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Nama : Siti nur`aini HR Nim : S10085

1. In its second stage, storage, memories can become further distorted. - Pronoun : its - Verb : become, distorted - Uncountable : memories - Countable : second stage - Modals : can

2. Over time, our memories degrade, as we forget portions of events. - Subject : we, our - Verb : forget - Uncountable : memories, time - Linking verb : as

3. To compensate, we may even creatively fill in the gap created by the recession of long-term memory. - Subject : we - Verb : created - Countable : memory - Modals : may 4. Additionally, an individuals memory can be altered during the storage stage by intervening occurrences, which can be subconsciously combined with previously stored memories. - Subject : individuals - Verb : altered, combined, storage - Verb-ing : intervening - Linking verb : with, during - Uncountable : memories

- Countable : memory - Modals : can

5. Last but not least, we search our memory to locate information. - Subject : we,our - Verb : locate - Uncountable : Information - Countable : memory

6. During recall, emotion also seems to play a part in memory distortion. - Verb : play, distortion - Linking verb : during - Uncountable : emotion - Countable : memory

7. In sum, our memories may not be the indisputable source of information that we would like them to be. - Subject : we,our - Linking verb : that, to be - Uncountable : memories, information - Modals : may, would

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