra Lcul. b- i: ,..,.:d : s.er19 ':
Sorba.te!.oulC adree-
!he:" haC baen rpo i:a!s of..ndjd.orle.sation on. lide r..qe
oi issles. Tnere sere cle:r d:f:erenc€ ..a .-:. of rh. !o' -,ca: ot,,wsor') 6j
It {es irD.rt:nr to be !e3listic and to have no irlustons redrrC
ln9 our
tsut thEre {e11, Foth sides hld
exDressed thei!.oMitnent to deeD reductions in nuclea! a!n:F..nts
dnd rbcir iope to eljhinare such !ealione Fnttrel! sone Forh
r.u1i ljie r. 1n:.isif! C!s.L:stois or t,or t. in.r€ese strate9t.
s:e:irl:.\ ::a r.iir.4 ihe i:.--.-rs tc ei:n.r.:i". ,in',+i:..:.r ir:e. or sr:ei'r.r.

f,a. rl:r B rre6 i.r cr!.:.-er tl:..di, .ohpl:6n.e sitl

..f:r.;:! : !rar:r: trl6tcral .ra Fultila!.ra:
ri' ! s r:.r:1 tii.i t.:.

:,::"4 .t ,.'e .:r:!s .i .e9rcr:l

:!.r.4 lr:: ::u t....'i t. r:t4rsi:.. rr...:irltaLrv4.roc
:.:::..ri :::!. !... rai s:ia f5.-:i slee.i
!::'-i S::-i: !i,..:rer::.4 irscl: r::t i.
!tves t. rFsolre c.n:ircrE snicl lr,S,-So!iet re
ani.g!r!f:!.d jrtErnational lFrr!.rs. Tl:rs {re beh!nd our
'...rc.JLerde involv
s:ruociri. Th. DFoL:. o: rre fli.ou. rcoions n
able to s.tve tner. own ploblens,
numbe: oa bilet*ral cuestions *hich could be
shol;:db".b]€ : :u.a;nenta] €yD.nsior
1i tne a:r3s orhl-"ti.s.s
p!ondrin9 qreatet nurusl !rd€rs!.ndt.9.
rhe Frestd€nt desc!iF,ea Birh Gorbn.her as
:)ch ..i co.struc:ire. l€ thc tw. leniers tolld
jrr.,Lea i.ri:ra r. rn. :1..i::::.: nrri::r.! 5 rr::. r. rh. r,s,
rn 1936, ana '-. tr: .,{; rr::r t9S;. Ti.= resutrE .i
'r..rC !€.t.,.: .rt... i.:rE n.Jr:is.ri v.ars
::.i;ri...:srn:., F! :e:i ..lrr: tirF bForl. oi ).( !l
Lelt rs rh. !.rli:s. \fit,l., rerr.nn..:neC iL the
trr:_o:::ralelr, r: Tas rr,:.ssible to
::r! to ri. !o:ld rir.r tte.e had been a rap-

Tlre so!ie: srde bad trie6 in the heetlnos tc hake ah ex!!!

etlort td er!Iain lts viess. Di scussions had b€en helC, brt it
,liuld be a distortion of lhe truth to sat, that thele bad baeD
pr.iEre.s. slch F:.gress as had been 5.hieved ues linired t6 a
deldii€<i cisrussion anc ercharge oi g.sirions. colbachev hoped
lhat tlis ras not the }ast w(rd. ioth sides would trte inro ac-
cour,t the f r n k ,i i .. . ! s s i . n s khi.h h.d take. D1a.e. Joiht effo!ts
!hould be contin!.c.

r.. in:arc,t neooa iattons

:i," i. !: :. -rri. :orr : ii^L,-o ..t.c
;.:!l^ iri::.r.-.trn9 r: :r rlr... 54! lork
er:.:4. L::ri:.ri... :rrl.- tf: n.f+ir::: !.:s L.isiile, Th. sov)e
t-!-.. : ... . 1,6, .. r:
:f.s..a rr+:;::i ;r-,r :n.n.,.r ri,e.lca: !i
c!: :.:'-i - ?r. fss
t:s !ji!i:(. :nc laea oi
:.Cl :.d--.rr(n.i.i:,::rrr. r!:l.i: i.:.€. or th. o: b.t
rii:. rr:r:s:l:. .r:a.r rn€:rir:Ftrriino ih
r.r-:!:.rii r:!id r:j! si.:,:1ir.: !:!,. r:.. !! a::rJr: r:.
s::.:. cir :l,i . j ri::

Grri.:.i.( ;.i."4:i..:::r:r :rier,si:rbrl:rcral

:.,::'r..e. !n: s t..,i{een tne
1.. is:; r ! a

cr.L:-r! iriricn he :: a:rsL i.rdor Lo Fentionl ,

coinacher a.t\n.'lec9ed rne: b.t5 sii€s alt.ched inioltanc€ io the.
problen.rd shared a desire ro secl rioljrr..t sertlchents of !e-
dioial disr/!rEe to rallere rension..r the b.sis ol non-inte!-
ferEnce in lhe irtErnai 6i:ai!s.f dth€! c.untrie., He aoreed
th.! b:161e:al exire..- ccis!it.ir4.s sn.!1C b. continued.
l\'oting tt.! the Pirsjaen.- i,"he !.:eil:iitl,of 6
ri6tenert.urd;ririno thF yeiults ci thei! discLssi.ns, G..LNchev
asked if rhjs loLtd he tbstrlj.c, The ?rcstde.r iidtcarEi rhar
re h6d hoped !. get to lhe suble.t, and called oi Se.r€talr Sh!lt!
:o oltline .,ne sav !han. corbacher .onrerted tb.t
tlre scriets cic nor lhsis.- t:6: !iE:e b€--==T;:rt:, :f there
.i.:-..:i:: r: r:rli:i ..
.. q!:rii.: .: y.r.i:ric 1.. r:s::
s€...:r!r s.Llt2 nu:l:f€a. r!fr,.: .:
t'-nt.--;i;i_! i@-n
-- Fi:s-, ! could be e r:i:r.r.rF.:i.ti.: oa all i:ers lhi.h
had b€€..!!eed durino the le.i-rs' i. th€ p.€i;i:-
tions for therr neetinds, Tier€ .rnbEr.i tr^cse, oa
va!yang inFor!ance, There ras a !.ssiblijt\'.i aevelo!ih"':oir!
lsngtaqe on cFrrain a!ns c.ntiol 9!.sti.nsr e.q., on the
holn conlerc:.e and u:Epors F.olileration. AoreeC:6r-
glage exjsteC oD nuclear no: D:.iiielatioi, liie Ptcsi6ent ir tie
th€ D.ssibilitv rhat \sT midht be
tleated, aithough tbat Eorni.9's nad:hom ite dcpth
of differences on that set of i.sues. Ttrele..!ld also be dq!c.-
r'err or a !angp of region. l .rd br1" "..1 qlr' .o s/ .-e o 3
process f.r the futlre, In thls connectloh rhe s(,.retai! h:a
bee. strlc}: bv cortachew's.eferences th. ri.! bea.rF io E re.r,.-
nisn:or iegnla+in9 reiatlons. !;:r,sr it trjoh.,
icasible to.:r!elop a p:claqe *hich roxld !ncje:.: Fre3s o: r.c)'.-
icn! rea.hec in c:iefa, Disegreer.-
,r rc:,..r:4
ic ,Egiirar*i
(!. !e
o.s3iL: I i:r r.Ltd t+ s]er::i::'::.:'.]..:]i:
.el :.!el arri.orii \. sicred ia

\rr,.r5..irc:dea, :ia.1hE:s Lrc16 Lher c:i i,-:. r:€ liinc.J

i i a,.c...r"t.
.ni i i sa.. e.r/.,t .
rliria l,e to rele:se. s:,rft tr:rt. reDort sa)rnq,
t\c -- drd
then issue statehents of th€ir o\r.
- Fjnallr, !h€ t'o srdes.ould nAk€ irdi$ldn.1 statene.ts at dit-
:eren: sites, The secle-.ary spec!iatec that ieaders *orrd,
:i an!.:se, L€ :e9o:r:nq lublrcl-r to their i'eo:les !n th€i. t4e:-
The secrerary c.n.lndec by noting rbat the Li.s, sould be vitl-
to ..nsider sohe s.!t o: loint cerenon! on the Dext nornl.q/
tr;s qr.r.drei :c 6c in e vai:ett of Bavs. H.
re!,:ri or rlr!j. irr.r..,r.:. ; ar.r:Irei ..f.rr:r
lrr.: o:: i. a nnd!:;t.i ia.iir.: r.!]i
NsT..riC b! e ! ine: rr.l!a:i

I ." r.Le. d.
" ronetheless.:eD.rei t., t: h€ u:der-
-.1: c- L. -. -
!as b.gun in prep!ratio.s for the cenev: n:.-rrrq, firicn iad be.r
ex!,:.ded in ceneva, ahd thi.h,.,rtd be...t:ru€i i. thc futu:e.
!ere suSje.ti!eL) 69ainst sucn!!e, .L,rectiv€1!
it uas ne.ess;rv to €:.t:;r9es, ahd r..leep-
en the of search:n9 ior sotDri6ns in tne i.te.ests o:
LI.S, ahd Soviet peoples and of rhe pe.ple of Lhe r.hoi€
The sovret Unior,, r.L.oned 'ortd.
s:o. oa L .- !.r' i' - .: .-.
on ho{ to 6ocu+ent thp Ce.e\i: reerirg, c.r r,..her :rar.irEa
uni.n h.!1d.€ !..ra:ri..;:: !.s.
aesire a.: a a...!n,"I:, rherhe. a....!rr..E
trer:. li.!i.c r5at Lf. s.rr!: L:rDn aai.ri.ri:11\ .a!.:a:.a:
he .!ttried i:rs .:se!::r.:r:
'.- i,
seP:r.Le :!;!;r.r:s. I: s.:i ;

clr:.: .r -\ :.- t--

ro!ia 5e r.-.e.s.r\ . !:.rir,.1.r.-r r..ri.:!a rii!:he
.i..ta:..:!sess rii. rrr5tt-i r:a r::ir:rs i?.f:r:e
sE. i o. i.,r:rir5.i:i-:r star:. t.,.,i"...,
shult: a:i Iir!ldi rlinistei to tr.rr:.i thE DroLta;.
r4ore serr.uslJ r Go.bachev recalled lhat tha s.fiFrs :,ai atrErs
oenp.:-- ,ro.e j ,. fe."-
' o'e L -. -. e -.-i r4"1
tnere {a. still tin€ to lork out a. acceDtabl€ d..un!.r 1! i:,nth
'd r-:- ! "a,
''' r_ .t. p.ob - -ro p-ai

The President obserled rhat he niqht hive beer to blane for

any confuai.n the- soviers had:elt
I..orsid!rin9 tbe q!esti.. be:ore the cen!r: n-etin., rtE

tgL!:!i9l.s]f:r er
rr9n: j: r=)..i....4. 1r::i r:-- .r-::::t !r:.xi.r.::ir .r::r tr
'l: 5e $!:r:irFh:te, Tl-. irisi.:.rit
:h.t sr.i. i! shoul{i rr.tuae Lrt.:E.el

€gt!::+:l s,]d he sirared t)^e rie,. ifrer sevei

, -.. oh,. ,e- p.ot".l)
rrqht in be!.s sonefhat :pprehensile abo!! hor th€ .""!i.c
delelop. N.u rhat lhe neeiinq hac teken !la.€, r: hiqht 6e"ourd
sjbre ro c.hFi1e,a loint.pproa.h in a f;iiahertar c;.b.-
";r., c!ns!1t
chev suoqesred that lhe se.rerart, ard stevard.:dze
the Lea6Er s.

. q,1i-1.$!9L:.rr:-rs:!. iirrr;rt, :r: .: :r. srev;idra.:.

1e: thejr Le.dE:s c.r.t.:s n!ci.: rn. i!:a;::
::re. .r::.r: ni iie.f.! s!c-
. ..: . ",. "";'
h.a l1:ir! sr.reLartr '.ac ; a)iial:-i:;:
th. i.rsrde.:.nd c.rta.her aqr?ed t.:dirL.:
.nC, .i:!: a t-r. rr.!:. c.:r.rr;.ioi r. tt: r:i.srr: r;ce!tron

DeParrnerr o: star€

rErc!li-coi!acHEl rJrrTrN6s
tiorenner, 1935
!s Tea for tlrs. c.rb;.heYa

N.wenber 19, 1935

3:34 ?,r,1. - 4:30 P,}{,
M:ison de S.usetre,
cenewa, sritzerl..d

!rs - Nanct Fe;9;n


unrcr o! sorrer S.c:21ist Re ublics

ili:. c.:L2cl,.r;

corbacheva began b! desc!ibrna

oa ler! and invited to con. rnd wtsit it
G.,rrr..hev: had just fterti.ned srberla, and that as one Place
to qo, i. is too coli,
ir!itaiicn to !1!s. G.r!'.che!a to a.d vrsit the L'nited st.tes:nd.:id.he s.nld lrefer a
{;rr iire f.r visiis,

rqv oi1 i 1t-

dlb 5lthltlJ-
Tie ies tl,e. ctscuss.d
la C

thai r: Cid tnei: n!sb:.ds,

about the bolguets in ih€ ro.i tei t. a r5isclssio.
5 falorit€ llopers, she, .re
beauti,-s of rild iloviers .: tnei: ranch in cal!-

Eoth ladtes explessed their hope that tbis neeti.g in ceneva

vould lead to qiebte! u.derstandins betf,een
c'd F -. r..1: '|h 5 o., f. uJe ger-
I i,'ur /.) t:'i .(t..

1.r'._:!f]D!! o .o', ! Psr\r: o.l_

li.!-.nb:I, 19 0:
b rhe G.-L:rrc q

N.r.trber 19, :9s5

3:00 F.u, - 1u:30 t.x
vi rla et soviet !rssron
cenev2, sfttzerland

chief.: S'.a:: lcn.Ic i?

.nt to th€ d.n!
tr:5ei:!4.: ).rr.u: i; r.r"ai
.:rs- t . : . : : I ! , . e : , ln: e rE
rilli.i ri.rirr., lnt.rrrei. rt Gorbacne"

Fo.eiqn Lii:s.€r !dD; rd shevardnadr€ (otnrr''€'lic D€!!ty I.retqn |linist..r ceorqy
l]nbassado! A.rtcll' DobrYnrn
!r. !. ra1azh.fe.lo, lntera!eter

i: rLe i'Egirni.q of the c

a.nou..--.1 :)_:! he h.C inrlte'i

Ec!Eg1-5i.!sr $
rtt .017
tirrF: rj:t ,r:i tr.::..ri trac.r 5:r'rrr.ra.e
..:. t. :i?, fra a..E.iea, b!: n. a.::_
.F:. t: tha: ?.:r" tn: lrar.. Ennoi.€rl:h.:
:h.j, r.(, :_.4 .::rendra ai, irLi:ilr.: ta
t5er.!e ^.rr.-!:es. t:: t!.i jLirtr:c t. th. etaect
i|:::r:., rE..;r ..!1d cori:loie i: !r.r!rdenr Re.d.r .ould not

tr.s se:weii Fr.sideir ieagan spole o: st!:-

in thr s3clnner.. niver and corLn.her Mrs. nG6qan.t
:he byd:orle.tric dah. on the vo19., {hich had dect-
Rateo rlch o: tbe belnga ir tbe Caspian Sea. thet'had hade sohe
nistaJ:es, be saiC, but nor thel,r€re recti:ied lnd the fish $ere

rrrs. R€aqan lsled Golbacnev about tolrisn in the soviet un-

ion, aDd he told he! at length about the sowiet tourist
industry, ho' it r.s betig built up and expaDded, and 5t tbe end
iokec about toullsn not onL] builds internationar
undetsraniiing, ).ut braro. r.r.tgn cui:Fncr into the soviet

ni !:r, !,

e 1..: thb: F!r.ia tad
qh.!t the ceri!!ie5.
Fuss:e r:sel: r.. ii::-aaC br the Eondoi s o: centr.l !si. and, he s::.:, !5.r:rc: a F!ssia! e.e lind a l'arra!.- 3e_
he said, ir hac f!tlen!nd, 1: naC.ra,e:jen.ed nah! inrarj
!i3.r.1.:r. icl tc r'ertr.r t!. ro:lC 'ais . r:.fc', PrsslP b=e: h.: louiis ari builC uF
t':,r,c!se oJ the i:nner,
clesrs :.r€ilt.,,, cuoica :.. r!.s!ar s.:erti!r

.r.s. C!rb.cher ti.: nnerrc.r rlevx!jo)rts r€!e ver: p.f.'

ul.. in:h4 s5w!€t Lrrion, esrci.:t! Teri.ssec rit1ini,. and
AIb€e- The Corb..hers hai recErtlj seer a tioscos grodu.tion of
trhors Atr-2id of vtrcinid lio1l? a.i aroued at the!t lho
6;d-qiv;-.hE Eiai; pan;; t -- Eri:nbeth raytor o! rhe R!s-

asre.i.bout thc S...t.: filr ihdlsrrv ahd {as

t.ld bl, GorbachFt.nd liornilenlo abou: Lh4 njn! fiin srudios in
valious parts o: the count:!. Thiee.f the l.lqest are in Mos-

+eeE:7sE1ss:!:r\; t
llr., E.39er ast:ei airotr: it!..'i-:a:r iirl lcr:er ir'l'::n:
rai to:a tna. th-F dr!..!obler v.: rer'r'5r::: :r rhF s.r:r:
rrr:ii, Gorbecher then tola h.r tha'- n!! ii ti_ai.rb.lisx cin_
!:ror ra. z huge s!..r.. encpa:!c.e €n1.,1.4 gi€ai 9r..!_roois sup.Do!t.
co::ce :5cFs ehd ice cr€ah :r. !,r.orii! ri.aitable !iei-
tu:€s !te.:cs€ prople nppea: !o b. e.i.l'irc:irera^rr_:r. t'-re thai h.ri
tr.!, H- re:d laE ne n". rhouoi'ir tn .: th.
can.!ai9n that nodnshine produc:ton rould:ncrease, honeve!, thel
: u c th": "rnce h- beolnrino o: Li c:rD6io-.-l co surPrIr
cI suga. b.5 a.tuailJ dosn. ff€ e*plained th.t ]a'q.
anourts of s!6a: $e:e used ir cistillin,c a bohe bref,.
app.leni1', su.h a.tivjty $as hot beirq tnduI9eC in,
and Golbacbev spot(e of fheir respective f.nilies
and Golbachew srid it vas his belie: that the ianily uas tbe
foundatio. ol society. H€ :.t: that thele sas . rist roe of
that foundation erodibg. Too nahy peopl. sere lilin-d together
witholt benefit of n.lllaqe, a.d thsre vere too hany sirgle-
parent fanlll€s, esFeciatly anong European Russi.ns. Thi3 tas
.ot the c:se ln centrsl nsia, he seid, she.e
lrad t-6 children ahd tro and eren oeierations :ll ilre
t.'.eihar in o.e boDse. He th;r he Fe;r: -.c so€.r Eb:!r
'"" i:: !dl ueE

1!:?POli.Dtl) 10l,S1S

G€n.:.i Se.iet;i! Go::racher :'s. ara ien.rl:.-C tbat ne

hat!: to i6ve e!€:v..e heie .o..tne:, ..d tt€r. tsoulc .ert
be !.! et ti:F din.ef. 5.Ere:, he s.:tj h. f,artFa
-n-F t.|1" .l'r! ".'.':r!'
tc !e:..nt the Pierrdenr 'a.a r.1rr, F€:!;i. {1.':s, Re:car re
re: r" iribDc:...r F6 k61?.r4r.
hts;se:ica. coll€;ques to the Sovie: ri:jssjcn, on thir ,lj
t,it .f the sc iet urion. '
te said that €leryone present Ine( the reesoi sh! rhey f,ere
in Gene!.. Yet, he said the tact rhat rhey had lelaxed.littre
bit at this dinner did not neaD lhat rhcr uolrC neclect the
rhe) had core h-r.. H- Lhal lr3 pL' rn
rrsIn9 to speak ras hot to b!!ng !p -dded
the seri.' of the
rea:onB ub! tne! ser€ 1n sala th.r first, he sinely
lantec to gleet bis glests wely coldiatl).
b{ ..rc:h!t s4.r:ins 1r i!.rn te:rs, f. \'3! 5:!P! to 9et
:i u:-:r.e srti hr: duests rna h& ''r:.r.!i:h€ h ?" tha: -t
\.11: De D^:Fible o achr6va Ehe \ _/': rioerst.'C ^c 6ri
..:rri: ii it rould be g.ssjLle to di,"ctes "peo!1€
ti. noted th:: on. eer ca :1,: r'issec, ari orlr
_ eJ i::a he
F,b-" ro - ' lesc h s. )-- r. : , 1\. Fldi 1r9s
slro!}{ o.. rbc Blblic.l ouorat:r: fai :. the ei:e.t th:r tl,E!e
noe !s the .ine shl.i i.:v. !4ei c:st i. the
pas:. fh. sevei lears in vhi.h Feetinas betlee.
of the 0nited Stttc. iDd the CeneraL Se.!etarle.
of the soviet Lrrion fele firled ri.h c6nsld€rable cn6n9€6 ii the
rorid. Ir uould be gos:ible to
cescribe a.d €rFl.;n xhat hagpene,t ir the porld during lhat tlre
6 a i!ch co. )d be "rd b' w"y .l -{o afa1ro . t4or" ,nPo.tan.
'hdn Lhn', holevA., :s ah- .ss.' o. th^r- :es, rhat
:he Plesident arc the Gebera! se.rer:a!r nust neet and ',draly,
talt about
tb€re the !-o ,nC hos :h€! vies eacr olher, ard
hos tbe twe countr:es lrreDd Eo bui;d thei: rel6tiors i. thi.
n.nv-la.etec rorrd o:.srs, HF sat{] rhat the .ur.ent d.r xes
r,3rttciri:its lrai l:ti ou: the:! p.s:ir.i: on a f:o3i:ai--e of
proLtens .f fssi a'a tn! l.s. .rlj t.. r:l of rne
n.tio:! c:- rhe lor1{:. rie s6tC 5. n:a r.(ti.ed rf,. v.ri
'.cs.-.s I t1r. ..i:r-ou,'r:: -.t t( r' :6(i:o.
He seld the Presideit anc he lrdr!!tooi rI:: rh. trealenr .,..'
L.€.,::lier uori:r i:sel a erri..i::.i.-t!
to:e .s r.-r1i re:6!r..

:,! builr-, ri i::s bNili F\,r:re !{...ur-_rr.s t(..:Le!, th.t

rie!!rte ::l .a tl. ..u::r:r s arli.-.ici..s anc t5e
.irrlJth c: 1r..e C-.4:t..n.-e - ti:;::;a:..r rr.ibl..r.i i: tie
neli..Ja:: -- b..-!.! --i.:r.:::r.: r.rtDc tof;ri
'r:L.h . rs -"-n . 1c : ..t. , ;ii ' !.5
ne.essdlJ. .o pro.c,s! .i r-.r\ ind t6r(r.d.
Fc- sai6 iha.-:: {.s tlue that one caftoorisr hai senr hin.
cartoon rhicl sholed hin and Plesident F4agan slandirg on the
tlo sldes oi the;b!ss, on..e side !as plesida.t Reaqan and on
th€ 6ther side vas corhachev, Rcagah !-a11s ro Corba.her acloEs
the :bt.s "Gor5l., r ae prep:red to qo hv pa:: of the f.1,,, and
"Goib!." says
end up in the .b!ss fina11,, but rath.r rirh ! high,.! dcgree o!
f; r.e i st .: ar r . :, : a t::rrr '-1,.: rrll !: rn€ h..r! .: '-|! r.rc-ierr

:):ar:nr:'-i.: i: rorld ai C:a:i.tll :: leara ce:,.:i, e.c h.

receLlei::. ti.5eL b:tr( 'rr.eri. lFi:e! sat!.c thEt he ara lr€
Fresi.i.Ar: sh.!la st.r in l.i.6r D.:.Essav! t. rei.lre
rh4 d!r.::on. cf !.r and .ea.-F, l!e s3iC he:houoht.: th.t
ra:e:ier x.!:C 5e the:e u!:il Chr:sti.s., ri. adeei ah.t,
sr!tou.:\, rbe:c rar€ Fro5iels fbict Douli recui!e thini:iic.ri
'rPi1 h. :j
si] e dlffj.ult to !o on, ;nd there viLI be nore ac.usations
.nd rec!tni.ation, It ls -"ridenr thatr the Deopre of the torLd
:r€ gicl: ard tirec of tbe nutu.: a..!s;tions and recrintnations
tbe !,.s. ard th€ UssR .ddressed rt .a.h orher,
He said rhEt he..uld not say for sure that the sides {o!ld
leach aqreencnt i. the course of th€ current neetings, elen 1f
tbet v.rr:ed alI ni9ht. l}l€ jokin-d!y suggesied that arl thc
otbers orght to uork €1I Dight,l te suggested that, -role.
:srd., he :fd the P.esident should nele:tneless.onti.De to rork
i..i,c\r|.1iih r1r.: lec.ssa.t soa ls.
F.calde.r, t.
t. r-s. D.ople, uh6ft th€ sofiet a,..,p:e
he fir\.4 to drinl tc the.u.cess oa the
b..bleni b,.tree. rhe si'iee,

:c lc ii:. ir C.retr. o: this ni.r:...

!,i .:ri:lr:
.r.,..rinoLi:i. r:! sreatlric, he
rac r,- belno i:.cJsaed a: rh.
alr:e. L- -;:t ,-..-t1 ..rafi
..rr!- r, tsfardr"d..c lur o

,orld rere to fird out that the.e {as sone atieD lite fori thar
ras 9oinq to a:tack the Earth :?pio;ching cn Falleyrs ceet,
the. thet knorledqe !oD1d u.iie all the peoples o: the mrtd.
F!rther, rhe Pr.sjdent olselvcd ihEt ce.eral Secretary
corlrFchey h.c cited . Biblic.I ouoration, and the lresideht.
ro the Fjb1p, pointec olt that lcts r6 refels to
.!. i.i: tha: a.F.ll .a:r!,ro':
t:vrj .: rlr. '. r. .irrf;ia r4r.r "':!'lr'e:
'i -": tr:

rir. r-.u: .oai

F..s€vEli l.!ea L:s -:,e.!1E as the c!f:ent s'.:et.r! lo!. thEjrs, ..d!e1: b€llerei
ari.e.\!rii! i.r h!: !'eoqle, :1:nou!i s.nE.f nis 6et
:h.t t. ttat there t:s sdFethr.c
F:1r::rj:.i. rn his attltLrie Jer'ite sore such
.tti:!d.:.l'crt hin, he had been tne irrst pers.i to
n-otrFl prjze that sas sfecifjcarltr for
d.v .- -o 6r drrg
The Preside't pointod out that there was
.iqriajcart 6bout this Particular tine:nC this Partic!1ar
o.:. si".. rr
sowiet Atny had beqin th; cou;terattacr at stalingr:d ehich had
..i".r1" ti,rn.d th; -.!.'"""d rhe lrcsident
thi.4rid an.iversarv of that event c.urd also be the begrnnln9
oa an.ther tD.nirc fo: all nankird _ one thu ! s'!rd
nakE 'e:i: !.ssible to h3!e a torlc 6f p€ace a.d freedon
th"- !re.i.l€nL:ai.ea ais qlass i
to thE s.fret peopl€ _- th:t thel na!
grear- and.o tlre !c..1es o: th€ f.rti
t.'€ a '.rld oi lea.a.ra free.lon,

q:!i.,Ll l!4ll
:h. h:.. b..r r;!r:ed
Faao.r:.. T.-"ir i.!ohr-.r, a tlr:hcsie il nedical
: s!r...r. Thsi: a.!9)rter, scn-in-l:' ,nc 9r:nd t:\'/: r'rlt tnr:r. c.ihachev srri:hat bF
crnserletir. raiues vhe. jL.ane to k.eFjn9 th€:anilv toqetner,
Their 9:..4d:u9hre:, 'ho !i11 be gi): ir Jatuart,
the le.d€rs, he said, she $at.hes th€
periodicaLly asks rhere llrs, Thatcher is qoinq no{. r4rs. cotba_
cher added that lbe qranddaughter ?v plogr3hs:
'cooc Niqht, children" and "vrenya, " a
G.rlache! s.jd that ha and }fs. G.rbach€! had take. tLo,] private, va..tions to Italy ard Fr:n.e They toured
e:ch c.untry
c.rhicher toli Ij:s. RE.9ax a'r.(:. \-'.2-r.n t. tr!
th.: r.s. Gorl,a.ter baa ta}... vith f€:.!airia.t.lne!
knan hac 2oo ,ives. Lrpor her rEtuff to }1os.o{, the
crendd.ughte: askeC corba.her uhy the lihah naC 200 uives ard he
onit Lai one. !.orb€chev rellied that +-be khan c:d not have a
sr.qle Fhilo€opher anolg his,ive-c, anC he diC n.t kno' rhat to
do with ihe slnole ore he had.

lugenie arensburger and

Departhent of state
lt :

ricvefr:!., 193!

Nolenber r9, 1o35

g!!' l:40 M. - 4:45 P.x.


Pool House, rlajs.. I1e!r d I:u

ceneva, ssitzerl dnd

tr:lli.h D, (iir.€r,

!:99: ii!! lfi--l;+l !l=.1


Dlrinq thei! brie: r:lk fron the wil1. at Fleur d Eau to the
po.] holse, the President ani General secretaltr cdrb:chew dld not
dis.uss substan.e, .onri.inq their cohversatton
dent s old novie., I. the couse of that conlersatio. the Presi-
dent s!gg--st--d to r. corbach€v th.t be riirorn I{r' ;rtatov that
he had r:de rot onl) qra6e E ncvies, but ELso a fe' 9ood onEs.
corb.clrev that h€ had !e.entl! e€€. 'llinqs Ro{' a.d

llt' .: -51ru1
se:r:i ir i.on: oi a iirerl:ce a! the po.: hons.
conraii tne s€ed oi sonethr.c lbe ttr. .i then c.ild
He 3ii4C lhat he h.d.r..o!w dore ir Flssrar.
th:ouqh the seDr-

,b a t-te-;;i r?
rhat (as contarhed in the t..h!iations. u€ thoroht that sone of
the iss!es dealr {a$ did substance that nerited
serious dis.!ssi.. !ith a rie{ r:o bringlnq the positions of th€

;ni / on the 5asi..

Tt. fre.rdei: r.Leriec.ed to the.iie.t th.t the


c.iba.he! saiC h. u::d..:tooi

i,id 1it;-;TF:ri.: i
ce;:a5le ard he f.: :r€r-rlc lrrr€ to cis.!ss thrs n.iia-r. +.q#
iir€ t. n;re ai;a dLi:irc 1i- n-e:1ne beruelr r.rFjo: lli.rsters i.
hac b!.r !e6.ied:hat.!.r !!
Cu.riois sould be i.qiti.:eC togErher eijth ar.crFere.t baltrn€\
o \' r ,o-:_, ".r r'du -.r: 'L b' l
'pi r , er'"D- lna :d l
1ad F-. oo -ad L t. .d . no.,
that hEre it seens to halc evFPorated,
The President 5.iC thi: he itd not se. these def.nslve Hea.-
.rs ts-ii;af;t-uilns ! !.rt oi :he :itr. r..e i. rle' .i 'h.t hc
hai said t{st : aau noh..ts ao. at rhe iahle, t. th. e:feci that
$, everyonc involveC ir .'i.1ear
bb .6- d d4
the! !o!16 be si:arei lilrh
Nh!.o!ld this n:ttei not
.. !,-eac u: -ca.ding
th. shaiins of sucn thiros? This soulc enable th€ tr. sides td
'-re!r:i f,ha polr 'i !j:e^ .ha ulC 1-lj : rs
t. get rid oi !u.l:ar reeF,ons.

i.r tn. I,i..:a:::r. : r:::.: :,;;.rr:, c.rir..r.r
:.ia i-!i:- rl::: r::" rr: :r:s: :i s se..:. ..ntr.t-:;-t:a
rn9 ri! !.r- s..r:.: .i tha dr.!r-:rt h. ha.:us1 leei
rie: a seP!rdl-F :.r.rir .9.eenen: be..n.1!dea
1rn1.-1n. 1:id-b:se.i rN. mrss::es,rrh a
e1ln1.:.ion o:6u.h rissile5. Tiisi ro i requrred ftrther c iE:i -
ii.eiion. L'r.t *eapons $ouli LE.olere
raxrng f:. earslerce ol hc on.Lr rr. s. bur al:.
E!itrsi arC a:€.ci nissiles ? This haC not te€. hadE
t\e paFe: rentior:rq rhe jnterir aqree-
hcnt..r\ jard basec xediur-ran.! rissites !.s.ib:.
$ere me.tion_ad, rhar
"bo r r-.j .r'ra o- ,J cl.C: o' "'.c-"r'or
.a ,ra uad-, ih-i.o- r,[, -
"j,..d,_ "
o -o- . . ..d s .- , --l-a) |
. e ie!!r.: r" s,
taer..!1d b. fired and naturall! shoutd:lso ba colered by an_v

j o. ,., .n- d .ur_., .o. 4r. .9 .-_ .;

!n rhe :r€a o: str.tegi. AE! de
i.ns€, c.r ir;..?f precisell rh.i th€ pr€sident h6d
.:.ztitl .a s!ch res€ar.i,. r," uniers:ood tbrt basic
cor:se) lr!t !o!1i.1s., nore
sr,.L:.r :.. i..:!ae .: !r.tcrtpes
uc En!,h;.i?ed
i:ilv Lh3: ir the Pi.:raeri r r:hr::
inJ s. ::..4:1 :r'. arr:a:ent
'I o: ri.
c.rc:es. Eii.a i.. rr.s. .nC DrsaihaFer: Agen.y.
,ntr:!r.tati.r r':.s:iwd1,s lrrrteC t. r.s.arch not
!.jrc ba!..a r|..:rre.hola.j jn:irp:-i-rr.:,
t abniarcrt
.:: lir..aer !:a.: trhi.h rhe co.-
:ror.:lpes and 5ar!l.s Fo!t.i rr. !ermirted. under
th:: an!e)!re_..ti.: one.outi a: nc tra\ .lieaI alou.r.onpryinq
tttl the !ro\, of the nPli Trearl.. Tnu.i :u:ther ctarifrca-
tior rr. neeCeri l-.ic as reti.
Tne lre-cid.:i saic thnt !e did indeed nave.Lcre rhan one in-
testln9 L.!id b€ in.lrdec rr !!de! to )!nur L],d, r'l
ao( i -o:l vou d
n.: tie er.uq.. it $as lis rb.lohr th.t atl ttis.orld be covered
. .ad L5 - u-.: o.
ii ,"Lndrl-.Lc
'o-. iir<r-srrike
:tq!11e: cai: bi 1i tr'
c. rl6.h.f r.i!a
rhi nol-r!-!eat, arC \..r n.r de.l.rrnc L. !i! rrnitea -qta:.s ee
th:s r.t sua:i.i.r: ii:hi. r.trer {€.€ raken s€ri-
.!sj!? IrolFne., he h3a to..te th.: rhe 9nitei sr-ates dii rct

G.:l,a.her s:id tliat then h. sp.le of .o: beine- b€liereC he

m. i:-i i;:--- h-e
a tie soviet rrnlonis
strrenent he had :!st nentio.ed. uhy shourd the
Soviet orion believe the PresiCent's statenent about shari.g.e_
srLts oa the resedrch ih
vould not take of havinq d€v,.1oped 2 str3tegic defense?
Th.!de.t replied th.i that fas because the neqotiators
ot -,-.-;:.d snr oor. L!.. f1- 9.--rp ( -h.. bo-h
)rad ;oreed not to retain : minopoly of defensive
r.!:a!..s, .. :!:eenFnt that he a.d co.L:.he! Hould sign Ie tould
;i s. r.rr: c!t t)rat or: t'o ..!rt:ies !ere
r:.:la. rti:r., such.s qaiiirafli foi.r:ahP1e, an'l
ar..l! . a :1.;L r:rnd, trh. !.!ld arc:sr t. aropPlnq :
i !c ];!: !.;!.n
l.!h.::..rF:.s€.rsacreeirctL.r ieLeran:rese.ich
:fare th. :esul--s oa sr.h; 1: on€ c.unt!,r
Fr.i!.=. l shrej.i b.i.rr: rne othe.i :t !.uti hare it

tL. i: e. i a.r:
th.: i. r.. fai.!!:..i:ei
:riri i!s: rot
riri,r s..? .-n.ti.. lgfaci+ ::,v:l.a .. trr. :!es:dent.s lor_
i.r. lj rh! :ia:ea::erc:ai9 :.:2 !el't. halt
'-he:rhs ia.. arc r. fiedi. t. deal serlo!slt zt!th dis.r(anent,
that is as
th€. ri.: v.!li be taE lur?cse oa ieDlolinq Nearron
ye! !.tnowi;f.: L.p:.c!.t.h]e? rher"- u:s thc l.qic of startlnc
in . nef sDhele? ;t nust cle.!l! be under5tood tha!
leri:ic.tjo..f such be toirliy Dnreliable becaus€
of th.i: ra.euwerrbiiit! 'eapons,o!rd
and not,ility ev€. ij they Fere classified
.ot be in a posjtjon to dete.nrhe
unat it Fas thar be b16ced irto sFace a.i uould sule]v r€_
c.rc it as a. aCaitioral thie:t, thereb! cieatino crisi6 situa-
tic,i.. If the get rid oi nu.lea: reapohs, xh/ start

!h.- President asted Gorba.hev ',o r-Fnerbp. that these were not
tha: destrov nu.le.r nisslies
i..r. !r.Dld l. !o i.ea i.: rr::rl.:,
:.r a..fer:€s ac:i.5t rher. rt:
r€ !o!Id alsa Lrr. G.rb:.ii.i t. r.i.nbrr
.1..!t sonethlnc:har- ras no: re: ):!.{r/ ani th.: i: it rEr. t.rti,
tnat r.ulC stiII he i..:r. ar.t, Ir|1 t5.. shoula ve sit herc if
Lrittr n.!nt.r:s.: u.:..ii oi ee.n:idr?
ccjL,a.her .orntered bt
v.r1d tha: rresia!n: !..o:. rrc t.-;re!rl 5..:j.,:.rr corb.chev hai iirnlr i1 o:lr.i.l ::2r:.rprt::n.r l,.th.cnntries !.ruii
laboratories and at the sane tiFe h.oin the p! of 50-percer!
red!ctiohs in offe'sive arms.
rhe !re.ident asked 1 co-D-c-e\ rrc: so\ ib al -
orato;lis-;o-md be open
wisit ou. lab.!atorles,
G.rb:che! repl:ied tha: LfF so'iet unio.
its i;bor.t.rirs !rorraed ttret r'.r. used ior :l:. pur.:.s€
fving h.v th. l:r:irc ard
rj:. bel.o .oi!llea !rtl -

sr-F.-n. oa s::-
lntertio. o: !uLf in-- sonethir,--
.ni:r.a r!:le:j
'ie d:.!n!i.r 6.1 prl.:.: E:f:lr. Tiirs
i...;,i,or:. Iie !o!la re..1l ili.: r. 192:
ell .: :he .o!ntir.. :ha: h;.: :: rrr.rD..ea
:iC l'ad r.:.tei a!reeien: r.t i. 'i.. ioisor
:i.l€e./.1: tsi li.D'- t)r.!r c:s r:ir:.. trl_:::: ri! szt,anq nof
:h:1 rr sir.!la o. f.:r:r.C
n! v.a:,.ns, bui 6t the
qas nasl:, :.e., a shreld th.r
r eturn to.uci€ar nr s s:14. ,

"r-; fiil .-,:

con 'dE dd -va . t. q ,\. -4 -d d , i F
fawoi oJ SD1. To: certain e|ten! b€.ou1d u.d.rstard the Presr-
denr .f a h!r:n level; h€ .ou1d tiL idea .f stra-
had caotirated the Presicent s ih.dinrtion. Hcre!_
er, .s a polirjcal r€:der te c.!]d.ot possibL! agree {ith the
He Houic ;.!ure the P: es_
tdert th:t this resrr. o:- ner€ir.:oriclous.t-
re ras n.t s.vino $r. :.i sore s.f: af petty re.sons
sirE-is;-Tifi=- _
1-@Jr-ffi,-rt 5aJ-:-a1!:c- flr-a sfi-
:et :.. l-r1! :h. r:,s. tn :.E d.\pl.riert .i a straieoi. de- rn;di:ijo., h€ !5ula I)ol.:.,!i irsr e iFferse aqainst
.h. cerrein ie!€i.i strateor. n:s:ile. \-a5 one t)ring, L,ut: de
a nr.h 1erger ni.siles wolld not be
!eLlable et alI This c..ld onl! l€.d t. the.6n.tosion that the
orI) lossible use of a str.tegic deiens€ {as !o detenc.9ainst a
! retaliator! stri*e .ot :sainst a flrst strite. It sho!1d
4,td.- ) D6 ,-4 7-d b l. Fr-s_de,.- ", q- lo h- 9 -d
najori: o:F.p- o9o. .. !o!ld.
{eie extrene}y concer.ed ove: the deleloPnent of spa.e veaPonsl
{hatewer thel! aw.sed purFose. A4onq such Feople
of U.s, se.retaries ol rni slch etp€rts
shith and trarnke, they h:d
haa:e.d their.t.te' 'hat
it ue3.Le.r thar strategi. deaense
would only 5e !sefrl:fa€r: !rrst:irih: at the sid: deFlo!'irq
roda-1 :nc hE fo!rc
rsj: ihe PrE:iaei:
iirnlt t,eli€r.d it! to do a.L1
rf his F.e.. to ! fror h:!,icnrrq- fe lotla 'rsa the
fith htn t. f..nu1.tjnc glidelin€s
ni ta 6 rictr
ThE rreeidenr rtouch: :her n:i !sea :: : ..r.ia.:3ble amourr-

t. co.cluce rr 6nt .fE.r, hut hE '.uld

asl: G.rbr.i-r ! this n.ti!i
:aen hai n:ae
v..: c_ 5e.irai:cllr .lr.e.tion, E.|-
ewer, it sc.ned to hln that in his j.ia: o: ultinat€1r sharing the
resll ts .i rc!..rcb th6t rlqhr ti: of i.terest
to bot)i ol th-.r. Fe had to tell our peo!1e over-
Jae ) ol: qa e. r:. I
what hilii'i ha+p++f nissir€s =rddeiir apPent end blos up every-
thing in ou. c.untry. ue believ€ th.i ihe idea of hawing ! de-
f€nse agatnst nuclear nissitas inwolved a great deal of faith and
b6 6 . 11 -' 5" r' ro.L
Gorba.hd pointed ou. lhat nissilEs lere hot y-at llyi.g, end
wh.:her or hot th.t lould fly .n ho{ he and the Pre-
'u: l/ iallc-an-6a, a b- o:,rten-i.- \iaaDoas,
So]:.1 e: r.:: a.,.,f. r,e;f,..., Larla.a!.;: rr orie: err^:;ra
c .lri:- uru): I \' \'l :: r'- .
r'o r.c: rf !rnrl-.r i.l\ r' - l, I r,:
.r9.;r.e ras coire!rnq to i:n as rre.rd..r.ri i.:lL4 u.s. rir:r-
:.hole !r.t tle solirr Ltior irt::leei risl'-.
-st.:.:rs: : nes r€13::clsir:f th th€ inir.i sra:e. n.d dElt!€:
:ior the incr-.astns fen: ot.ucle.: nealors. the
S.viet r)nior hai conducte{: a deer aralrsii oi:he eri:re situF-
.one to rhE c..c]uslon tilat i: r:: ne.ose;i\ pie.ise-
Iy no* to Flo.eed on lhe basis ot th€.ctral sit.atroi; iater i:
roulij be too 1ate. This ras xhy tbe sov.ier Union haC tabled so:-
jous and cohpr€ie.sive proposals conceining s:lateglc ueapons,
ned:ur-rlnge u€apone and othe.s. This haC been the re.ult of a
tlioroxgn .sse.snent .nd plofolnd understandinq of ,here the tlo
countries etood today. They no* had a chlnce,hi.h the!' nust not
fait to t6ke.dvant€ge of. He rould aslr the President not to
leqard this as ve.tness 0n tbe Dalt of Golb6cnev and the sowiet

Dnlino the sal* tack to the villa corbachev noteC th8t tnis
-!- D,6.idFnr . .orei.. h.
ii.!,e thar their n-prt hoetins roulc 5k€;i3; .i (,,s, soil, ard
F,:"1.: he !o. C 5e Dl.a - j -.. 1 . si:
tt! sori€t u!ion !n r.turn, Gorb.cher.5priad!eec :rd .!coestea th::
ri.r'" dhc n,-iJ rr.. L- *o:i"-tu: br r.," :-\:; :-'.",

l'_!i:.j!]ltuy:ci !q\!.-!qli!I
PE!4.:lli-coPlxcr:! r!!Tr\cs li calirlt
lio'eirer, t9!!

N.vahber 20, 19gr

:r0 t2.40 P.r.

cerera, srit2erland

!;ent Ao.a lC i.6oan

c:.rqs sn!ltz, se.:eiait, of s
cr,i€i of sta
irl: e:: c,, Ieslstan
s!:cr1t! Affair
ri trss.dc. ro
rr:i:ne Fr69f;t, ;.sjst:r: Ee
c:l,aljj.i Afiair
r i!! jj. lili:., s!e.jai r\.1!rs. Frr.jden: .rC s.(:ptary of
J..rr F,{.i:,.-:., sa,e.i.l t t. tie F.Fri.ieht:6r
I:!)r !rrr:., r! , o:aic. t Union Air:jte, r,e!,: r tnen t

of soL:.i s.ciairs: nenubl!.s

I:ikh.i1 corba.t,.!
idf;rd sl.iev.! Mini.te: ot rolei9i Alfairs
Ceo!gj' ri, x.rni!Frko, First Deput! l.rinister of Foreiqn affairs
nrrtott F, Dobryrin, Ahla.sador !o tbe United stat€i
il.ks.nd! t.kovlc!, Chlef , Propag..da Dep.rtnent, Central
Leonio !. 1.n\.rin, chiei, r.!ernaiional tntom.tior Der:rrnent
cerri.l c.mittee, crso
],rdre! . i lF!rs.rar.r
Se!get !. T.r.s.a.rr., Assrsranr r. ]vi.i-"tcr ol F.reion lf:dirs
Yuyt a. rirc.r:r:1,

f 1l':87 tt ls
i;;:. . s i-f,--dl5F
dtb , u\tr -5l,l/.|tj/_
ti,. :ress l:ai b!!. ,,i::,:': .!r .: :r.
:.!r:.4 !..::ir.: P.;::. r. le.a.::.
The !:e: ! d.n: : rumbe! oi
it sj r-i ch-F;;
en r:--rirus.a:r, te
rould open {itf r rlr. c.aer.;rji:.onrrc! ne9.:i: -
rhe !.esidert obselved tf:. rere parti.!1ar1t,
' - . -' b. F .-:... rere p.:n.
coulC kill hillio.s ir a natter o: hinrrEs. rt !.s ihp.rtant to

shnped.Dr pr.p.sal
I ,6'' to:.tieve deep reductions, rocusinq in
.:€ iesrabi!izirc !eaD.n-", o!r prop
s:.n a nDrb€r .f d.lirei! =] =.."., rc!!{s, sl Bx",
uto. th-F aiftr rer...: raa! "t.i.
ii :ls. lr..r!.r:t.a r.aL.:r..: t.
brli::tic nies:1. llni:.i ria:.ii.i I,
.r-r:ll s!r !in!1i.. tl". a,frr -js!r! t:;: rr. s.r:ei

i ..., .. u-I D -d
.ai..nsir€ a.i: l,.rtd 5e. st;bl. ro:Id in
rhr.t:he lunb.r oi thes€ arn. rroutC bE '.r. raor..llr redDc€d to
,:" a.:- :- .:- .er"l.".o-..
' -l)
)b. d tre r-.!l .-. . .::;.: l"o
; - .. ",.,.r"a. -;-;-
srr€ssed thi: verili.aric. trtrs !irai l: !r. r. rEcu.e sLs!i-

;re..t i.rernEdj;r.- :risi the U.s.

'f, ro ca!, Us lnlNr nissiles r. Elrol]' at the liret .j.pldred as ot
r9€3, ir retur. :c: r.Dr:creei,.nt:r r€duc€ vour
rRrNf ni.silc la!:chers rrr-Llr r.!i. ol ri!?o rurope rc rhe
liJncher run5e.. !he L.!. no!td
L, s. ri.!csat i..; !ded

::a!.:r.i. r. 1:. rfi.:r.i::-2i l.!i.i.:5 1...'-.4 r: i5:. ir.
Tir..ri reeLl1, ii. F re ir ie:!
i::!s!!.::, --rr:: botn sla!: {.r14 be tiritea
ql.i,:l rFIlif nr.q:le vi.:h..d r!h-::,
R€r.r. r.ri.J :h. o:leiei
c.r,n.h€r . ch:r.e
cfrri.r 4 th.: he .:!d, i. :act, have r :ar
s.!rets h.i.ereful1! eisecseC the U.s. Nsr
L- o,en ,.1€ 1-
s o -e, d.5e,.1 . . T. wd. o. i-.darsrrtnr
inporiin.e tc no:e ary basis for noling ahEaC i. rhe search for
mutr.lly:cceFtahle prop...als unich coutc be comDonenrs of
ljosslhl€ :9reenents,
sut corbachew elso haC sone critic!1 obse:varions to h:ke
reo:f.lrls lractically atr the eren;;aa;l rha a6niet proposar_
Ir€ dri n.t rish r. irar;ti2e tnis. Ee belieled that this
;Fir..rh..i:ci.le.t slth tte p:esidentis otrn in th€
r.: rFj,irr-c !tl^E: el.i.r:i. !.tn.ja.s n.f haC pr.pcsats.i
r.'s aler,-r t. tr,.rj: r:jtr,

1:hi..olie.que. a.r€rtea that rh€ 0,s. !dc r!.
tl:t rhe !,s, las in fawo! .f
r! in d.feisive .Dclear trEalons anC in faro. of

Dr i.:.,5e lnirirrire tsDr) *as

rp.':.ira i,.
t,'1,-.; Ttr. .i:si.tert lriri, lrderstahdirq,
{.: ; "r-.v-l:ir.. r. tf. s.wt.:e. Nr n.t:€r Lnder {ha:
jt, soi .n...Iec
l; _ :r .. .- .61.d
.- .:..Ll ,. !..p
.-: o-ptoyrng
uea!.re r. s!a.. -- trrtn ali ihE irr"n;i.rr

!rii.::ri s:: e:: r,:: a..:. r..: side.:,cre.::

:: t:, ..
.rerl (i:a ..-,: ia. i,s- :ri .!sP s
r..rea rl a: th!

.uPe:ro.rt!:r s::.-. dtd n.t ar::.: r. be the pioblcr,

he h.c to.nv tiiet r€ did ro! lno! vrhit la!:r
!he b.rroh.: the u,s. p.sition, iror the rr.s. lad cone tc it.
!'cs!tro. *as.otpositjon
ifPor!ant to hin, bo!:.ver. hhat N.s ihpoitanL
!o hr! uas rhe itself. Gorbacbe! ras conc.lied th.t rhe
positio. {!s ied t!.n illusion that the Lr,S. ras ahe6d in the
te.bnology.nd infomltion trarFfer systens on rhich space
sysrEns to!ld be besedr aod th.t a possibility thereiore existed
to.biain nilltaiy supellority over the USSR, The U.s. night
even conside! it pdeslble to obtrin a fi!sr s!rik. capabili!yl
o!,!.ertain.i!.urst:nceE, to 1.!r.h a flrsh strike, The
Ii.viEt Union needed to corside! ir.6eveloDind its

C.rba.he! rcli the Pres:iert that he i,ad!.,fsetlca r.

r S.r:e: s.i!ftis- r5-t he..rla flrr rr€ Fr.iiCir:
....r1r .\ c:r :c-:. . \ r.;.i .;..!
Iresiient..!id f,.re an! int! :. irre.rrrc :]Fr.lei!n: ri
:r.:. n. i: Lr .,'.s\::, ri :!r",,
:.s...ri.t: r,-i. lib r-.^r".- irc..rc t....t' h;i d:..
:rstnrci lnt. i.u:a Lae..:.:;rrrr.:: sDl '.tId
i: cL.- :rn b o | ::.o -o e:rr::.r'. d-: .

.: rr:, .-I€. ar |he

t {an: t. dc tr-.r:, Iiut he co!lc
]...:r:rceclr|l e Di.brri, c.r13.)( !
a".art ircr tt.
.n sroppi.g r .. eartr a.. Pr.!en:-
.i.rtea t!.r tte: roa.i, Gorr,a.her
dri lot f:,!r i1 r.ui'i bc p the t*. ccuntries to
t th€ cer ev. risT tal14s so!td .oFe
ro e hait. Fc! iis Fartr th. s .vlet U.ion renained.ohmitted to
rhe g.als o: th€ undeis :andrhq, and !3s !!': to do
.very$rriq !..sibie'i:i!a!!
r. achiele
3!:_Irgar_d_1! s..ted :iE. che scienrrst corsa.h.v hac .e-
dc.iino sitl; a6nrrs!. She renirdcd th€ president
of the scie.rists vhc h.d told tresident Ei.enhore! rhat rcBM6
.: a r l:r ::r..:L_
e*is:..i.: i !r.: fi:
tlen jf fhe t!. .:a€: rlaucea.::..sive.:n5 b! 5{r Perc'nt'
th€r€ \'.uli s:ili ne t.. ra.: r..i.:3 Th. U.S. did J:ct see:n
sDl a Fe;ns.l oir:airlnc illrra:1 .ir;ir:.ce
!e.e:rts o: r.uli be l.r the UssF as
!e1l:s the U,s. If€ be tolnd, tne)' lould
lrE av.it6ble to ai1. This '.tli ena the ntclear.ishth!re for
the !,s. peopl./ r-he s.wie: ireopl4, all people. The sowiet rjnro'
and the Lrrited stetes nad the .:Paliiiirv to nove bevond slnP1v
aimins uealons at.ach othe: the risk 6J endinq the sorld as
. r. ..p _reu-F''ith sou..r '. buird c
"-.;, Ld \di Ll odv6t dEv'roD'd
a Ieasible de:€nsi!c
tbe otl€r iide !ouli h; elininaiec ll th"re 'as oFp'sitio' to
th6t ccr.€.!, ih.;:es:rlar: s.e.!latei :t nroht rr h:sed on the
:ssfn:ricn r iiar Fiai:, :: s.rE
The lr.s,, o. ti,..:i:.r h;.4, !ti seEt:rr.; f..Lrrt! s]:ren b'54'

ei rr3t h. !.4., it..o

r !r.!.!i, .ir!. lif !
a:i a r.: wrer::. sL,9 c!e: :l,a: th. r, ri:i.Ji
Fiu: the aa.r ,r.: tn
T..] r:.n: !. i|j]-::
c.t!1a.err: t::.-! :
: ri.i.:.!.1:ee.
t:aqinq- T:et f.jl. .:
.r?ce, r54 DrrrlaE r: v..!lc be h.ra:!:rl
(ii !€;.e a.C the.e were re,, ! .j o o ' l) v. t'F o
!ni.sty ne.sor lho !nnt.c to drag nrs .ou ntr.. rrto conflict. The
soviet uni.. !.s for rcdu.rnq ti. nunber ot rca,!ons. slstorY
d ' ,'- ihe s.rjr,F: l.ader, for
\a )n9 5-9or . But Jcr..nent had nct

The Preside.t observed that, unCer th E u. s. oPen laborato!ies

*IGts bDth r,( :.:!td sat rsi\ ihenselves tbat
arJ!..-Ea :.r:::a rrr ierel.DnLeni .:;t' : i!i :i..:a i! !:..1
_!i. !rer: iresiden'
th: deve!.rnErr oa
s!;.. fr:9..3 hra i:is- r!iierar'ea
abr. ral;:-1f \:Eili s!L!.q u.s.
l:5.r::.ri.s ! l,r r l:er tn s brrlarn. destrucrire reaDors
: ehr:ri, Tlie i.s.,:e
rri s 9.: t. tle !oint ti:t i: re..ssar]'
q.: Lelond su5!iciors, '.s rie vherh€r
b€ justiIl.d i. susnF.ting tha!,'.esieenr:sked
uncer certain
tbe soliets vourd !se rteir hissiles ecainst rhe
the idea oi
:. anotte!, The soviet thteipretario. las that sDr sonld lead to
thE dEretcprent cf ner offensiw€ reapons, The U.s, uas tlyinq
suprli to see a,at, to erc rhe lorldis nishtnale
Lra! -Lr- D.e. o-,r -rp1os)r-e .'", .\- ..s,
irs i€sealch uith th. soviet
d.vel.r .lestrr.irle re.pons e,ou1d be discove.ed.
a-I-I.-..!:f askei ih€ iresldE.r fi+h sone en.tioi rhJ he
iln fi.. he.a:.r rl,. s.viFt Lrior woulc n.!er
r.'.r. _.E !..:ra.n: ..uld :e::r.:Ci a.ifr.ler re..,.::ed rre lii..:!.tei fhe !jesid..t,s .rrs*-Fr to

:i,r ir..1ae:r:r;..c inai Dc rnrl:ri!!.1 .o!1a ser ro th. lj.

C..::rri.r.!.st:o.ei rn. :i..ejr:r.r the p:e.:
' .:].'.1
--. .. ., ". .-,.r-, .! c;ll.a :.r . r!re ai..:ssion.

rL: :he L.s. haa tie
riii.:sr.r t:at ::a ..utn r:
f:s r. illusi.i. 'e;,:th,F.E flltC so.r';:rteC
arsll:ri l..heit;
T're pi.:ide.t {oDld i,. neti:e"!3nsib:e,

Tre Sowi-Fr !.i.r hac said it u.!

heC n.: t'-".r
'' ':'.' :''.)r' J'}' \"a' e cons.q..a^.s Uol]d

hent, brt it rollC cone too 'irJer..l trair v,outd

aireadr be m.Yina,

-.: !,i;-r. r'.'?i _i. !:r:rd=i: liE.iitrf tr.

..:.!i1. rE€ b-ei cn a fatse r,rFn:!:, .ii.r.rr.rrc s:r.Fl

li,s, r.ula Lj. !reDa:ea t.:.4u.. r!.i.;:
ul:ir::ett t. elininate then. Tl,! ;:c: r::, h.'r:r.r, th.r ti e,r'
stlll ejisr.d. I d?irns!v.a shr4li r':s Lt,.re'..e re.e:sz.,r. ii.
..r!a.ei.u.1e.r {.alons t. chenlca: !-:...r., c.:ren:i.ns hai
h;d be4n reteineC. -C tith a!e:hield:oairsr nrcle:r
.1 d: ., t6oole L t-re : . - a9E!4.r r:-i
!s6. Tne President "1 hof sDr resealch c.u1d tie
interpreted.s threatenine to hunan life or ta:.ets o. ealth,
search, .elther hatjon ro!ld be.ble to rsa it to delelop a
!.!b-f.d.11e9.C th:t tha |.s., riri--r ti.5r:ic.l a srretc,
inre:aed to rnti.d!.: re.n.:s
qi:::fc u.s. ultiratel\ i3i r.:r:i. :i.
.cLiL€reC tha t
onlt r. €ii. f:. .f!irfl..
c.iii;.!er saic tfi: rhi. rE;rt dnlv'!ha: th. r',s. i!;!:r:q:.
.ietrfrr.. il q€rE.rossibl! '.!
:1. ill1!:!i ar.lariec tf;t rLis ris..f. :o:n.s.
i.,: s!r:es.:r.h i:a teer r. :!rii.L: 'r..: ra tn.f. ''.:e e
r: !ilr.::_:
r:;!.is Jnf..Esed.i. :)r.r sDI re.rar.r
::.I:-:..:- r. -i! fnrch
:..!le, blt r:.:jr.i. arcr r-.a.tins
1li. rre.:cert n.:.C ih.:1-nn s.yret 0ni.r alreadr
' ''- o -,.6rio'
L-.o:q". ..
alr' 11
nissi re :ierds - ahe !ssi tr:s
s.iri,!loLs ir ..rLlrinq !ith :r..rr.. ceelj.c !iti nuctear
tr..i,..s. IL {:. i.. de.e:trcn. i. rhis
aoreec, notind rhat the !-s. ha{l raised the
qlestid.;-xr:.!)(Misi !adar aid it. r.ssible 5at:le ranaoehe.t
ulerL.r the
G.rn3.i.\ !.ar.?r!a i:rt.: --:i: .lre:a-r' i:' rhe S'":tt
.ss.:a.ia -i ih. L.s. i,o:rr,i: :: srulc
iL t,," :t tr.s tn€ ):e! qr.:ti...a rie:: i:"t)n9
iFa:r4 +-he ir:!re p.1iti.:i ii;1.qu.
the..ture.i Ln: crref- req.tia:r.r o: rnporta't d.."!str. p.:icl in courrrres. i! abpeared tb't
th€ tr.sicent s.s !ei! coxfrtted ic th. de'elcrhen.i testir'g' a'd
deqloyrenr o: 5:a.€ fGirrore. T.e sorie|.s 'ould haYe !o coisrder
.nc base therr pdtlc! on this iact. T5e s.!iets ha'i hearo
sinilar r:e{s e:t:esseri r'! nanl' oi !nE P:esident's tsut
t)]es€ onty ldvasers. rbe tr.sident ha']
'ere coi;ache! s.n!tin€s l:d:e1t ttrat the President's
adviser; lear--c tnE Presidenc i50o s r.nld suffer if he 92v€
up sDI. Gorba.hev rJs pei.ent the Preside'r
.ej.el: j- 1 e a-c
Tie P:cs!d.rt elqre:sed co..ern tt:t LnE.iis.ussio. had s'ne
to. f:-i -_c ;n este;: r..e re:s.i;L'ie:r:r.:.h ?he ttr. sides
t.i.e:..i to a rEduc:ron ir r€ Df tr0
ie.:rse ri. s.rr.'-= ni'..i.i r. ..r.i':re i' tr?re
!:s. ae:!... .i.:;is: iiL.i..r niss::.. 1r riLia:E I!ai. !":"
ri. a.d i.j. .l:rr .!: !:rlrr 9r?:5 :. si,:.. sni
!s ir.n o.rn. .ir-:a {r:n :.:!.ir.i.
r5e;:r:laE.: iira r.L t.,,rtr c.:::crre!'
ii r.r'...r.:i.r. F:ri.:: rn. :::Erlous ir:. h:a
t:er '.. irr6r.i.r.: rn!
lr:li.-rea:i:: rrLi:.ri.r's:r.:';'r i':.: !.!la inqrcre i: t'.:i

ri,.i.rir:1! r.:tl: oi th!

Genet;_a;ii-irLs r:i j.e;. iEiorretrdc, vrth the
ot,je.ravee..c sult'crs crca!11 .. stop the.ins
race on.arrli ani i:eYert 1r:5r-r.:.: ti
fetr rh:t rh€ :ar :r c.ref:
The teaders nad r.! n.t a.d ri s.etrrd thaL the Fresident
ie1! tha. uezDors..!lc be intr.i\,..i
n3 !i.!1i go i: thE r;rsr6! jr rhis case.
tiiat/ h. askei,
The:r4rrdert !crlied raat,
.as ariiF6;1!ti ill se?I: tc
to deterhire ia d--fense {aE lossible. ue .o!}d
t]iensi:d.Un;.c. de.jde i:.,eEl.\ae.: s;s riesjr.bte, !i€ vouli

"seiF:Fflsthsx- r \'!
ir::E.f,r -:rriin.:. ; i.i: a'.1: !h. sorrer ir:10.
L.rc :rlri:. .i.!r .Er.i.: -..:r..
:i. rr!erCE.: a:l.e{li ii h.i...riia.:-- rr:ar. de:F:se {.u]o !.:}:

rhe SoliF:s e.
'sinala :;.'..r_i _s-hoi,; : : ! ! .. e.i:!d:!at ne dii not see h.v
"ar :esues {ith Gorb€.her -3
no i.9t.:1 arqLnenL
. fe:eible s.lutron is f.!.c,
qo!r9.,llsf quesiioied lhy it was .e.essalv to ...duct research
J- :. or b- no ,F{iL.-o _ 4,d ol, )0 p-rcerr d .
u"s ro:l-d jna Lhe poqs bii \ o -pps ..
reiuce nu.leaneapons. The sowiet Urioh {antEd to
: l- d-o
, r bAq ,4o1..
.iot t. d-F ... )) r-"-E. ....
a.t oJjae, rhe_\'sould fild ilrn!s theJ hac r.t./pEcted Lo:ind-
n.ntts t!!ir !ilijnq-
l.:i :. .:.)r:r:r.n.: tn. ari.:a.e or.i:r:!, nni ir er....
:!-:1qiii .e :- r'- ! - h: )e..-
!!ii:r.c::cr' \c !.,tentiai. G.:lacnEr i.tErru!,Led i.
. rlre jo.l::.c :-.: ; tr6f dui. ?r?t r.i.
:.. i.-' i. :hl
:: .::..:]ve Do:antjai-
.!rai.!ti] .:r|i ie Lrlr th.:. ane rr
-r::e!sla rn.- fr.r:li:t sr,i..uli be n
l a! r_ sh.')ii r.a!.e br:0 De:.nrt:nd thei
.rii1,..Lr.i:ies ot :h.n. r1.i.
'ith th€
1:e:rt, i;a !'s c.urc
n:dr.., .ho!Id ve h
Lh ,i
'- j. .. .,-,-i. .t
:y:.i.:. -.
ir.,--"- r".,.. --
.!lb p?ob 6- aoParAd
r. be, taL):. But tdth sides {outC fo! rhe
expencjrures, e. q,, foy hoderiiz.tion.
G. ri,:::... .):::..:..1 t:|:..:.:_. _,:::
ii..e:.:::1iF s6.. .: :ft a.-:i:'i:,:,
fi)i !r.:
p.s:r:1:1:tr.: reau.i.9:!cle.: L!:( r:j.e:., f.a he:-
aes.,ro]'ei 5t sL:.i.ior.a ult!!1.! n.irr.s, :-:ii.i:r .!rei

Jan!art u:dri:.rndirq, trni.h dEzt !iti :!..1e;e,:s: sio:rprJj

on e€rth and Dr'a\iefirr. ir ar :!:... r:rei hii
ilsc!ssior r:tf the Pr€si{ie;r, ir rai.tear!.nd intr.c!:.
':; lrLl s
l4ire_:i!!4 said thlt the u.s. sid€ rould
.toit , vre {.!ld eifort ta deretoF 6 svstem th:t
o,1v op ,
sofi. p . or.j ul I dd br " 60 red
reapons. an.pportunity e:. thus beinq rcst. ?he
th:t public opinto. qould find that diiiicult l-c

q9:!3!!31 s:rd th.: this ine u.s., r. Fut ir

:r.Fortant t.e :e.ders .ieat i. ':s
.!:.t.r..: n.: :!cL:.i,(:.. ril
s.vte: side h.c el:pe.ted thnt, N}.r +_)i€ t!. te:a,.s rr:, .a:rl
i.rths oa !:, irarati.r, i: F.uli L,!!,:. r.

I.rrr9 th.L {:et i:i

..-]] ]_l
I : - .-
' r:e lFrcE.s c.rli 6c!r. .n.!i:::ra., a.r*.i n,rrl
':ni Fr.siaer: i:a irr :Drt..r
.!ncr tf.;r t. rE..:t liis i.ri:-::r rn.onFjr!e.i
::ri r.. f.!!C:_ul:.i r!.1e.:
1.eti t. iE!e1^r . .q.iist r;rs .r:!r trr..r,
:!:i€.r rea!..s c.uta i..r.;: j:x. )..ause.a
',.{:i s!ch

for his Fr!, !fuEsrrciei i..!:, r. sucii e difficutt
o: restrainrs, ohe co!td
lossible to iea!.e arn:nents on e!rrh,
t{hat co!lc b. 6one uhen reap..s
.ould one lerr l! this? corbache!-ere orbrting the tobe? Hc{
coutd not ccmit hinself to
developirE srch sys:er.,
rae lrpsraen: sarC it *a.
ras doi.c. .e re.alleo Pr€si-
dent Eisenhoe.-:'s -.. r. cI r- Fo. J _
..€-side6 ..prcach t; verifica-

ai:lLai:;:_:r.r.!:. ais.ussr.i !i,:.i :.a rarer rt.c., rt nich.
the sNrrE.i !t.ii aite.nooi. ri-. r.i:-
f. s:{ n. .,b!r..tee L.r;rds a sotution
vihr.f r9n: serr! both srdei, inier.-s:., :he presrde.: urqed
' I . e o j c c t: .5ot6d,
c6!b3cb.r i.iicaiec his silli.crcss ro {:o sc, bDt
rb.: ras beirc reriiied sas inport6nr. The Sori€ts soutd be
!,re!.!ed td welift an eh., to.uclea: tesriho, the, eould not be
rr' -9 r. rerr!y 6. rJ h .":{r. ihev woutd !e
sir'larlv vi -n9 ro .6'i y " prohibrr'on of spa.F-s+, i\c
by snich such ue.pons wortd be
developed, rhetbe! throrgh open labo!atoiies or otne! neans. !ur
in p:in.ip]€, rbey sele open o. the ouestion.
Tne President aoai. uroed c.rbacbev to corside! lhethe! he
coutd not acceDt
corbacbev Crd.ot proposing that the heeting €hd an.l
l',-!!.r4r qc\\!\s3::!I
nE!caN-GorsAcHlf r.tra!rNGs tN crNxvt

,rc. coiba.he, E!e

No!embe! i0, I q3s

Gereva, Sri tzerl and

au.eri. tr-"rsiLi..., r)ii.i I l

,.-:,,.1- lei !rs, l.e.s:r !i!:arfs, r,nc:e tn€ RalLs ol

or , .: . :. !. ._ .. .he er.lFr.ei
tn!t the) rele done bt .niidrei oi rhE so..j.r (rrrion for a.!
)'.br.i.. .rrj,:-a, '.."- Lf. !.
' ,. :h^ . ..: , r: :;: ;;;e
a.d...e oi the chilc. 7,t t]ie "-"-;:
Lirs. colbac)r€r
r?resGr:ed lirrs. teao.n {rLh the l{o}:.: ih;r{ !.s!.:rs.
l'1:!:sh'ul.i.lIe. trr. :/ ..ri r.on, !jr:h
I r.. corb..h.v e):!t6ir i.9 aenc.s1r.l!no the

-e .I r-aii.r-oa. r

t.rr!i:io!L i.err i;hi11e./ 6na th: nusr:1ae
that besides ...onD:n!inq ner hus):and or, r"r I
,rce!. uF c.ires!..den
!p slth the I lr€rature 1r h-a:
1.or<s aiter tn€ fanill. He: 6.r9nt-Fr,
qr;n'id;!dhter 1ile with the c.rbsclie!s.

E!se.ta irersb!rger

cor)\ risrTIorl

Dinner Fost-ad bv president a.C Mrs. Reaa:n

!1.'!!, 3:00 P.!1. - 1o:30 P.n,

Garer., ssitzerl..d

:r1.r€, r.e;.t:it t.

L'rr4 .f_sd,i.. s.ct11_=": lc!!!l

..r.r:r se.!.:: a rY
i_ rre:c: r'!irisrer adu:rd shera:.t.ac2e
.:fsr Det!:J F.reiq. Liintster ce.i9y Jro!rL1!e,r^!
iiL.ssadoi nr:toll, Dot r_!nin
ll. at€I.sardror-rqent.Y
|., F. raj.!:f.hEnko, interF,retei

1h! ..nre:s.ii.. he!.r bt, ..,nt!nurr. toFi. t.!.hed upoi rr

dtrn.! abdur th. i..: th:t n..!te are iJr:riir. rnd
-he s.viet L,.roi. 6.::..her..:i
r:.,i;r hari, l.!th i: I...,irrc l.:i :.s!!.ei!1.,
a+i ;I-;;i .til]F
f rt,- )fi -hq(
rilb | .i:-.51,I> loo

i: i: lustrated by . :;!ric lrjct --h? olde! oc-rr:ntror r.!i lovinqr! raLhei abour his qr:.ddaughrej,

Fresident Reagar tol6 of a lEt:er he ie.e!reil :ron e littr€ olrl
wh6 rola hir.r.-:ly lhd! sh- rahtcd l-ri tc i, o,..r :5n p';
satd" Nor go into the oral offi.e and oet tc r.r,(.',
!r:s. Gclbache! :hen t6rd ol . tetter c.rlj:ch€v !eceirei (ht.b
!ished hti s!.cess, exp!€ssed tutl aqr€ehert !rrh hi!.rti-
al.obor anc a3id th.t the zrtho! ldpt Gorslche!rs pic-
hei icon. The :ltnor saic she sas 33 v.ars old_
pra\pd avcr: dd], and garc her rejeptora hunhc., She thp. s-.:C
to call only e:rlt' in the norhing, she {as blsy a1l orher tim-.s,
Sh. lived in rostroha, Presidpnr Readan a.ked sherhc! corba.hcv
ca11ed, rhe other lepll€d lhai he !ou1d lep.rt.s soon es he
qot back aton Ge.ewa.
se.:et.!t shnlt2 EEted :t,.ut a :eria31 c: r!t jolc:. r: |-€
, -hacne\ .-p I d Lh-.. l:i - , ir ..
.cd!..sec 1. Ii.:, corbacher, wbo taugit:.o!.s!.. rla trn::j
e:L! ::the: i:.;. :in.:r,o-, c -!--
.her s;ia rl,-t n:r! ajn.i the :ir!aL, ce:enL!::.1
:-licr€ a-r'!ng ..r' r::5 :n.. .li.:
qEi€, sr:::, .,re t.lri .: ,-he .irrl::ri: :.:r.:. .:ii i,:il::.
:heir.!:liier ii the ctu..:. :ne n.f€rer,
-i..r.riirilo :.:icir-r.. c:::.r:€r :;lc Lhe: h.
|rs s;!:)rin. .t il-! Friciar ,:ri..i.) cjr(r.l rtj.a r. !rera:ir9
r. c.1.5:.!e t li! l,a,00tf
Frisr:. Tir ch!:.I tr.:\.e:;,.:::r.r:a --ti.
:.: ch!icr rs.. nys. c:fL:.1r',\ e.:d the:e !L.!.
_:uor'_ . l;r'. IF:,- a:lFr

sec.eiar,\'sii!€i rh€:he: xLor.i.: h.d l,ai an inftu€n..

?cpu1a,-ior ca:he So!iet |lnjon. Gorbs.he! an-
tr'€ also s.ii tha.- rioht dfier th€ revolutior the!e
,e!e FanJ, Frodans ro: renourcing.ll of th. nast, as tf dcir9
a$a! !ith elerythtnq shich took place before rhe lerolutio..
Thjs $as vrong, he siid, But slch vere th. tines. Be .enem-
beled tb.t i! that rlre e!e. reirinq e rie ro!1d b:;nd one as e
:4ftb:r of:he rrourqeo: sj.-.
;: f.r lih.r!:.i, P:esjcenr ieaqan s;ji, ne:e1t rhrt boLh
':.- .S. r-i L isP -- rorr -: , L:: .. -.,ahr
ro ke,ap a. (r!e on snother revolrtion ro bring ab€!!
a au.dareital!st Islahi. re!.lutlon, !herp the revolurio.6ulC
:s t. L:]i :
C.:i:.ri.. ..,a:j,.i r: r..ja i. iet: inE: tr.
P.ri: ;::r::.!:, r::a.: !rait. r-, r.!td ha!4 ta.l
unre; l r st:.
vorlc f:s ?e!],..n.ei:ed, a.a tt lra:;g.oa !ninq rba: rnet, h.d
i.:r:d s:ii th61 thE rr..idlnt nad
:he sdic .rr.q tr I rn.
r i " ..d-., ,- o.e o: t_..,s.i
' Pf .r-:'i -t- t) ... alrals
sitting d.'n. onlt, a toist ior rhe dead rs qiver st6ndinq rp_9).c.
so h. t!..:ed in this rrldit]on be.:use wbat the tro
:.i:- .'' "-" -re li\rne.
thins eas that
oi then h:d accepted an
thouqh the tro of theh had not aqreed on nany thinqs, rhey had
not ctcsed the door. Thet lould cofrinle Eo rcee..
on€ of the e.rly leaders of the lj€ri..n
F:tre, r. those i.rii d.t s r.nen thet, drd n!.
c!..f.a, i.rd,
3!.ir.i s.;.ti.r.q .,: th6. rs

ielt tl,r: ri.-se r.n::.s Fr:r:r..r.i Lh€ Ntli.:C rt!sir! o: borh

.r.r.r. t i:: !riIta:-.neiii n.r ..1... nt t :he
.e.!r..: ih. f:.r:a r.r trrj:., .: rrt:i. ris

:i... .ta:s:i
rb. sia!! ..:eti,ii i.:. 1r a€: !r:
.: ra.r h:a .::::€i r::.:. v€.r t.i.
th.. :t !c!1c_ b. lrnnq r. crr.. .:tse sr.r.: ''':r.n
' ';

o -t. o ...po...t_.
beoir.!.c is aii:i.r1r. rt nor !,e here laid the
frrst lev bri.ts, he sar.r. ue hrre : netr .rart, a her phr
'" ...
e..e.:!E:tF6di'-::r he s:ri, ..!: h. ranted t. in-!f.. t5e u.s. siri
) roceth,-. !1th th. s.!iet

'd", I rL
:r,: !isdor Ne yill ftri \r3!s t.{;rc s.t!tiors.

!n !r-!=i,.!5j:r, !

f.rld h6fe be.r iriarcul: tn"r. Let !s rhen

e..1. o--n.: Ni rh oi.!r res.o.sibii-
it! !eiore .I1 the ..!ntries G.rb..her's toest
!es ior LE:rer dial.due and {hi.h lhe sorier
Li.ion ras Fie!:ared :rC hoped

." . . -o -C , .. ,1".lddy
1 o,orh o, -re.".;p,s "bo-!
:::!..: .1""
."-9harine irdividlal the cerenony there
y:'- oD,-,on, n- i,ro.srr
1: these te..iers f!.r. sinDl), pr!s'a.t and
renr t f..u. i,
.s :ar,:r. thFn a.rr:tir :!,:dr.

:h! .l.r:ar..:,.€.: s!.i. .i...ri-.r:. t.ereiorE, he ..ic, he

tnou!fi. :1:: : ..rr!n:q!. f.s o: .:ir.r... sjcni:j..n.e. rts
ta l o "
.irr.:, n.r: !€s ' "
. -,;
t. th. (.s. .i..: s.rr!r peo!1.. .fi t. rhe
!.r!ri!t c.!nriir:, 6.s!it:
. . ;.
:l.r: ..rinitmr..- t. tnel
p:r..rrl!e. ,1 r.r:r a:r.Fnt th.r r:!ja tj.. bn.:s iof :!rt
rh. i,robi!ne ir!.lved, to each .t the coo
t.r"s .llies a.c ir th. lrqisl;!:!e b.dies of both.ountrre
s.rE!--r, s.iC Gorrach.v, he:ho!dht if rhe t.ariers srarted
that thev si_ai.c, it c.!td ver! relL detra.r from the signifi-
do.urent, 5e.:!se rhere njcht eve. be an u.jortunare
!r- do .rF, F- . - 1.b6. - ""t p- . .;." ;":".. -'

rresideht Feaqan resFonded rhar h. f,eqgpd to disaqree vith

3:id that. fu11 srat.neit wouid be
2rC o!.n d..ur.:!t :!o!r wnar haa ahd had n6t achi.ved, ani abolt th!
t\en,roltC be Ire s!oo.a5!ed
Shuliz h:c i,Fen.:eaki.9 abo!t.oncer.ra the lress:na
the Ir:olean ?iess. lle seid that ii h. ard cEr.rrnl se.ret.!f
corbache! *ere the!.a :t a c€rehony, the) vr.u1c ..:
neht on the specif:c. of an,v do.ufrent. F.!.vei, h.!'! a: the
rorld had groqn .j this smit n.€tinq, and !.oFl€
shouLd not be disappointeC tr thls respect,
adreed to . st:ten€ni of one to
thr€e ninutFs'd!ration bt ea ch o: the leeders.
PresidEnt Pea9an
heer hjs not to qo i.t.

Gorbachev note.i th.t one .ther hir, nanely,

tbat havinq pr.du.ed a d.curent, the sides do
trenselwes; icmentirq on it, elen t,riefly anc 9..era1r!, vo!ic
ohly se!!e to srre.qihen arri
hent, The Pres!dert resDonaed rhat;d oi 1'e:nq s:ient, rt
for the People s. riucf, h.te ir
.f these rLeeti.e-s to r..! th.r iF:.i G!fr..J€r...
9ci19 :o..ftiru€ to neet d:s:::e
solled.ll of th. lroblens
sa:i that the .eed iele lere .:n!rl! n.r to l{'are
;rd h.!e peoFle th.L :h.r. ji:l] L'€en :.
prdgr!ss, .iC thL. h.!e the hop.-s of so n:nt lcoPl€ 6ashea,
d.rLa.he!:es!.raec r'.a t L.:i l.saers
ir. r: s!-r!.!]: :n6 the s1:!4n.._ f.uld no: ia:-
e oi ar: aer.n.€e,
1e.dr:s .ouli l. :: a.,L .rir.L_- hE .csult reiiecte.
F.:r\.hi le, '-i.

Freside.r Pe:9:r s.ia it wo!lC b.

ledde:s vould r:le rhel
tr-o :" a oood l''
at 10:10 o. l1:00 Alj, President
Reagan eallarfec that h.a preierrec prec:.e11, 17
h.urs late. he rould be atpa:ring on Lr.s. televisi.n ard qivi.g
ican pe.lie, sc the lp.oninq 6ar fo!1d cErtainly lre o.e of the
lorqesi tr..)ring d:ys.
he want.d to add oi€ Lhinq. ue hac
stiout ihe ioiiit undeisiandiiq, ana
u:s -..irc b:.1!::n. tse r.ied:i.t
iret.u.rta r. .r.: ul all 1i.h: ..
:nc h€ er:Fie....r !h€ hole ihet tb€
leaaE. f.uLd 91!F hl s DeoDle.!F:Iar instr!ctrdns sh
ih. st.lerente uoulC ae n3de i)r rhE
-pn.e c€rter !. l0 Ax
ii.r.!t,ehko askeo, is there 6.!thing !. ;rnouice?" shultz
resp.rdei th€re could b€ n.d b..n reached about
cert.rr tn1n9s; nove!er, the sovlets !e!..c{ begrnh1.g to 90
bachrard on

shevard.;cze interiected tlra! he hac a q!e5rioh of principle

it should be detail differences but
i!st nake the st3tenents in a 9-Fneral rorr' thdt he thousht that rhe Feople i.lo]w€d 'ere
not to have th€ t.jl 'aq the iox, ho{ewer, thele
and rro tails inwclved here. He said the sides
dn cmpt! docun.nt. I.deed, it rould
have.o do.urent
se.retar! sh! I t: the sorie: srd,. lras r.{
Iifk.arl1 arr.tlor th. cD I ir:r.I :q.e.ien':.
xornitenl., r:ilon.iec tha: ir !.: :: !i. f,:i:l{.t: r:nt€d
m:le tb.s: r'o thirgs a !.clac.,
si{lr: s;ro thi: il it..r!:. thr:, E!.:ri}.rnc.otrld be
a r:sr.hc ro n:ke E\iert,thrn. rrr. s!.1' . 1;nri €ver!-
Lhln9. !.rni!erkr saii tha: it t.!la i,: r.!!rll. r. sal !h't
:n. side3 haie..iPl.tei r.rr:inq sh.uid.ot be iinke.]
s.iC rhaL in..t.l!.r.. ire.aiC
P".PlE r.eLrtc:iir. t. !ini
grle i.s Pe.r le
ther. i:a!e:c b: tli..€ :li ricti.
shult?.ard yes,.tl ni9hr, €!en r: tlr.l
Nithout fo.d. !e the !,s. {as s1.d t. a.i!ii ariatlon
.oreenent srth tbe ussit, bu: there had to be in it comerciaL
t;rrs to the root financi.llt Panh, other-
thE conp6ny NoulC sinply not fty th€
(ornit.ntto said that Ieit,E.dat the soliei slde had corPro-
n!sed o. thai issle ana then'.he Il.s. had adv€n.eC l0 points
whi.h h:c rnocked everlthtnq ont oi kilter.
To Corba.h.ri's suqgestion that ereilone co.tlatre toitlnq,
Shult: saia tt;r it goci and thc !.S. .i6e uorld uork all
ir9ht ani ihat Fould ha g!eet it aoreeh.n!..!ii be achreved ani
ia th.r re;e:or F,.sstbl€, thef ther. t!EE rour{: n.t be adr€e-

Gorbacnev said he tlougha h€ drd not cohlleteIy uncerstand

atl the diaferehces trirh all of the do.!nen:s, bur in ant.evenr
he sI \. ro lii- o-. pl. 'o 5e Hd-red -v" -o
qet his a.t toqetlrer ahd sonehor ilon out these last hinute dif-
Jiculties in regard to..hese issu.s,
P:esident Reagan said th.t he and colb.che! were neetlrg for
the r!'- trne dr rlrs cval. t\Fy lad lr, lF pra.i -, ejhc-
r\e: laC n-ver doJ- )t be.'c, NpvarLhet-ss, hrvirq .-ad Ete
hlsto'y oi previous suMit meetilgs he had concrud.d that rhose
earl:ei leadols b.d not do.e very rDch. Therefore, he slggesred
rhat \- dnd c.rba-h-v ea), "ro helj wrrh 'hE pdsr,i v- l] do r.
our lay and qet sonethrnq d6ne.
corbachev con.urr,.d The conv€rsati.n bloke up;t r0:30

k!) r iar HoDrriDs ani

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