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!"#$ &'($)* +,-''. /0)*(0,* 12 believes that all students should have access to educationally appropriate technology
learning tools when they act in a responsible, trustworthy, courteous and legal manner. As a result, the Districts
character traits have been incorporated into our student Acceptable Use Agreement.

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Cooperate and work together as a productive member of a group in order to
solve problems, make decisions and build a supportive learning
Report threatening or discomforting materials to a teacher
Understand that you are part of a large learning community; parents,
teachers, students, community neighbors and learners of other cultures.


Respect and protect the intellectual property of others.
Copyright ! is a law that gives only the owner of an idea or piece of work
the right to make copies, change, perform, display, or distribute the work.
Take special care of all technology devices so that it reduces the chances of
damage, breakage or theft.


Create your own work, and give credit to the ideas of others
Value your education by sharing your knowledge with others
Publish your original work with your teachers approval and support
Only use your own passwords and school server folder or storage device.


Respect and practice the principles of our school communitys emotional
wellness traits
Respect the technology and equipment belonging to District 67 as a tool for
Respect the ideas of others.
Communicate only in ways that are kind and respectful; refrain from


Respect the privacy of yourself and your classmates by keeping personal
information private
Take responsibility for your technology devices
Follow the student expectations for technology devices.
Use only the district website and links unless teacher permission is granted
Follow copyright guidelines by not intentionally allowing copied material
of any kind to enter or exit District 67
Access only material acceptable by the code of conduct

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