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To pr.vid. r pt'e ASCE for rublic,rio! ot r..hnc.t
'irhbrr.y watrrnr pubric.tiotr rn
$ y.r. ro r[. poi.! *h.r. ASc€ p,.*.dti$ prF. r1 ity]lior
rala.a .h. rudicdion ot T.chnist Nor6 wrs rurioized by rheB.! DYNAMIC SolL RE^cr0NS FoR PLANII
16 13. 1967.uod., rh. folowjnssuidcrift. Sluur C.lsr
l. ,{tr rrli 1 q!.u$np' rnd rao cdoils rr. bc s!6mrGd ro I B y V i l ot \orrk .' U A C C F fol or\l \oB rmt'
Ptrbnclions, !J E*r 1? 'o iDd ftkh'Y Abor|-Etl''
rh. ru$o..barir ^sca.
be coNid..d rr: T.chaicrlNdr..
r Thc lk copi.s$lrb.&nr (5n ippr.r ar.T.chnn:l D^ision ror r.i.x.
3. la rh. Ddcbn rppiov.. rn. coitribututr n' ruhticli.n. n 5h.

1. Tn k!i.i.d psbucariois safl t' ,

*lulofln.J,/zc|'rft.r'oFIo Ihe r.soJn'e 6l an .nbedd'd bodt ro dlnamrc oad" cd bc p'?diLrcd rr
J. Ert!as: Ndc G rd ro e:c..d 1 ,u.r in rh. ./o!,,,a
I .**'""' rhe rr'l ro rh. mo!"n ol lhc bod) rre tnown
ThF p"l''
!"d fuu fttr!.crpr prc. !t rx!. rll,t.. .! rGu( i rh. cqun.knr o , 'n.
prc{d" d
"f d !u,rc4 !!!r-!S!]nr: rh! e'r b rrr hdtnu
6. fie T.cntucl Nor.s ?itr b. !!.
7 Lrimatron
t Slgll!.
m!i ri on ol cn (mbedd.d (l rndnrJ r mo) t1lretn' u' rnof
i "oc l s ri i rl Ii mri -
$5116 a foJ,f..hiica Norr j 'u "o n 'r '"e "'r 'i h 'r
3. r1l. nrr &r.'.riuvrt ; ; ; ; , ; 1 1 ; '. - r '; s( h

oR wnich r Di - ..r Eft:t';! "
wilir €achi-hoi.rl Nore. "i a l g l d c ) l 'n d cr e - ( r e n d r n s ,l pqr44gnq or ro'ircl!-ro'nd
"* i q Iti n r tn r l m .i n
i n
r sn 'n e
d r Jm I n d 'r g o * u n r o n
r0 T..r'jar Noki {jt b. inctu r r b 'tt'o d a t. l m 'r tr 'l h e n {'a n d e '"l o p tr r h '
llLw $bjed &r drlb! r n l s t m m <r a ta l l h e d r l 9
p!4l PdpcnrlrdlJi ro th-eo||ad orl a utur rh\'ner' of rh' m''l um ncco!
l!.e !! $rrn e"!' sn rfnr"r'h q'
Th.'aro*rlp4for rech.rcal Not r o(n n c' rn.tulo\i.a ra-bt!a!!!drjsg-.!r " 'nrdd 'Lrh
l o r l o n e fi d 'n r l l 'r c'a l a n d i \Jn n '"h m o tL )
i ; . 1 J s . d b ! Em i o v 'n 'o n '
-f"" and Sacns lor rorsron {2) lde sgar@c! i! '!c"€d
, ,ra U" d'.
""i "t o o d cs s a ") ste m 'r '( $ "v to i n l l d ' r 'L e n sl

2 Th..urhor3fdl !.m., socj.ry rlcEr.e n.ios rrslir i.- il' ,'r
{ "u * * " m'drum 'n d mfin r' ho{oBe
..ployomr mu .lr on rF. fiFr r.s. or rt. man.sipr (A{ho^ iecd n.r b. s(nr, J,,rp.g. - *,rhf"*'.pu-t tc l,Jtab' 60
"dopt.dwirh ,'cqucnc! ind'pendanr '( n'knd drdprB
I 1.$ripr is b t submir.d !. M o4nrl.dpy lvnt
duplrcder,h&r ( ryp.d
on oie sdc 6i3.r/2'n. c20 fritby lr i, (230_fro)*hrc b.nd p:per.
"."". ^u,oi,.J
a..ol"er'Pf,h. c)hndcr r' riaid nrJlar' m&<6' 3'd mfini''ir
i l i . . 'J .r ,i i ;;" t' a to ".r u cr * ccn cr ''n a cr a n d "Jr r m cJ'd n r "'4 r h '
Tt l.!.r synb.& B.d n!! b. d.nn.!l vh.'. rtly ji fi a , , i r i e m e"n. . ' r r c '- a t: r h ' \'h ''r '!n r \ h a m o n
' b e n a 'i '3 l r 4 !&'r c
.rph.bdic{1rrin.n \rr.ndir. NohliD i- , r '. * ,* ".o .* - o rj tt. r o l r ( o n p 'e s'n e d r s m 'r
ols d{ b. us.d I Howevcr. th€ iesulls nav be uscd as approxidl'€ for matrv
plblsb.d by rh. an{iq, t;o r n g u 'fi n n c 'l e p l h o r n p 's Th 'r e
.".rr 'a n r cp i l c
' " l a.- * a * a
. - " . - ." t . i 'a . ".. ,h ;r r h " d p D '$ ch cd n 8 've v* v tcsm 'b '? k"u l r '
6.]rll* rd bc ryrd Go orSmrt n6bon aln $o rrupli<d. c.r*t
t. roi. '" ""e
8 ..,
io rhc companion gapcr on pil€s ?nbeld€d in
on on. d. Df e,r/1-i.. (r:ctu) hr ri id p3$n,m) prp.r -ry sp.aric .rpLMrion nN! b.
s.d? rh.'.! for.ach r!bt.. r,rcrca -"t .cai" ""..t. (l) Tt€ d.rivltions ar. pr€s'nl'd hct! in a bri'f forn as the]
1. F'isu4r dun bc d*rn in brackinr on on. ride or &r /2{ r2?ltnn) by | | $ (2&r_nij) r" ir.i a*,. (r,2):tr.eva'c civ'! io nor' derailin i'f'

-i'"i-li.' -lurion
in. 1rl0 mn), rt. Lrcn.s D6r b. rar.e .noush ! h. r.gibr. d rhi, eidrr thor.snrl,! dur
be srb,nnr.d .s glasr princ Errrruto., .id d.3nir.ns n
. l;ll;,h":: ;.1'*l;::ili'll"'i.,i:.: .Iin:l'i"i:;'l:l"ill'
i."l.i L n bn ""n a v'cM l c' D '!r "o ' P''c"r r d '
3 R.f...ncs.n.d ii ..rr rln b. ryred r |h. cnd .r rh. T.chlt .',h .En&n..'vn' (u \. rvr' a sus
"'r '* r :.u r rc*
, r '* * - ..,'ii';
Li',ii" '. i l.iri,i
" "i ,.-* t.. n*

e Dmr uo$ tt . , u. s .r{!fury t.ltos.d by si (nr.m, rut syleh) !ni6 h lr.dlr.,sl
,h. P r..d,.4, at 4\t l
ilj:lr- " " :"""'
;il.;;t;i lt::::"::,,T,:'.:t'i.l,i'tl1'?li'"1.
' i i " i i .;.i t s'"! F! . uh) or
952 '*
!!u.rios ol Motio. oi vilcodr(ic Mcdiud th' equatio's
ol mor' n or
n. d, ud w, t h hv ( t . '. u c t \ P < d d m f n e c o n b e o b r a 'n c d
1 EM4

r *O
" u ^ i . r fn's't.g
".d,crl 'o
/.,e! $nh hodonrti d'3r!Dcc tn'l thc mstenr

"l .4 l h '
ot'.i "e p'r unit l'nc'h
cn N

b fcEn 'c
= c' d' 'd'l frpEss'ns rhi' str'sr
hun vlnish Urias Eq a

tnc cynndc' 6
l h '
= r' ro.mphudc

' D d cr ' d c co n p r '!


' ". * ; "; ; . i' . an. l' { r c nc du n b ) r h ' L c n i { @ n r i n 's ( ' t4 ; )

, h. . "r ", ' "* . ' 'o m n h m e n r"r 'D6'
s Thls Lnecquariotrs .. . ' (5)
i'..i"*r,i,i"r'**r'.tt""ro.ptusc).onpoq'nis. k - = 2 \ c \t+tD ) .t' vft
oi nolion or $c vGcoelasli.4.dia in ctiindticll coordnal's ar'
aA Z(G+ iG ) aa. ln !q. J. rh. conplcr din'dionlcss fr'qucdct
tfr+2r)+t(\'r'2c')l--, -i

L^d.. t ^ q tv In * h i cb t/. th . sb cd ' w a 'c vcto cr r ro t so r r - V? tp

- Lq r c;b. rcw,irL.trm. mm @nt'nicnr rorn as
j|. z1c+;c )!L ii:"ii" , .i'r"".a
t(r + ro) + i(r'+ 2a')l
ao, a'u (16) l
+ 2 (G + i G )- ' t) a l
2G + ie'l a
aa r_-- I
l{i + 2c) + i(r' + 2G',)l-
2 \C + i c ) a a , a't
. , o! and u , = compo'cnts or

h {tich l = volunc .lss': e't
'.l..ivc . 2 Frod - €qs' I th' soil r'adrons ro rl|c
;ot.tioMl v&to. si"e", s. in Rrr
.r *" .yrita* * be obraire<ia'd tornBllted h ic'ns of codtl'x
i.i"" sssoci.tcd wnh ildivid!.l vibradon modcs
tr'dersoes arjslm-
S;i srifl'6s in v€rlh.l vlhrrtion.-when rhe ncdiln ri
in rh. diteciior o' th€ tIh lFis' I(')1' 'n! = =
nclncd notion 'vlindcr ' I
0 dd Eqs. I .cduce to l

tG + rc ' t\
/l d d'\ a'
t1r' /) (2) I
+,; .
,+ ;;)* t,,)= p ' ,
n, wlich G !!d i/ ar.,.cspi*i*lv. th. real dnd imnsinarvpans of tL' €odplcx

C' = C+ 16' : O ( l + , t ln3) i
o / C, o .o\q inPh rnd l V-l: | - rdJiJ' lir rr
r her . r an 6 I
a""r*"t*, ot sorl Indcp'aJ'nr or 0 r I'T' anJ p mas\
".".t por br e' it ) D, = Ln 6 = 6 *r l l b ' u s t n l o d 'n u r ' h v l l c r e r '(
dr ns it \
'';. :
.".0.. ,l'*';"a
, r h. dr ; qal $t uL@
wiLh \h'rr *ave'
o l t - q ) r o r l
m r l 'r L
wrh harmoni' ror'on 'r' I '
J (* " ( ''
w= AKo( v ) + Rl, \ ' . )
2erc of comPlex
I!: lt)ctrind"; (t' v'dr"lJ lc) xon'o't'rj ld)
in ylicn r^ a.d .I" ro the nortified Bc$€l fucrioos of ordcr rrc. 1.-torrrjon.nd
4 .odstanls'f"ou1{'!drravelingvavts rhed'splacenenG
t" = 6 l s -,(d o ,D ,) + rs-:(zo.r,,l (?)
I r{-c';ls.'(4o,D,)+ts(la.D,rl'""(e}

in *nich C, zo, ed 5-,...r...a1 Th. valuc,5", r.Prscnts stiffn'ss "-t. - whi(h dl .reDr '
d b rcsl Th. vrlu.3 S.'.r .r' *ow' ir Fis l
ln rn's 4k (F'8 1{'ll o'lv = 0

I s"rr s,nr.* li Hor|lonlrl vlbdtlo!

.dd S-1 rcp.eenls d.4Pins, Thi. vrriation in ao and D, tic shovn i' lig It bv ncet of rto
2 Soii r.sislsre 10 motio! , .'- is fi.n * * r . '' .nd rhc eluliod is obteincd from Eqs- ld sd lordtrl
a@do.s. Th. conpl.x bonzo tl 3lirt.$..]r!.d toaq r lcnglhofti' ciin"r StilTr..! h Tordd,-WitL pu.. toBionrl vilr.lion of rh. ncdiln rround
lhc vcnic.l rri! of thc cvlindq. v : * = 0 and lh. s'l(io. is sidilar 1o
I 1


i flc a.- rdbnul SrKln'r' Otmtlnr p'r'm'r'B s
Fl6, Sritln....nd O.mpi.9 P.6m.r.B s" Il
..,), 7

FlC. s.-Foddtrt Stlllm.! .nd Drmpin, tr..m'i'r S.

k ,= " c a a T . 00)
fl6- !.-ror.ion.l Sriltn... tnd o!mpi.! ?.6m'r'6 sr
in wlich$ rtctor
lhal of rlic !.ni.dt cas. TL .onplca to6ronal sriflnc$ ..h(.d 10 . udil or
l.trgtL of th. .ylind.r is aK Jbi tKlait + 4i K Jbi )r!(a;) + DiKJ'i )(, ('; ) ( )
, T='
r-=2'o,;.rr rro-r r- a"'l:"'l
L r,(d;)l
1 rl r.o;jr,r";l * o; r,ta;)(o(a;)+ ,;ai ro(,t)l(J4;)
w bc, . 6; - r - -
i t=
[i1t -i
. -
\ r
' 'ze'
,, ", - _ 1c
( ,2 )

This erplcssio. .an b. evalMled and r.wnlren .s

95 8 Au cl rsr 1978
Eq' l0 can be rcwntten as 2. Nqv.t. M , and Sachs,K , "To6ional and Colplcd Vibr.Lons of Enb.ddcd FNritS' '
S.p.riii.g rhe r.!l.nd ,maeintv plr|s of I I
l,t.d"lion'l Jotrh.l of Eaabqra*. tagi^.eti\ o.d Sttu trtal,l.atr.i ,ohn w'l'l
D )] - {' 3) & S orcLtd. IondoD tns l s nd, N o I v ol : l c Tl l n l l \r
r " = c [.i " ,(4 " ,,,D )+ i s ,r(d 0 ,! U r' F, l mpc d.o!. l udE bol P i l .s i ' l ,v .tc d v .dl
I N o!$,M,,.dA boul
to tarc
in $ l u c h S,.,i d 5 " , a ' . r.d l In m .nv ctses.rr or) bc a!< epl abl e lo'aol o{ th. l:qin xint tt..han'cs Di'JL^, AscE, vol to4, N. EMl. Proc.
: D T h . v rn .fi o n s o f s_, and s" , i n,.. ( Ionen-s tati oi Procr ll34?, lun., 1478.PP &l-661
D, D , ' 4 \;vl r. M.. j \"s !mi , T. tnd A bol l LIs f . qrdm,c S o,l R ?r.r.onstor P hn. S ' rn
, a.. showdin Fig. 4.
Soir S,in* In Ro;tlo6,-]f lb. soil panicles vibratc in $d dircction o'
: I = 0 and
I C..c-" R.port, BLWT'|-77, F.culty oa Enei...ring, Th. Uriv.tsnv
ofW.srern Onrario, London, Ottari!, Canad.. Junc l9?7. pp I 26
$; cvnnd!'.tls in an intisvtrnd.ical rashio' IFig l(l)1, / I 5. V.ld5os. A. S.,.nd Verbic, 8., V ilntion of ViscchsG F.rnd^ions tntetn.tianat
rt, solldon i5 also similar to th.t cf 1n' v'nical caseand vrelds l.t,hzl of E.d^q!ak. E\tr..n" t'd Strucltat Dtnddi.' 1616 rril.J & Son! Lrd .
i" ta', - O.
'.i ,
!ondo!, Ensland, Vol. 2, N!. I, 1971,pp. 8? t02
th. stirnols in roration(rockin8)
I K. ( d; ) |
r.=r 6. ill+ iD. ) l d; - + rl

which c.d b. r.wtt.n as

t.= G.ils.,(a.,r,) + 's,r(,o.t,)l
variationsof the real p.rad.1..s Sj, and Sar 'n do and D, are shownln fis
Ev.h.tiotr of Modilied Functiotr3-The nodified Bcss'l fun'tions ol INrrrALPosr-Bucx:-lNc oF HNGELESS
ttre tna arsunenrr cln b. lvaiull'd from d'sc fo'nuhs CIRCULAT ARCH

=-l'"1.,1.# [-r] -(";-")l

.",', i (;)"
8r Robe.rS.tddt,' M. AscE
( l6)

",='.>(;)" .'(";.'
>)l I Koilcr's {.U-kno*n thco.y (5) of innial post-bucklin8 behavior of structurcs
has bcen {id€ly us.d ir th. an.lysis oa sb.lls, pl.!cs,, coludns, rin8s.
ror lrl = 1.0, .bhl t.rns in thc trcc€dinesencscrve suifici'nl accuracv; and sh.llow srcbes. R.cently. Dym (4) amlied it lo nonshallow .ncubr a..hcs
a !a*.r numb.( of lcms is n..ded for lrl > 3 0 subjccr.d to a consranl'dir.cdonal p'.ssu.., qhich he andvzed on lhe bas$
of approximslc nonlircar .qu.tioos. This Dotc is codccm.d ei1n lhe initial
SuMM^iv Cot.Lvsois pos..brcllitrs bc!.!ior of, .ncular, hish_nscarchcs of unifo.n
ts cross scctio! subjcc(.d to a lniford .xlcrnal ga prcsslt? Calculaliotrs d.
R.sistanccof soil ro harnonic noliod of a' infinnclv lorg cviind'r pcraormcd on rhc b.sis ot.! cnct thcory 13,?) wilh rh€ aid of an asvhptori.
ih.orlri..llv i. rcms visco'irsri'ilv clos'd{om solurion
in;;i;.;d mcrhod lhat contails el€m.nts of thc lechdiqucs of ualysis lsed bv Bldia.slv
ir.&';€d qhich rhc compi.x srirn.sscscan be ct'llar'd The num€n'ar and thlchinson (l), CIic, (2), ad Reissn.r (6) or Thompso. Md Hunt (8).
**l rhose ob!!i;ed b: me$s o' r!' co'resPondenc! pnnciPl€
."".1i" Thc ,rprorimate end resuh in thc form ofe r.ltlively simllc fornul.
'-'v"rc,i"L a.-ping ..n!""s rhc sriar'€ss.nd indcasestotll danpins M'rerial
tn i ornonaland (r-cki n8)modc'
d rd rn r b o ,ri ' c u l t' i t s ,g n i rrc anr " rarron' l
d b * ;i m ;N i o n l 6 s r!.q u .(F r $ n! om6si onaai t' \uk i n unrc' ]nri c' rr\
io* or ror"r a"-ping. For Poisson'sratiosB'c!r" lhan abou 0 43 .tbc
'"to"' seirncsscan_di;idsh {ith fr.qucncv ed b"on' evcn ne8ativ€ Th. sufficiedr,y goveming eqratlots for rh. Problet utde. considfration
io;.onr'r can be la:en tron Refs. 3 and ?:
This p.oc.!s is a@clerat.d by m.t.ri.l damptD8
Ndt . DccussonooenuRril.rduarv 1, 1979To qt.'d th. closing.Lr. onc non.h.

r wrnr.. nusa b€ a.n *iin $. Edrot ol tcchnidl Publicarons.ASCE. Tt6
Atlrux.-FE€*N.E5 D , D . ,F N n ;l i h ..o p ]r u l kd Jo u m :l cIr h . L n s) a ..n n g M .ch t Bn i !n 'o n Pr @'d D s(
o l r h . A n . n cr n 5 ( r r yo t.'r l fn s'n ..^ r o l l 0 4 ,N o L M 4 A g J! l o /3 V,n u ( .'i Pr
A, On.hc Cslcllanon of ar Embc'ld'd Folndarion (inRussd') v'lr'r' rx subnirt.d fo' rcvi.w f.. ,ossiblc,uhli€!i.{ on Oc.ob..25, 197t.
' B,rm.v,v rPror of Ensrs M.cna.i.., ofCrv. a,srE, Univ or D€uoir,Dcton, M'ch.
;'t"|iii', pi.i.;;'iv; I'nnur' of Ri*! Larviare6Tpt r'5-20e
14 Porltcchnicar

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