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Lower Respiratory

Nursing Diagnoses
By Maria Angelica Ladiza
Nursing diagnosis on Lung Cancer
Impaired gas exchange related to altered oxygen
Imbalanced nutrition: less than body requirement
related to dysphagia and loss of appetite.
Anxiety related to acute breathing difficulties and fear
of suffocation.
Nursing diagnosis on Flail Chest
Ineffective breathing pattern related to bone
Activity intolerance related to inadequate
Anxiety related to acute breathing difficulties and fear
of suffocation.
Nursing diagnosis on Blunt trauma
Acute pain related to trauma
Activity intolerance related to difficulty in
maintaining oxygenation secondary to pain.
Impaired skin integrity related to trauma.
Impaired tissue perfusion related to interruption of
blood flow.
Nursing diagnosis on Asbestosis
Ineffective airway clearance related to presence of
asbestos fibers in lungs.
Anxiety related to acute breathing difficulties and fear
of suffocation.
Activity intolerance related to inadequate
Nursing Diagnosis on Black Lung Disease
Ineffective airway clearance related to presence of coal
dust in lungs.
Anxiety related to acute breathing difficulties and fear
of suffocation.
Activity intolerance related to inadequate

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