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The system through which I govern my life.

My complex of fundamental universal principles.
JUNE 2009
 I am in active state.
I am always in a good shape. I always feel very inspired and interested.
 I am in active energy.
I create and multiply energy. Hard work is always the easiest thing to do.
 I am in active action.
I do as many constructive and useful things during the day as possible. I am always
involved in busy activity. I do not restrict my possibilities. I do not find excuses for
quitting or violating. Every minute is a chance to improve.
 I am in active participation.
This is how I monitor my participation:
• I choose carefully the activities in which I want to participate.
• I take a very active part in this activity.
I don’t know what partial participation is.
 I work in an effective way.
 I am in active completion.
I never quit. I finish all worthy activities I start.
 Track Firmation
If I deviate, I always have only one deviation. I get back on the track right after any
It is always better to do a good thing late than never.
It doesn’t matter how many times you get knocked down, it is how quickly you get up.
 Spontaneous Realization
I never procrastinate. I never postpone doing important and necessary things. I do a
thing as soon as I have the intention to do it. This is how I deal with the things I must
• I have an intention to do a thing.
• I do this thing now.
• If I can not do it due to external circumstances, I do it as fast as I can.
 Duties Execution
I independently do all the duties within my sphere:
1) Mundane Duties:
• I do my laundry.
• I wash my dishes.
2) Professional Duties.
I. Strength is the total power that an animal has.

The system through which I govern my life.

My complex of fundamental universal principles.
JUNE 2009
Strength can be measured objectively, for all the human species, on the scale from 0 to
100. 0 is the strength of a dead or not yet born animal. 100 is the biggest strength that
can be achieved by a human being today. Strength can also be measured subjectively,
for a particular person, where 0 is the strength it has when not existing and 100 is the
top strength that can be achieved by it.
II. The Structure of Strength
Strength is the quintessence of all the characteristics of the animal.
 Objective factors are as follows:
1) Physique
Physique is determined partly by sex. It includes size (height, length), weight, and
muscular strength.
2) Intellect
Intellectual characteristics like speed of thought, duration and quality of memory, depth
of understanding.
3) Speech
Diction, facial expressiveness, unity of speech and thought, voice.
 Subjective factors are the following.
1) Beliefs
A belief is what I know about myself and the world, what I hold to be true.
2) Attitudes
An attitude is what my approach to this truth is, what I plan to do.
 Dominance is interaction.
I dominate over people when I interact with them.
Every animal has its own level of strength, but when people interact with each other,
their levels begin to compare in a relationship that demands the outcome with two
sides: the Dominator (Over) and the Dominated (Under). Terzium non datur. I must be
always on the over side.
I am always a) on the dominant side or b) work to be on the dominant side in
relationships, communication, studies.
 Dominance is a virtue.
My dominance is kind. It never offends or hurts other people. When I dominate I make
everyone happier.
 Dominance is control.
 I always have control, command, and dominance over the situation I am in.
 I am always in the dominant physical position.
 Dominance is in the air.
I create dominant surroundings.
 Dominance is hard work.

The system through which I govern my life.

My complex of fundamental universal principles.
JUNE 2009
I sweat my guts out to be the dominant male, the biggest, strongest, and smartest.
 Dominance is big size.
In order to dominate I make all surrounding objects and events small, myself – big.
I prevail over all my surroundings the whole time:
1) Acoustically
2) Visually.
I must prosper all the time.
 Prosperity Pool Postulate
Prosperity multiplies in a progression within a polis and smaller groups. The statement
that in order to prosper I must take away prosperity from a different person and make
them prosper less is illusory. Prosperity is collective. Each member of a polis brings his
prosperity into the collective pool where it gets multiplied.
The more I prosper, the more you do.
 I am always optimistic and positive. I focus on good and pleasant things, note good
attributes in objects, situations, and people.
 I avoid negative phenomena (people, situations, information etc.).
 I am never downcast, I am never bruised, and I am never depressed.
 All the time and in everything, my goal is to do the good for me, to identify my ideal
pattern (the target) and act to become closer to it. Every time I am outside the norm, I
do my best to get within it.
Good – everything that makes me feel fine, makes me stronger.
Bad – that which harms me, makes me regress, makes me weaker.
 I feel good now, and in the future I will feel much better.
 My Targets:
• Employment target. I work at an interesting intellectual job, which is active
and creative, connected with serious politics and events.
• State target. I am in a good physical and psychological state. I do not have
aches, I am healthy. I am inspired and interested.
• Introspection Target. I am aware of absolutely everything within my psyche.
• Fearless target. I have absolutely no fears.
• [MC] target. I know the whole [MC] text by heart and execute it 100%.
• Information target. I fully understand everything I read/listen to, can easily
retell it and memorize it for the rest of my life.

The system through which I govern my life.

My complex of fundamental universal principles.
JUNE 2009
• Enjoyment Target. I enjoy all activities, so I always want to do more. It is hard
to stop me.
 I am always in a prosperous and efficient physiological condition.
 I take care of and improve my health. I reject activities that are detrimental to my
health: alcohol, stress, not getting enough sleep, sugary and salty foods etc.
 I always do everything in an extremely neat, tidy, orderly way.
 Everything around me is in perfect order: my belongings, my files, my copybooks
are neat.
 I do things carefully one by one.
I always act to be:
A. Attractive in behavior
B. Physically attractive.
In order to be physically attractive I:
 I am always spick and span:
a) My clothes:
• My clothes are always fresh, stainless, and creaseless.
• My clothes always fit me perfectly (I wear only the right clothes.)
• I wear my clothes in two packs:
Pack A
Sunday → Wednesday
Pack B
Thursday → Saturday
b) My personal hygiene is always in perfect condition:
• I have clean teeth and a fresh breath.
• I have clean and shiny hair.
• I smell nicely.
• I have clean fingernails of the correct size.
• I have no armpit and pubic hair.
In order to uphold my personal hygiene I maintain my stock set:
✔ Toothbrush, toothpaste
✔ Shampoo
✔ Deodorant
✔ Shaving Kit (Razorblades, shaving gel…)
✔ Scrub
✔ Mask

The system through which I govern my life.

My complex of fundamental universal principles.
JUNE 2009
✔ Cleanser.
c) I have the correct haircut.
 I am not subject to any undue restraints and restrictions imposed on me either by
society or myself.
 Only I decide what I do. I do not let anybody impose their opinion of what I should or
should not do. I do not owe anything to anyone.
I laugh and joke as often as I can. I squeeze out fun and joy out of all my activities.
 I equally respect all people. I treat all people equally, regardless of their appearance,
physical strength, social status, personality strength.
 I make everyone respect me and mine.
 Development is an inseparable unity of regress and progress. When I’m involved in
one type of activity, I automatically lose the chance of improving in other fields at the
moment. My goal is to maximize progress and minimize regress in all branches of my
I always feel good, but I am never satisfied with what I am and with what I have and
this is why I make my every step, hour, day, week, and month better than the previous
one. I always go up because for me it is never enough.
 I am always dissatisfied with what I have achieved because I want much more. I
always actively find ways of making myself and my life better.
 Comfort Zone Expansion
I expand my comfort zone every day, every hour, every minute.
✔ Perceptory Expansion
✔ Psychological Expansion
There are no unpleasant things to do; there are only things I am not used to doing.
I accumulate in myself all the good I encounter.
I always move on with my life, upgrade everything I deal with.
 A friend is a person that you wish good to and I treat all people as my friends.
 I never fall out with anybody.
 I always behave in a friendly manner, I am always nice to people:
• I smile when I talk to all people.
• I always have a friendly polite countenance.
The system through which I govern my life.

My complex of fundamental universal principles.
JUNE 2009
 I tend not to lie or exaggerate, but to tell the truth.
 I actively seek the bare objective absolute truth about the world and myself. I am
honest with myself.
 I always fiercely protect myself and my interests.
 I do not let anybody criticize me.
I filter all my actions through my ego. My ego is always in charge of my behavior.
I always do the best I can possibly do and I am always the best I can possibly be.
 Being best.
I always work to be the best (better than all the other people concerned) in as many
fields as possible.
 Doing best.
I always realize my full potential. I cannot do more, and I will make sure not to make
less. I will do exactly as much as I possibly can.
 General Centre
My world spins around me. I put myself into the centre. Me and mine is always of prior
importance, it is always the core.
 Situational Centre
When I interact with people, I act in such a way that the others lose their centre and
centre on me.
I am an extravert. My actions and thoughts are directed towards external reality. I
always externalize and self-express. I leave nothing inside which is not fully expressed
I am always circumspect with all resources: money, water, electricity etc.
 I observe and analyze both the outer world and my inner world (innervision).
 I always have the closest grounding with the physical and biological reality. I am
never abstracted. I always have my two feet on the ground.
 A warrior loves to fight.
I love to fight. I responsibly accurately distinguish my enemies and fight them with
 A warrior fights alone.

The system through which I govern my life.

My complex of fundamental universal principles.
JUNE 2009
I work and fight alone.
 If in a group, a warrior is the leader.
If I work in a group, I am the leader. I never accept anybody’s leadership.
 A warrior does not neglect a thing.
I use all the possibilities to my advantage.
 A warrior does not rest satisfied until he gets what he wants.
I accept only what is acceptable to me. As soon as I see something dissatisfactory, I
seek ways of changing it.
 A warrior has no limits.
I can master anything and obtain any skill I want to.
 Two eyes for one.
If somebody hurts me, it is my duty to revenge upon them with double impact.
 A warrior is never a servant.
No service. I do not do anybody favors. I do not let people exploit me.
 A warrior attacks.
Offence is the best defense. I always attack first in a struggle situation.
 A warrior finishes beautifully.
A good finish is much more important than a good race. I always seek and employ ways
of finishing beautifully.
 The only idol a warrior has is he himself.
I shalt not make me any graven image. I have only one idol and it is me. I never admire
or worship any other human being.
I am original and unique. I never copy other people’s behavior.
I always act. I prefer activity and practice to empty theorizing.
I always keep in mind the following facts:
I am nothing but a mortal animal. I will die in some time. My probable lifespan is 1988 –
2050. My life is the only time I exist.
I embrace the outgrowth of these facts:
1) Quality Drive
I can not afford to fill my life with filler. I do my best in the limited time span I possess. I
choose to do only the activities which are the most useful and satisfying.
2) Quantity Drive
I strive to do as much as I can during my life, to achieve more than others.
3) Timing Drive
If there is a wish or desire I have, I do my best to realize it as fast as I can. The only
chance of being happy tomorrow is being happy today.

The system through which I govern my life.

My complex of fundamental universal principles.
JUNE 2009
If I want to be happy, the only time for it is now.
4) Myself Drive
Since I can not enjoy having even myself for long enough, I make sure to fill as much as
I can with myself and not let other people fill me with them.
I take full responsibility for all I do, feel, and have.
I consider my appearance exemplary. The more people look like me, the more attractive
they are.
I always approach all the situations in life with the attitude of the winner.
Nowadays it is hard to find a good true expression for one’s animal side. The animal
gets bored, takes offence, considers itself useless here and falls into internalized
hibernation. I always keep my animal active.
I value manly behavior and characteristics. I always promote my male interests.
Belarus is the best nation in the world. It is the best place in the world to live. I squeeze
the most I can from Belarus.
In everything I deal with, everything I do, I focus not on the quantity of the work, but on
the quality of it.
I consider all I am doing vitally important, worthwhile.
All my linguistic processes must be bilingual. I must translate all the words and
utterances I perceive.
I always focus on the future, on my prospects.
I choose suitable role-models that have target characteristics and use them to reach
the target.
I. Marcus Brigstocke
Target traits of Marcus Brigstocke:
1. Male Force
2. Sense of Humor
3. Highly Developed Intellect

The system through which I govern my life.

My complex of fundamental universal principles.
JUNE 2009
4. Dominance
5. Charisma
II.Joe Biden
1. Male Force
2. Intellect
3. Self-Love
I am always aggressive, and my aggression has a set of the following features: active,
positive, energizing, beneficial.
Every single day I spend as much time outside home surrounded by people as possible.

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