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5) How did you

your audience?
We could also attract our
audience through the use of
TV as it is very popular way in
getting your product seen and
addressing/promoting it as a
lot of people watch TV
although it is very expensive
to get a advert on TV and only
big productions can afford it
Another way we attracted
our audience is through the
main character. We dressed
the boy as a stereotypical
gangster and to make him
venerable as that will make
people interested as they
will be keen to see what
happens to him. People can
also relate to him as well
making them attached to
the main character
The audience may also be
attracted to the music we have
in our soundtrack as it is hip-
hop/grime which is very
popular with youth gang
culture and may appeal to
The location may attract the
audience as they may live in
similar areas to the main
character a rundown
suburban area. That is where
most of our production is
We attracted our audience
through the use of social
media. Its an excellent way to
address you're audience or
attract it as many young people
age between 15-20 are on
social media and its very
popular within the current
generation and will be very
easy to get talk and interact
with our audience some
examples of social media are
Facebook, twitter and

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