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 Peptone water  Base for all sugar media for non-

(peptone+NaCl+dist. Water) fastidious bacteria.

 Nutrient broth  Base for most media used for organisms

( peptone water+NaCl+meat extract) Basal media growth.

Autoclave at 110°C for 10 minutes

 Nutrient agar plate  Allows separate colony formation
(broth + 2% agar)  Colonial morphology identification
 Nutrient agar slope  Quantitation: no. & relative proportion of
different bacterial species originally
present in specimen can be estimated.
 Pure cultures can be obtained

 Deep agar tube  to test oxygen requirement of bacteria

Basal media
 Soft agar tube  For keeping stock cultures by stab
Autoclave at 110°C for 10 minutes
(in small tube) inoculation.
 To demonstrate motility of organism.
*both with cotton-wool stoppers.

 Cooked meat medium  Reducing agent:  For growth of anaerobic bacteria:

(Robertson’s medium) haem, unsaturated fatty  Clostridium botulinum, clostridium tetani,
acid. Anaerobic streptococci.

Paranitro benzoic acid(PBNA) Medium  Growth of atypical mycobacteria.

 Blood agar Enriched media  Growing delicate or fastidious bacteria

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(nutrient agar+ sterile defibrinated  Differential medium: differentiating org.
blood) Autoclave at 120° for 20 minutes According to their haemolytic action on

 Chocolote agar Enriched media  Culture of Haemophilus & Neisseria
(nutrient agar+ sterile defibrinated Autoclave at 120° for 20 minutes
blood+ heated to 80°C for 10 min)

 Loeffler’s Serum Slope Enriched media  Morphology of C. Diphtheria

(3 pt sterile serum+ 1 pt glucose Solidified by inspissations
broth) ( 70-80°C for 2 hrs)
 Screw capped bottles or tubes Prepared under sterile conditions

 Egg Saline Medium Enriched Media  Culture of tubercle bacilli

(2.5 pt egg yolk+ 1 pt saline) Solidified by inspissations
 Screw-capped bottles ( 70-80°C for 2 hrs)
Prepared under sterile conditions

 Selenite F broth Enrichment media  Favour growth of typhoid & parathyphoid

 Tetrathionate broth organisms.(shigella, salmonella)
 Do not favours growth of E. Coli

 Mac Conkey’s medium  Selective media  To grow gram –ve bacteria.

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(peptone water+agar+bile
salt+lactose+neutral red(phenol  Steaming for 30-60 min (autoclave)
 Sodium taurocholate(bile salt)
*selective agent or inhibitory substance:
- growth of gram +ve bacteria

 Sugar lactose-fermented by E. Coli

 Indicator-phenol red
*pinkfermenting colonies
*yellownon-fermenting colonies

 TCBS Agar  Selective media  For selective isolation of

(sodium thiosulphate, sod. Citrate, vibrio cholera.
bile salt, sucrose)  Indicatorbromothymol blue  Colonies appear yellow against
green medium.
 pH8.0-8.6(alkaline)

 Steaming for 30-60 min (autoclave)

Mannitol Salt Agar  Selective media  Mannitol fermentation of
 Indicatorphenol red staphylococcicolonies
 Sugarmannitol  NaClinhibitory substance, allows surrounded by yellow haloes.
growth of staphylococci, inhibits
other organisms.

 Lowenstein’s Jensen Medium  Cultivation of tubercle bacilli

 Selective media
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 Sel. Agentmalachite green
(beatean eggs, mineral salts, - Growth of other bacteria other
malachite green) than TB.
 Glycerolenhance growth of
Solidified by inspissation human type.
 Pyruvateenhance growth of
bovine type.
 Thayer Martin medium  For isolation of Neisseria
 Selective medium
 Colistin, nystatin, vancomycin
 Blood tellurite medium  Allows growth of C. Diphtheria as
(Mcleod’s medium)  Selective medium: black colonies.
(blood agar+ potassium tellurite) K tellurite

 Sugar media( peptone water, 0.5-  Sugar media  Placed in tubes containing:
1.0% sugar:)  inverted Durham’s tubes
 Glucose  Indicatorsphenol red,  to trap air bubbles in case of
 Maltose Change their color w change of pH fermentation with gas.
 Mannitol  Yellowacid pH  An indicator media to differentiate
 Lactose  Redalkaline pH bacteria according to fermentation
 Sucrose  Tyndallisation for 30 min for 3 of sugars.
successive days.

 Transport medium:  Transport medium  Preservation of delicate pathogens

 Stuart’s transport medium  Semi-solid during transit to lab.
 Non-nutrient agar with  Originally for Neisseria Gonorrhea.
thioglycollic acid(reducing agent)
+ electrolytes

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