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Meteor that gave us Christianity

Location:! Roman empire,! 312 A.D, Italy.

! in 310 a.d Constantine was ghting a civil war against Maxentius, another who wanted to claim the throne. Both men met for a battle for control of the roman empire. battle took place at the Milvian Bridge, over the Tiber (few KM from Rome) Constantine was outnumbered by Maxentius who had twice as many men. However, Constantine saw a sign in the sky - (a meteor) reading conquer by this Encouraged by the sign Constantines men went on to win the battle. Constantine became emperor and payed homage to God, causing christianity to explode in popularity, and after a few decades became the sole religion of the roman empire. Since then, in present day on the battle sight, a meteor crater has been identied as what Constantine saw. the impact sight is as large as a "...while he was thus praying with fervent entreaty, a most marvellous sign appeared to him from heaven, the account of which it might have been hard to believe had it been related by any other person. ! Constantine the great - legalised christianity, converted to christianity.! football eld and would have struck the ground like a small nuclear bomb.

background: Christianity was fading away at the time.

"...about noon, when the day was already beginning to decline, he saw with his own eyes the trophy of a cross of light in the heavens, above the Sun, and bearing the inscription 'conquer by this'.

Emperor Constantine son of Constantius! Chlorus, western emperor.

"At this sight he himself was struck with amazement, and his whole army also, which followed him on this expedition, and witnessed the miracle. - Eusebius, one of Christian Churchs early historians

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