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START OF REEL JOB NO... | Wed : OPERATOR 1 lis © 2S a ie THIS MICROFILM IS THE PROPERTY OF THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT DATE 4 -+ MICROFILMED BY NPPSO-NAVAL DISTRICT WASHINGTON MICROFILM SECTION GAM RIO Gs-BINB) Nissin: Rene Fibs Pena LEWES. ow Warean Oi tas Gear's RARSRED en dene Lone GN PM Ayecenger, 13, Qanesice Wea WaL ARCHIVES Mt is Gusta frrision of Naval (0p=29) Stips' History Section STORY OF Scnewhere in the Fecttic at he was designated * to self on ber Tenth War P Connecticut, USS GRAYEAC i). The sub vas sponsore no waa then Sup-rintendent of th PAYBACK vaich vee named for importance found abuntantly Jone 1941 with Lieutensn ore the outbresk of the vere We be Cape Cod Censl, ond arrived at irs. GRAYBACK’ com: At 1900 on 3 March 1942, GRAYEAC On 17 Moreh the GNAYEACK gunk the ISHTKA off Port Lloyd, Chicht Jina. She continued vey for Fearl Herter, arriving thers on 1 During her Sueend War Patrol, cov PAYBACK cucountere’ only one Jep yess A arrived at Frucentle, Wah. without 6m 2) July 192, the GRAYBACK departed Fremantle Harbor on her Third ar Patrol, which wos conducted off Cpe Tadaran in the upproaches to S.izen ind north of the Maley Barrier. No “ange wr 4 2 uissed. The GRAYEACK was unable to close the range on attack, She returned to Fresantle on 3 Septenter 19% me GPAYSAGI 1 Pot at o dep naval auxiliary off Cape then eleored ths ose ite could b Shortly efter, the eub ele orpedo &p her sourth patro! Refit accomplished, GRAYEACK stood fo Vitian Strait and the Rougoinvslle-i ee conducted ot. Jonvary 1945) G+ worships and the'shore. “Here, che waited untdl ei, » Hose 3.26 tonter had era arked, the cub cleared th On 16 Jenuary 1983, at sighted and GRAYEACK ccrmenced x torpotoad st the target, 2000: The Jap destroyer cone’ chorg ub subjected to on ext wexy cut, but vas unebli d to try ond eink the veco dey che headed uary, GRAYBACK plating hor Figta CRAYBACK, & ute to her 8. ihe eub entered Valle Gul? on 2: lontacts she withirey to the weste Se the early morning of the 25th, i she made contact vith o Jap vessel e nt periscope depth, but sas unable ¢: to puss slnost directly over her. On the 27th the sub moved to her nev station north of vhere she sighted, but vas unsble to close an esc: on the forenoon of the 28th, She participate int of Vila ond Stamore plontations on the Sth being to tet with the submarine G3 tried to escape vin Blackett Strai Returning to patrol of 13 Moreh GRAYBACK msd> Flames shooting Ben ort, vbich innedintely starts dose. 85-208 running silent ofr’ she had eustoinad nue! USS GRAYBACK then ccrmenced pon of 1h Fevrunry, eh doused all of th GRAYEACK tied up side USS F Refit accompli Upon reaching her assigned Fixed three torpedoss at the Larges ingin nissile at another freighter and tvo nore ut a third target. served one hit ani heard another tut vas forced beneath the the onrushing esco: he was then subjected to a vell-directed depth charge attack in vbich eleven charges vore dropped, causing minor danage. Many treaking-up noises vere heard inticating th targets ves sinking (post-war investigation of Jap shipping losses thot the sub semk the 6,481 ton Jep congo chip YOOOGAMA MARU). AS escorts still had the eub well spotted, st is bard to understand vty leven charges ere dropped, Over five houre after the initial aes: GSAYEMCK cane to periscope depth to find the ores clesr, tuen she < chasing the convoy. Ag the enemy eon returned to ber ore she contacted two ‘sing the range, she goin and fired a spread of six u overlapping targets, 8c its on one of the shipe which in the vater. A nineteen hoovy, observed th burs 12 badly daung constoting of between th hips in both colunno. Attar being refitted at Pear! mneisco, Celifornin on 1 June. sxtensive yard overhaul during th Departing there on the latter aa eptenber. Fron 13 to 25 septen jeriod and on the 26th OF Eighth Nor Patrol GRAYBACK contacted © four-sti skip, the sub fired four torpedoes, scoring one bit, immediately forced her dovn, no regults could be observed. contact could not be re-established ond G"AYEACK eleared On 13 October GRAYEACK made contact vith reached a firing position and ¢ ng doy ot four ship eonvay, consisting of o merchanteon, @ sce The sub counenced closing the conray and shortly the read vas fired at tho large merchontnan, scoring ietris on snoke up s huntred fect. Tue target cazk eneny escorts conenced a cepth charge atteck which seversi hours berore they lost contact with the GiATEACK 55-208 he sutearine sighted an eneny convoy at 1627 on the Zhet an tracking. ihe Jep convoy was composed of tvo large cevel suctliaris tracking. Minree destroyers, Waile tracking, GAAYEACK kept sending cecovted WY the convey to the other suis. After over 12 hours of tr ‘bub closed the convoy and fired pedees at puxtliary, scoring four bits. Ime eet on by fecorte, anf che vent deep, afte jected toa ¥ Septh charge attack, veich caused n if five hour Get over, the eb closred the ares & A contact report was rece! fond GRAYBACK received orders on reported contact at igh epect. veo already unier ottack by oti fer approach, snd hen she cane to a heereling picture we seen. Ho Gureedy been it end wos dow by * woreceattered around the cub. At 162 fred her tow tubes, scoring hits vb pottom (GRAYBACK vas given balf crest Seuaged ber). The sub vent deep and vas tack, with no damage resulting. At 0645 coal explosions, inion notoce vere beord, ana vere first tels me dragging ® grepncl over the Bult o: that the noiece were from a'ship Another attack was conducted at 12 1g at the reasining transport, Cut, 55.008 dove deep, before undergotn Ter vergedo tubes reloaded, GRAYS rted trailing the Jep tran fo other ships of the convoy could be contacts devris, the aut clesred the area. ‘the submarine left her assigned patrol area oa th Midvoy. She contacted an enemy hoepitel ship, which cbe on 1 Hoveaber, anf at 0932 on the 10th GRAYEACK couplet fen she noored elongside USS FLYING FISH ot Midway Refit accompliched, GRAYBACK got underway from Mids or Potrl in the Host Ctina Sea, ansei Shoto srea on 2 xr sixteen unproductive days, ot wade Sith © tevenschip enay convoy with sireraft escorting Cecmenced tracking. At first the targe so feck, vith one escort ahead, Savoy, but the convoy then sigsed right levine th coluan ‘ornatien. Cho and in position, st 2219 hed to dive quickly a1oy ben GRAYBACK cam caly the three escort ighted, indiestin At 120 on consisting o: 3h three torpedoes then brought my on the sub aight > GRAYRACK urdervent 0 te periscope depth Sseoping the arce with her per! the onal escort, the 1s escort, and the tvo cnall froighters were sighted. GRAYBACK chose ck up the survivors caing sub swung into position their mark. A terrific explosion, £ enveloped the target, shortly th ort sank, and away from the renaing of the convey sal escore, heeding her uenerai direction. Dus t ue of all hands, lus eylight anti-subaerine attacks, Gh he Vicinil: The sutmarins continusd pot sce creer er snc (ae hits were scored on the tartes, ard in unknown origin vere heard aying expended 211 of her to a scall enemy trevler was sigh ter very fine redio antenon, the oub deck guns. Arter being hit many tince th at the Suimarine Foe, Pear) Haroor on Refit completed, ORAYRACK dep to her {1-fated Tenth War Patr GRAYEACK made her first re sunk oF danaged tlL,000' tons TARAYASU WARU Clase chip on 19 Fe also dansging ¢ froighter and tanker The following dey (25 Fetruary having nade three torpedo hits on 1 report on the requested to furnish infomatior but no ansver wus received. On 30 March 1 nade by her commanding officer, in bi naYEack 68-2 Japanese information aage uvaitoble eines the cessation of host: records an anti-gutasrine sttack which probably explains GRAYEACK's fate The attack cane on 26 February igh in about the expected rosition of 120° 45"'H, vaich woo attacked by ae. The attacking scored'a direct tonb hit on th xeloded and sone ___ Investigation of Je 0 revesled that’ GHAYEACK snately aunk four enexy Ling 23,594 tons on her last moged on her Tina. eau! GRAYEACK (53-20 by unusually heavy depth cha: torpedoes ogainst atronely essentially to the steady weokens vigilance ond daring in ber sustol throughout numerous gruelling in thvurting the war effort return ofter the overwhelmine counter nth Wor F USS GRAYRACK for porticip tax/Cupture and Di Stor/anti-out Star/Sutnerine GRAYBACK (SS 208) SNe BOYER, Fo Lt Eee ‘COBUEN, Fred Ox, ee ty aria HaNoLomett ‘ion SO vicunta MOORE, Jab A. seas oat FEWART, Jahn H UNITED STATES SUBMARINE LOSSES WORLD WAR I serial DECLASSIFIED oi @ Seorotary. DECLASSIFIED a | CORRECTION | ——— eee THE PREVIOUS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPHOTOGRAPHED TO ASSURE LEGIBILTY é - ACM Ba, 38208/A16~3 serial ( 0¢ DECLASSIFIED course (nate course 144°, low ed 15 mote. UsSi09 GRATEAGK apo Next zig eave smller st: and deterained to fire on this ie. eached 1600 yard ot about 11 depen xplosicn3 about 1/8 rare Lsat post tio tons). rus in col pone jela to ace ot_hoar feve bi oly employe sister ship of one screws but it 1s more probable that the ol vessels had carried thon clear of had slowed sufficiently to emainacr of torpedo nost effect this area in ta (Continued) inity, ewe mith ua? stectively. hppa ee sineip and thet they om aifora to conventrate on 2 fire control cirouit, Should be existing in evant every eff 1, Radio and Sound. LS broadcasts was excellent. decoded. No jasionally and the dio Auckland, on Sound conditions in automatic vith occasionally joael SD ough it. a MAXKS (Continued) fect indicates vy Evidence of density layer at bout 150 reception and by difficulty of forcing boat up or dewn (Goes unter sound and radio). 2. Hebi y » but not as so0d az on SEAWOLF C1. ste? cool Ventilation wyetem a Unlimited: 30 days. 30 days, Bxponded. th of thege islands. xine Of position Wa wi poor landmarks. i proceeded &. econnéltre Kontaga 15 contacts 8 attacks, or 53%, were SECRET SEOTION TEN — awMARKS (Continued) Two unsuccessful attacks firine organization mistakes, wore at in when regulatora wer on zero. On the a personnel mist ter torpedo x dbes ready int im at an ideal a vorable setup epted. were at least partly 4 On first attack cyro py should have been. On hth ‘The commanding officer realizes his responaibii avoidable and very costly mista to elicdnate t suming connand, t ever fired ‘irst highly active patro1 vity was enco 42/0163 serial 00112 s. From: Task Toree Forty-two. 0 > Comamnier in Chief, United States Fleet. via: C uth Pacific Force. subject: +S. GR th War Patrol; © nelosure: of subject report. Enclosure (A) is forwmirded herewith. ‘me Fourth War Patrol of tle GRAYBACK covered a pried of forty days, twenty-eight of which were spent, in op rigiened area in St. Georges Channel between New Britain and New Ireland Islands. patrol was terminated due to ex- onditure of all torpedoes. the petrol was maintained in the most proiui 3 of the area ani nany contacts were made, resulting Pet torpedo attacks against enemy merchant and navel ves- sels. All contacts were {1 @ ell epproaches were ageressively and well condu ck position in the seerecet ve{i-eubmariie escort in most cases. Tae actual at tacks were not well exc! nl resulted in the definite sink- ing of only one 8,00 franeport and probable damage to two ing oF oPiba'7,006-10,000 ton auxiliaries, Five of the eleht attacks were definite failures. he Tt is noted that the automatic gyro angle set- ter téliea to function properly oa two occasions due to per- ter Tel jer oo auch enghasis cannot be placed upon the necessity sonney stant trainin: of the 7. D. C. operator by means of tre: queat drills. 5. the Task Force Conmanier recoenizes t for a recular trainine program for all submarines bi nity for emecvsnoula inclute actual torpedo fire against, au: wi tetects.” The practical difficulties are numerous; disten role teigabie area, enemy subaarine risk in that ares, lack of rots cman air screen, Mutual training with anti-submarine reets oe on gondusted whenever possible enroute to patrol. Tt pee ed rat ao period of such training can be made @ Tezl- ler part of each submarine refit perio’. aE FL TF42/A16-3 u Serial 00118 DESTREBUTT OW: Goninch (advance copy), veno, Cinclant, Cinepec, ComsoweSpac, Comsublent , Comsubpac , Comsubsowespac, All 88 TR42 (Not to OTF 42 Patrol Summary css 6, 8, 10, Comsubdiy 61 FORCE Post offiee, co, California, will ve accomplished by SPERRY. edited with the following damage One @,000-ton transport. Probable damage to" two uni- dentiriea 7,000-10,000 ton auxiliarie, to sea - BURN), SOUTH P, “EDIT ConpiDawr ie, Bo xg eiOLiv’ der-in Chiat, 0900 parece ash dive to 100 fect. med ratrol co’ See nitagleraal al Ganonses ted ship deorin @ard speeds © ntact report © 270830 December’ aye ue Mi" bat consumed: 36 Tatrolling 1500 - 290° line clos -u- jeén Shortland and Treasury lights d - petrol Pooits 2400 0001 500 battle 0022-17 0012-23 64 OTF-L2 Sertal @7 fennel achore *6 rese! around to 1 plane & ag @irection of Shortinna. 408 gallons. 327 gallons. Plane on radar at 3 miles, going away. surfaced. Brilliant moonlie Pigne at b'miles on radar closing rapi received ation esrlier owara yest ted tvo seaplanes ip bearing 110° 3-23 L Observes fir: 1023-31 Chsorvea seo er torpedo! After making approach on Maru, then deciaea he would be easy battle surfoce gun target after we eliminated the destroyer and decided to Tire two renaining forward does at destroyer then battle surface are his convoy of snall ules, age was nearly 3,000 yard Observed one torpedo explosion in torget wake iret depth charre, ve more depth charges; very close. ive more depth charzes also quite close. Serious leak in 1 132 manhole. se of water rushine Ta eke sound. Destroyer still proxinatel, @epth charges ~ none close, contaét - all clear, Surfeced. Have nov decided to clear area vi manhole pasket leaking and only four after torpedoes left, Transmitted Grayba Fosit: 6-138 Distance run: 144.7 niles. Fuel consumed: 1567 gallons. Clearing area for 27 - to transmit. Seriel 60 Beker a ‘ranomitted Grayback 201055 to Posit: 14-138 istence run: 154,21 niles. 1136 gallons. possible 4 enrine nee rin: 102.6 ~Lles. consimed: 1113 ous pre ried from flat ce all felands to the ion. ‘the 2447 pea: in ite exact po nnel between Re: | Untaenti- | tice’ Attac! ‘Tne outlin ari Tsland| ried to course’ 200 th no noon 750 starbéare ; fired first 154 1943 ot resenbl continuon lication ore Srapred YES. CRAYOACK , He 25, (FF 2 APPRoRH on Fb00-/ 2010 Te MARRY Hue Tie DESTROYERS Borne Qvdpnze Mini stung Kowce was 6070 Yeees O rime: Ofof Love, Dec 25 11% Geen d [fe ria ae dese REE emicing 4] Fw Taps Ge See Srey dio ewe FOWL 0109 Shion somty binds tN) Wh by SYIKOLTT OML MB Artie web %b/-0009 2 W2O%/ Ly 2Hb/ or 24, Y2VOKWID ST 2a (cz 29g (asso - HD Lash OOS ~ J2NW% bnew INUAL CRtLNIZINA 193201) aoa 1 YD VINYD NO HOLA trey Le 14y PERKLYD 'S*S 17 renee Cpr § Pec / 1 BWIC maps Gear soe + red 0 aesci 0m Clip it fee eg eee ee: prargone ~ LNOIN sareenen WP WIP abéde/ caw 6 My nushe~ “CCN 1 LL iy eioeaLed Wo Cte) SUS LMT TRIS. asciy 7Y como a7 ssamel ‘ amesuae “LIM Ab) % ry" “WY KE2LD 2H WALLY rk 000) 2amd0p 2 HIE Arer ')099 + 7WlL teryaeone “Mp (ae nay ca. v9xUY - La>%tL 6 bi Mp? W2UAEOD velo Passi >t si ap 9% 0/ - FHL 0 INU DIO - 197M ore 2zng0¢ -AwD EDM SI NY? - PUA ED LH WILLY wen Libo 720k O new wat eves - L9°YUL s2in ony tyaxguonc - Kb phy 09 MEP OH OIZ. Aw vIULLY ery) rw er wiser, Le Hy SNOOTY Hef WL 10 WLI F903 SOK 0097/2 FE 7 - PWIE 7eCc10 RL Li Map Cops “FULL 0 Op Yaeas avo caine) e727 390008 ~ hug CAEL LI NEP - DUDA LYD SH LMY g 8 SOUTH PACIFIC FORCE 5 02140 35208/A16-3 o-DECLASSIFIED CONFIDENTIAL, Location: Latitua su Attack First for this report for Do not 4 conditions (if applicable) Enemy CONFIDENTIAL Enemy 2" 1 Torpedo Attack (Own) Stualshb/eurved shots) Attaele: _umopposed (elieek) (epnmed by air sereen lose sereen (check) (adler fring (aandetec ial equipment detector operator(s) (Name) ate) made inital contact by ound) (radar), (S318D), ote, cscorted. foally. ‘aiaby, CONFIDENTIAL, INSTRUCTIONS )Atlck Plest—Then collect data for this report ») Do, not “gun dec” this report if data eannt be est a dash inv space for ‘ich mor datn so available apons employed: own CONFIDENTIAL Sania curved shot(s) Attack: (unopposed (check) pee (prio to fing Ho) after firing ae ) or special equipment detector o (Same) (Service N mae initial contact by marks... Target yas naling about. twenty. Icnote. .Thrzet. seort for Maru already Ni SxISb), IAB): CONFIDENTIAL, U.S. SUBMARINE ACTION REPORT Date: Mawoh Ly Location: Latitude ..pgwo9s ongtitude 250e48% a) Attack First Then tata for this report eport—if a Lat und conditions (GF applica Type of attack atch one) . Submerged. torpedo ceserintion ts making radical 2ics en Torpedo tubes as fumed just set} redo Attack (On) Firing range 1950 yards Kool depth 63.04 Straight/eurved shot(s) Tyne sal “speed (fren Attack: (unopposed Detected: (psor to ATTA (olied) (after fring ietected Estimated) quipment detector operator() i) (ate) Initial contact by ound) ada, SisD), U.5.S, GRAYBACK ATTA b+ 2 USS. Craven tt bra wae Caieo TARGET 50-15 PIRRCH 12/98 eanvance Kee 70067 0D 701 1 SCARCE LIS. CRY GK Ai TACK #3 (Lh Ue PARAL Mpeed 14/993 TRRCET sf 2/2 KN | SCPE Zoro YAS USS. breay anet 6k Wine PAfeoe pith 0 2D Pape 14, 493 rae or = WS KW loud nor coe To ess Titae! S00 Ws a a nee CKAIGIEK bo USS. Grovancc 64 Wane ATRoL HAltewmes ore rape fue po on rfrsfys, Taeeer /03sko DiRécTEY ovéRMEAD Combiner Tran! SWF ace pate SUBPAER GEO TAKES eenyancn CAYEICR TARGET panes «00 SUMMARY OF SUBMARINE ATTACKS SHIP at) Location (Lani) Torpedoes Fired in each, Attacle Sunk (Tonnage) Number Damned Type of Taree ange 1500 Yards of Les Range More ‘That 1500 Yards Periscope Depth Sucface Night Deep Submergence or Stern Shot Track Angle Estimate Speed Tarret a= Amount Note: This form i ti submitted by ach submarine withthe narrative SOUTH PACIFIC FOR CH = 55208/A16-3 dated ria 4, Phe Gomans e Sout pth charg sence of density well aa being able to ets because of latters! exce Items noted with satisfai dable persistence on the par’ : to ronder the SJ radar operative. xcellent £ of the SD radar. The fact that nearly 5 few have served in the ship ously Since eomissioning and have made all six patrols to date with no 111 effects on t health. as-3/(11) SOUTH PACIFIC FORCE soe Siavacanrens or THE COMMANDER JDaB-NoT-I-A-L 1.5.8. GRAYBACK, Sixth War Patrol - comment on. 4 Although not cor pear that the ahip carried both St" assumed that this was due to the vono Gomsubpac Gomsublant yubron & F 12 Comsubdtv 62 60 USS GRAYBACK CONFIDENTIAL FILMED ENCLOSURE (A) U.S.8. GRAYBAGK OPERATIONAL REMARKS SURET period covering 13 February ~ 4 april 1943. (2) Designation of unit: = 1 $5 operating under the command of Commander Task Force Forty (Seventy) Two. (2) operation order No. CTF-42 sll-43 operation Plan No. OTF-42 B42 For remainder of data required under paragraph 3(@) of Ginous and Opnay Rest. ltr FPI/Al2-1/A16-3 Serial 3899 of October 19, 1942, see enclosure (B) to basic letter. 15(72)/AL6-3/2% 25 Decerber 1943. faving inflicted the following ¢ ne KOSTER class freighter .. Based on new information the above assesscen and it ie now known thet the + GRAYBACK ts credited with Po2lowing deaage on the eneny on her SUNK 1 Freighter (YODOGAWA LARU) . NAV (Op-230) dst Fit Com 2nd Fit 7th Fit (2) Consubs ist Fit co 2ne Fit 1.L. Conn. (2) ILSOURNE, All $8 TF~72 (liey be teken to.sea, but prior passing 5° South) 4.01987 “DECLASSIFIED ~~ (C-0-N=F-I-D-B-N-T-T-A-L U.3,8, GRAYBAGK, Seventh War Patrol - Report of. April 25, $800 (x) Underway 4n accordance with Conmander ‘tasi: Force SEVENTY-TWO Operation Order 523-43. Conducted surface aound runs in Moreton Bay, fired six rounds from novly-installed 5° gun, made trin and deep dive going to 325 feet, ahd conducted one night run with U.S,5, BAGLEY, More runs were hold up pending work on SJ Radar which had failed at 7,000 yards during first ap,roach, Jaile cancellation of further tféining with BAGLEY was being dabated, on account of high seas, vord was received trom GTF-72 ordering us to ruh submerged and cease éxercises on account of near-by enony submarines. departed and GHAYE.CK diy Ran subuorged ell day whi holding fire control ged again, still x ills, Weather seened but ship still rolled as much a at 100 feet, April 28. dod eed on surface as Continued holding Lis but coula ar Radar was still incperati fov hours out of Moreton Bay. April 29, Decided to run submerged as we were very close to 13 South, 2235, Received OTF-72 serial 88 telling CRAYBACK of proposed patrol area and of decision to end this patrol in the United States, Changed locai time to (-11) to avoid ship's routine, Fat rolling vicinity of Cape oxford i poor visibility, During thie whole period there were no stars for a colo-fix and land fixes were almost impossible to obtai 01-00: to be Target spesd wa: range of 50 2120 Port. Course was changed t H1 torpeto a resembled t eo 76), with a 7.9.C. torpedo aistia counts for six sepa eluded in the addenda, bu of the torzedoes fired ver wes fired ve been a 2 aroppea eleven depth charces directed at’ They seemed ve us well spotted a were dropped is someth Neara first of may small mu: explosions which had the dis breaking-up" sound. le to contect to intercopt_con- voy again 2 t appoarod to b good predicted position. omr-72 serial 9 sn up but decided to gorved all day ‘avieng route. eleaze chance ii float >: Rip at 1-02 253 T. come Second torpedo 9 target, followed b: stack which would have boon the thira Tho first hit caused much derbis to and the se: letely cbse ‘thore was c ing neithor 2 tarzedo ai Received sixteen depth cha the larger variety, but not vor this perica anny staller explosi line and Pe aast nected jelly 20 since sound could hear oa jartod reload for: to periscope depth. making abort five most wnoxsected and aiseouraring sich was felt that two Torpox hits in a des! would practically blow i Tho only expla. possibly the second torpedo from the side of the ship eith tea float bi-plane bearing 12h Sighted two more plas the same ne bearing. 7) © dnnared dea! ced but decia: ight moonlicht end strover. conta see tour o: exantiy alike ana eaeore in sight bu ty was 11,000 rena iin nge had closed to red to 3 ere alway of nom lees. T-peteNet-T-h GRAYBACK, Seventh “lar Patrol - Report of, ey 16 Bis. 1838-45. (cont. All Tdmus eppeared“to’be heavily loaded and of exactly the same type. They were in two columns about 1,200 yards apart and 1,000 yards between Ships. ‘This was the nost recklar formation taken by any Jap convoy we have seen, Range was now 1300 yards with « large zig head- Winole formation directly for'us and giving a small Port angle on the bow. Started swinging full right to fire stern tubes fat leedinz ship in right-hand colune and bow tubes et Jesdine ship in left-hand colum. Firea 47, 8, 9 and 10 torzedoes at range of 720 paras on'120 fort track using an 8 second firing {nterval and e four decree divergent spread. Oae bit was observed causing a sheet of flane to envelop hia ster, Another hit was clear: heard while locking over the rest of the convoy. The second stip in the ripit-hand coluon was periseoze trying to ram, aad Yett hand column hed tured sharply to. th 3 set-up at 1,000 Yas obtained on the first ship in the hand cojuna and the forvard tubes br: bear as targét swune and the. le. ese were followed alnos| three larsé depth charces none of close. The escort wes la: y while we were s\ target. eofinite depth charges ana many Yeny of these reseibled which we had other explosions. "poppiaz or crack: heard in each previous successful attac', many were louder, muffled ond nore srolonze The after torpeda room renorted prolonged flea explosions ncconvanied by noises of wa ‘All during this time sou @istinct sots of scrovs Dh ia acco: Tade Patrol Proceeding to Pearl Harbor. Sighted escort vessel bet exohanged recornition signals and co {hued at fifteen ka ile zigrin ndiceliy as Jap sub was reported Biles off Barber's Point. 0645, Hey able cise ton ettacl reaened ¥ observed through determined b 12, 1943, sound eri ore to 4,000 toas, : ‘aboxt 160'reot in nutes averne lar 0: dical zig-zacs t anrles 0 erallel the th first t elt stant pi boar ing drawing right; close track. of 13,0 er contact: Je on the bow. = trecle on 3 ‘ips, and that . tone of four 2 had headed on averaze course 030°t close the range at the © SEMGay VERE: Seated tained was at edoes wore Ik. 1s depth aeieatrol seconds, Position. en/9t/s eres Fae: oleae) \STTTON T-00 155-00 3 T=1r 160-36 1 diets won erriveal 2 jeventh “ar Patrol. approxiate tee position. Rom rks. Tyo flont bi-plane: 5/7/43 5/23/03 + | | | | ie s/a/a3 | 1215 ip, will mee eee oaspiete baited 280-300 fect. This leads agonal Sonsity oscillators we: hoped that t! completely to ro-bul present one Tender jelievea Yast of the onve the current se s¥12-10/416 SUBIARINE FORCE, PACIFIC FLUGT Serial 9758 care of Fleet Post Office, TAL BPAC PATROL REPO GRATBACK = SEITE ‘the Commander Submarine Force, Pacific Fleet. Sutmarine Fores, Pacific Fleet. 0.8.5. GRAYEAGK (38208) - Report of Sev (A) copy of subject Mar Patrol Report. (8) copy of Consubaiy 102 Conf, Ir. Serial 057 of Juns 4, 1943. ‘The Soventh War Patrol of tho U.S.S, CRAYEACK seoent Connamding Officer, Tho patrol was aggressively carricd out cdvantage was taken of ail contacts nade. ‘The GRAYSACK carriod out, its patr control of the Comandor Subnerincs, ‘fou contacts, GRAYBKCK was successful Attacks on tro conveys wore oxtromly voll oxcoutots cach ease 36 ‘hat the GRAYSACK vas unable to results, but it is snflictod on 1 o 1, 19430 Such contact reports aro proving nors and nore valuable joting dazage on tho cnony. By CRAYBAC overland after ballding uw 5 ‘The Connamlor Submarine Force, Cotnanding Officor, offi rol, Hb 12 'rogrettd that Froightor (YAHRaUIT Freighter (Clase unlcxom) Freighter (Cless unino, Fretetter ( n) Freighter (Class unkaom: Dastroyar (WWAGRT Clase) FILMED. FF12+10/116-3(5)/€26) SUBUARIN FORGE, PACIFIC FLAT cy Serial 0758 Gare of Flect Fost office, San-Franciveos Californi DE Juno 13, 1923, Since the above danage was inflicted prior to ti Joined this Fores, the Comater Tnak Force &: fo croAit this datago on his rocorda, ©, 4, LociKr00D, Jn. i3(5), 22(5) ublant (25, 13( Commanding officer Gonmender in Chief, Un. Gonmancer Submering Force, P Subordinate Cormand,, Commander Submarine Fo’ Conmanéer in Chis GRAYBACK (53208), Report of of this vessel co act China Sos area cd. Sopter: to Nov 10, 1943, i forwarded herewith. 1251 (7) a Septent Operation instracti Yonsen’ in CRO. Conducted routine treinir tion dives, en@ oxercisi doctrine cfront: 1400 (7!) Set clocks beck time (x). 913. Position: Lat. 29-39-45 © eloexs beck } hour 120 (T). Long. 138 Tinpsee obeak Snip eo 1943 (Cont). reload ali elecr on sound Course, Reder off sip was celused by rein scual: checkes : 5 for ettec 2500 21 October 1943 (Cont). (2) Sent out eneny's course, 170 7 pean ee eee ae ee S Sugrldataion: efe bottle surfece, “enned en¢ fired 1 5" 51 cel. deck io hit: jose” to port. Sound: explosions, “tiniclia box-like object. Two about Position: Let, 30. Passed t NAUPO S070 Isl 5 §., Long, h NAUPO 52070 Isl to 25 fe avy 1a bout 2000 t 1200 October t 2000 Octove: jortherly to tained choc’ DO ATTACK . PATROL HO. 8. 0 October 1943. Lat.28-35,5%,Long.132. adous sells and 1: sinteia a depth of les2 than enti, periscope sea feet, with the veves broaline Attine only intexaittent lo st 4060 $0 $000 yards. Bt 1627, October 21, 1943, patrolling ‘course’ 000°T,, sighted masts bearing 000. Visibii- jrew’to the right At 1715, identitied a of ree sh end speed 1 ned to m (reas terse. October 1943, Lat .28-25~30% two 1s The lar: 10,500 vs 2 ape or circling 510, ae, snokiai seconds é out of positil deep to avoid esco: Ze 9000, (cont) e attack, about 25 sounds on Sort hand, bubbling through water, ing ec it wes ti iy tin» that it » jound is balleved to hav: ts of the sinking 5 scope depth 4P, the treicht he escort, ALL or neking little speed. The lerge transport vt xplosive 3. GRIYBACE TROL HO. 8, Time:1220(I),Date 27 October 1943, Lat.26-21-AslizLon, Target Data - Dauge Inflictaa HE O85, following Aepth chergi: and sighted one Smell freighter down by tie which appeared to be a Ch No. 4. Conmanced por: ielbility excels: : edo dudaed. beerved target direct, escort head our fesson chances 0} bean in'vieinity. orra’ < Torpedo Serial No. subaer rectice At 1807, mede battl ertainine 5 were receizt Io (Cont). ab perforzar 7-36=30 Ke, Lone ath, Food end ta! tn general, the health of personne} was cood- fn Gonerexgolient quality, an? tho hebitability was clent to tao hich stenderds of other: fle In conn habitebil @nroute to base cctober 21, 1 ¥H5-22/416-3 rm Drescher serk.l o7t(n) ru of Floot Post. offic n Fr neiseo, C:lirorat 3 Noveuber 1943. < (35203), Report of 1 Bs The only oth. with Magara cliss nd i rdic 1 zigaz eaing coursc, glthouph CRAY. Cl avncuvsrcd into position :¢ 2500 yarda, she did becuse 0 ch nes of courss 1209 wy 2 words quickly put hor out of firing ringc. Be The execllent porforsincs of JP sonic cuuipacht is p.rtioulorly er titying to note, This yilusblc addition is now v"tnp Last Licd in tomo subanrin nd will goon be -v ilsole ror 711, 6. ORAYRAGK return. petrol in rood mitericl condition, Bridee pl tfora will b bridec shes lowerce diring tho nora‘l refit por! to: G.0. coade. T-J-A-L on 7a d0=3 aber yeport. P.trol teer 17 dys in cur to hi Th (1) The Conaunde: Flost, Subordinate Phe COuacnder Sub aaundor Subaurine Division -Chiof, Tnitc ‘Conia: ndor. fe Floot. in-chi 5208), vpsck (5 10 Cornander Subnerine Force, Pectfic Hoot. whe Conmender-in-Chief, United 6 reichter (KOUUE SBECLASSIFIED 7-00 S aate Anudd on patrol. Decenbor 1943 (¢ yuo 126 smoke whore the escort all position of dupthe mien ve two torpedoes: 27 Deconde 0730 (Ls) o7k7 3333. (YE 32/26/43 !150~ RAYBACK TORPEDO AICI NO. 2s Tind 2219(K). Date 18 December 1943, Lat. 26-7 t Data = Danage Inflicted Tops of six s to close subm © at 23,000 yards, Attack was visibinity before neonris lent yas composed of four fr ond P-type aostennel Ship Suni = Ships Probably Su 220 der contacted faco durin ation setual mare ©. 26-20-3011, Lone LE Angle gyre Angle epth Set. MH ATTACK NO. Decorber 1943, Le et Data = Danaze vessel, about 250 tons surface pursuit ané 4500 yaras. Cc ing debris. Closec into floating hul': ire control range spots and 7 unioavion Wit! ones, plugged into p: Btfectiveness of 7 ngth of A total of three rounds of p faa they would not fire after repeate ‘proved to bo ofzorts. after tir spood Li knot: bitebility 2 hot bua! AVRAGK Ses visible, t! a) GRAYBAC on two ofca: lowefiyt ing plan 3 (e) on c ithout seeil periscope raised, iffioult to train sp ENDORSEMENT of Fleet Post office FES-I7R1B-3 San Francisco, Califorai 5 Tanuary 1944. Conmander Submarine Division SIXTY-o! ‘The Comuander in Chief, U. S. Flot. (1) The Commander suhmarine Squadron Four. (2) Ths Consander Submarine Fores, Pacific F (3) The Commander in Chict, Pacific Flcet. Subj U.8.5. GRAYBACK, Report of Ninth war Patrol. qe GRAYBACK ninth war patrol was a short but very sttective one. It eovorod a period of thirty-throc days of which seven wore spent in the assigned area. Expenditure of all ti pedoss caused terminatina nf the patrol. a Area coverage wae exoollont. Tore wore six contacts with enemy ships or groups of shiss. Ono was a patrol. craft and was avoided. Contact was m:do with » possible submarino while chasing a convoy. This contact was soon lost. Attacks wore mado on oll other vessels or groups of ships sighted or Gotected by radar. 41] attacks wor. oxcoptionally woll plonno and oxsouted against heavily oscortea convoys. 11 oxcept the last of fivo torpedo attacks were mado ot night and only ono of the alent attacks was mado submerged. Four out of fivo torpodo ttseks wore succossful, The only ane that failod wa on a ‘l ship at 2 range of about 700 yards. Thora was ono possible dud nit. It is probaple that tho other torpsdoos ran too doop for thig shallow draft vossol. Torpsdoos on all attacks were sct to run at 6 feet. The gun atteck on a fishing vessel wos aifcioult duc to roll of ths submorino ané the casualty tn the pointer's firing key which necossitated firing by lanyard. Be GRAYBACK returned from patrol in good aateria) condition and oxosptionally e: ship will bo rofitted in tho noraal period. No. 1 torpedo tubs shutter will ba parti- sxaningd for aisalignzent or improper clearance and wan. Torpedoes will bo fired fron this tubo the exeroiss poriod. ‘Ths causo of tho port tail shoft goisc will be sought aud corrected while docked. be ‘Tho Commanding Officer, officers and crow of th ORAYBACK are congratulated oa another vory aggressive and high successful patrol. Froighter Th of. BAG control deservi during Jed War Patrol (15 Jul ~ 3 ESPAC? U, K, ser C101, of 3 Sep ss 25 Dec 2 = 18 San 13 ee eon C0 USS GRAYBACK (55-208) ROTOR BY U.S. SUMARIN 6 Form Reports of action in Lat. 7.00 5, Lon Quring 5th Var Patrol (7 Dec 2 - 23 berpes, 2 Submarine, 1 Maru sunk, (GoPAC; U.S. Suimarine Aetions) fo ORLCINAT WAL March 1918 __nonz_aAYEACK BACK (SS-208) =a at Reports of action in Tat. 00.01 8, Long. 6th War Patrol (16 Reb Periscop: 1° Sound souna Attack: (unopposed ma: Latitud Longitude 253 INSTRUCTIONS ATTACK FIRST—Then collect data for this report! Do not “Gun Deck” this report —If data cannot be estimiated » enter a dash in spac ch no data is aval Sound conditions (af applicable) erations Of ees engaged: Own f attack (Own Boengoeoseratet an stoxts ype spread Divergent (23°) Detected: (prion to firing (check) (after firing ued ESULTS (Certain) (Patimated) TYPE ATTACK, (check) Sound and TDC CONFIDENTIAL S. SURMARINE ACTION REPORT Location: Latitude iecgrade! INSTRUCTIONS (9) ATTACK PIRST—Then collect data for this report! Weather conditions Sonn conditions (if applicable Soecifie objective Type of attack (Own a suitable resin Attack (Own) Kea depth ssenatgt curved shot (s) ype aren DEvercen (unopened check) (oppose Dy (after firing Canetected Detected (cheek) SULTS: (Certain) (estimated) Brit Remarks ‘TYPE ATTACK (heck) Periscope an sountemnac TD CONFIDENTIA S. SUBMARINE ACTION REPORT Location: Latitude INSTRUCTIONS 2) AVTACK FIRST—Then collet data for this report {b) Do not “Gun Deck” this report If data eannot be ebtimated with reasonable accraey’ en & dash in space for which no data is available (c) Draw a cirde around the appropriate entry in this report wherever suitable Weather conditions Name and Type) Enemy ‘ype of attack (Own / em serait (every Eye rpedo Attack (Own) u TYPE ATTACK Keel dept es Stenizkt/eurved shots) aaa Type spread 2: i a nan and TDC Attack: compet: TAGE (oppose hy’ sir screen sehnercERERM (check) (after tiring = SESULTS: (Certain) (Estimated) riot Remarks, S. SUBMARINE, ves, (ATTACK Do not “Gi RST —Then vollect by 1 Deck” this report a dash in space for which » le around fo) Draw n he pro ceonaitions (if applica Tyne of operations and Type) Bnem) Tepe of attack (Own /BmRHE ACTION REPORT = ial Longitude 156 = 16 2 Date INSTRUCTIONS ata cannot he esfimated with veasonable aeearacy en ate entry in this report wherever suitable (over) Evasive tacts employed: For Torpesto Attack (Own) Firing range 3 Keel depth ‘Stenger curved shot (s) Type spread r Attack: (unopposed (cheek) (opposed by air sereon lowe sereen, Detected: (prot to fring (check) (after firing 2 RESULTS: (Cortain) (Estimated) TYPE ATTACK (cheek) Prisco Periscope and TDC Sound CONFIDENTIAL S.SUBMARINE ACTION REPORT INSTRUCTIONS a) ATTACK FIRST—Then collect data for this report fi) Do not “Gun Dock” this report If data eannot be estimate! wit able ace «daa in space for which 1 data is available, sand eonditions Gf applieable) and ‘Type) Bnemy © of attack (Own Bam FILMED tral ‘SUBMARINE SQUADRON FOUR cooperation of the Comiand val weeks pr to and ing. sinel: parent thet ell possibil ‘eet ive tear nove cen be devised, 1 recommend Linited to three. However, it 1s quite po 4 be very effective to employ more then one Sene general area by kespin= then In Reply SUBMARINE SQUADRON board on the problens iene rection attacked FOUR SUBMARINE SQUADRON FOUR ows that SUBMARINE SQUADRON FOUR SUBMARINE SQUADRON FOUR SUBMARINE SQUADRON FOUR SUBMARINE SQUADRON FOUR RON FOUR SUBMARINE SQUAD ypiz-10/a12-1(2) COMMANDER SUBMARINE FORCE a) a6) UNITED STATES PACIFIC FLEET i Care of Floct Post Office, San Francisco, California, The Commander Submarine Force, Pacific Flect. The Conmander-in-Chief, United States Fleet The Vonmander-in-chier, U. 3. Pacific Fler Subject: Commander Task Group 17.14 War Diary. de This first coordinated attack group unde: mand of Captain C. B. Momsen, U. 3. Navy, operated in the Za: China Sea. This area has inthe last fow months been highly ductive and in it convoys of 10-12 ships had been encountered. Prior to hie departure, the group commander had had considerable experience in convoy attack exeroise and was the originator of the convoy exercise gane board. Both of these activities have proven very veneficial in giving submarines and their fire control teass valuable experience in convoy attack procedure The Commander Submarine Force, Pacific Fleet ours in the statement made in paragraph 4 that the group Sizée Should be limited to a maximun of three submarines. This limita fion is necessary because of the difficulty in controlling a larger nunver of submarines and elso because the small size of the usual Tapanese convoy does not warrant the use of more, Placing more than one group in an area is not considered feasible at this Since there 18 an insufficient number of submarines available. Be With regard to coments made in paragraph 20 a3 control of the attack group, the Commanter Submrine Force, Pacific et, 49 not entirely in agoom with the idea of atteapting to con- trol such a group from Pearl Herbor. Communication delays ere {nevitable since the Fox and Haiku “schedules must necessarily carry a very great amount of traffic in addition to submarine traffic. {i 1g believe! that control of an attack group must be exercised by a group leader who is actually in the area and who may be a Divi- Sion Commander or the senior commanding officer of the group. Tais Officer supervises the day by day local patrol areas of his ships 1z “2195 1o/AL2-1{2) COMMANDER. SUBMARINE FORCE A4=3(2) (6) UNITED STATES PACIFIC FLEET Care of FL San Franci, and will be assisted by information sent out from Submarine Force, Pacific Fleet, as to new locations which it aay be desirable to occupy in omer to develop contacts received from submarines, planes, eto. Such a system will guard against inter- Porence between individual subsarines and provide a greater dens of coverage than would be possible by using individual submarines fa fixed areas, This training will also be useful fo operations when the number of submarines available possible to station two or three ships in each prot: be A second coordinated attack group under com Comander F. B. Warder, U. 8. Navy, 18 now returning after watch appears to be very Similar to that ma Te is believed that communications, especially during the daylign Submerged patrols, were again the major difficulty. However, very Substantial results were obtained. An attack group is now being ‘epared, command of which will be exercised by the senior 2 fag officer, and resulta will be compared with the results above mentioned. Bs The new plan proposed by Captain Monsen in para— graph’ 20 above will be given 1 study and exercises will be Soniucted on the game board. Although complete information on the Subject is not available here, it is believed that parallels somewhat the German’ idea wh: g along possible convoy routes. An: Coaes @ trailer but does not attack; his duty is to pass 0: tinuous information regarding the convoy nov Gonuan operation ashore then directs tho U-Boats accordingly. stem undoubtedly requires exclusive us e or more high powered shore radio stations snd has enother Boat to coumnicate freque poeition, so that « coup See comiineterraerateace ee) che eer a eerie bfad2-1/A6-3 of Novenber, 1943. inute pict the ontire attack je conveys to evad tion". With in the Pact: success and our ovn ligh es can be ati in general, they have observ y complete ceptions to this ade when cont 5 It is strongly felt that sound. Although torpedo attacks reveal the pres in area, radio silence still denies the eneay the mation of the sutmarine's location and of the ext Some of the probless which aust te overcome in sett polley if long range control is t. (a) Position of submerine au: quent use of the radio contre] is is S are usually unknown. This does ) Visibility - The same applies as in subparagraph (a) f the submarine is not known; surface or submerged, material condition, fuel and to The suspected pres: Japanese to change his escort tac 22. If such is the case, then another a: Gained by grouping subsarin FFL2-10/A12-1(1) COMMANDER SUBMARINE FORCE Ak=3(2)(26) UNITED STATES PACIFIC FLEET Care of Fleet Post Offics¢ San Frencisco, California, DF 28 November, 1943. Cormander ‘Task Group 1 7. The recommendations made in paragraph weather fronts is considered worthy of investigation. tice has been used by the Germans who were able to give value Information to their submarines by means of weather stations 1o cated in the Arctic regions. If not, pos ntral may soon be prepared to furnish sul front infomation along the apire routes such that they Advontege of these fronts, This will be investigated. 8. By copy of this endorseneat the Commander Subse rine Fores, Pacific Fleet, congratulates the Commander Task Gro 7.14, aot only for the efficient manner in which thie group Gheanized and maintained, but for the intense study and pre} made prior to his departure. AND PACIFIC OCEAN AREAS 2) COMMANDER SUBMARINE FORCE UNITED STATES PACIFIC. FLEET n order on’ 28 Ja East, RAYBAGK re ft and ond torpedo left February Februar -3/(22) COMMANDER, SUBMARINE FORCE 10/Mi-3/(22) {UNITED STATES PACIFIC FLEET received. the enemy and sinkings tive evidence is see: tea with all ie despatches. ‘The GRAYEACK, under the conmand of Commei established a most enviable record. Tne 0: ‘the GRAYBAGK, He was 4 ta a to hin, ALBAGK are as follows: 1/(22) COMMANDER, SUBMARINE FORCE 1/(12) UNIED STATES PACIFIC FLEET Care of Fleet Po! PATROL 0 16 fo! 2) COMMANDER SUBMATINI (12) (NITED STATES. PACIFIC RAYBAGI Auxiliary Cruis Transport COMMANDER SUBMARINE F 2) UNITED STATES. PACIFIC Eig} a are aon Seria] 10/A4=1 00481. 0: ANDER SUIMARINE FORCE D STATES PACING FLEET rian 00025) =" Consubsrec tr. serial z Ef o a 3 END OF REEL JOB NO... WS: is 12 4 we THIS MICROFILM IS THE PROPERTY OF THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT MICROFILMED BY NPPSO-NAVAL DISTRICT WASHINGTON MICROFILM SECTION

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