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berat_mutlak panjang_mutlak SGR EPP FCR SR BY Perlakuan


95% Confidence Interval for Mean

N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Lower Bound Upper Bound Minimum Maximum

berat_mutlak P1 3 4.4667 .15275 .08819 4.0872 4.8461 4.30 4.60

P2 3 4.6000 .26458 .15275 3.9428 5.2572 4.30 4.80

P3 3 5.3333 .30551 .17638 4.5744 6.0922 5.00 5.60

P4 3 4.2000 .52915 .30551 2.8855 5.5145 3.80 4.80

Total 12 4.6500 .52657 .15201 4.3154 4.9846 3.80 5.60

panjang_mutlak P1 3 2.6333 .40415 .23333 1.6294 3.6373 2.20 3.00

P2 3 2.7000 .72111 .41633 .9087 4.4913 1.90 3.30

P3 3 3.5000 .20000 .11547 3.0032 3.9968 3.30 3.70

P4 3 2.3333 .25166 .14530 1.7082 2.9585 2.10 2.60

Total 12 2.7917 .58846 .16987 2.4178 3.1656 1.90 3.70

SGR P1 3 1.4933 .03512 .02028 1.4061 1.5806 1.46 1.53

P2 3 1.5133 .07638 .04410 1.3236 1.7031 1.43 1.58

P3 3 1.7033 .09866 .05696 1.4583 1.9484 1.59 1.77

P4 3 1.4800 .18520 .10693 1.0199 1.9401 1.34 1.69

Total 12 1.5475 .13519 .03902 1.4616 1.6334 1.34 1.77

EPP P1 3 71.0000 7.93725 4.58258 51.2828 90.7172 65.00 80.00

P2 3 76.0000 6.08276 3.51188 60.8896 91.1104 72.00 83.00

P3 3 83.6667 2.88675 1.66667 76.4956 90.8378 82.00 87.00

P4 3 71.6667 9.60902 5.54777 47.7965 95.5368 63.00 82.00

Total 12 75.5833 8.01655 2.31418 70.4899 80.6768 63.00 87.00

FCR P1 3 1.3967 .19088 .11020 .9225 1.8708 1.18 1.54

P2 3 1.3000 .14000 .08083 .9522 1.6478 1.14 1.40

P3 3 1.1767 .07506 .04333 .9902 1.3631 1.09 1.22

P4 3 1.4133 .18556 .10713 .9524 1.8743 1.22 1.59

Total 12 1.3217 .16480 .04758 1.2170 1.4264 1.09 1.59

SR P1 3 95.6667 7.50555 4.33333 77.0218 114.3115 87.00 100.00

Test of Homogeneity of Variances

Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig.

berat_mutlak 2.373 3 8 .146

panjang_mutlak 2.393 3 8 .144

SGR 3.760 3 8 .060

EPP 1.399 3 8 .312

FCR .961 3 8 .457

SR 1.761 3 8 .232


Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

berat_mutlak Between Groups 2.117 3 .706 6.048 .019

Within Groups .933 8 .117

Total 3.050 11

panjang_mutlak Between Groups 2.236 3 .745 3.790 .059

Within Groups 1.573 8 .197

Total 3.809 11

SGR Between Groups .099 3 .033 2.579 .126

Within Groups .102 8 .013

Total .201 11

EPP Between Groups 305.583 3 101.861 2.030 .188

Within Groups 401.333 8 50.167

Total 706.917 11
FCR Between Groups .107 3 .036 1.479 .292

Within Groups .192 8 .024

Total .299 11

SR Between Groups 12.000 3 4.000 .110 .952

Within Groups 290.667 8 36.333

Total 302.667 11

Post Hoc

Multiple Comparisons

(I) (J) 95% Confidence Interval

Perlaku Perlaku Mean Difference
Dependent Variable an an (I-J) Std. Error Sig. Lower Bound Upper Bound

berat_mutlak LSD P1 P2 -.13333 .27889 .645 -.7764 .5098

P3 -.86667* .27889 .014 -1.5098 -.2236

P4 .26667 .27889 .367 -.3764 .9098

P2 P1 .13333 .27889 .645 -.5098 .7764

P3 -.73333* .27889 .030 -1.3764 -.0902

P4 .40000 .27889 .189 -.2431 1.0431

P3 P1 .86667* .27889 .014 .2236 1.5098

P2 .73333* .27889 .030 .0902 1.3764

P4 1.13333* .27889 .004 .4902 1.7764

P4 P1 -.26667 .27889 .367 -.9098 .3764

P2 -.40000 .27889 .189 -1.0431 .2431

P3 -1.13333* .27889 .004 -1.7764 -.4902

panjang_mutlak LSD P1 P2 -.06667 .36209 .859 -.9017 .7683

P3 -.86667* .36209 .044 -1.7017 -.0317

P4 .30000 .36209 .431 -.5350 1.1350

P2 P1 .06667 .36209 .859 -.7683 .9017

P3 -.80000 .36209 .058 -1.6350 .0350

P4 .36667 .36209 .341 -.4683 1.2017

P3 P1 .86667* .36209 .044 .0317 1.7017

P2 .80000 .36209 .058 -.0350 1.6350

P4 1.16667* .36209 .012 .3317 2.0017

P4 P1 -.30000 .36209 .431 -1.1350 .5350

P2 -.36667 .36209 .341 -1.2017 .4683

P3 -1.16667* .36209 .012 -2.0017 -.3317

SGR LSD P1 P2 -.02000 .09229 .834 -.2328 .1928

P3 -.21000 .09229 .052 -.4228 .0028

P4 .01333 .09229 .889 -.1995 .2261

P2 P1 .02000 .09229 .834 -.1928 .2328

P3 -.19000 .09229 .073 -.4028 .0228

P4 .03333 .09229 .727 -.1795 .2461

P3 P1 .21000 .09229 .052 -.0028 .4228

P2 .19000 .09229 .073 -.0228 .4028

P4 .22333* .09229 .042 .0105 .4361

P4 P1 -.01333 .09229 .889 -.2261 .1995

P2 -.03333 .09229 .727 -.2461 .1795

P3 -.22333* .09229 .042 -.4361 -.0105

EPP LSD P1 P2 -5.00000 5.78312 .412 -18.3359 8.3359

P3 -12.66667 5.78312 .060 -26.0026 .6692

P4 -.66667 5.78312 .911 -14.0026 12.6692

P2 P1 5.00000 5.78312 .412 -8.3359 18.3359

P3 -7.66667 5.78312 .222 -21.0026 5.6692

P4 4.33333 5.78312 .475 -9.0026 17.6692

P3 P1 12.66667 5.78312 .060 -.6692 26.0026

P2 7.66667 5.78312 .222 -5.6692 21.0026

P4 12.00000 5.78312 .072 -1.3359 25.3359

P4 P1 .66667 5.78312 .911 -12.6692 14.0026

P2 -4.33333 5.78312 .475 -17.6692 9.0026

P3 -12.00000 5.78312 .072 -25.3359 1.3359

FCR LSD P1 P2 .09667 .12656 .467 -.1952 .3885

P3 .22000 .12656 .120 -.0718 .5118

P4 -.01667 .12656 .898 -.3085 .2752

P2 P1 -.09667 .12656 .467 -.3885 .1952

P3 .12333 .12656 .358 -.1685 .4152

P4 -.11333 .12656 .397 -.4052 .1785

P3 P1 -.22000 .12656 .120 -.5118 .0718

P2 -.12333 .12656 .358 -.4152 .1685

P4 -.23667 .12656 .098 -.5285 .0552

P4 P1 .01667 .12656 .898 -.2752 .3085

P2 .11333 .12656 .397 -.1785 .4052

P3 .23667 .12656 .098 -.0552 .5285

SR LSD P1 P2 -2.00000 4.92161 .695 -13.3492 9.3492

P3 .00000 4.92161 1.000 -11.3492 11.3492

P4 -2.00000 4.92161 .695 -13.3492 9.3492

P2 P1 2.00000 4.92161 .695 -9.3492 13.3492

P3 2.00000 4.92161 .695 -9.3492 13.3492

P4 .00000 4.92161 1.000 -11.3492 11.3492

P3 P1 .00000 4.92161 1.000 -11.3492 11.3492

P2 -2.00000 4.92161 .695 -13.3492 9.3492

P4 -2.00000 4.92161 .695 -13.3492 9.3492

P4 P1 2.00000 4.92161 .695 -9.3492 13.3492

P2 .00000 4.92161 1.000 -11.3492 11.3492

P3 2.00000 4.92161 .695 -9.3492 13.3492

*. The mean difference is significant at the 0.05 level.



Subset for alpha = 0.05

an N 1 2

Duncana P4 3 4.2000

P1 3 4.4667

P2 3 4.6000

P3 3 5.3333

Sig. .206 1.000

Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed.

a. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 3,000.


Subset for alpha = 0.05

an N 1 2

Duncana P4 3 2.3333

P1 3 2.6333 2.6333

P2 3 2.7000 2.7000

P3 3 3.5000

Sig. .360 .051

Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed.

a. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 3,000.


Subset for alpha

= 0.05
an N 1

Duncana P4 3 1.4800

P1 3 1.4933

P2 3 1.5133

P3 3 1.7033

Sig. .053

Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are


a. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 3,000.


Subset for alpha

= 0.05
an N 1

Duncana P1 3 71.0000

P4 3 71.6667

P2 3 76.0000

P3 3 83.6667

Sig. .074

Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are


a. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 3,000.


Subset for alpha

= 0.05
an N 1

Duncana P3 3 1.1767

P2 3 1.3000

P1 3 1.3967

P4 3 1.4133

Sig. .117

Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are


a. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 3,000.


Subset for alpha

= 0.05
an N 1

Duncana P1 3 95.6667

P3 3 95.6667

P2 3 97.6667

P4 3 97.6667

Sig. .711

Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are


a. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 3,000.

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