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Poem Title:_________________________________________________

Author: ____________________________________

Write an S next to lines in the poem that you feel create strong sensory descriptions. (BE PREPARED
TO SHARE and explain WHY you selected the lines!)

Write down any examples of the following figurative language that you find.

Circle one: Alliteration Metaphor Onomatopoeia

Simile Idiom Personification



Does the poem rhyme? Yes No

How does it rhyme? ______________________________________________________________

(every line, every other line, etc.)

Does the poem have a rhythm or a cadence? Yes No

Does the poem have any UNIQUE ELEMENTS about it? What are they? _______________________


Which line/section did you find the MOST confusing? _____________________________________


What is your FAVORITE line/section or description in the poem and why? ______________________


What word do you think describes the TONE of the poem? _________________________________

What word do you think describes the MOOD of the poem? _________________________________

Tone in tells us how the WORDS TO AVOID Mood is the effect of

author thinks about his the writer's words on
happy sad good boring bad nice
or her subject. The the reader. Mood is
cool interesting amazing awesome
author's style conveys how the writer’s words
the tone in literature. beautiful big fine great really make us feel.

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