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ANALISIS DE VARIANZA Source Term A: FactorH B: FactorN AB Error Experimental Error de Muestreo Total (Adjusted) Total DF 1 3 3 16 24 47 48 Sum of Squares

9.765052 25.40832 25.15431 16.49766667 28.3087500 105.1341 Mean Square 9.765052 8.469441 8.384768 1.03110417 1.1795312 F-Ratio 8.72 7.56 7.49 Prob Level Power (Alpha=0.05)

0.005253* 0.821481 0.000403* 0.978237 0.000432* 0.977074

* Term significant at alpha = 0.05 PRUEBA DE BONFERRONI Bonferroni (All-Pairwise) Multiple Comparison Test Response: Pesos Term AB: FactorH*FactorN Alpha=0.050 Error Term=S DF=40 MSE=1.12016 Critical Value=3.3473 Different From Groups (HV2,N3), (HV2,N1), (HV2,N2) (HV2,N2) (HV2,N2) (HV2,N2) (HV2,N0) (HV2,N0) (HV2,N0), (HV1,N2), (HV1,N0), (HV1,N1)

Group HV2,N0 HV1,N2 HV1,N0 HV1,N1 HV1,N3 HV2,N3 HV2,N1 HV2,N2

Count 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

Mean 14.275 15.02833 15.255 15.85167 16.12667 16.685 16.80667 18.10333

Notes: This section presents the results of all paired comparisons among the means. Since this procedure uses the Bonferroni inequality, it is not as accurate as the Tukey-Kramer's method.

Bonferroni (All-Pairwise) Multiple Comparison Test Response: Pesos Term A: FactorH Alpha=0.050 Error Term=S DF=40 MSE=1.12016 Critical Value=2.0211 Different From Groups HV2 HV1

Group HV1 HV2

Count 24 24

Mean 15.56542 16.9675

Notes: This section presents the results of all paired comparisons among the means. Since this procedure uses the Bonferroni inequality, it is not as accurate as the Tukey-Kramer's method. Bonferroni (All-Pairwise) Multiple Comparison Test Response: Pesos Term B: FactorN Alpha=0.050 Error Term=S DF=40 MSE=1.12016 Critical Value=2.7759 Different From Groups N1, N3, N2 N0 N0 N0

Group N0 N1 N3 N2

Count 12 12 12 12

Mean 14.765 16.32917 16.40583 16.96583

Notes: This section presents the results of all paired comparisons among the means. Since this procedure uses the Bonferroni inequality, it is not as accurate as the Tukey-Kramer's method.


Duncan's Multiple-Comparison Test Response: Pesos Term AB: FcatorH,FactorN Alpha=0.050 Error Term=S DF=40 MSE=1.12016 Different From Groups (HV1,N3), (HV2,N3), (HV2,N1), (HV2,N2) (HV2,N2) (HV2,N2) (HV2,N2) (HV2,N0), (HV2,N2) (HV2,N0) (HV2,N0), (HV2,N2) (HV2,N0), (HV1,N2), (HV1,N0), (HV1,N1) (HV1,N3), (HV2,N1)

Group HV2,N0 HV1,N2 HV1,N0 HV1,N1 HV1,N3 HV2,N3 HV2,N1 HV2,N2

Count 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

Mean 14.275 15.02833 15.255 15.85167 16.12667 16.685 16.80667 18.10333

Notes: This report provides multiple comparison tests for all pairwise differences between the means. According to Hsu(1996, page 130), the specified family-wise error rate (alpha) is overstated and the Tukey-Kramer method is recommended instead.

Duncan's Multiple-Comparison Test Response: Pesos Term B: FactorN Alpha=0.050 Error Term=S DF=40 MSE=1.12016 Different From Groups N1, N3, N2 N0 N0 N0

Group N0 N1 N3 N2

Count 12 12 12 12

Mean 14.765 16.32917 16.40583 16.96583

Notes: This report provides multiple comparison tests for all pairwise differences between the means. According to Hsu(1996, page 130), the specified family-wise error rate (alpha) is overstated and the Tukey-Kramer method is recommended instead. Duncan's Multiple-Comparison Test Response: Pesos Term A: FactorH Alpha=0.050 Error Term=S DF=40 MSE=1.12016 Different From Groups HV2 HV1

Group HV1 HV2

Count 24 24

Mean 15.56542 16.9675

CONCLUSION H1 Del anlisis realizado a un 95% de confiabilidad concluimos que entre las dos variedades de avena forrajera por los menos uno de ellos mejorara sustancialmente la calidad fsica y qumica del heno de avena. C h2 Del anlisis realizado a un 95% de confiabilidad concluimos que entre los cuatro aditivos nitrogenados no proteicos por lo menos uno de ellos mejorara sustancialmente la calidad fsica y qumica del heno de avena cuando se aplicase a una variedad de avena.


hn Del analisis realizado a un 95% de confiabilidad concluimos que las variedades de avena forrajera y los aditivos nitrogenados no proteicos por lo menos una de las mezclas mejorara la calidad fsica y qumica del heno de avena.

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