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1.1 Verify the dimensions, in both the FLT and kILT systems, of the following quantities, which appear in Table 1.1: (a) angular velocity, (b) energy, (c) moment of inertia (area), (d) power, and (e) pressure,

= tJ'/)9u/Qr 4;spkc~m~rll ~ t: i/J1e.

-I T


(.b) en er1:1 .n.J' calt:lCi+!j 01 luuJ!J -k do w~rk SInce w,,;-K:: hrce;( d/s.j.pl1ct!._)

e. n t rJ !J ;; F L

~r I...,;fh F _' 1'1 L: T- 2-

enc~rjY -= (ML 7-z)rL) _:.. ~ L 2T-2

[c) /?1(pmrnl 01 inerlul.(a..Y'ea.) =: second /7"IlPme,;;f oj 4n!".::e

. (t2.)(L')':; L If

fA) 1/ ,/ . I",' FL -_. FL r'-/

VI fower.:: rare t:> 'IPlhf WIIYI<


..:. fM L 7-'fL )(T-) ~ ML:2 T -3



F L2..

(e) freS5t(re.

, .-


1.2 Determine the dimensions, in both the FLT system and MLT system, for (a) the product of force times volume, (b) the product of pressure times mass divided by area, and (c) moment of a force divided by velocity;

raj ./,rce)( VII> fume ..!... (p) (L 3) == 1= L 3

0';' c e 1= == ;'1 L T-2-

hl"'c~ )1( VI lu m (_...:~ (/v7 L T-2) (L3)": ;'1 L ¥ T -2,


pre>,Suy.e X 111"'$ ~ a yetA

(t: L -2 )( M) .:.


(1= L -7.)( f: L -I T ~) L4



pZ,L -5T2-

(/1 L 7-7.) (L-2)(M)


...:. jvl2L-'T-2.

. -




/?'Jt:J men i: D.{ t).. ItJr~e re I () a! f!:J




. -


I·~ i

I. Lf


1.3 If V is a velocity, e a length, and v a fluid property having dimensions of l}r- I, which of the following combinations are dimensionless: (a) vel', (b) veIl', (c) V211, (d) Viet,?


vJ.-7/ ~ (L T-)(L)fL 2T-~) .:_ vi _ (LT-1)(L) ..:. L()Tt!J

V (L'2. r:')


(~) V2-z} - ({_ T-) ?/L 2. r") ::::. L If T-3 (otJf dlmensiOll/'ss)
(d) V . (L T-1) • -2- (nof dImensionless)
{L )(L'J. 7-') - L
)7J 1.4 .Dil11e~1sionless combinations of quantities (commonly called dimensionless parameters) play an important role in fluid Make up five possible dimensi using combinations of some or the quantities listed in Till]' '

.c . l, j. ,

Some pOSsible. e.carnpl es.:
ac.Ce/erAj..",1"I x: I-irne , (L T-2)(T) . L "Tt>
i-e 1,0CI f ':! ( L 7-') -
fr~~Uenc~f .x. hme - (7-,)(7) _: TO
(veJ"ci+!j) z, . (LT-Jj 1- . L o TO
- (L.. ) ( L r+)
len?!h K «ccelerp!-It'JPI fCJrce ;e-lirne . (F)( r)...: fF){T) _.; rrr:

/7lt!?menf-um -= (;V1 LT-~ (P72t-)(Lr-,)

deMifrt;( ve/",<i~ ;( lenrf/, _; (/VJ[3)(LT-1)(U _: MOL'To

dtjl7l1rnit. l/iSC()~i..f:J M L-I 7-1

The. c.e> r'J S ta ,.,1: IT/g I s dim€t'lSIOfl \e~S' a ... , d
-trre e~u.J-/~11 1,., t:1.. ~3et')errcl nl>t1J()fjefleo uS
e b ,"ltd,b J1 fl.,td- 'S VA\'-,eJ . ~~J1 S IS ~el\ 1~
lli\ CiVi'j
Ul1\'-\- ~~s.J..em. 'Ie 5. /.5

1.5 The volume rate of flow, Q, through a pipe containing a

slowly moving liquid is given by the equation


Q = 8J-te~

where R is the pipe radius, /1p the pressure drop along the pipe, J-t a fluid property called viscosity (FL2T), and e the length of pipe. What are the dimensions or the constant ~T/8'/ Would you classify this equation as a general homogeneous equation? Explain.

/. (p

l.(, The pressure difference, Ap, across a partial blockage

in an artery (called a stenosis) is approximated by the equation

/LV (Au )2 ~

b..p = K - + K -. - I pV~

v D "AI

where V is the blood velocity, /L the blood viscosity (FL -2T), P the blood density (M L - 3), D the artery diameter, Ao the area of the unobstructed artery, and A I the area of the stenosis. Determine the dimensions of the constants K" and Ku- Would this equation be valid in any system of unit s ?

5inceeach -term mIJ.5f have. the. same. dimensions


k'v CI f1 d K u are d /rnen 5 ion J e~'S. Th u 5.1 fhe ef t{df/{J11

15 U '1ener4/ nOf'J-U)JeI1I':Ott5 €~ua.l-io"1 -iller!- woulc/ be val; d /n un!! tonsiSft.rrf sCjsl-em "f unib. yes.


.1 According to information found in an old hydraulics book, the energy loss per unit weight of fluid flowing through a nozzle connected to a hose can be estimated by the formula

h = (0.04 to O.09)(D/d)4V2/2g

where h is the energy loss per unit weight D the hose diameter. d the nozzle tip diameter. V the fluid velocity in the hose, and g the acceleration of gravity. Do you think this equation is valid in any system of units? Explain.

5lnce.. eac.h hI-/)) IYt The. e.~li.~a.,I:I;h rnu sl. hell/e-the 5t1l71e d/meI1S/t!Jh.:5 the Ct9I1~~lrllfi ferm (tJ.IJ'I-h~. tJ'l) rnus} I

be c//rnt'115Iol1/ess. Thus I

ht9m {:) 1enet:Jvs el UtLtI4/;'

~f «n ,'7-.:5. Yes.

1he e''j a ttiltdH is tt !}t' n fnll ina i: /.5 {/ a //d / H 411]' S !f51e In

/. q 1 Make use of Table 1.2. to express the following quantities in S1 units: (a) 10.2 in./min, (b) 4.81 slugs, (c) 3.02Ib, (d) 73.1 ft/s', (e) 0.0234 Ib·s/ft2.

(f?..) It) 2 11'/. :: 1.;0. 2. in. ) (f",. roll,. J/O-:z..!!:!:!.) (. I mil"))' .

, nul'] . (I, min .<;, ;J 7'V ~ /11. 6:>" .s

- ~. 'fJ2. ;(. /t;-3 ~ = tf. 32 T

(b) 'f.3 / s/u1s= ~ 5'/ slllfS ) (;, -¥S'OIO s~!:,) = 70,2 ..&3-

(t) 3.~2. If:,:: (g,{)Z If:, ) ( If. ~f'lf If ).:: /3. ~AI

(cl) 73.1 4 ::


ce) CJ, ()231f Ib·s ({;. tJt ,3 If 171.) (1\ 7i3'IIO Al. ,j )
- :: .Awl.
ft:J.. lb. S
1.12- N·s
/111'2.. /-7

! j


/. /0 I

1.10 Make use of Table 1.3 to express the following quantities in BG units: (a) 14.2 km, (b) 8.14 Nzm', (c) 1.61 kg/m", (d) 0.0320 N'rn/s, (e) 5.67 mm/hr.

(a.) / 'f. 2 ~1h1 N g.11f ;;3



3. /;z, ;( /0 slugs


2.3 b X JD-2 +f~ Ji:;

(e) s: b 7 '7t: "" (5'. /"7 x 1{)-3 ;:;) ( J. UI :f!: ) (~,,:; J

~~ {,.

- S, 17 x t o




/- 8

/' II

1.11 Clouds can weigh thousands of pounds due to their liquid water content. Often this content is measured in grams per cubic meter (g/rrr'). Assume that a cumulus cloud occupies a volume of one cubic kilometer, and its liquid water content is 0.2 g/rrr'. (a) What is the volume of this cloud in cubic miles? (b) How much does the water in the cloud weigh in pounds?


~(»)wm~ z: I Cktm )3-;: I o , t1'n3 Slnc.e {!an:: 3. 281 .h:

(jb'"".J ~ (V;frJ ~ ) .J /s: 23b 'x ItJj ft) 3

(h; ~ s: r X -Volwrne

t'" /i = CO. z ::!.-~ )(tn-3 ~$ ) ;1 )" l.n1.X/;3-;;~

~ -o:JJ\9 ~ IJiS}O-{tf; ~ ) (101"",13)= I. ~~ z X 10 I. N

~ (ilru ~/D'tj)(.g.2.'f~ ;(IP~I ~D=g{ /l Jh

. /,11. 1

1.11. An important dimensionless parameter in certain types of fluid flow problems is the Froude number defined as V l-v'gii, where V is a velocity, g the acceleration of gravity, and e a length. Determine the value of the Froude number for V = 10 ftls, g = 32.2 ft/s2, and e = 2 ft. Recalculate

In B 6 (,(/1 ;';'s /

the Froude number using SI units for V, g, and f. Explain the significance of the results of these calculations.



In J I fA n i I-s. :

V = (t o ft ) ( tJ. '3 ti'ff Z!!-):: 3.06' T

S ft

tJ ~ or, ~g J o/i

~ z: (r2 f-f: ) (0. -, olJ.3 za ):= O. b I 0 tl?1 .ft:


- ..-



The Va/lie 01 a. dim-e1'15i()hiess· partlme-teY IS in de ,Pendent. tPf in e. u n i t ~o/ ~.fem.


1.13 r

1.13 The density of a certain liquid is 2.15 slugs/tr.Deter-

mine its specific weight and specific gravity.

f J./!)- ..r)U9..s
S~ -
- .f1:3
= J. / /
r: @) 'f~c - -
I. s» $"19;$
.?t:!1 /. / l.f I

1.14 A hydrometer is used to measure the specific gravity of liquids. (See Video V2.6.) For III. certain liquid a hydrometer reading indicates a specific gravity of 1.15. What is the liquid's density and specific weight? Express your answer in SI units.

5G -



1/5 :::

/ coo ,k ,. 1m3

z: 1150 ~



/,/~ I

1.16 When poured into a graduated cylinder, a liquid is found to weigh ti N when occupying a volume of 500 ml (milliliters), Determine its specific weight, density, and specific gravity.

w~ifj h t vol time.

(0. Sao 1 ) (/0- 3 T 3)

~N :: / :J. 0 1??1 3

1- J 2..

1.17 'JF. I

*1.17 The variation in the density of water, p, with temperature, T, in the range of 20° C $ T $ 500 C, is given in the following table.

Density (kg/Ill]) 1998.21 997.Ij 995.71994.11992.21990.21988.1 Temperature ("C) I 20 I 25 I 30 I 35 I 40 I 45 I 5(}

Use these data to determine an empirical equation of the form p = C1 + czT + C3T2, which can be used to predict the density over the range indicated. Compare the predicted values with the data given. What is the density or water at 42.10 C?

F,'+ the cI~.£t:c. .£e; a $~Cl9l'1d t:Jydey p")!fn""";111

US J 'n.ft a :5tr?hd4'rd f!tI.r Vt'- h ff,/;_j j'rt!Jjr"I1'J SlIch as -IOVH(/' In l:XCI:L.. Thus..)

f1 -/ :::::: t9=:;::::t)~/==O=. =~:=I S".:;:'3~3~T=-::::::;:::=tJ=. tJ::::::;:::t!)=~=I=T=2.


Assh"~11 /rpm 1;:'1. (/)

111 Is

inc. b;Je belt)w / f (PYt:'ciIC Ie,,)

/ h ?{)(!)4 a~"reemel'J J. w /th ;; (&J /,)t!11 ) •

T,OC 20 25 30 35 40 45 50

P, kg/mA3 99S.2 997.1 995.7 994.1 992.2 990.2 988.1

P, Predicted 998.3 997.1 995.7 994.1 992.3 990.3 988.1


T= 1f2./ °C

o .0533 (42,/ oc) -.

I {)O I -


I, 1'1 I

1.19 Some experiments are being conducted in a laboratory in which the air temperature is 27 °C and the atmospheric pressure is 14.3 psia. Determine the density of the air. Express your answers in slugs/ft3 and in kg/nr',


Temper41:JlYe. ::: Z7'Y. =: [r. 8 (27)1-~2°] f)f -

_ (1'1:3 #n. "_)(I'Itf !it': )

-- D.00222

'S /UIj.J


1-1:. :3

1-' / If

/, ZO I

1.2.0 A closed tank having a volume Of 2 ft3 is filled with 0.30 lb of a gas. A pressure gage attached to the tank reads 12 psi when the gas temperature is 8Q of. There is some Question as to whether the gas in the tank is oxygen or helium. Which do you think it is? Explain how you arrived at your answer.

( e:l i /7? O.5!hfl'l C Iffn~ with

we/jf, t = _ tJ. ~O ib

! X. {lo/ume (!22 ~)(zft3) -3 I

1tlo X /0 S w9..5


()2 T /'f:7 ) IS/~

pre.fStlre ~>.sumFd h b( ~ ICf. 7 I)J'/a )

T: /r »: F + JI-b~) DR >t .J., / lou J 1:ha I::

(2../,,7 .!) ) (1 If If i n.'l. )

(l s: In. l.. .ft_1--=

R- (S-'fCJD~)

j)t'''51/y "I 9115 In .f:-tl"k 1=
Sin Ce. 1= .-f tv/in p=
i?T 7. 12 R


rrd'm Table. 1.0 R::/5'"S-If.X/~3 loroiCYge/J

4'M P( .;e = /. 2'fZ X It) If /t.1.b ~y he Iltan

.5/119' ".R .

Th tI 51 ./rPI?1 £1. (I) ,.;:. -!he 9 CI$ Is C9X If'll n

;J 7./2 S/II/j:j :: If,Si'x J~-3.!/U9.f

::- 155'ttJ~:3 /t4 H 3

he Ilt-im

/J.... 7. /2..

(- - /, '2 If2- X/I) If·

A- C6;mjJtlrl5lJP

of 17te tjq;

9tlS i71 uS i-

6! tJlJllI€JS WI n ?he Clci::t{o/ def/s/I:, I it the -bal'/l. /;', ell c.'l'kJ '1h at 111, e

be ejC~gel1.

t-: 15


1.22 A tire having a volume of 3 fe' contains air at a gage pressure of 26 psi and a tempraturc or 70 "F Determine the density of the air and the weight of the air contained in the lire.

(...2 d. !D a. r I It, 7 /b ) (' Ilf/f in.2.)

;::;:: lh. /11, tl... .ft:-._

(17 lie, R·/j ) Ti(7lJ'~ +'f~O)tlRJ Slwj' ~ Ll ~

Wei1Jrt =: n " ""fume z: (t..1fJf x,/ '!:t":) (11. z ;:) (U .. e)

r= RT

- {)" 2 Z Ib

/.23 I

1.23 A liquid has a specific weight of 59 lb/fr' and a dynamic

viscosity of 2.75 lb . sire. Determine its kinematic viscosity.

/ : : )

(2.75 ~s ) (3Z21:f")

-F-t;"l. S"I..

S7 J!!.




'Ylh-rp,>la:i-Jon) M (S7°C)

/ -Uz.o

-If N.S

ZIo.l> Xlb ~

to. q L~ X I D -If .!:!:.!.

1.24 (See Fluids in the News article titled "A vital fluid," Section 1.6) Some measurements on it blood sall1~)le at 37°C (98.6 or) indicate a shearing stress of 0.52 Nzm" for a corresponding rate of shearing strain of 200 s:'. Determine the apparent viscosity or the blood and compare it with the viscosity of water at the same temperature.


I-rom T,: J,)e. B.'2 @) 3D"C

/r'l A ppencl,')l 8 :

'1 '715" sc I 0 - If .!::.I.:f

• 1n,2-

". S 1 q >< I £) -If N':

''m .,..


ft btoo,", f~2.0


- 'I N. S

2 ls" o X I D -.


J- /1


i:: / -t: Cj'x/o7.v -r $ X/03 V 2.-

f7] == D ] + [woE] g J + [; x/oJ] [fz]

5/~c~ each +erm /n +he egua:i/(}j,:, n?l1st heve +t.« seme d / Ir1PI15//;/J.$ -fJJe e&J11 Shull-s tL?petl r/l1!i /rl the e~ tl.a:t:ltO/t /nus/- htll/e dlmen~/ill~ l, e.

[I J = [T] [q)(Jd :_ [~:j D~ X )D3 J :_ [~:]

7hw.5J to; th a chol1f1e In un//-s The valtle DI -the.

Ca:>115-h3J17:s WPtlj tI e.l1l1l1fe Q)'1c/ 7/J1:S IS l1()r «: ,9 en ern I

h em ojen eoas ..{2 g a a-t,;',Ij . Mo .

(j;) Frt)nt Ta hie I? 2 In Ii ppend, x B

(~r SAE ~tJ t9i/ @) oDe) -v z: 2.3;( JIJ -3/1'?12./s (.fOr 5A-E:JtJ 19/1 @ 6e;lJC) 7/::: if. /) x 10-S an'J-ls

;;;:- rt· o )

i:: / +- q ,(11/ (z.» >tID -~)-t 3. II 5


1.2~ I

1 .. 25 The time. t, it takes to pour a liquid from a con't!;liner depends on several factors. including the kinematic viscosity. u, of the liquid. (See Video V1.l.) In some laboratory tests various oils having the same density but different viscosities were poured at a fixed tipping rate from smalll 150 ml beakers. The time required to pour 100 ml of the oil was measured, and it was found that an approximate

equation for the pouring time in seconds was t = 1 + 9 X I02v + 8 X l03v2 with v in m2/s. (a) Is this a general homogeneous equation? Explain. (b) Compare the time it would take to pour 100 ml of SAE 30 oil from a 150 ml beaker at O°C to the corresponding time at a temperature of 60°C. Make use of Fig . .8.2 in Appendix B for viscosity data.

Th1l5/ h&m @ DoC






I, O'LJ. 5



.... 1.2' I

i.z s SAE 30 oil at 60 of flows through a 2-in.-diameter Pipe with a mean velocity of 5 ft/s. Determine the value of the Reynolds number (see Example 1.3).


:: ;_V.D_ /:



l,l7 I 1. 21 Calculate the Reynolds numbers for the flow of water and for air through a 3-mm-diameter tube, if the mean velocity is 2 mls and the temperature is 30°C in both cases (see Example 1.3). Assume the air is at standard atmospheric pressure.


::: (!_ V D


'Z 97S- x IO-1f !!.:..!..

/n"'l 2.

/;r . CAt lO'l ( +rt)17'1 t.u. B. if /r; 4ppendi:l .. B )
acr •

t I. I {,£ ~$. ft= I. flo -s N·s
= - .x. I D -
m?~ I /i')1'2- Ke =


1.28 A Newtonian fluid having a specific gravity of 0.92 and a kinematic viscosity of 4 X 10-4 m2/s flows past a fixed surface. Due to the no-slip condition; the velocity at the fixed surface is zero (as shown in Video V1.2), and the

velocity profile near the surface is shown in Fig. PI.28. Determine the magnitude and direction of the shearing stress developed on the plate. Express your answer in terms of U and 0, with U and 0 expressed in units of meters per sec-

and meters, respectively.

)' \-+-_U __ -1




'.1- 5t1Y'#uc (!:J :='0)

dw d!J

@ s=.

du _




1.2 OJ

1.29 As shown in Video VI.2, the "no-slip" condition means that a fluid "sticks" to a solid surface. TIl is is true for both fixed and moving surfaces. Let two layers of fluid be dragged along by the motion of an upper plate as shown in Fig. P1.29. The bottom plate is stationary. TIle top fluid puts a shear stress on the upper plate, and the lower fluid puts a shear stress 011 the botton plate. Determine the ratio of these two shear stresses.

~f:' lilA f d I

~ 11 (~); .:>

tap $urftAce.

!=Or f I



( bo No"" ~"I"'~(.c.

I-- 3 m/s __""

Fluid 1

l : J..I

Fluid 2

fo-2 m/s-l .FIGURE P1.29






r //~,'t;.;r-~ERi~~~~~-x

Plate ~~

width « b r'o---~--- e ----------1

• FIGURE P1.30

1.30 When a viscous fluid flows past a thin sharp-edged plate. a thin layer adjacent to the plate surface develops in which the velocity, u, changes rapidly from zero to the approach velocity, U, in a small distance, 8. This layer is called a boundary layer. The thickness of this layer increases with the distance x along the plate as shown in Fig. Pl.30. Assume that lJ = Uy/8 and 8 = 3.5v;;tU where v is the kinematic viscosity of the fluid. Determine an expression for the force (drag) that would be developed on one side of the plate of length l and width b. Express your answer in terms of I. b, 11, and o. where p is the fluid density.



(/ )




l- 21---

F r.r;, rce ) ::: 1: A d-v-






1.31 The sled shown in Fig. PI.31 slides along on a thin horizontal layer of water between the Ice and the runners. The horizontal force that the water puts on the runners is equal to 1.2 lh when the sled's speed is 50 fl/;;. The total area of both runners in contact with the water is 0.08 (L~, and the viscosity of the water is 3.5 X 10-5 lb s1ft2. Determine the thickness of the water layer under the runners. Assume a linear velocity distribution in the water layer.

ill! FIGURE P1.31

I h I4S)

/==:}t- ~ A


(5. s- ;( I o-S-!ii :)r 5 ~ f![) (b. () 8 f.t'- )

I. 2.. IJ,

- If () 11.1 X ID +t


1.32 A 40-1b, O.8-ft-diameter, loft-tall cylindrical tank slides slowly down a ramp with a constant speed of 0.1 ftls as shown in Fig. P1.32. The uniform-thickness oil layer on the ramp has a viscosity of 0.2 lb ' slft2. Determine the angle, (J, of the ramp .

.. FIGURE P1.32


) "1.,' ~"',C A

W sRn61:: ·



(.J heve tr.~ the ve.L,c"Tt-t of- .{G\Vlk.. c::lYJcA b is Th,c.kness ~f il l(ltle~

PV'tJ1m F ~ . CJ)

~FD 11) -J"" 9 " (rO ~.:i) ("4." HI> · ~ +tr

6. 125'1

- ... ------



1.~3 A layer of water flows down an inclined fixed surface with the velocity profile shown in Fig. PI.33. Determine the magnitude and direction of the shearing stress that the waller exerts on the fixed surface for U = 3 mls and h = 0.1 m.

• FIG U REP 1 .. 33



/ . .3'f

1.34 Water flows near a flat surface, and some measurements of the water velocity. u, parallel to the surface, at different heights, y, above the surface are obtained. At the surface y = O. After an analysis of data, the lab technician reports that the velocity distribution in the range 0 < Y < 0.1 ft is given by the equation

I,!- = 0.81 + 9.2y + 4.1 X lOV

with u in ftls when y is in ft. (a) Do you think that this equation would be valid in any system of units? Explain. (b) Do you think this equation is correct? Explain. You may want to look at Video 1.2 to help you arrive at your answer.

(aJ u. =i~. 9i+ q:2.!1 rr: If. fiX' J().1!J3

[i. 'r~D =1 ~·{fa .. 9: 2][t] r fU;( ~D~ NJ

t:a~h ferm dJ: ihe esu.a,fIP/4 rn us f: ha vc .the .::JtJn1l!. dlltle:"S/(})lIs] 777~s.l1J1e ~b~tll1'lt &.elt? ,hAttt dlmt"~Jln/~ 6.f.: LT~ r.4d,Jn(AS)~" w: <r-> )(/~:J d141t'AS{PAS "I CZ (I

i1,ce. ?7Je. e()I1.s-t:4nb :/'" 7"'h< .e!U4.i:l~Jf h~ V~ r;"h;PII;/~;'.s 7nelr Pg/:UIlS w/lj eh(U1f4t HJJ11n a. Chll11'le6t ultit.s. No .. I

'i ",', . \ ~

':J FO ! U ::~. 8 I-Irls )

,. "'. U


tb)E'jHatIPIl QJnrJPt: be ~rrpa ;5ln~~o./; a_ 1 I?fNl- .,er~i ·y",luewfil~Awou IJv ,,'Q I. a. fi!! (!61pd;t:IJ;)J. l/GJ7:. (prrec"t; '"

t- 2{P

iI~~3~~~---------------- ~ , __

1.35" The viscosity of liquids can be measured through the use of a rotating cylinder viscometer of the type illustrated in Fig. Pl.3S. In this device

the outer cylinder is fixed and the inner cylinder is rotated with an angular velocity, OJ. The torque :r required to develop co is measured and the vis-

, cosity is calculated from these two measurements.

Develop an equation relating /1, co, :', f" R; and R; Neglect end effects and assume the velocity distribution in the gap is linear.

Fixed outer cylinder,





Torzu() d r, due. -/-" sheAf/II, sbess on inner c!illnc/l/" I~ e!tlllllz,

d '7: ~. 7:dA w h-ere ciA = (R. cit!)) .,f ,


d J::



~., J T dt;

Q n d -/rJ/"~ H e reg «ir« d to i n ne s- c'1/JncJfr is 2Tr

'7= R/J rIde


top View

( 1. .... cfj hndrr fenq th )

:l rr R{..·:J.J.r

!=or a Iln'nll- ve/oc../flJ clisfy/buf../on 1J1 fhe gap



t» -R.' f'. () t.

/ -. d.7


Ca pill a ry -lr--\---.l:!\ tube

1.36 The viscosity of a soft drink was determined by using a capillary tube viscometer similar to that shown in Fig. P1.36 and Video V1.3. For this device the kinematic viscosity. v, is directly proportional to the time. t, that ill takes for a given amount Of liquid to flow through a small capillary tube. That is. v = Kt. The following data were obtained from regular pop and diet pop. The corresponding measured specific gravities are also given. Based on these data. by what percent is the absolute viscosity, p_, of regular pop greater than that of diet pop?

Glass strengthening bridge

Etched lines

x 100


Diet pop 300.3

Regular pop 377.8


• FIGURE P1.36



oA ?te£i,y = [)rN)J~:'.*

SInCe '7/ =tit.) -z}:: k1:.l I 'f' .fo 1/{)t1/s



J< lOb

1 [dKX kL~ - ~.K loa

. ,

:{~;l~70-;;tig :;~ Jx 10


f~e, - J rcJ1et


1. 31 One type of rotating cylinder viscometer, called a Stormer viscometer, uses a falling weight, 'W, to cause the cylinder to rotate with an angular velocity, w, as illustrated in Fig. PI.~l. For this device the viscosity, /J., of the liquid is related to OW and w through the equation 'W = KMItJ, where K is a constant that depends only on the geometry (including the liquid depth) of the viscometer. The value of K is usually determined by using a calibration liquid (a liquid of known viscosity).

(a) Some data for a particular Stormer viscometer, obtained using glycerin at 20 °C as a calibration liquid, are given below. Plot values of the weight as ordinates and values of the angular velocity as abscissae. Draw the best curve through the plotted points and determine K for the vis-




'W (lb)



1.10 I 1.54 I· 2.20

• FIGURE P1.31

Fixed outer cylinder

w (rev/s)

2.79 3.83 5.49



(b) A liquid of unknown viscosity is placed in the same viscometer used in part (a), and the data given below are obtained. Determine the viscosity of this liquid.

1{/" (lb) I 0.04 0.11 0.22 I 0.33 I 0.44

w (rev/s) 0.72 1.89 3.73 . 5.44 7.42

( tl)

-t}., e ::./ ~fe b/ the czJ us W



fi,y r/;e :J/fleen~ daia.. (,See pic-/; on f)6>x-t pat}e) -/1;e. 5lo~e ('d 4'11 u Sljt(III'e$ ../"i I){ 1lte d~-k) I...,

s /~,Pe {jl'l~~~Yli1)::- a 19? I~~~

a~.13 X lb-z Ib·s Jot. ,_

(/,g93 Ib._~


- -

3', /3 X IO-Z. Il" S .ft;2-


+t2. 1:2.7 - 1'1:"a/


f:Pr the. 1.1111/11)",11 11"/,, d~.-k. Gee ;/t>i &'1'1 111'X-t:. pa?~) 'the.. Slope. (b/(seH tPl1 &:t / :SSUtln's +it Dr -tk~ dA,t-L) IS

S/DD;P (tll1Kddull1 rlg/u) = 0,060/ l.b.~

r>: re>

(COI1 ~)

/, 37 (~I'/t )

Thu~ ff-pm fir .(I) S/cl'e _ )< (un/IIPUI" fl"id) ::: F -

Ib·.s ~. P(P()/ ~:v

1;2., 7 ,p[, ,_ re r:


Weight vs Angular Velocity


[7 <'Q 318X+0 01
. -. ~/ -'--~-I--- .
-- .-~"'.'---.--"
./ V _- 1- ....
_ .. -- _-
_.-"'- _- sorx- 0.0 D25
__ -R ---- v= 0.0
... 2













W ,revls

II Unknown Liquid

- - - Linear (Unknown Liquid)

• Glycerin

- Linear (Glycerin)


1. ,8 A 25-mm-diameter shaft is pulled through a cylindrical bearing as shown in Fig. Pl. ~8 The lubricant that fills the O.3-mm gap between the shaft and bearing is an oil having a kinematic viscosity of 8.0 x 10-4 m2/s and a specific gravity of 0.91. Determine the force P required to pull the shaft at a velocity of 3 m/s. Assume the velocity distribution in the gap is linear.

1-0---0.5 m---l FIGURE pl.'38

L ~:::O Thl4s


p= 7A

s o tnll i

p , v- f )(7TD~)

? = (3. 0;( JD-' 7< )(Mt x. ttl !;OIJ!f )(rr)fo, 025" .... )(0.5"")

( o. (Jot) 3/;11 )


/,3'1 j

1.39 There are many fluids that exhibit non-Newtonian behavior (see for example Video VIA). For a given fluid the distinction between Newtonian and non-Newtonian behavior is usually based on measurements of shear stress and rate of shearing strain. Assume that the viscosity of blood is to be determined by measurements of shear stress, T, and rate of shearing strain, du/dy, obtained from a small blood sample tested in a suitable viscometer. Based on the data given below determine if the blood is a Newtonian or nonNewtonian fluid. Explain how you arrived at your answer.

T (N/m2) 10.0410.06 t 0.12 t o.181~ 0.52 L0l.t 2.10 duldy VI) I 2.25- 4.50 ll.25- '-22:5--'45.0 r 90.oTizs 450

Foy a.. Newkt;"'QY1 ..Plut'd --the rat/o t>( L -h du/dfj IS ~

(!.(!h1f-b/l1i. 'F;py -the dA-ta- 9/e/~' n '

The rat/o IS n()t. t:i.. ~ns.£n,..t 6"i: decrepsc-S" tiS the ra. . .tc (!)f shetlr/n.,j stYIII"" /ncrreses. Thes, 171'$ -F/W,4 (.b/ood) I'; ~ /Jo)'}-lIeuJ/;()JtllfM -f"1 "'/4. ;If ploi of -!he: cltt¢a .(j .shpt'.elil be/ow. FbI" A. lIewb~MI4'H 7/,,'-4 1J1£.

C-urv-e W(!Jld'( be. ~ si:r~(I,.1! t: //l1e 4J117t I( 51Dpe 'flf / If) /.

Shear Stress vs Rate of Shearing Strain


"""'-Experimental Data

-Slope = 1:1 for a Newtonian Fluid

v .






du/dy, s"-1

/-3Z .

:Ta,J,)e. B. -3 In e . ~ -F aq .... ~ SO· ..

I. '1-0

1.40 An important dimensionless parameter concerned with very high speed flow is the Mach number, defined as Vic, where V is the speed of the object, such as an airplane or projectile, and c is the speed of sound in the fluid surrounding the object. For a projectile traveling at 800 mph through air at 50 of and standard atmospheric pressure, what is the value of the Mach number?


/vla:G14 num blY -=

- 1. 0 (p

I -~ 33

1.41 Often the assumption is made that the flow of a certain fluid can be considered as incompressible now if the density 01 the fluid changes by less than 2(;{). If air is flowing through a tube such that the air gage pressure at one section is 9.0 psi and at a downstream section it is 8.6 psi at the same temperature, do you think that this now could be considered an incompressible flow? Support your answer with the necessary calculations. Assume standard atmospheric pressure.

h:,y I ~'othO'rY1a/ c,k {(11'1e In den$/f!;J
7:>, '::" /:>3-
- -
f, ~
So 1J:4.-t /1 ?:z.
- -
......- ~
r, The

den~'1/n ,~ --I .. ~

x IbO

TAus I

= (;.._



e r:


.3/V 31)();£ I/);;;; ~

(i;'I. fI iff< )fi5~·("'.173)1 -

/. 7'i ~


.1.42 Oxygen al30 DC and 300 kPa absolute pressure expands Isothermally to an absolute pressure of 140 kPa. Determine the final density of the gas.





k,lhere t'''U Iru1:Jtl/ shfe. ;'."\..0 .fIn A I silf.:t~ .

--- ---~.------------------I

1.43 (See Fluids in the News article titled 'This water jet is a blast," Section 1.7.1) By what percent is the volume of water decreased if its pressure is increased to an equivalent to 30()O atmospheres (44, 100 psi)?




4LfJ 1/)0 !>51.:()._ - 14.1 P:5ta.. = _ 0.141 3. I;l. x : 0 ~ f$C; 0..

E -= V

I 1ft I () 10

-_ _ _---------_--------_:___

[: .'!J-

1.44 Determine the speed of sound at 2() °C in (a) air,

(b) helium, and (c) natural gas. Express your answer in m/s.

C ::: VkRT

T =- tf/t)·C + ,173 == ~93 k... ::

(£.:g. /.15 )

(a) ~y


(/:/) h,y helium


C ::


/. '15" J

1.45 When a fluid flows through a sharp bend, low pressures may develop in localized regions of ihc bend. lisurnate the minimum absolute pressure (in psi) that can develop without causing cavitation if the fluid is water at 160 "F.

coyi.fahon m4'f accer tV),!'n fhe /C>Cq/ prf"sSU;e es:,,,/s the V'a?t:>Y' ;>rl!'s'Sure. ;::q r It,nrier ttl t- IIDtJ co F (/jon? -';'''/e 13,/ ,;, A,,,wh'KB)

-f.. :::' ~ 7l/ (4bS)


Thus I


J. '-1ft:» I

1.46 When water at 70°C flows through a converging section of pipe, the pressure is reduced in the direction of now, Estimate the minimum absolute pressure that can develop without causing cavitation. Express your answer in both BG and SJ units.

C aI/Half on may occvr in fhe ICfJIJVe'r;/I)rj section fllihe

pipe when fhe ptesJlJre qcJ/ALr -tho vapor pressore . From rahleBlz in AppendiX B.I for Water af 10'C, Itl ::3.IJ6x/o'fN/,rl(abs),

rhflS ..

minimvfYI pfessor e == .3/./6 I~ (abs) if) SI tJn/fs.

In 86 [lnifs . -if psi

minirncJ(Y1 press ire :; (3 ./161-'0" ~) (/.'fSOJ(/O iJ1ii1.)

:::~~ 52 p.ri4

1.47 J

1.47 At what atmospheric pressure will water boil at 35 "C?

Express your answer in both S1 and Be; units.

The. Vt1..»OY jJYt!"S Stl re oj. tvlJ -ley 0 i- 35" C /s S. ~ I --L & fA J~ ) ( -/r~ Ta J.Ue e.: "" /l-pf'~",d/".,t J3 USih7 1/I1Pl'u, 1";'.ferfcJdi.i(!J~ J. lhu.s ~'f:' wiLbr bo;1.s

(11: -this femjJ~1"4tl{re. Tlte ,'-imt9~'p;'~'n'c jJrt1J5ul"t! /'nust:

.be ell/al tt> s: iJ ...IJ. Pa.. (tt6:5) /;" sI {.(nih. In 1.J6 1/1'); f.s)

J- 3 '7

1.48 An open, clean glass tube (0 = flU) is inserted veui

cally into a pan of water. What lube diameter is needed if till: water level in the lube is to rise one tube diameter (clue to surface tension)?

h;Y {=~R
)"R -
- 11,

, '2. if .f1~ oS

R:- S'. q~X JD·· 3 +t




:1..49 (See Fluids in the News article titled "Walking Oil water," Section 1.9.) (a) The water strider bug shown in Fig. P 1.49 is supported on the surface of a pond by surface tension acting along the interface bel ween the water and the bug's legs. Determine the minimum length of this interface needed to support the bug. Assume the bug weighs ] 0" N and the surface tension force acts vertically upwards. (b) Repeal part (a) if surface tension were to support a person III F I GI U REP 1 .49 weighing 7S0 N.

1=01' -e1,..,'~bYI~m) O'(;J = cr;

I D-Y N 7. ~If )C I D'·J. J:!_ /'f'I\



((). )

ow rv W.e'l8 ht

cr IV SL\t'"ta C~ J.r~slon

t I\J lenJ1h ~/ ifJhr.fac;e.


-5 1.3,)(ID rm

(\,;>1, )( 10-31)')\) (103 ::) i:






1. 02 )( JD I'M

1.54- X Ib~1.. !:!. /'fh

_____ ••.. ---- -------------------- . 1

I I. 5"0 -'-~J""'--"·-1.5:--A-S-SI-1()W-n-i-n-~deo VI.S, surface te'~S;O"-I-'o-r':,"'~~~be strong enough to allow a double-edge steel razor blade [0

"float" on water, but a single-edge blade will sink. Assume

that the surface tension forces act at an angle e relative to the

water surface as shown in Fig. P] .50. (a) The mass of the double-

edge blade is 0.64 x 10-3 kg, and the total length of its sides

is 206 rum. Determine the value of e required to maintain equilibrium between the blade weight and the resultant sur-

face tension force. (b) The mass of the single-edge blade is

2.61 X W" 3 kg, and the total length of i lS ~ides ~~ 154 mm.

Explain why this blade sinks. Support your answer with the

necessary calculations.

Surface tension



L F =0

V€r+t cal




wheve ~::: I'f'('1 )( ~ CiltJd °r::- V)( Jen~ih of. scde».


(0. I. If )( 10-3 --lela ) (1. R I l'Iv./s') = fr. 3 ~ ;( )0-2 #. j( (J 1D' Iln ) sill e j 1 Yl 8- - (), I.j-J 5

9 = :l.. 4-.5 (,;


(b) For slnrle-ed~e blade '2J = / X J- :::

(2." Xll)~3 -kfJ.) (cr.~J Im/:,"l.) o.o zst: W


T 5 i n ~ ::: (0-- x: Jen,ih cf. blode ) ~/~I t7

:: (7. 3'-1- x 10 - z N k ) ( 0 .151f IYH ) "5 I Y) G

0.0113 51n e

t:« t:w-der +of- hJqde -1-0 hi-IDdi" ~ -< T5IinB.

5, h ce /)')'\ a x: ttr: val u e fo y :$1 YI e £ S \ I I'i- to /I OW5

fhat CZU > T -s/n G and -sjr):J/~-ecJ3e blade w; II siJ1k.


1.51 Under the right conditions, it is possible, due to surface tension, to have metal objects 110at on water. (See Vldee Vl.5.) Consider placing a short length of a small diameter steel (sp. wt. = 490 lb/fr') rod on a surface of water. What is the maximum diameter that the rod can have before it will sink? Assume that the surface tension forces act vertically upward. Note: A standard paper clip has a diameter of 0.036 in. Partially unfold a paper clip and see if you can get it to float on water. Do the results of this experiment support your analysis?

Ih ~r&/t'y- '.A,r r~if .J.'Q ,f/~'tlt (;t;.t'e f''1I.tI'eJ '/ t ./'ell pw.s1;!a l:-

i o-l ,:>0 <tJ 2: rt)~ t) J ~t..1

"'"Thus )fr,y J/11t I,rnihhj ~IJe

!) 1l z: . 2- rr..f- . _ go-

mil J( (7f) f. ~.J:~e J 1r 0'$ fee I

1n&t DrnaK = ! :(b~::OX~: ~~IJ~ ~ S. II


-- o. 0 , ) if tn.


-3 fL J b .yl

S/nce. tt. ~t(JI1t1l1rd .s1:1~el f)lJ.P"Y Ghp hAs 4 c/,:amei;(f- "f t;./fJ3bin.) Wh,'c.h ,~ less -!naif

O.otrllf. If') /t: S~()tI/;f f/():4t:-. A- ~/rnpJ( e><-p(flmmi lP III V'f!~I·.f!1 1h ,~'. ~~S.

-- ... _

-- .. ; ..........

/- -'/0

/. 5"2.

1.52 Fluid Characterization by Use of a Stormer Viscometer

Objective: As discussed in Section 1.6, some fluids can be classified as Newtonian fluids; others are non-Newtonian. The purpose of this experiment is to determine the shearing stress versus rate of strain characteristics of various liquids and. thus, to classify them as Newtonian or non-Newtonian fluids.

Equipment: Stormer viscometer containing a stationary outer cylinder and a rotating, concentric inner cylinder (see Fig.PI.52); stop watch; drive weights for the viscometer; three different liquids (silicone oil, Latex paint, and corn syrup).

Experimental Procedure: Fill the gap between the inner and outer cylinders with one of the three fluids to be tested. Select an appropriate drive weight (of mass m) and attach it to the end of the cord that wraps around the drum to which the inner cvlinder is fastened. Release the brake mechanism to allow the inner cylinder to start to rotate. .The outer cylinder remains stationary.) After the cylinder has reached its steady-state angular velocity, measure the amount of time, t, that it takes the inner cylinder to rotate N revolutions. Repeat the measurements using various drive weights. Repeat the entire procedure for the other fluids to be tested.

Calculations: For each of the three fluids tested, convert the mass, m, of the drive weight to its weight, W = mg, where g is the acceleration of gravity. Also determine the angular velocity of the inner cylinder, w = Nit.

Graph: For each fluid tested, plot the drive weight, W, as ordinates and angular velocity, w, as abscissas. Draw a best fit curve through the data.

Results: Note that for the flow geometry of this experiment, the weight, W, is proportional to the shearing stress, T, on the inner cylinder. This is true because with constant angular velocity, the torque produced by the viscous shear stress on the cylinder is equal to the torque produced by the weight (weight times the appropriate moment arm). Also. the angular velocity, w, is proportional to the rate of strain, dufdy, This is true because the velocity gradient in the fluid is proportional to the inner cylinder surface speed (which is proportional to its angular velocity) divided by the width of the gap between the cylinders. Based on your graphs, classify each of the three fluids as to whether they are Newtonian or non-Newtonian.

Data: To proceed, print this page for reference when you work the problem and click here to bring up an EXCEL page with the data for this problem.

Rotating Inner cylinder

Outer cylinder


II FIG U R EP 1.52


/.54. J

Solution for Problem 1.52: Fluid Characterization by Use of a Stormer Viscometer
m, kg N, revs t, s (0, rev/s W,N From the graphs:
Silicone oil is Newtonian
Silicone Oil Data Corn Syrup is Newtonian
0.02 4 59.3 0.0/' 0.20 Latex paint is non-Newtonian
0.05 12 66.0 O.1a 0.49
0.10 24 64.2 0.3/' 0.98
0.15 20 35.0 0.5i' 1.47 (0 = NIt
0.20 24 31.7 0.7Ei 1.96
0.25 30 31.0 0.97 2.45 W=mg
0.30 20 17.4 2.94
0.35 25 18.8 3.43
0.40 40 26.0 1.54 3.92
Corn Syrup Data
0.05 1 28.2 0.04- 0.49
0.10 2 27.5 0.07' 0,98
0.20 4 27.2 0.15, 1.96
OAO 8 25.7 0,31 3.92
Latex Paint Data
0.02 2 32.7 0,06 0.20
0.03 2 20.2 0.10 0.29
0,Q4 5 32.2 0.16 0.39
0.05 10 47.3 0.21 0.49
0.06 10 37.2 0.27 0.59
0.07 10 29.8 0.34 0.69
0.08 10 24.6 0.41 0.78
0.09 10 20.1 0.50 0.88
0.10 20 34.0 0.59 0.98 /. 5'2

Problem 1.52

Weight, W, vs Angular Velocity, r.o for

Corn Syrup


4.00 ~---.--~-.


3.50./ 3.00 ·1-------+---~7

z 2.50------ 7

3:" 2.00 --~~_l---~- ~- - ..... _--

W= 12.80}

1.50 .. . .. ,>' .--. - .. -.---.--- .. -~-~~-

1.00 --/~.~ V-!--- .. ---~··---··-·--- 0.50 -1--¥-----+----1--.--- -_....-_

0.00 +----+----+----I----~l

~oo 0_.1_0 __ 0}_~_~_:~_I_S __ 0_.3_0 0_J.

Problem 1.52

Weight, W, vs Angular Velocity, (ll for

Silicone Oil

4.50 ""'-~-'-'-'--r--'--'--~'"

4.00 -I-----..f-----I------bo. 3.50 +~--·-/--·----I--_tII"-+----·· 3.00 +--.----I-----..f~ .. 1F

Z 2.50- ~ 2.00- 1.50 - 1.00 0.50 0.00 +-'----/------+----+----1






(I), rev/s


_ .•. _-------_---------_-----.


Problem 1.52

Weight, W, vs Angular Velocity, 0) for

latex Paint

1.00 - 0.80 ·I-----~---~--~~~-~-/__~--f

~- 0.60 0.40 0.20 - -6----1----------1 0.00 +-----l-------I-----l-----l




/.- '13




OJ revl«


I. 0-3

1.53 Capillary Tube Viscometer

Objective: The flowrate of a viscous fluid through a small diameter (capillary) tube is a function of the viscosity of the fluid. For the flow geometry shown in Fig. P 1.53 , the kinematic viscosity, 11, is inversely proportional to the flowrate, Q. That is, v = KIQ, where K is the calibration constant for the particular device. The purpose of this experiment is to determine the value of K and to use it to determine the kinematic viscosity of water as a function of temperature.

Equipment: Constant temperature walter tank, capillary tube, thermometer, stop watch, graduated cylinder.

Experimental Procedure: Adjust the water temperature to 15.6°C and determine the flowrate through the capillary tube by measuring the time, t, it takes to collect a volume, V, of water in a small graduated cylinder. Repeat the measurements for various water temperatures, T. Be sure that the water depth, h, in the tank is the same for each trial. Since the flowrate is a function of the depth (as well as viscosity), the value of K obtained will be valid for only that value of h.

Calculations: For each temperature tested, determine the flowrate, Q = Vlt. Use the data for the 15.6°C water to determine the calibration constant, K, for this device. That is, K ;:; I/Q, where the kinematic viscosity for 15.6°C water is given in Table 1.5 and Q is the measured flowrate at this temperature. Use this value of K and your other data to determine the viscosity of water as a function of temperature.

Graph: Plot the experimentally determined kinematic viscosity, v, as ordinates and temperature, T, as abscissas.

Results: On the same graph, plot the standard viscosity-temperature data obtained from Table B.2.

Data: To proceed, print this page for reference when you work the problem and click here to bring up an EXCEL page with the data for this problem.


Graduated cylinder


Solution for Problem 1.53: Capillary Tube Viscomef:er
From Table B.2
V, ml t, S T, deg C Q, mils v, mA2/s T, deg C v, mA2/s
9.2 19.8 15.6 0.465 1.i2E-06 10 1.31E-06
9.7 15.8 26.3 0.614 8.4SE-0? 20 i.00E-06
9.2 16.8 21.3 0.548 9.S'IE-07 30 8.01 E-07
9.1 21.3 12.3 0.427 1.22E-06 40 6.58E-07
9.2 13.1 34.3 0.702 7.42E-07 50 5.53E-07
9.4 10.1 50.4 0.931 5.60E-07 60 4.7SE-07
9.1 8.9 58.1 1.022 5.i0E-07
v = KlQ K, mA2 ml/sA2 v (at 15.6 deg C), mA2/s
5.21E-07 1.12E-06 K = v Q = 1.12E-6 mA2/s * 0.465 mils = 5.21 E-7 mA2 ml/sA2

Problem 1.53 Viscosity, v, vs Temperature, T

1.5E-06 ------ "-"~---'--"------'~--'-----"~


N <


• Experimental -- From Table B.2

5.0E-07 --~-----+---+--~t

+ -+ -+ ._L_ ~






40 T, deg C


/- ijS

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