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Tuesday, May 5, 2009, commencing at 7:34 p.m.

Salmon River Committee Room
4 Floor, 20338 – 65 Avenue, Langley, BC


Acting Chair, F. Pepin

T. Annandale, M. Camparmo, E. Jantzen, J. Megahy, G. Muller, B. Sommer and

J. Watt

Council Representative:
Councillor Fox

P. Crawford, E. Horricks, J. Robertson and S. Carneiro


1. Distribution of Heritage Advisory Committee Binders to New Members

F. Pepin welcomed M. Camparmo, E. Jantzen and J. Megahy to the Heritage

Advisory Committee. There was a round table of introductions.

E. Horricks provided the new members with Heritage Advisory Committee binders
for their information and reference.


1. Heritage Advisory Committee

May 5, 2009

Moved by T. Annandale,
Seconded by J. Watt,
That the Heritage Advisory Committee adopt the Agenda of the May 5, 2009
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1. Heritage Advisory Committee

April 7, 2009

Moved by G. Muller,
Seconded by T. Annandale,
That the Heritage Advisory Committee adopt the minutes of the April 7, 2009



1. Heritage Planner’s Report

E. Horricks reported the following:

• Heritage Advisory Committee Webpage on Township’s Website

A webpage has been secured on the Township’s website for the Heritage Advisory
Committee and Committee member’s names will be published on the webpage
shortly. Members were asked to notify E. Horricks this week if they have any
objection to their name being published.

E. Horricks informed the members that a photograph of the committee will be taken
for the webpage in June or September depending on the anticipated attendance.

Members were asked to offer ideas regarding what that they would like to see
included on the webpage by contacting E. Horricks with their suggestions.

• Advertising on the TOL Website

As a follow-up to a discussion at the last meeting, E. Horricks advised that all
announcements posted on the Township’s website have to be submitted through a
staff liaison. She noted that the lead time for receiving completed items is a
minimum of 2 weeks, and stated that she would be happy to assist in posting
announcements related to heritage week and other heritage events that arise
throughout the year.

• Community Heritage Resources

E. Horricks is compiling a list of heritage partners and resources that exist in the
Township and requested input from the members regarding organizations or
resource people who might be interested in providing input in planned discussions,
attending round-tables, being involved in heritage events or serving on Committee
task forces. Suggestions for this resource list can be emailed to E. Horricks before
the next meeting.
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2. Museum Service Manager’s Report and Presentation on the Museum

J. Robertson circulated a copy of his report to members of the committee.

• He provided a brief overview of the Langley Centennial Museum’s current

programs and exhibits. He also emphasized the importance of re-
establishing partnerships for the museum in and around the community. He
noted that the majority of the programs at the museum are driven by school
programs and volunteers.

• He advised that the biggest challenges facing the museum are the current
space limitations in housing the collection and providing adequate storage
space for artefacts. He noted that as a brand new facility is not in the
immediate future, they are looking at creative ways of adding storage space
within the existing building. One option being explored is to extend the
exterior front wall of the museum up to King Street.

• He reported that he had a joint meeting with I. Mugridge, Chair, Heritage

Advisory Committee and Mayor Green since the last meeting. Mayor Green
requested that a working group be formed to look into the museum’s various

• Councillor Fox suggested that the working group be included in the Work

• J. Robertson also stressed the need for improved signage for the Museum in
Fort Langley to increase awareness of its location and assist potential visitors
to find it with greater ease.

3. Captain Jackson Commemoration

E. Horricks reported that budgeting has been secured for most aspects of the
Captain Jackson Commemoration project. The Canadian War Graves Commission
grant of $375 will be used to restore the Jackson memorial stone.

E. Horricks presented powerpoint slides to the members showing the design of the
proposed interpretive bronze plaque, which follows the same format of the existing
plaques located at the other four memorial tree sites in the Township. She indicated
that an additional amount of $950 will be required to pay for it and noted that Andrew
Jackson, nephew of Captain Jackson, has agreed to send out a fund raising letter to
various organizations, and if he is unsuccessful in raising funds, the family has
committed to pay for the plaque. The wording on the plaque has been provided by
Warren Sommer.

Slides of two different indigenous species of trees identified as appropriate choices

for a memorial tree in this location were reviewed by committee members for their
historical significance and aesthetic characteristics. The tree is to be located, along
with the historic stone, base and plaque, at the proposed site on 24 Avenue near
256 Street in Aldergrove adjacent to the original Jackson farm.
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Moved by J. Watt,
Seconded by M. Camparmo,
That a Red Maple tree be planted in memory of Captain Jackson.

It was also recommended that staff undertake a report or presentation to Council on

behalf of the HAC.




1 Heritage Advisory Committee – Terms of Reference

A letter to the Heritage Advisory Committee from I. Mugridge regarding the

Committee’s Terms of Reference was circulated with the agenda package.

E. Horricks noted that the committees under discussion were formed under a
previous bylaw prior the enactment of Bylaw 4700, and therefore are not referenced
in the new bylaw.

The draft letter recommends the following to Council:

1) that the Heritage Advisory Committee be permitted to continue the review of its
mandate, terms of reference through the remainder of the summer and make
detailed recommendations to Council in the late fall;

2) that the previously existing committees, constituted by the former Community

Heritage Commission under the previous bylaw, are permitted to continue their
work as necessary until the new terms of reference have been approved by
Council; and

3) that the following committees retain their current membership until they are
reconstituted or discontinued:

- Land Use and Planning Committee;

- Douglas Day Committee;
- Museum Advisory Committee.

Councillor Fox reported that Bylaw 4700 will accept amendments that are submitted
to and adopted by Council in future. He indicated that until such time that the HAC
makes their terms of reference submission to Council in the fall the committees
continue as constituted.

B. Sommer pointed out that the museum falls under the Recreation, Culture and
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Parks Division and therefore should not report as a sub committee to the Heritage
Advisory Committee. She noted that such a reporting relationship does not align
with the operational aspects of the museum and is therefore illogical under the new
corporate structure. Workplan items for the museum would be better addressed
through a more independent Museum Advisory Committee or with a Recreation,
Culture and Parks Advisory Committee.

Discussion ensued and it was suggested that links between different aspects of
heritage are important for purposes of sharing information and knowledge and that it
is important to continue to bring these historical components of heritage in the
Township to the HAC in a liaison role, at the very least.

It was also noted that the process for assigning members to sit on these various
committees will need to be worked out further in the Terms of Reference for the

Moved by B. Sommer,
Seconded by J. Watt,
To include “under the Heritage Advisory Committee” to the last sentence of
I. Mugridge’s letter and send the letter to Council for information only.

2. Committee Work Plan for 2009

E. Horricks reported that she had not received everyone’s feedback regarding
prioritization of the work plan items identified by committee members for 2009 and
requested that they be sent to send to her by Friday, May 8th at the latest.

The Draft Work Plan was discussed and the following suggestions made:

• Councillor Fox suggested dividing the Work Plan into two parts, one that has
on-going work and a second section showing items having 2009 as deadlines;

• The Terms of Reference should be the first priority item of the Work Plan;

• The first phase of the proposed Review of the Consolidated Township Heritage
Listing as a first step in increasing public access to the inventory is important for
the 2009 workplan, however Phase II of this work could be undertaken in 2010
given the number of workplan items put forward;

• Review of the Current Policy of the Heritage Building Incentive Grant Program –
target completion date could be changed to February 2010 to coincide with a
public announcement on it during Heritage Week;

• Items to be grouped together for future Heritage Week Planning include:

- Hosting a Round Table on Heritage;
- Development of Educational Outreach Programs; and
- Co-ordination of HAC bus tours.
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1. 2009 Heritage BC Conference Agenda

E. Horricks noted that if any of the members are interested in attending the 2009
Heritage BC Conference in Kelowna to inform her by Friday, May 8, 2009.




1. J. Robertson reported that the Langley Centennial Museum’s latest exhibit is the
“Lion Dancing in the Light: The Lanterns of LunarFest.” This is the Museum’s first
partnership with the Asian-Canadian Special Events Association and features
lanterns made by professional artists from Taiwan.

He also requested information regarding people involved in organizing the Langley

Schools Music project from 1976-1977.

2. J. Megahy suggested having a bus tour with stops at various museums and heritage
sites with the tour culminating at Bedford house for tea. She suggested that this
would help bring new people to the museum and raise awareness of its location.

3. J. Watt requested information on the Museum Report study.

4. M. Camparmo suggested putting up signs near the Golden Ears bridge so that
visitors crossing the bridge would become aware of the Langley Centennial

5. B. Sommer noted that the Community Guide for Heritage Conservation published by
Heritage BC might be useful to members of the committee. Staff agreed to print
copies for distribution at the next meeting. It was also noted that it is available online
on the Heritage BC website. B. Sommer also suggested that members visit the City
of Richmond website to review their version of this information.

6. Councillor Fox indicated that the Youth Committee representatives may be having
transportation difficulties in getting to the meetings and asked that members of the
Committee help out in offering them rides to meetings if needed.
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Date: Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Location: Salmon River Committee Room
4th Floor, 20338 – 65 Avenue
Time: 7:30 p.m.


Moved by T. Annandale,
That the meeting terminate at 9:45 p.m.


Vice Chair, F. Pepin

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