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Beyond the Great Canyon, the Alluvia Gorge,

Beyond the skeptics of our time, the thinkers of

Yester-years, the darkening picturesque of immortal

Transactions, moral codes of the unseen, the constitution

Of past governments and politicians, the treading down of

The bold and beautiful; beyond the reasoning of timeless

Seasons, the rebirth of archaic ways, where simplicity was

The mastermind behind complexities of sorts; beyond the now

And the future, debts lay untouched, man struggles beyond his

Wits, a purpose of life beyond death, a haven beyond the sorrows

That clutch his soul……there’s laughter beyond those tears, joy beyond

The sadness. Weep not man, for what would the young ones do when

They see papa cry? Faith-fate-stillness-the sun goes down……….

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