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Hello Students and Parents: Welcome back to PMSS. Please allow me to begin my
comments by thanking all of you for your understanding and patience during a
rather uncertain and challenging end to the previous school year. While I am still
awaiting news as to when the school year will commence, I am happy to report that
we were able to get all necessary reports and documents to our senior students as
required prior to the start of summer. Given most of the data type of work
typically done by our teachers in June (i.e. report card data entry, etc.) was handled
by administrators and clerical staff, I ask that you carefully review report cards and
new timetables to ensure they are accurate and be sure to report any concerns to
your grade counselor. As for students going into grades 9 and 10; while we were not
100% certain of your final standing in most of your courses, do expect that you have
been programmed into the next grade level. If teachers OR parents have concerns
about this type of decision, again, please contact the appropriate grade counselor.
This entire series of events has not been easy on anyone yet I expect to see things
settled soon and I am excited about getting a new school year underway.

We are returning to a building that has been polished from top to bottom and
therefore I would like to recognize the hard work of our custodial crew in preparing
things for our return. Additional furniture and other niceties have been added for
our students enjoyment and I hope to continue to add to this in the months ahead.

Goodbye to a Number of Staff Members: I believe most of you are aware that
Vice Principal Tom Levesque moved over to Garibaldi to start the new year. This
comes about as student population continues to decline at the high school level
across the district and thus various positions also get reduced. What you might not
be aware of is that veteran teachers Mr. Sid Midtdal and Mrs. Susan Walker both
announced their retirements in early August and will not be returning to us in
September. We wish them both well during this exciting time in their lives and
congratulate our own Ms. Rhondalee Brema who has been appointed our new
teacher-librarian. There were a number of other changes made since June 1 and
they are listed in a separate section of this newsletter.

Student timetables will be distributed during the homeroom period on the first day
(see information in this newsletter) and we will have much more information to
share with you during student assemblies in addition to our first PAC meeting on
Monday September 8, 6:30 PM in our Library Commons.
M. Keenan, Principal

It is widely believed that a school needs to set attainable goals with a plan to review
these on a regular basis. With this in mind, we encourage parents to attend our
regular Parent Advisory Council (PAC) meetings held monthly in order to provide
valuable input as to how we are doing in reaching these goals. Our first meeting is
scheduled for Monday, September 17 at 7:00 pm in our library. Finally, we ask
students to pay close attention as we promote a number of classroom and extra-
curricular opportunities during our first few weeks. Get involved in school activities,
work hard and enjoy your years at SRT. Please dont hesitate to contact any of us if
you have any questions, suggestions or concerns, our doors are always open.

All the best..GO TITANS!!
Mike Keenan, Principal
Adam Stanley, Vice Principal
Lisa Lawrance, Vice Principal

There are still some costs associated with high school that are
charged to students (some of these are optional):
Student Fee: $28
Yearbooks (optional): $50
Lock for locker (optional): $ 7

Students in grades 9 through 12 may pay these via the parent portal
on the district website if they have access, or may bring a cheque
with them to homeroom on the first day back, made out to PMSS.
Lockers are not assigned to students until fees are paid.
Summer Newsletter
Grades 9-12
Pitt Meadows Secondary
19438 116B Avenue
Pitt Meadows, BC
V3Y 1G1
Telephone: (604) 465-7141 Fax:
(604) 465-6274
Important Dates for the
2014/15 School Year

August 25
Office Reopens for

August 29
Office Closes 3:00 pm

September 1
Labour Day
(School Closed)

September 2
First Day for Students

September 8
PAC Meeting 6:30 pm

September 19
Student Photo Day

September 22
PMSS Pro-D Day
(no classes)

September 23
District Wide Pro-D Day
(no classes)

September 25
Terry Fox Run (Block E)
Grade 8 Parents Night
5:30 6:30pm
Awards Ceremony 7pm

September 30
Post-Secondary Visits
6pm 8pm

October 3
Late Start for Students
August 20, 2014
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October 6
PAC Meeting 6:30pm

October 13
Thanksgiving Holiday
(school closed)

October 16
Photo Retake Day

October 23
Student Led Conferences
(no classes for students)

October 24
Provincial Pro-D Day
(no classes)

November 3
PAC Meeting 6:30pm

November 7
Remembrance Day

November 10
School not in Session
(no classes)

November 11
Remembrance Day
(School Closed)

November 21
Late Start 9:50am

December 11
Report Cards Home

December 12
Late Start 9:50am

December 19
Christmas Assembly

December 22 January 2
Winter Break

January 5
School Reopens
Grade Assemblies
PAC/SPC Meeting

January 16
Late Start 9:50am

January 26
Pro-D Day (no classes)

February 2
PAC Meeting 6:30pm
Course Selection all week

February 5

On September 2
, students will need to come in to school for the following
time, attendance is mandatory:

Grade 9/10: 9:30 am 10:30 am Short Assembly in MPR, Homeroom
and Fees, lockers, timetables

Grade 11/12 10:35 am 11:45 am Short Assembly in MPR, Homeroom
and Fees, lockers, timetables.

Grade 8 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm Grade 8 Assembly in MPR.
Timetables will be given out at
this time.

Student pictures will be done on Friday, September 19. All students will have
their picture taken for their Go Card/Student ID Card, as well as the

Please find all of the information about picture packages on the envelope
from Mountain West Studios which will be distributed the week prior to

A separate cheque for pictures must be made payable to Mountain West
Studios and brought to school on Friday, September 19. Retake Day will be
on Thursday, October 16.

Do not wait to order your yearbook! We encourage all students who wish to
purchase a yearbook to commemorate the school year to do so in September.
As these books are very expensive we order enough for those that have pre-paid
and then only a few extras. If you want to ensure that you have a book in June,
make sure that you place your order. Last year the yearbooks were very
popular and all extras were sold in short order with a number of students going

Student Accident Insurance
Students are not covered by the school or district should an injury occur during
an extra-curricular, sporting or school activity. Industrial Alliance Pacific
Insurance offers insurance coverage for students. For full details and to obtain
insurance forms and quotes, visit their website
This optional insurance is very beneficial should your child be injured. Forms
are also available in the office.

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2015 Graduating Class

Time to start planning for this year's graduating class!
Please join us at our first Grad 2015 Parent Planning
Meeting of the year on September ___ at 7pm. We've got
lots to do and need as much parental and student support
as possible.

Student Led Conferences
(no classes)
Post-Secondary Info 4-6pm

February 9
BC Day (no classes)

February 11
Family Day (no classes)

February 27
Pro-D Day (no classes)

March 11
SPC 4:30pm
PAC Meeting 6:30pm

March 9 - 20
Spring Break

March 27
Scholarship Deadline

April 1
Grad Assembly Block A

April 13
PAC Meeting 6:30pm

April 15
Valedictorian Nominations

April 29
Grad Assembly & BBQ
Valedictorian Speeches &

May 4
PAC Meeting 6:30pm

May 15
Late Start 9:50am

May 18

Victoria Day (no classes)

May 19
Pro-D Day (no classes)

May 29

Grad Prom/Dance

June 16
Last Day of Regular Classes

June 17-24
Provincial Exams
Grades 10-12

June 24-25
Final Report Card pickup

June 28
Administrative Day
School Closes

P Pa ar re en nt t P Po or rt ta al l H Ha av ve e y yo ou u r re eg gi is st te er re ed d y ye et t? ?
DONT MISS OUT on another announcement, event, newsletter or field trip!
These forms/announcements are now all being communicated from the
school through the SD42 Forms and Parent Portal. You will need to take a
few minutes of your time to create an account at
Inquire with your school office to obtain your students pupil number and unique
linking key or contact the IT Service Help Desk at 604-466-6248 in order to link
your student(s) to your parent account.

Permissions for field trips will be communicated electronically with payment
online for field trips and school fees, a convenient, but optional feature. Feel
free to continue sending cash or cheques with your student to the school office.

Dont delay and never worry about that buried form at the bottom of
your childs backpack again!

As indicated in our June Newsletter, the following staff members have left PMSS as
a result of requested leaves of absence, retirement, maternity leave, layoff, or an
end of a temporary assignment. We wish them all the very best:

Dawn Brown Robyn Burton Anton Donkersloot Marilyn Fraser
Jennifer Howard Serena Kozak Sid Midtdal Cara Roberts
Susan Walker Neil Wason Jessica Wyles

We would like to welcome the following staff members:

Claudia Bertoia Gemma Bird Marron Fewer Debbie Hartrick
Adrienne Koebernick Yvonne Murray Trisha Umlah Carol-Anne Yau

Marauders Wear is available several select times throughout the school year by
special order only. Coach Goulet coordinates these sales so watch for notices and
listen to the Daily Announcements for upcoming order dates.

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Start Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4
1 2 3 or 4



8:30 - 9:50am
(80 Minutes)

Block A

Block E

Block B

Block F

Period 1

9:55 - 11:15am
(80 Minutes)

Block B

Block F

Block A

Block E

Period 2

11:15 - 11:50am
(45 minutes)








11:55 - 1:15pm
(80 Minutes)

Block C

Block G

Block D

Block H

Period 3

1:20 - 2:40pm
(80 Minutes)

Block D

Block H

Block C

Block G

Period 4

Please note that the following Fridays will be a 9:50am late start for
students to allow for teacher collaboration:

October 3, 2014 January 16, 2015
November 21, 2014 February 6, 2015
December 12, 2014 April 17, 2015
May 15, 2015

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