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CHILDISH: Inability to comprehend. Have you ever watched a kid just NOT get something, over and over?

Something so easy to understand, like gravity or liquid volume, and yet somehow the kid just cant change their worldview enough to grasp it. The kid has an excuse it takes time to learn certain things, and there are stages of development. Adults, however, dont have that excuse were all capable of comprehension and learning, but many of us just avoid it. Being stuck in your own worldview with absolutely no curiosity to learn anything new is a very boring problem to have.

7 characteristics of a childISH person

went for BS today and nope, e title of this post is not what ive learnt in FT1. haha FT1 we learnt abt e 10 effects of God's Word. but as i was watchin one of e videos in our chc website. i found this message which was rather good. 7 characteristics of a child -child-like is NOT childishness. -u can be 50 years old, yet behave childishly. -by 15 u shld have e ability to reason, to have abstract understanding and have e ability to analyse. 1. The childish man is the center of his own universe. -luke 15:11 -self centered, does what he wants; his own way. -doesnt care about people around him. -talks about himself...ME, ME, ME 2. The childish man is insensitive to others. -2 kings 2:23-243. The childish man demands his own way.

-luke 7:31, 33, 35 -complains when his needs are not met. -"When i dont get it my way...I'll..." -> this and that. -he gives excuses / justifies himself / non decisive -love desires to benefit others at e expense of self because love desires to give. 4. The childish man throws temper tantrums. -luke 9:51, 53 -meekness is not a sign of weakness! -a strong person has self control, a weak person has no control. -e.g. it takes strength to go e extra mile, e turn e other side when u are slapped on one side, etc. -a real man is a real gentlemen. (strong YET gentle) 5. The childish man is irresponsible. -he refuses to accept responsiblity for his actions -> stop blaming others! -in relationships, finances, education, career, etc. -gen 3 -real men live by CONVICTION, not by convenience!!! -dun jus seek involvement...GO AFTER COMMITMENT! -seek maturity -> make e decision to grow. 6. The childish man doesnt reason. mature: feel - think - act child: feel - act - think/wonders

-a kid jus does what he thinks is right. -> never thinks about consequences 7. The childish man only obeys concrete authority. -they only understand brute force/threat. sorry about long spaces....cus i jus copied directly frm notepad hehe....and im rather neat with my notes..haha ^_^ well, ill be servin this friday so do pray for strength, wisdom, discernment, favor...:)
childish - jealousy, pettiness, selfishness, tantrums (anger)

Synonyms CHILDISH, INFANTILE, CHILDLIKE refer to characteristics or qualities of childhood. The e nding ish often hasunfavorable connotations; CHILDISH therefore refers to characteristics t hat are undesirable and unpleasant:childish selfishness, outbursts of temper. INFANTILE or iginally a general word, now often carries an evenstronger idea of disapproval or sc orn than does CHILDISH : infantile reasoning, behavior. The ending like has pleasing or neutral connotations; CHILDLIKE therefore refers to the characteri stics that are desirableand admirable: childlike innocence, trust.

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