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Nathan Pick
28 OCTOBER 2010 202-785-0266

ATR Releases 2010 list of Pledge Signers in Montana

Federal and state candidates join incumbents in making no-new taxes promise in upcoming election

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Americans for Tax Reform (ATR) released an updated list of
incumbents and challengers in Montana who have signed the Taxpayer Protection Pledge . These
candidates have made a written commitment to their constituents to never raise their taxes. ATR
strongly encourages taxpayers to consider those who have made this commitment. The list of
incumbents and challengers who have signed the Taxpayer Protection Pledge is as follows


MT-AL Dennis Rehberg (R)


Incumbents Mike Miller (H-84) Jedediah Hinkle (H-66)

Joe Balyeat (S-34) Michael More (H-70) Bill Joseph (H-42)
Roy Brown (S-25) Penny Morgan (H-57) Douglas Kary (H-48)
Aubyn Curtiss (S-1) Lee Randall (H-39) James Knox (H-47)
Greg Hinkle (S-7) Donald Roberts (H-56) Nick Landeros (H-64)
Verdell Jackson (S-5) Scott Sales (H-68) Steve Lavin (H-8)
Rick Laible (S-44) Gordon Vance (H-67) Cleve Loney (H-25)
Dave Lewis (S-42) Bob Wagner (H-71) Gary MacLaren (H-89)
Dan McGee (S-29) Wendy Warburton (H-34) Nick Mahan (H-65)
Terry Murphy (S-39) Ted Washburn (H-69) Jonathan D. Martin (H-22)
Bruce Tutveat (S-3) Kandi Matthew-Jenkins (H-99)
Elsie Arntzen (H-63) Challengers Jerry O’Neil (H-3)
Bill Beck (H-6) Corey Stapleton (Gov) Ryan Osmundson (H-29)
Gerald Bennett (H-1) Mike Comstock (S-32) Don Roberts (H-56)
Mark Blasdel (H-10) Daniel Cox (S-44) Rachel Roberts (H-73)
Joel Boniek (H-61) Rowlie Hutton (S-17) Brian Schoof (H-40)
Edward Butcher (H-29) Jim Whitaker (S-11) Dan Skattum (H-62)
Ray Hawk (H-90) Art Wittich (S-35) Cary Smith (H-55)
Brian Hoven (H-24) Tom Burnett (H-63) John Swenson (H-12)
Dave Kasten (H-30) Kelly Flynn (H-68) Max Yates (H-74)
Krayton Kerns (H-58) Kristi Allen-Gailushas (H-82)
Bob Lake (H-88) Steve Gibson (H-78)
Scott Mendenhall (H-77) Alan Hale (H-77)

*List does not denote incumbents who are not running for reelection, who are termed out, or do not have an election this year.

Americans for Tax Reform (ATR) is a non-partisan coalition of taxpayers and taxpayer groups who oppose all tax increases.
For more information or to arrange an interview please contact John Kartch at (202) 785-0266 or by email at

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