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NAME: - --------------------------------------------------------

ADDRESS: - --------------------------------------------------

Ph; - ----------------------------------------------------------

Please tick mark () where required

1. Do you get delivery of the products at time?

Yes ﴿ ﴾ No ﴿ ﴾

2. Do you have faced shortage of goods because of inventory

Problem with company?

Yes ﴿ ﴾ No ﴿ ﴾

3. How frequently do you place the order?

a) once in a month ( )

b) Twice in a month ( )

c) More then twice in a month ( )

4. Do you get the time utility from the company?

Yes ﴿ ﴾ No ﴿ ﴾

5. Do you get the proper place utility from the company?

Yes ﴿ ﴾ No ﴿ ﴾

6. Do you always receive goods in well sealed and proper


Yes ﴿ ﴾ No ﴿ ﴾
If NO then what reason company gave to you mention: -
7. How do you place the order?

a) Telephonically ( )

b) Manually ( )

c) By mails ( )

8. Do you get required variety and assortment?

Yes ﴿ ﴾ No ( )

9. make purchasing at credit you oD?

Yes ﴿ ﴾ No ( )

10. If you make purchasing at credit then for how long period

Do you take credit?

a) Generally for half month ( )

b) Generally for a month ( )

c) More then one month ( )

11. Are satisfied with services of company?

a) Highly satisfied ( )

b) Satisfied ( )

c) Neutral ( )

d) Dissatisfied ( )

e) Highly Dissatisfied ( )

Remarks: -

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