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The Third Sunday after the Epiphany
10:30 a.m. Sunday, January 22, 2017

Organ Prelude
10:30AM Meeting Convened
Announcement of Candidates
Further Nominations (no second required)
Motion to Close Nominations
Voting eligibility
Appointment of Tellers
Polls are open for 1 Hour/end time
Ushers will collect ballots, and distribute ballots to those who need them at the announcements.

THE HOLY EUCHARIST BEGINSand continues without dismissal through last hymn

Any remaining ballots are collected

BUDGET FOR 2017 Bob Hines Treasurer

THANKS: Tellers, Barry Ross, Peg Gardner, Bob Hines & Vestry, retiring Beth Powell, Junior Warden, Gail Free-
man, Bob Rex
NEXT MEETINGS: Projected Annual Meeting /Sunday January 21, 2018 at 10:30 a.m.
Vestry Meeting/Sunday February 19 at 12:30 p.m., Pierson Room
Commissioning of Vestry, Officers, Convention Delegates and Alternates
next Sunday January 29, 2017
COLLECT FOR THE DEPARTED: Dorothy Whiteman, Pamela McClendon, Stacey Weaver,
Helen Person, David Toy
CLOSING PRAYER & DISMISSAL: followed by luncheon in Lewis Hall
Interim Rector The Rev. Lesley McCloghrie

In looking back over the year 2016, the first thing to do is to give
thanks for the ministry of Mother Susan. The Rev. Dr. Susan J.
Armstrong retired in June having served this parish faithfully, first as an
associate priest and then as Priest-in-Charge. In the summer of 2012,
after the unexpected departure of Fr. Ron Griffin, Mother Susan stepped
into the breach and April of 2013 saw her appointment as Priest-in
Charge of Christ Church. On her retirement we celebrated her ministry
with a luncheon, an evening gathering for those outside the parish and marked her last Sunday with a festive
reception, gifts and tributes, notably a hymn written in her honor by the Rev Sr. Diana Doncaster. Mother
Susans commitment to service, especially our summer youth program Camp Living Waters, her love of Gods
creation and creatures, sense of humor and her generosity are well remembered and she continues to have a place
in our hearts. We thank you!
Immediately prior to Mother Susans departure, work began on the process of calling a new rector. Under
the direction of Helen Taylor and her committee, we gathered input for our parish profile, and work began its
assembly. This process took much longer than we anticipated, and after several delays and with input from the
Bishops office, the profile was finally accepted and our position was posted in January of 2017. In the meantime
our Applicant Review Committee (search committee) was appointed with Belinda Zander as chair and Susan
Whaley as Chaplain. After meeting with The Rev. Canon Andrea McMillan, our Canon to the Ordinary, they have
a timetable in place for the various stages of the calling process, with hopes of hiring a new rector for Christ
Church in the summer of 2017.
After Mother Susans departure I was asked to come out of retirement and serve as Interim Rector and
since then it has been my pleasure to serve the parish in this way. Since June, there have been a number of
highlights in ministry, not the least being the August ordination of Pam Gossard and Anne Pierson as vocational
deacons. The service was held at Trinity Cathedral in Sacramento with a good representation of Christ Church in
attendance. It was a day of great celebration marking the end of a long journey for both women and we are
honored to have them as an integral part of the clergy ministry at Christ Church.
September saw the commencement of our annual stewardship campaign under the dynamic leadership of
Sanford Pyron and his committee. Our theme was Angels and Saints and a timeline of the church history was
created marking events in the life of the parish. At our stewardship dinner, we honored Helen Person our longest
and oldest parishioner, baptized at the original Christ Church in 1918. Sadly Helen returned to God shortly
before her November birthday, she would have been ninety-nine.
Our candlelight service of Advent Lesson and Carols was held at the beginning of December, followed by
a tea. Attended by parishioners and community members alike, the hard work of Merry Phillips our music
director and our choir, made this service a beautiful way to enter into the season of Advent. Our thanks go to
them for this and for the ongoing ministry of music in our parish.
A variety of adult education programs were held this year. The fall sessions explored the 1979 Book of
Common Prayer, and during Advent there were two programs, one on Tuesday evening, and the other on Sunday

mornings. Using various media, both of these explored our spiritual journey to Bethlehem in a different way.
Our Vestry was kept busy with the business affairs of the parish. Much work was done on the sound
system in the church which had been somewhat unreliable. Thanks go to Paul Gossard and Rex White for their
work on this project. Junior Warden, Beth Powell, undertook the organization of maintenance, repair work and
inspections of the Smullin house. Maintenance on this house will be ongoing for some time. Also under Beths
capable leadership we now have two bright, new, ADA compliant restrooms located in the Heritage Room.
Thank you! The garden crew deserves our thanks; each Wednesday if you stop by the church you will see Irene
Hannaford, Beth Powell and others pulling weeds, trimming bushes and generally doing maintenance to keep our
grounds in order.
I offer my sincere thanks to Lyn Klay, Senior Warden, Bob Hines, Treasurer, Peg Gardner, Clerk, John
Hammond, Sexton, and Barry Ross, our administrator, for bringing me up to speed on the affairs of the parish,
and for their continuing support in day to day business as we move to the future.
The primary purpose of a parish church is the worship of God and in this ministry we receive great
support through the ministries of our associate priests, the Rev. Sr. Diana Doncaster, and the Rev. Nancy
Streufert. I give thanks for their presence, their work and their support during this interim period. The Altar
Guild is, of necessity, a behind the scenes ministry, working to prepare our worship space, placing everything in
readiness for our services. Under the leadership of Katherine Clague, crisp linens, shining silver, sparkling glass
and glowing brass greet us each week, a tribute to our Altar Guilds love of the Lord and their care for our parish.
Elizabeth Harper-Lawson heads our flower ministry and under her leadership our worship space is enhanced with
fresh flowers and greens appropriate to the season. Thank you all.
Occasions for celebration were the baptisms of Avery Bozzoli and Austin Bozzoli, daughter and son of
Lisa Bozzoli. We also celebrated the lives of Dorothy Whiteman, Pamela McClendon, Stacey Weaver, Helen
Person, and David Toy, as we said goodbye, commending them to Gods loving care.
As we move onto the next stage of our life together what will this year bring us at Christ Church? As we
strive to ensure the continuation of our mission in this place, let us look on 2017 as a year of great opportunity, a
new priest will bring us new energy, new ideas for growth and ministry. The future may be unknown, but we
know that in it, we will not be alone.

I hereby command you: Be strong and courageous; do not be frightened or dismayed, for the Lord your God is with
you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9

May God be with us always,


Senior Warden Lyn Klay

To the glory of God, the mission of Christ Church Parish is to serve Jesus Christ and all
the people of God; to encourage and facilitate spiritual development for people of all ages; to
grow as Christians in a loving and forgiving fellowship, thereby confirming, witnessing and
leading others to the faith by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Christ Church Mission Statement
When the vestry met for its annual retreat in February, goals were set
for the vestrys commitment to support the priest-in-charge and assist with
the ongoing work of Christ Church. They also committed to the goals to live
within our financial means, continue development of outreach to the
community, grow the congregation, continue to support lay leadership within
the congregation and communicate the vestrys work with the congregation.
At that time, the vestry did not know that Mother Susan would decide it was time to retire and set her
retirement date for June 12, 2016. Fortunately, the congregation and the vestry had time to thank and properly
say goodbye to Mother Susan. There were numerous events and celebrations in which we were all able to express
our gratitude to Mother Susan for her service to Christ Church.
While it was difficult to again have a rector leave us, we have been blessed that Bishop Beisner appointed
our Associate Rector, The Rev. Lesley McCloghrie, to be the Interim Rector of Christ Church until a new rector is
called to serve us. In addition, Mother Nancy Streufert and Sister Diana Doncaster continue to assist Mother
Lesley as associate priests. Christ Church has also raised up two vocational deacons from our congregation The
Rev. Anne Pierson and The Rev. Pam Gossard who were ordained together in August.
Christ Church is now searching with a discerning heart for a new rector. The Profile Committee, Helen
Taylor, chair, Lynne Bean, Peg Gardner, Paul Gossard, Bob Hines, Bob Rex and Marty Vega along with the help
of Rene Ross have created a profile with abundant information about our history and our people.
Now that the Profile has been posted, the Applicant Review Committee: Belinda Zander, chair, Susan
Whaley, chaplain, Lynne Bean, Harry Freeman, Peg Gardner, Byrd Lochtie, Catherine Mace, Mary McNelis, Jackie
Moore, Marita Musante, John Patton, Bob Rex and Marty Van Zandt are able to move ahead with their job to
review applications, meet with applicants and provide candidates to the vestry for consideration. Please keep the
committee members and the applicants in your prayers for Gods guidance to lead them all on this journey.
Thank you to the three vestry members whose three year term is up. Bob Rex, Gail Freemen, and Junior
Warden, Beth Powell. Sincere thanks for your dedication and hard work during a demanding three years.
My three year term also completed this year but due to the ongoing rector search and anticipated call, I
have been asked to continue as senior warden for the year. I ask for your prayers as we move ahead. I am
honored to serve you and Christ Church and with Gods help and your support, look forward to the coming year.
Lyn Klay
Senior Warden
Junior Warden Beth Powell

HAPPY NEW YEAR for 2017! What a busy year for 2016. So this is my last message
to you as Junior Warden. Thanks to so many people for helping me to get a number
of projects completed last year.
Completed Projects in 2016:
1. ADA compliant restrooms near the Heritage Hall completed and working.
2. Pest work completed in and round the Chapel.
3. Continued clearing and cleaning of the basement of unwanted items.
4. Trees trimmed around Smullin House and east side of the Church parking lot.
Gravel placed around trees and Lily of the Nile around parking lot to discourage camping.
5. Lights installed and replaced around the campus plus the H Street Church sign.
6. Apartment above office had the restroom fan replaced and rewired. Plus, their outside light wiring was
7. The carport storage unit was removed for safety reasons.
Wish List for 2017:
1. Blinds for the six windows in Lewis Hall that will cut sunlight for a comfortable dining experience in the
2. Double pane windows in Lewis Hall for the north windows estimated cost for each window is $229 plus
two kitchen windows estimated cost for each window is $215. The installation of these windows would be
3. Two entrance gates into the Chapel Courtyard. 2015 estimated cost would be $1,566 for both gates.
4. New plants for the campus gardens. Heather and lavenders are $8 to $10 each.
There are two tree holes in the side walk on 14th Street that should be covered or have new trees. There
is one hole on G Street where Ann Clark is having a tree planted.
List of Church Campus Needs:
1. Retaining wall reconstruction between the office building and the Education Building..
2. Painting all of the buildings on the church's main campus. In addition, the stained glass windows need to
be cleaned, frames checked for dry rot between the plastic covers. New coverings might be necessary.
3. The Youth Room in the Zander Building needs to be refreshed. The ceiling has leak stains and the walls
need a new color.
4. Garden Committee needs volunteers. G Street side of the campus needs weeds pulled, trees trimmed and
major plant removal. Ask Beth or Irene.
5. Continuing project of consolidating the church records. Ask Beth or Irene to volunteer. A good way to
learn more about the church's history.
6. The roof leak in the Heritage Room in January 2016 needs to be repaired.
7. East side of Nave needs a drainage system to remove water and leaves away from the wood siding.
Possible dry rot due to contact with leaves and dirt.
8. Gutter and down spouts on campus building should be checked and replaced as necessary.
9. Extensive repair on the Smullin House.
10. Church office needs painting and new carpet.
11. Basement restrooms and Education Building restrooms need updating.
12. Redwood walls in the Nave, narthex, restrooms and Heritage Hall need to be dusted and oiled to reduce
13. Vinyl flooring in the Pierson Room plus painting.
14. Resurface parking lot. A number of hazards need to be repaired also.
Please consider donating your money, time and talent to preserve a lovely church. We want to keep our
church for future generations. Thank you for all my helpers in making the church campus a safer and more
beautiful gift to Eureka. I hope and pray that the work will continue with new guidance in the new year.
Thank you all.
Your former Junior Warden, Beth Powell

Watercolor by Helen Hunt

Associate Priest Nancy Streufert
In my second year as a priest, I continued to serve three Episcopal
congregations in the Semper Virens deanery at Sunday services: Christ Church on the
fourth Sunday, St. Albans in Arcata on the first and third Sundays, and Saints Martha &
Mary in Trinidad (Christ Churchs parochial mission) on the second and fifth Sundays
of the month.
As an associate priest at Christ Church, I supported the Rev. Dr. Susan
Armstrong and the Rev. Lesley McCloghrie and the worship committee with planning
services, preaching, and presiding/assisting at the Eucharist on Sundays and at special
services during Lent, Holy Week, Easter, Advent, and Christmas, and for Sunday
afternoon Come and See services. I continued to coordinate the volunteers for the
Hunger Ministry Team, Betty Chinns St. Joes food ministry, and prepared a
commissioning service and commissioned the Hunger Ministry Team members during the Sunday service on
October 23. I continued to co-coordinate and participate in the foster family respite events in support of The
Forgotten Initiative. I continued to support the Music Director, Merry Phillips, with the music ministries of the
church and the pastoral care team.
As a clergy member in the Diocese of Northern California, I participated in the Clergy Conference in
March at the Bishops Ranch, Healdsburg, and the annual diocesan convention in November in Sacramento. I
continued my participation in the deanery clergy working group and the deanery clericus social gatherings for
clergy, postulants and candidates for Holy Orders, and their families. I continued my support to Camp Living
Waters by presiding at Eucharist and preaching for one of the daily services at this years camp in July. I continued
my participation in the Eureka Interfaith Fellowship that meets monthly and attended the ribbon cutting of Betty
Chinns new Family Shelter that Christ Church generously helped fund.
After a six year hiatus, I initiated and recruited participants from our deanery for Year One of a new
Education for Ministry (EfM) small group seminar that began in September and that I am mentoring. We meet
weekly in the Christ Church chapel (see EfM report)
My continuing education this year included a symposium featuring Benedictine scholar Esther De Waal
and a week-long Church Musicians Workshop. Both events were held in June at Nashotah House, my seminary
in Wisconsin. I also attended mentor training for EfM in August at Mercy Center in Auburn, and Safe Church
training in April at St. Albans, led by Anne Clarke, the diocesan Lifelong Christian Formation Coordinator.
Associate Priest Discretionary Fund Report: Christ Church
Beginning Balance (1/1/16): $386.25
Ending Balance (12/31/16): $661.25
Total 2016 Deposits: $1900
Total 2016 Distributions: $1500
Individual (food, transportation, rent): $40
Betty Chinn Homeless Ministry: $500
The Forgotten Initiative (Foster Families): $1000

The Deacons Annual Report

On Saturday, August 13, 2016 at 11:00 in the morning, Anne Pierson and Pam Gossard and six others
were ordained to the sacred order for deacons. It was a glorious and sacred moment and both Anne and Pam are
most grateful for all the love and support from the Christ Church community.
The year began differently for each. Anne served at Christ Church with increasing responsibilities serving
with Eucharistic visitors and scheduling acolytes and Eucharistic ministers. She began organizing a team to write
Prayers of the People and another team to work on a disaster preparedness plan for Christ Church. Pam started
the year with a life changing pilgrimage to the Holy Land in January, graduated in May from the School for
Deacons in Berkeley, and finished her internship at St. Albans in Arcata.
Involvement with our community has taken several forms including:
*Attendance at Town Hall meetings for young children and advocacy for those in skilled nursing
*Work for Betty Chinn, at the Day Center, collecting winter wear, and providing a concluding
service at a container village in Eureka
*Foster kid events
At church involvement has included:
*Continuing work with the Prayers of the People team
*Creation of a Kids Corner in Lewis Hall for use on Sundays and other events happening at Christ
Church such as concerts
*Ongoing work with Prayers of the People group and disaster preparedness group
*Participation in worship planning, pastoral care work, and deanery meetings
*Leadership in diocese diaconal group
As your deacons, we help in the liturgy as well as participate in other parts of parish life. Reading the
Gospel, leading the prayers of the people, serving at the altar and finally sending the congregation out with the
dismissal all relate to leading the Churchall of us into the world, and thats what a deacon is called and
ordained to do. Deacons are to interpret the needs of the world to the church, to find out about people who have
needs not being filled and bring what we learn back to the parish. We are like bridges between the communities
inside and outside the church.
Archbishop Desmond Tutu once said: When Jesus met a leper, he had compassion and cleansed him;
when people were hungry, he had compassion and fed them; when a widow went by to bury her only son, he had
compassion on her and raised him from the dead. The compassion of Jesus was not just a passing feeling that
made him feel pity but left him wringing his hands. No, compassion moved him to do something to change the
situation. As your deacons, our primary role is to inspire you and support you in doing just that, energized by
Christs compassionate love that is within you.
In addition to serving up front on Sundays, we also want be around to listen and help with new ways this
amazing parish can reach out into the community. During the upcoming year we look forward to bringing what
we learn about our surrounding community into the mix of the things already being done here. We are especially
interested in the immediate area around the church and welcome thoughts on ways to connect with our Christ
Church neighbors.

Mother Susans final Service, June 12, 2016

Bishop Beisner with our Deacons, the Rev. Anne Pierson and the Rev. Pam Gossard,
at their ordination on August 13, 2016

Christmas Eve, Saints Martha and Mary

Saints Martha and Mary Mission

Saints Martha and Mary Mission had a very good year. We continue with our weekly Sunday servicesthe first and
third, Evening Prayer at 5:00pm, all others at 9:00 am. Fr. Doug, who along with Nellie is an important and
beloved part of our congregation, decided to fully retire this year. We are so grateful for their ministry and presence
with us through these years. Fortunately, Mother Nancy is able to be with us on the second and fifth Sundays to
preach and celebrate Holy Eucharist. An added bonus is that Both Doug and Nancy are fine singers so our music
is enhanced by their presence.
Lay ministry is an important part of who we are. With such a small group, everyone contributes in one way
or another. Mike Burleson plays the keyboard and preaches; Duke Albright leads Evening Prayer, acolytes during
Holy Eucharist, and reads the lessons; Beccy Hash reads lessons; Lee Albright is our Altar Guild; Dave Hash is our
treasurer; Connie Butler is our sexton; Terry Roberts tends the garden; Susan Rotwein is our hospitality chair;
Kathrin Burleson leads the Prayers of the People. All others contribute with their presence and prayers. We are
also blessed by the generosity of the congregationthe folks at M&M understand the importance of giving of
time, talent, AND treasureso we can continue to help support the Food Bank of the Trinidad Lions Club, and
assist other needs when they come up.
We appreciate the support of Christ Church more than you can know. Mother Lesley provides pastoral
guidance as does Mother Nancy. Barry Ross is generous with his time and talent in providing our beautiful service
bulletins, and of course, we always love it when others come to visit and worship with us.
Our mission is quite simplewe gather to worship God and support one another in prayer and friendship,
and we strive to keep Christ central to what we do. Visitorsfrom some of you at our mother church or beyond
are always welcome.
Kathrin Burleson


The 2016 Stewardship Season Started with our Stewardship Dinner in October.
We had another Potluck Dinner that turned out to be a hit with the congregation. Six beautiful gift baskets
were donated by members of the congregation for a raffle.
The Stewardship Committee got everything set up and organized with beautiful table decorations on a
warm sunny Fall Saturday afternoon. There were plenty of volunteers to set up and clean up with 68 people in
attendance at the dinner.
Angels and Saints was a prominent part of the theme this year with the introduction of a TimeLine of the
Church History.
One of Christ Church's longest attending members, Helen Person was with us. Helen was actually baptized
as an infant in the original location of Christ Church at the 4th and E Streets location 99 years ago, and she was
honored with being the very first of our congregation still living listed on the timeline. It was with great sadness
for the congregation and community that Helen passed away shortly after the Stewardship Dinner.
During the subsequent weeks, parishioners were able to find the spot on the timeline and add their names
to the year they started their attendance with Christ Church.
Throughout the following month, there were gatherings for parishioners to come to Lewis Hall, have
fellowship, share a meal with those who came and express their concerns hopes and wishes in a roundtable
discussion where Clergy and Stewardship Team could hear any thoughts and ideas for the future of Christ Church
The overall tone of what people had to say is that the congregation feels very comfortable, warm and
welcoming. People feel that the members care for each other and look after the well being of people as if it was a
caring and concerned family atmosphere. People feel that the direction of Christ Church in our Community is
going in the right direction of being a true Christian Fellowship helping people in need both inside the church
walls and outside in our community.
Lapel pins in the form of an angel were given to each pledging parishioner as a symbol of the angels who
are among us, who help to keep the Mission of Christ Church prominent in our hearts and minds with continued
pledging and helping hands to do the many missionary services that Christ Church does.
The Stewardship Committee would like to thank Mother Lesley for sharing the many ideas for our
campaign, and for the Congregation of Christ Church, for your generosity and continued giving and support for
Gods' work in our community.
Sanford Pyron, chair
Committee Members for 2016:
Beth Powell, Katherine Clague, Rene Ross, Irene Hannaford, Sanford Pyron, Heidi Erickson, and Mother Lesley

2016 Stewardship Dinner, gift baskets

Parish Profile- 2016

Early in the spring of 2016 a Profile Committee was formed whose task was to develop a Christ Church
Parish Profile and a response to the six narrative questions for the Office of Transition Ministry. These documents
would be used to inform prospective rector applicants about our church, parish, congregation, and community.
The committee members were: Lynne Bean, Peg Gardener, Paul Gossard, Bob Hines, Bob Rex, Marty
Vega, and Helen Taylor. Also providing help were Mother Leslie, Lyn Klay, Merry Phillips, and Barry Ross.
Assisting throughout the process was our consultant, Canon Andrea McMillin, from the Bishops office of the
Diocese of Northern California.
The Calling Process Booklet- 2016 from the Diocese lists the areas to be covered in the Profile. These
topics formed the basic structure of our profile including: current vision and programs unique to our church,
demographics, community description, financial status, staff and duties. We included many pictures to supplement
this information. We wanted to present a comprehensive understanding of who we are and what we hope will
influence rector applicants looking for a parish.
For the next five months copies of the working Profile were sent back and forth to the Bishops office.
Canon Andrea made several suggestions for improvement, which we incorporated into the current Profile.
The next major change came about three months later. At the request of the Bishops office, Rene Ross
agreed to read, edit, and rewrite the Profile using the information that had been gathered by the original
committee. She completed this overwhelming task in a month creating the current Christ Church Profile.
The final approval from the Bishops office came to the Christ Church office on January 13, 2017.
This is ready to go well done I think you can be very proud of this Profile, and I cannot wait to post
it for people to submit applications Sincerely, Andrea
Helen Taylor, profile committee chair
the profile is available on the Diocesan website:

Applicant Review Committee

Although we have had several informational meetings, the Committee is about to begin the job at hand.
The Parish Profile is complete and the opening has been posted. Openings are posted for six weeks. Applicants
apply through the Bishops office. The Bishops office will ascertain that the applicant is in good standing.
Canon Andrea will be bringing or sending to the ARC the applications. At that point the ARC will review
the applications and decide which individuals will be interviewed (via skype).
Frequent ARC meetings will begin in February with skype interviews beginning mid March. In late April
for three weekends, up to five applicants will be visited by three ARC members in their home parish. ARC
meetings will continue to review findings from these visits. The plan is that possibly three finalist names will be
presented to the Vestry for their consideration early in June. The Vestry will then invite these applicants to visit
our Parish for interviews.
ARC members are Lynne Bean, Harry Freeman, Peg Gardner, Byrd Lochtie, Catherine Mace, Mary
McNelis, Jackie Moore, Marita Musante, John Patton, Bob Rex, Marty Van Zandt and myself. Susan Whaley
serves as our Chaplain.
As you can see we have work ahead of us in a relatively short amount of time. Please keep us in your
Belinda Zander

Original church at Fourth and E Streets



Music Program
Its hard to believe that I have been serving at Christ Church for three years
already. The learning curve has been steep and is ongoing, though it feels like the slope
has leveled a bit. I continue to learn, from participation on the Worship Committee
and from the choir and those who have served and provided church music for many
years. It makes the position both challenging and rewarding. Personal and professional
highlights for me in 2016 included attending the Many VoicesOne Song Conference
in Sacramento in September, guest conducting the Eureka Symphony Orchestra in a
rendition of the Star Spangled Banner for their spring concert, and expanding my
musical work to include accompanying the Ferndale Community Choir last Spring, and
playing in my first chamber music concert with the Amici trio last Fall.
I was terribly disappointed not to be able to give the organ concert I had planned to give in October. It is
important for musicians to challenge themselves and continue to learn and grow and I was enjoying the
opportunity as I prepared for the concert. Unfortunately, for several reasons, I felt I was not going to be
performance-ready by the date of the concert and decided to cancel it. It will be re-scheduled for a date in 2017,
and I look forward to offering a concert for the church and the community.

Singers and Instrumentalists

A church choir: antiquated humdrum stuffy affected VIP club. NOT!! In the book titled
What Would Jesus Sing?, the chapter on What About Choirs and Organs begins with the above quote, to illustrate
to perceptions folks often have of church choirs in general. I hope that no one has these perceptions of our choir
(and I cant imagine they would)! Christ Church is blessed to have choir members who are dedicated and
committed to providing their best at each rehearsal and each service. It is a collegial group that welcomes new
members (and we did this past year!) and supports the team effort. Each choir member brings a unique voice to
the choir and rehearsals focus on blending those voices to create harmony whether we sing in unison or parts.
Harmony is a beautiful word we strive for it in music as we strive for it in all aspects of our lives, including our
corporate worship. Harmony celebrates differences, yet brings us together as one.
The choir year is from mid-Sept. to mid-June crossing over two calendar years as well as two liturgical
years. In addition to weekly 10:30 services, the choir sang at a memorial service for former Choir Director Betty
Burton, for the Eureka Interfaiths Thanksgiving Sing. Doug Moorehead, Organist Emeritus, has provided
accompaniment for the choir on several occasions, allowing me to focus on conducting the choir for more
challenging works.
We continue to have talented instrumentalists who offer music for our worship services. This past year
we welcomed John Hammond (trumpet) and Lin Van Meter (viola); in addition to our many regulars: Jeanne Fish
(flute), Helen Winfrey (clarinet), Nancy Streufert (flute), Paul Gossard (guitar), Lois Gossard (piano), Helen Hui
(organ), and Doug Moorehead (organ). I hope I havent missed anyone! We have much to be thankful for
having all of these musicians in our midst, who are generous with their time and talent is such a blessing.
Special Music
During the Fridays in Lent 2016, we had a special music program, in conjunction with the Stations of the

Cross in the Chapel. Each Friday, musicians offered a half hour program at noon of Lenten music. All were
invited to come in and quietly enjoy the time to listen, pray, meditate, and reflect. Though attendance was not
large, the programs were well-received, that is, they met a need for folks for this time during Lent. We will do
them again during Lent 2017.
On the second Sunday of Advent we held a service of Lessons and Carols, with candles, scripture
readings, and music. At the completion of the service, we were welcomed to a lovely tea in Lewis Hall. It was a
beautiful celebration of Advent and is a lovely tradition to continue.

Facilities and Musical Instruments

Christ Church acquired, through generous donations, two pianos this year. A Wurlitzer spinet piano,
from the estate of Betty Burton, resides in the Chapel. A piano truck was purchased (donated) and installed by
Paul Gossard. The piano can be moved easily and without harm to the floor in the chapel. A beautiful Baldwin
baby grand piano was donated by the children of a former parishioner. The piano is in the Heritage Room and is
in the process of being tuned and cleaned. It has already been used to accompany the carol singing at ECWs
December meeting! Both pianos will be maintained regularly, as are the pianos in the chancel and the choir room,
with yearly tuning.
Charles Kegg, President and Artistic Dirctor, Kegg Pipe Organ Builders, stopped by in August on a very
quick driving trip from Ohio and back. He upgraded the organs control panel to the latest version, at no cost. It
was a nice opportunity to see him and ask a few questions about the instrument and thank him once again for the
wonderful instrument that we are so privileged to have.

Music Events and Outside Musical Groups

The music program at Christ Church exists primarily to provide music that supports the liturgy of our
corporate worship services and our mission. In addition, we had at least eight concerts this year. Both the
concerts sponsored by Christ Church, and the outside music groups the use Christ Church as a venue for
concerts, bring in hundreds of concert attendees. Every musician or group that performed at Christ Church this
past year expressed their appreciation for the warm welcome, the wonderful acoustical venue, and the opportunity
to perform here.
For the first time, the Ferndale Community Choir offered a Christmas concert in December at Christ
Church. We wondered if many would come on a busy Sunday afternoon in December we had well over 200
people, literally a standing room crowd! Other concerts included the Chamber Players of the Redwoods, who
have been holding two of their three-concert series at Christ Church, a concert by two Brass ensembles in July.
Christ Church sponsored Organized Rhythm in April a concert by duo Clive Driscoll-Smith (organ)
and Joseph Gramley (percussion). It literally took a village to make the concert happen involving folks from
HSU, Eureka High, Marimba One, and the Eureka Sympony. And, of course, all of the volunteers from Christ
Church who ushered, collected money at the door, and provided the reception.
The three Sundays at 4 concerts were all well-attended and well-received: June McKinleyville
Community choir; July An Organist and Friends (w/Doug Moorehead); and August The Colors of the Organ
(Doug Moorehead, Gary Klemp, Merry Phillips).
I did not get our concert processes formalized this past year as I had hoped and so it will be a priority for
2017. There is a lot involved in the planning and carrying out of concerts; work that, as much as I enjoy doing it,
I would love to have more folks involved with. It is a wonderful ministry of hospitality and there are many ways
to be involved. If it is something you would like to learn more about, please talk to me!
Harmony it is a beautiful word. In the book A More Profound Alleluia: Theology and Worship in Harmony,
there is an excellent essay on Ending of Worship by David Stubbs. I read it with interest in light of recent
conversations at Worship Committee regarding the postlude at church and the applause we are accustomed to
sharing. Stubbs compares a contemporary service, where at the end of the service the pastor says something like,
have a great week, see you next Sunday and bring a friend! with a more traditional service, with a grand organ
postlude that parishioners listen to and applaud. Neither are completely satisfactory as he says, my experience
of the service (with postlude) was that much of the worship was centered on the music and the performers. He
says of the contemporary service, the ending did not suggest any ways that the worship experience might be
connected ethically, morally, or even spiritually with the rest of life. What this suggests to me is that we may be
asking the wrong question perhaps it is not a question of whether or not we should applaud after the postlude;
but a question of how do we end our corporate worship service in a way that sends us off into the world and the
week with a renewed connection with God, prepared and committed to do the work God intends us to do? How
do we want to be sent out for service, to continue the service begun during our corporate worship?
I will conclude this already too long annual report by saying, once again, that I continue to feel blessed and
humbled to serve as the music director and organist at Christ Church. Thank you.
Merry Phillips
Music Director and Organist

Acolytes & Eucharistic Ministers

Christ Church has a wonderful group of dedicated Acolytes and Eucharistic Ministers who have provided their
particular ministries for all our church services. When unable to serve, they have quickly found others willing to
serve in their place. This ability to work together has been a gift to the church and provided consistent service
throughout the year. This past year has also had its challenges as, in addition to Mother Susan and then Mother
Lesley serving as Priest-in-Charge plus two additional Associate Priests taking turns presiding, Pam Gossard and I
were ordained as Deacons in August. It quickly became apparent that the Acolytes and Eucharistic Ministers
needed to come together and participate in a group training in how to serve when there were and are Deacons in
their midst. This training, held Saturday, November 12th, provided that necessary guidance and has served to meet
the participants diocesan licensing requirements for the next three years. Afterward, we gathered to enjoy a meal
together. I want to use this report to say Thank You to all who have served and continued to serve in these
important ministries. You are all a gift to Christ Church.
Submitted by Anne Pierson

2016 Summary: Lectors and Intercessors

Our Lectors read Scripture to us to help us understand and remember the lessons. Our Intercessors read
Prayers of the People from the bulletin, and add special individual requests so we may all experience the special
fellowship of prayer.
During 2016, our Lectors and Intercessors served at forty-nine 8 a.m. worship services, fifty-two 10:30 a.m. ser-
vices, and thirteen special services (Easter, Thanksgiving, Advent, and Christmas). This equals 240 readings and
107 Prayers of the People. In addition, we also had weddings, memorials, and baptisms.
Our annual service schedules are similar from year to year, so our need for Lectors and Intercessors will be about
the same in 2017.
We need members who like to read aloud. In the ideal world, I would add new voices and keep all of our
current lay ministers.
Every quarter we create a schedule which accommodates vacation or travel days and avoids conflict for
volunteers with more than one ministry. The more servers we have, the easier it is to make a schedule.
When a first time reader tells me how much they enjoyed doing it and they look forward to more.
Marty Vega

Altar Guild
The Altar Guild is a group of dedicated individuals who work directly with the Priest to maintain and pre-
pare the Church for your worship. We clean and care for the Sacred Vessels, linens, hangings, vestments, candles,
furnishings of the Nave, Altar and the Sanctuary; and are responsible to have everything ready for every service.
We are especially busy during Holy Week, Easter and Christmas; cleaning, polishing and decorating for the
celebration of the liturgy of Our Lord.
Our Altar Guild is a small group of volunteers who work to prepare and maintain the various elements
necessary for your worship at Christ Church. Currently our group consists of: Irene Hannaford, Eris McCarthy,
Sara Hines, Susan Whaley, Mary McNelis, Marty and Dan Vega, Elizabeth Harper-Lawson and myself. At Christ-
mas and Easter, Lyn Klay joins our team and directs the decoration of the church with the help of Alice Rosen-
dahl, Anna Klay (when she was here), Anne Van Zandt, and John Hammond.
Being part of the Altar Guild is a very rewarding ministry; and we need more of you to join our team; es-
pecially on the first Sunday of each month to work with Elizabeth. We will train!
Katherine Clague, Director

Usher/Greeters Annual Report for 2016

We have a great group of usher/greeters who serve the church very well. During 2016 there were nineteen
people serving as usher/greeters. They do an excellent job each week: greeting people as they arrive, taking the
collection, directing people to communion, and welcoming visitors after the service. They also make sure every-
thing generally is running smoothly. Our usher/greeters work very well together and are quick to help each other
as needed. They also help by volunteering for special services.
I am happy to report we will have two new usher/greeters for 2017: Jannetje Vrieze and Jean Guthrie. Wel-
come! We would be very happy to have more usher/greeters.
Please contact Susan Whaley at 707-445-2924,, or at church if you are interested. There
are a number of services during the year which are held at noon or in the evening so you can be an usher/greeter
no matter what time you attend church. Please join us!
Respectfully submitted,
Susan Whaley, coordinator

Eucharistic Visiting
Currently a team of four is trained and available to take Holy Communion out after Sunday Services to people who
are unable to attend our services due to sickness or mobility difficulties. We greatly appreciate the prayers of the
congregation at the end of each service that send us out with blessing and a reminder that we are all part of the
body of Christ.
If you feel Eucharistic Visiting is something you might wish to pursue, please see Mother Lesley.
If you would like the Eucharist brought to you in the hospital or your home, or you know someone who might,
please contact Deacon Anne Pierson, Elizabeth Harper-Lawson or the church office.

Bread Bakers and Outreach Hospitality

I have so enjoyed the activities I have been involved with at Christ Church. My Bread Bakers have been so
reliable in making the Communion Bread that all I really have to do is to make a schedule and check the freezer to
see if all is ready for Sunday and special services.
I have tried to write a welcoming letter to all who sign our guest book and, presume they have taken a wel-
come bag. Some who sign, do not leave complete addresses, so obviously I skip them. The lack of a zip code is
no problem. I write to people who do not live in this area hoping that they will come again. This past year, two
letters were responded to and in one, a donation was sent (from Vermont) and the other one resulted in her at-
tending another Sunday service AND making a point of thanking me for the note. Putting together the Welcome
Bags is just another part of welcoming people to our congregation.
Irene Hannaford

Foster Children and Families Ministries

Music & Arts 4 Foster Kids: A Christ Church Ministry in Support of The Forgotten Initiative of
Humboldt County (TFI)
Since March of 2015, Christ Church has been offering "Foster Friday" events, welcoming children from
foster families of Humboldt County to a Christian-themed event on occasional Friday evenings. The mission of
this ministry that has grown out of the summer music and arts camp is to provide respite to the parents of foster
children while giving their children a creative outlet for expressing themselves in a safe and loving environment.
Each event includes a pizza supper and creative activities of musical instrument playing including ukuleles and
keyboards, group singing, art projects, games, puzzles, drawing and blocks. The evening ends with a video and
popcorn in the chapel. Activity leaders, kitchen crews and shepherds are all adult and teen volunteers from Christ
Church and St. Alban's Average attendance at each event has been 25 children ranging from 6 months to 11 years.
There is no cost to the families and, thanks to the many volunteers who give of their hearts, time, and treasure, the
financial cost of the program is minimal. But the happiness we see on the children's faces and the gratitude from
their parents are priceless benefits of this joyful ministry! ---The Rev. Nancy Streufert
"The Story of a Church" - The Forgotten Initiative post on FaceBook, reprinted with permission from
Janelle Harris
"As I look back on 2016 I am overwhelmed at the support of our community, but especially from Christ
Episcopal Church in Eureka. Representatives from The Forgotten Initiative spoke at this church in 2015 and the
church's response has been unbelievable. They called a special meeting with us to find out 'How can they help?'
They then developed free respite events where they welcome foster children and provide an evening of Art and
Music! They have provided almost 200 hand-made fleece blankets to give to children when they enter care. Their
congregation has gathered stocking stuffers for our Caregiver party for the last two years. They recently
recognized the volunteers that participate in the ministry to TFI and they had forty-seven people (from Christ
Church, St. Alban's, and friends) involved in supporting our foster community. Their leaders have prayed for us,
encouraged us and supported us in amazing tangible ways. We are thankful for you!!!"

Hospitality/Coffee Hour
Our coffee hour hosts have gracefully served our worship community again in 2016. We have a wonderful
group of twenty-eight regular members serving on Sundays throughout the year. Please be sure to let our hosts
know how much they are appreciated when you see them. We would gladly welcome new hosts if anyone would
like to become a member of our group and serve in this ministry.
Lynne Bean, Hospitality Coordinator

Prayer Circle
True prayer is.spiritual transaction with the Creator of Heaven and Earth.Charles Spurgeon
The Prayer Circle is an opportunity to request prayer for yourself or others. It also provides a chance to
pray for others. Prayer requests can be sent by email or by phone to Elizabeth Harper-Lawson or the church of-
fice. There is also a book where one can write requests. It is located on the shelf at the back of the last pew. To
receive emails in order to participate in praying, please contact Elizabeth or the church office. The prayer circle
welcomes prayer requests. The only stipulation is permission from the person being prayed for. Please be in con-
tact if you would like to add a prayer to the circle or if you would like to join the group of people praying.

Episcopal Church Women programs in 2016

ECW welcomes all women of the congregation who enjoy the opportunity to gather to celebrate the Eu-
charist, share a potluck luncheon, and enjoy good fellowship. After the usual summer break, we changed the for-
mat to begin the meeting with a brief Eucharist at noon instead of a Healing Eucharist at 11 a.m. This made it
possible for more to attend. We also have time to discuss ways to participate more fully in the life of our parish.
Please join us whenever possible at noon in Lewis Hall on the second Wednesday of the month.

Quilters +
Fleece Blankets for Foster Children
A group of women gather in Lewis Hall on the first Wednesday morning of each month to work on fleece
blankets for foster children. Almost 200 have been crafted in the past two years and have been delivered to TFI's
Foster Family Resource Center across from the downtown post office at 5th and H Streets. Children entering fos-
ter care love selecting a colorful fleece blanket that is new, soft, warm, and theirs to keep. Recently Mtr. Lesley
blessed an additional thirty-two blankets.
Prayer Quilts
The women also continue to work on lap size prayer or caring quilts. They are always available for parish-
ioners who are ill, recuperating from surgery or homebound. Please contact Joan Stewart, Peg Gardner or Barry
Ross in the church office to arrange with Mtr. Lesley to bless a quilt during a service prior to its delivery.
All are welcome and encouraged to participate. No special skills are required. Friendly conversation, coffee
and snacks are a plus.

Some Other Active Ministries and their coordinators:

United Thank OfferingPeg Gardner


FoldersMary McNelis

House Call AssistanceJulia Lawson

Food Bank Bev Olson

Fresh Produce SundaysRene Ross

Contribution countersBob Hines

Bowl for KidsAnne Van Zandt

Gardening Group

Stocking stuffers collected for Foster Children this past Advent and Christmas

Disaster Preparedness Team

Our Disaster Preparedness Team is working to make sure that Christ Church is not only safe in the event
of a disaster, but able to provide for the needs of our parish members and, if possible, our neighbors. The current
team members are Rene Ross, Marty Van Zandt, Veva Stone, Sara Hines, Sanford Pyron and me (Anne Pierson).
Part of our job is to obtain information from all of you, to not only be used for the parish directory but also so we
can provide much needed help if a major disaster does strike. Please help make our job easier by providing the
information requested regarding your contact information and, for office use only, emergency information by
filling out the form which will be made available at the Annual Meeting. If you are unable to attend, these
information request forms will continue to be made available in the parish hall (Lewis Hall) and, each Sunday,
next to the church bulletins in the nave. If you are interested in helping us or have a particular concern, feel free
to contact me or one of the other members of the team.
Submitted by Anne Pierson

Hunger Ministry Team: Betty Chinn St. Joes Food Ministry for the Homeless
Since the summer of 2014, a team of faithful parishioners at Christ Church have been helping Betty Chinn
in her nighttime outreach ministry to the poor and hungry in our community. After the cafeteria at St. Joseph
Hospital closes each evening at 7:30 pm, team members take turns (in pairs) packing up the leftover food from
the day that will otherwise be discarded. The food is then transported to Bettys kitchen at The Betty Kwan Chinn
Day Center where she creates individual servings and distributes them to the poor that same night. Its as simple
as that, and takes less than an hour with two people!
The Hunger Ministry Team at Christ Church is now covering Sundays, Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays,
and Fridays, allowing Betty more time to spend at her Day Center with the children of her after-school program,
with her new family shelter next door, and with the homeless population housed at the new shelter on Koster.
This year we reached out ecumenically to include other Eureka congregations in our ministry, and we now have
several regular helpers from First Presbyterian and First United Methodist churches joining us.
On October 23, the Hunger Ministry Team members at Christ Church were commissioned during the
10:30 am Sunday service: Julie Cairns, Angus Endsley, Sally Endsley, Pam Gossard, Paul Gossard, Fiona Grant-
Endsley, John Hammond, Elizabeth Harper-Lawson, Laura Julian, Julia Lawson, Merry Phillips, and Nancy
Streufert. Each was given a loaves and fishes cross as a token of their commissioning. We were pleased to have
Betty Chinn with us that day to witness and participate in the service.
Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you? . . . Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers
and sisters of mine, you did for me. (Matt 25:37,40)

(L to R) Laura Julian, Mother Nancy, Paul Gossard, Betty Chinn, Julie

Cairns, Pam Gossard, Elizabeth Harper-Lawson, John Hammond.

Loaves and Fishes Cross for


Education for Ministry (EfM)

As baptized Christians, we are all called to
ministry. A wonderful way for followers of Jesus to go
deeper into Christian formation and discipleship is
through Education for Ministry (EfM), a four-year
small group seminar distance certificate program from
The University of the South School of Theology
(Sewanee, TN).
The program is especially designed for lay
ministers, but as in my case, EfM can lead to ordained
ministry as well! The program culminates with
graduation and Holy Eucharist with the Bishop at
Trinity Cathedral in Sacramento with others around the
diocese (usually in June) and a lovely certificate. The
goal of the program, however, is not a piece of paper at
the end, but the journey itself through small group
formation and the transformation of disciples into more
devoted followers of Christ. EfM participants 2017 curriculum
Each year has thirty-six sessions over the school year, a commitment of one group meeting a week for a
little over two hours, and reading assignments (several hours a week). The Old and New Testaments are studied
the first and second years respectively; church history the third year; and theology, ethics, and interfaith encounters
the fourth. The heart of the program is theological reflection on topics designed to deepen ones relationship with
the living God. Group disciples take turns providing opening/closing worship and snacks for the break time. No
tests or papers to write! We also have two Saturday retreats with Eucharist. Meeting day/time and place depends

on the schedules of group disciples and where they reside in the deanery. The tuition is $340 per year, which
includes all materials. Partial scholarships may be available depending on need. For more information, go to the
EfM website:
As a graduate of EfM myself (2007), I went on to co-mentor EfM with Emily Arents of St. Albans for the
last group that graduated six years ago in 2010. Since then, it has been my interest to start up EfM again in Semper
Virens deanery, and the timing for Fall 2016 seemed right! Our first year group includes members from both
Christ Church and St. Albans: Zack Curtis, Paul Gossard, John Hammond, Evaonne Hendricks, Merry Phillips,
Sara Potter, Nancy Streufert (Mentor), and Cindy Woods. We meet on Thursday evenings from 6 p.m. 8:30 p.m.
in the Chapel of Our Merciful Savior at Christ Church for worship, study, and theological reflection. Next fall I
will be recruiting new participants who will begin Year One of the curriculum as this years group moves on to
Year Two.
EfM changed my life, and I am passionate about its potential to transform Christian disciples in a diverse
and trusting small group community.
The Rev. Nancy Streufert

Sound System Upgrade Report

During 2016 the church sound system was refurbished and upgraded. Although the church has a high
quality sound reinforcement system in the nave, it is now well over ten years old and time had taken its toll. Many
of the microphones that were a part of the original system had been lost or broken. With expanding ministries,
additional demands were being placed on the system. Examples include web streaming of services, additional
clergy with speaking roles during services, and expanded use of our facilities as a concert venue for the community.
We worked closely with Craig and Mark Pedley at Sound Advice to determine what would be needed to
return the system to a high audio standard. The first priority was to replace broken or missing microphones.
Additionally, extension speakers were added in the chancel area so that members of the choir could hear all parts
of the service. There is now a functional audio out line for live recording purposes.

New equipment purchased and installed is listed below:

Three microphone body packs (the part carried by the user that a wireless microphone plugs into)
Three headworn microphones
Two new hand held microphones
Two JBL speaker systems for the chancel area
The total cost of the new equipment was covered by individual donations. The vestry approved funds for
installation and calibration.
Respectfully submitted,
Paul Gossard


Bishop of the Diocese of Northern California The Rt. Rev. Barry L. Beisner
Interim Rector The Rev. Lesley McCloghrie
Associate Priest The Rev. Sister Diana Doncaster
Associate Priest The Rev. Nancy Streufert
Deacons The Rev. Pam Gossard
The Rev. Anne Pierson
Music Director Merry Phillips
Organist Emeritus Douglas Moorehead
Sexton John Hammond
Administrative Asst. Barry Ross

The Vestry
Senior Warden Lyn Klay
Junior Warden Beth Powell
Clerk Peg Gardner
Treasurer Bob Hines

Class of 2016 Class of 2017 Class of 2018

Bob Rex Lin Chase Julie Cairns
Gail Freeman Rex White Heidi Erickson
Beth Powell Belinda Zander Helen Taylor
Lyn Klay Elizabeth Harper-Lawson Irene Hannaford

Church address 15th & H Streets, Eureka, CA 95501

Mailing address PO Box 861, Eureka, CA 95502
Church phone (707) 442-1797
Church website
Church email
Mother Lesleys email
Mother Nancys email
Sister Dianas email
Deacon Pams email
Deacon Annes email

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