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When Does the Soul

Enter the Body?

Finding God in Your Family, by Mary Kretzmann

When Does the Soul Enter the Body?
Excerpted from: Finding God in Your Family, by Mary Kretzmann

Children ask about the beginning of life. It may come up after they heard something on the
schoolyard, and when we the parents aren't quite ready for it. It might be sparked by things
in movies, discussions at school, or by items in the news. And, of course it comes into
discussions with teens, regarding dating and the other sex, etc. (I'll address that topic more
deeply in another chapter.) So this question can come up in various ways in a child's life,
and it is helpful to be able to provide more than just the clinical "facts of life" to a child,
but also a little bit of the spiritual aspects.

The information in this chapter is foundational for nearly any stage of parenting in which
you currently find yourself as you read this book. It is especially helpful if you are hoping
soon to start your own family, or to add to your current family. If that is indeed the case,
may your prayers for a spiritual child be guided and blessed, for all such souls serve to
uplift the general vibrations of the planet, and in that way, bless us all.

My husband and I, very newly married, first heard Swami Kriyananda mention this topic
in a spiritual seminar the very first week that we moved to Ananda Village. I was deeply
struck by the information because I loved children very much, and we wanted to start a
family sometime soon. In addition, I had most recently worked in a preschool and was very
aware of the individuality of the children there; this seemed to go well beyond whatever
the parents could have done to influence the children once they were born to them. Some
kids could only be explained by the fact that they were born way, with certain qualities
already established.

I loved all of the kids, and the "difficult" ones even more, in a way, due to the amusing
charm of their individual natures. But honestly, when you work in a preschool surrounded
by 24 children, the thought of becoming a parent can begin to look a bit like a mild form of
Russian roulette. We sign on for a very long and expensive contract as parents; this goes
well beyond the financial costs, which are legend, but also includes our intense
conscientious care and attention for the better part of 2 decades. So, I was happy to know
that parents could influence matters by praying for a spiritual child to be born to them. At
the time, the tender age of 23, I thought "spiritual" might also mean "easier on the parent."

Many years later, I can now say it is not necessarily always easier, but at least the children
will likely be receptive to the spiritual values in your heart and soul, giving a deeper sense
of purpose and fulfillment to this intense life commitment. I now see that when we invite
spiritual souls into the family, there is an increased responsibility to follow through with
appropriate spiritual support and training. This, of course, is the topic of this book, and it
is an ongoing process of discovery. It was my nature to want to do these things; still, I was
only later struck by the fact that it was my responsibility to do them, as well.
Paramhansa Yogananda addressed the point of when the soul enters the body in numerous
writings. Most of them go way beyond what you need to tell a child, no matter what age.
Those deeper writings are for married couples desiring to pray in a special way at the point
of conception, in order to invite a spiritual child to their family. (Of course, the love,
goodness, and spiritual devotion of a couple also serve as a divine magnet, helping to
draw a more spiritually receptive child.) The story below carries the essence of this deep
truth, and frames it in a simple manner that can be broken down and used appropriately,
depending on the age of the child.

Swami Kriyananda was often present when Paramhansa Yogananda spoke privately with
disciples, received visitors, or discussed his writings. These conversations are recorded in
his book, Conversations with Yogananda. This question of life is addressed in entry #177:

It is a common belief these days that until a child is actually born, it is

not yet a consciously developing human being. This belief is fallacious.

"When does the soul enter the body?" someone asked the Master.

"At the moment of conception," he replied. "When the sperm and

ovum unite, there is a flash of light in the astral world. Souls there that
are ready to be reborn, if their vibration matches that of the flash of
light, rush to get in. Sometimes two or more get in at the same time, and
the woman has twins, triplets, or even - well!

"It is important, therefore, to come together

physically with an uplifted consciousness. That flash
generated in the astral world reflects the couple's
state of consciousness, especially as they felt during
the moment of physical union."

Conversations with Yogananda: RECORDED, WITH


Interestingly, in his teachings of the Bhagavad-Gita, Paramhansa Yogananda said that the
moment the sperm and ovum unite is when a soul is "born" to this plane;
therefore that is the ideal moment from which to draw an astrological
chart. However, since that is highly impractical, using the moment of the
baby's first breath is the second best option and is considered only to be
approximate. (For this reason, and others, he said only a God-realized
Master can do an astrological chart with complete accuracy.)

Some sensitive, intuitive parents do report feeling the soul being born to
their family in that moment, and that it feels like a fully conscious
presence that then becomes the baby. Some parents say they can sense
something of the soul's strengths and challenges, and how to best guide
that soul, once he or she is born and ready for the School of Life.
It is by no means every devotee parent who feels these things at conception, but it does
happen and it helps shine some light on this topic. However, many sensitive women do feel
something of the child’s nature during the pregnancy itself, when the mother’s body is
home to two souls in two bodies—one being the baby’s tiny body held within her own.
Each body is sacred; each has it’s own spinal centers and is therefore “made in the image
of God.” These spinal centers, or Chakras, contain the memories and lessons of lifetimes,
making it is possible for the sensitive mother to feel some of the inner nature of the child
held within her own body. The mother affects the baby, and the baby affects the mother.

I remember feeling this rather strongly after the birth of my elder son, who has a strong
quality of peace. As a devotee, I was attracted to the quality of inner peace, and was glad to
feel that I was “progressing” in this during his pregnancy. However, there was a
pronounced change after he was born. What I had felt to be an inner quality of my own
was now outside of me! I felt like my “normal” self again, and I was amused and only
slightly dismayed to realize, “Hmmm— there is my ‘inner peace’—lying on the bed.”

There is also a budding science on prenatal bonding, based on communication and

stimulation of the baby in the womb. It is pioneered by Rene Van de Carr who teaches
parents how to stimulate their unborn babies through music and other exercises at his
Prenatal University in California, USA. In his book While You Are Expecting: Your Own
Prenatal Classroom, he writes, "Interaction between the (yet to be born) baby and its
environment stimulates brain growth both before and after birth." These things, combined
with the fully alive movements of a baby in the womb, confirm that “personhood” begins
well before birth, for the things that happen while in the womb can directly affect a child’s
development, both emotionally and intellectually.

Birth cannot create life: it simply creates emergence, and breath, of the already alive being.
Life itself began long before birth, at conception. Paramhansa Yogananda also taught that
when the flash occurs (when the sperm and ovum unite) the new body starts to create the
medulla oblongata, the seat of the "ego" in the body. He sometimes referred to the ego as
the "soul identified with the body." Interestingly, I first heard about some of the
metaphysical aspects of the medulla in a pre-med Anatomy and Physiology class at
University of New Hampshire, in the 1970's. The professor, in front of 500 students, said
that the medulla is the most metaphysical point in the body and it is also called the "mouth
of God” and it is where life force enters the body. I later heard these things and more when
I came on this spiritual path, and I have since wondered if my professor
had read Yogananda's teachings.

Some of these things can be given to a child in small doses whenever

the "birds and the bees" questions come up. They appreciate this image
of a flash of light that calls the child's soul to the parents. You know
your child, and you will know if and when to share any of these things.
It is comforting for the child to know that we are always the soul, but
sometimes we have a physical body, and sometimes—such as after
death and before life— we have an astral body, made of energy and
light. I have seen these ideas help many children, young and old.
Even though human eye, unassisted, cannot view life at the early prenatal stage, it has
always existed this way. Now technology, developed by our own God given intelligence,
allows us to see the humanity of each tiny life. Similarly, true spiritual knowledge is
eternal—though it is often hidden from our current understanding.

This knowledge can serve children as they grow older and must make moral decisions in
their personal lives, as well as in ethical questions that come up in an ever-advancing,
scientific age. May it serve as a guiding light in weighing out pros and cons of various
issues, and help stem the tide of pronounced spiritual relativism that sometimes enters such
debates. This chapter, however, is intended primarily to offer spiritual insight to guide your
children and teens. May it inspire them to make wise choices, thus sparing them painful
choices soon after. This is best done through conserving the sexual energy, which I will
explain more deeply in a following chapter. Suffice it to say that there is a silver lining to
this supposed “cloud” of wise restraint, for it creates a spiritual, magnetic force that helps
draw two souls together who are well suited for each other. For the more spiritually
inclined, the conservation of sex force, combined with certain deep prayers, can help them
find “the one”—and young people everywhere still believe in that, and want that.

It is truly a gift to us all that Paramhansa Yogananda, a God-realized Master, made so many
teachings available regarding all areas of life. As the age progresses, these things will work
themselves into the general knowledge of the culture, at least for sincere seekers. It is
already happening in many ways. Swami Kriyananda writes:

Paramhansa Yogananda was sent on earth with a divine message for this
age...His mission was to complete the message of Kriya Yoga. The first
disciples of Kriya Yoga practiced the divine technique in the privacy of
their own homes. Theirs was a hidden role, intended to build the
magnetism of this great gift of God's to the world. Yogananda's coming
was intended to complete that mission by showing Kriya Yoga in Action.
In this role, his life was strongly reminiscent of similar roles that he
played in lifetimes as an instrument of God. For it is not enough that a
few people take the Kriya teachings within themselves, only. The full
effect of these revolutionary teachings must be directed outward also.
Their role is, thereby, to transform society itself.

What the world needs now is a general uplift of consciousness. Such, our
Masters have declared, is the function of the new rays of energy and
consciousness that are entering the planet at this time. The role of Kriya
Yoga is not intended only to inspire a few people to withdraw from
outward activity and seek inner union with God. Its role is to show
mankind how to live together on earth in higher awareness.

As I reflect on these things, I recall the old saying, "The hand that rocks the cradle rules the
world." As spiritual parents we are given the special opportunity to uplift the hearts and
minds of our children. These efforts have a profound effect not only on our own little
families, but also gradually on our entire earth family.
For further inspiration:

 Praying to Conceive a Spiritual Child, by Mary Kretzmann

A Way To Awakening This online video series is from a television

program filmed in India, in which Swami Kriyananda reads passages from
the book, Conversations with Yogananda. Highly recommended. Each
show is about 25 minutes and includes the story, a short talk, and music.
Sometimes we watch these as a family, and new shows are added each

Energization Exercises & Testimonials

The Land of Golden Sunshine, By Swami Kriyananda. In this

intensely affecting parable, Lisa, a young girl, is asked to choose
between two eternally contrasting worlds: that of material pursuits and
that of endless happiness and love…

Life’s Little Secrets – For Children, By Swami Kriyananda

Prayer-Demands for Children, By Paramhansa Yogananda

Finding God…in Your Family, By Mary Kretzmann

“Thou Art With Me”: Spiritual Interpretation of the Lord’s Prayer by

Paramhansa Yogananda; Psalm 23 in the Chakras, Jesus Prayer
Meditation, Psalm 91: Divine Protection, by Mary Kretzmann; The
Beatitudes, by Swami Kriyananda, more…

“Healing With Divine Energy” Seminars, with Mary Kretzmann

“Living With Sprit” Summer Program

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