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ME 32/L – Machine Elements Module 2 –Lesson 1- Vectors

ME 32/L




Prepared by:

Engr. Beberth J. Samillan

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ME 32/L – Machine Elements Module 2 –Lesson 1- Vectors

Module 2
Lesson 1


We are through with the introduction to mechanism in our Module 1. Now we will
proceed with vectors which are essential in the analysis of mechanisms. Mechanism analysis
involves manipulating vector quantities. Displacement, velocity, acceleration, and force are the
primary performance characteristics of a mechanism, and are all vectors. A thorough
introduction to vectors and vector manipulation must be made prior to working with
mechanisms. In this chapter, both graphical and analytical solution techniques will be
presented. This module is a review of the different methods of solving vector quantities using
vector equation.

This module is intended for two weeks.

Learning Objectives
Upon completion of this module, you will be able to:
1. Determine the resultant of two vectors, using both graphical and analytical methods.
2. Determine the magnitude of two vectors by utilizing vector equations.



In the analysis of mechanisms, two types of quantities need to be distinguished. A scalar

is a quantity that is sufficiently defined by simply stating a magnitude. For example, by saying
“a dozen eggs,” one describes the quantity of eggs in a tray. Because the number “12” fully
defines the amount of donuts in the box, the amount is a scalar quantity. The following are
some more examples of scalar quantities: a board is 8 ft long, a class meets for 50 min, or the
temperature is 78°F—length, time, and temperature are all scalar quantities.
In contrast, a vector is not fully defined by stating only a magnitude. Indicating the
direction of the quantity is also required. Stating that a golf ball traveled 200 yards does not
fully describe its path. Neglecting to express the direction of travel hides the fact that the ball
has landed in a lake. Thus, the direction must be included to fully describe such a quantity.
Examples of properly stated vectors include “the crate is being pulled to the right with 5 lb” or
“the train is traveling at

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a speed of 50 mph in a northerly direction.” Displacement, force, and velocity are vector
Vectors are distinguished from scalar quantities through the use of boldface type (v).
The common notation used to graphically represent a vector is a line segment having an
arrowhead placed at one end. With a graphical approach to analysis, the length of the line
segment is drawn proportional to the magnitude of the quantity that the vector describes. The
direction is defined by the arrowhead and the incline of the line with respect to some reference
axis. The direction is always measured at its root, not at its head. Figure 2.1 shows a fully
defined velocity vector.

Figure 2.1. A 45 mph velocity vector


The methods of graphical mechanism and vector analysis are identical, whether using
drafting equipment or a CAD package. Although it may be an outdated mode in industrial
analyses, drafting can be successfully employed to learn and understand the techniques.
For those using drafting equipment, fine lines and circular arcs are required to produce
accurate results. Precise line-work is needed to accurately determine intersection points. Thus,
care must be taken in maintaining sharp drawing equipment.
Accurate measurement is as important as line quality. The length of the lines must be
drawn to a precise scale, and linear measurements should be made as accurately as possible.
Therefore, using a proper engineering scale with inches divided into 50 parts is desired.
Angular measurements must be equally precise.
Lastly, a wise choice of a drawing scale is also a very important factor. Typically, the
larger the construction, the more accurate the measured results are. Drawing precision to 0.05
in. produces less error when the line is 10 in. long as opposed to 1 in. Limits in size do exist in
that very large constructions require special equipment. However, an attempt should be made
to create constructions as large as possible.


As stated, the methods of graphical mechanism and vector analysis are identical, whether
using drafting equipment or a CAD package. CAD allows for greater precision. Fortunately,
only a limited level of proficiency on a CAD system is required to properly complete graphical
vector analysis. Therefore, utilization of a CAD system is preferred and should not require a
large investment on a “learning curve.”

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As mentioned, the graphical approach of vector analysis involves drawing lines at precise
lengths and specific angles. The following list outlines the CAD abilities required for vector
analysis. The user should be able to

 Draw lines at a specified length and angle;

 Insert lines, perpendicular to existing lines;
 Extend existing lines to the intersection of another line;
 Trim lines at the intersection of another line;
 Draw arcs, centered at a specified point, with a specified radius;
 Locate the intersection of two arcs;
 Measure the length of existing lines;
 Measure the included angle between two lines.


In the analytical analysis of vectors, knowledge of basic trigonometry concepts is
required. Trigonometry is the study of the properties of triangles. The first type of triangle
examined is the right triangle.

Right Triangle
In performing vector analysis, the use of the basic trigonometric functions is vitally
important. The basic trigonometric functions apply only to right triangles. Figure 3.2 illustrates a
right triangle with sides denoted as a, b and c and interior angles as A, B and C. Note that
angle is a 90° right angle. Therefore, the triangle is called a right triangle.
The basic trigonometric relationships are defined as:

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Figure 2.2 Right Triangle


The figure shows a front loader with cylinder BC in a vertical position. Use trigonometry to
determine the required length of the cylinder to orient arm AB in the configuration shown.

1. Determine Length BC
Focus on the triangle formed by points A, B, and C in the figure. The triangle side BC can be
found using trigonometry.

2. Determine Length AC

If distance from A to C is required;

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The figure below shows a tow truck with an 8-ft boom, which is inclined at a 25° angle. Use
trigonometry to determine the horizontal distance that the boom extends from the truck.

1. Determine the Horizontal Projection of the Boom

2. Determine Horizontal Projection of Truck and Boom

The horizontal distance from the front end of the truck to the end of the boom is;

6 ft + 7.25 ft = 13.25 ft

3. Determine the Overhang

Because the overall length of the truck is 11 ft, the horizontal distance that the boom
extends from the truck is;

13.25 ft - 11 ft = 2.25 ft

Oblique Triangle

In the previous discussion, the analysis was restricted to right triangles. An approach to
general, or oblique, triangles is also important in the study of mechanisms. Figure 2.3 shows a
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general triangle. Again, a, b, and c denote the length of the sides and represent the interior
For this general case, the basic trigonometric functions described in the previous section
are not applicable. To analyze the general triangle, the law of sines and the law of cosines
have been developed.
The law of sines can be stated as;

The law of cosines can be stated as;

In addition, the sum of all interior angles in a general triangle must total 180°. The equation
would be;

Figure 2.5. The oblique triangle


The figure below shows a front loader. Use trigonometry to determine the required length
of the cylinder to orient arm AB in the configuration shown.

Solution: Determine Length BC

Use the Law of Cosines:

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The figure below shows the drive mechanism for an engine system. Use trigonometry to
determine the crank angle as shown in the figure.

1. Determine Angle BAC

2. Determine the Crank Angle

Angle BAC is defined between side AC (the vertical side) and leg AB. Because the
crank angle is defined from a horizontal axis, the crank angle can be determined by the
Crank angle = 90° - 67.3° = 22.7°

3. Determine the Other Interior Angles

Although not required in this problem, angle ACB can be determined by

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Finally, angle ABC can be found by

Throughout the analysis of mechanisms, vector quantities (e.g., displacement or velocity) must
be manipulated in different ways. In a similar manner to scalar quantities, vectors can be
added and subtracted. However, unlike scalar quantities, these are not simply algebraic
operations. Because it is also required to define a vector, direction must be accounted for
during mathematical operations. Vector addition and subtraction are explored separately in the
following sections. Adding vectors is equivalent to determining the combined, or net, effect of
two quantities as they act together. For example, in playing a round of golf, the first shot off the
tee travels 200 yards but veers off to the right. A second shot then travels 120 yards but to the
left of the hole. A third shot of 70 yards places the golfer on the green. As this golfer looks on
the score sheet, she notices that the hole is labeled as 310 yards; however, her ball traveled
390 yards ( 200 + 120 + 70 yards).
As repeatedly stated, the direction of a vector is just as important as the magnitude. During
vector addition, does not always equal 2; it depends on the direction of the individual vectors.


An operation that determines the net effect of vector is called graphical addition. A
graphical approach to vector addition involves drawing the vectors to scale and at the proper
orientation. These vectors are then relocated, maintaining the scale and orientation. The tail of
the first vector is designated as the origin (point O). The second vector is relocated so that its
tail is placed on the tip of the first vector. The process then is repeated for all remaining
vectors. This technique is known as the tip-to-tail method of vector addition. This name is
derived from viewing a completed vector polygon. The tip of one vector runs into the tail of the
next. The combined effect is the vector that extends from the tail of the first vector in the series
to the tip of the last vector in the series. Mathematically, an equation can be written that
represents the combined effect of vectors:

Vector R is a common notation used to represent the resultant of a series of vectors. A

resultant is a term used to describe the combined effect of vectors. Also note that the symbol
+> is used to identify vector addition and to differentiate it from algebraic addition [Ref. 5]. It
should be noted that vectors follow the commutative law of addition; that is, the order in which
the vectors are added does not alter the result. Thus,

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The process of combining vectors can be completed graphically, using either manual drawing
techniques or CAD software. Whatever method is used, the underlying concepts are identical.
The following example problems illustrate this concept.
Graphically determine the combined effect of velocity vectors A and B, as shown in the figure


1. Construct Vector Diagrams

To determine the resultant, the vectors must be relocated so that the tail of B is located
at the tip of A. To verify the commutative law, the vectors were redrawn so that the tail
of A is placed at the tip of B. The resultant is the vector drawn from the tail of the first
vector, the origin, to the tip of the second vector. Both vector diagrams are shown in the
Figure below.

2. Measure the Resultant

The length vector R is measured as 66 in./s. The direction is also required to fully define
vector R. The angle from the horizontal to vector R is measured as 57°. Therefore, the
proper manner of presenting the solution is as follows:

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Graphically determine the combined effect of force vectors A, B, C, and D, as shown in the
figure below.

1. Construct Vector Diagrams
To determine the resultant, the vectors must be relocated so that the tail of B is located
at the tip of A. Then the tail of C is placed on the tip of B. Finally, the tail of D is placed
on the tip of C. Again, the ordering of vectors is not important, and any combination
could be used. As an illustration, another arbitrary combination is used in this example.
The resultant is the vector drawn from the tail of the first vector, at the origin, to the tip of
the fourth vector. The vector diagrams are shown in below.

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Figure 2.6 The combined effect of vectors A, B, C and D.

2. Measure the Resultant

The length vector R is measured as 521 lb. The direction is also required to fully define
the vector R. The angle from the horizontal to vector R is measured as 68°. Therefore,
the proper manner of presenting the solution is as follows:


Two analytical methods can be used to determine the net effect of vectors. The first
method is best suited when the resultant of only two vectors is required. As with the graphical
method, the two vectors to be combined are placed tip-to-tail. The resultant is found by
connecting the tail of the first vector to the tip of the second vector. Thus, the resultant forms
the third side of a triangle. In general, this is an oblique triangle, and the laws described in
Section 3.6.2 can be applied. The length of the third side and a reference angle must be
determined through the laws of sines and cosines to fully define the resultant vector. This
method can be illustrated through an example problem. To clearly distinguish quantities,
vectors are shown in boldface type (D) while the magnitude of the vector is shown as non-bold,
italic type (D).


Analytically determine the resultant of two acceleration vectors as shown in the figure

1. Sketch a Rough Vector Diagram
The vectors are placed tip-to-tail as shown in Figure 3.13. Note that only a rough
sketch is required because the resultant is analytically determined.

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Combined Effect of Vectors A and B

2. Determine an Internal Angle
The angle between A and the horizontal is 20°. By examining Figure 3.13, the angle
between vectors A and B is:
θ = 20° + 75° = 95°

3. Determine Resultant Magnitude

Using the Law of Cosines;

4. Determine Magnitude Direction

Using Sine Law;

5. Fully Specify The Resultant

The angle from the horizontal is 20° + 25.5° = 45.5° . The resultant can be properly
written as:

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The second method for analytically determining the resultant of vectors is best suited for
problems where more than two vectors are to be combined. This method involves resolving
vectors into perpendicular components. Resolution of a vector is the reverse of combining
vectors. A single vector can be broken into two separate vectors, along convenient directions.
The two vector components have the same effect as the original vector. In most applications, it
is desirable to concentrate on a set of vectors directed vertically and horizontally; therefore, a
typical problem involves determining the horizontal and vertical components of a vector. This
problem can be solved by using the tip-to-tail approach, but in reverse. To explain the method,
a general vector, A, is shown in Figure 2.7.

Figure 2.7 Components of a Vector

Two vectors can be drawn tip-to-tail along the horizontal and vertical that have the net effect of
the original. The tail of the horizontal vector is placed at the tail of the original, and the tip of the
vertical vector is placed at the tip of the original vector. This vector resolution into a horizontal
component, Ah, and the vertical component, AV, is shown in Figure 2.7b.

An alternative method to determine the rectangular components of a vector is to identify the

vector’s angle with the positive -axis of a conventional Cartesian coordinate system. This angle
is designated as θ. The magnitude of the two components can be computed from the basic
trigonometric relations as
Ah = A cos θx
Av = A sin θx

A force, F, of 3.5 kN is shown in the figure below. Using the analytical triangle method,
determine the horizontal and vertical components of this force.

1. Sketch the Vector Components

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The horizontal vector (component) is drawn from the tail of vector F. A vertical vector
(component) is drawn from the horizontal vector to the tip of the original force vector.
These two components are shown in the figure below.

2. Use Triangle Method

3. Use x-axis, Angle Method


The components of a series of vectors can be used to determine the net effect of the vectors.
As mentioned, this method is best suited when more than two vectors need to be combined.
This method involves resolving each individual vector into horizontal and vertical components.
It is standard to use the algebraic sign convention for the components as described previously.
All horizontal components may then be added into a single vector component. This component
represents the net horizontal effect of the series of vectors. It is worth noting that the
component magnitudes can be simply added together because they all lay in the same
direction. These components are treated as scalar quantities. A positive or negative sign is

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used to denote the sense of the component. This concept can be summarized in the following

Rh = Ah + Bh + C h + D h + …

Similarly, all vertical components may be added together into a single vector component. This
component represents the net vertical effect of the series of vectors:

Rv = Av + Bv + Cv + Dv + …

The two net components may then be added vectorially into a resultant. Trigonometric
relationships can be used to produce the following equations:


Three forces act on a hook as shown in the figure below. Using the analytical component
method, determine the net effect of these forces.

1. Use x-axis, Angle Method to Determine Resultant Components
The horizontal and vertical components of each force are determined by trigonometry
and shown in the figure below.

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Vector Components for Example Problem 2.9

2. Combine the Resultant Components

The angle of the resultant can be found:

Thus the resultant of the three forces can be formally stated as;


In certain cases, the difference between vector quantities is desired. In these situations, the
vectors need to be subtracted. The symbol -> denotes vector subtraction, which differentiates it
from algebraic subtraction. Subtracting vectors is accomplished in a manner similar to adding
them. In effect, subtraction adds the negative, or opposite, of the vector to be subtracted. The

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negative of a vector is equal in magnitude, but opposite in direction. Figure 2.12 illustrates a
vector A and its negative, ->A

Figure 2.12. Negative Vector

Whether a graphical or analytical method is used, a vector diagram should be drawn to

understand the procedure. Consider a general problem where vector B must be subtracted
from A, as shown in Figure 2.13a.

Figure 2.13 Vector Subtraction

This subtraction can be stated mathematically as;


As discussed, vector subtraction closely parallels vector addition. To graphically subtract
vectors, they are relocated to scale to form a tip-to-tip vector diagram. The vector to be
subtracted must be treated in the manner discussed in Section 3.12. Again, the process of
subtracting vectors can be completed graphically, using either manual drawing techniques or
CAD software. Whatever method is used, the underlying concepts are identical. The specifics
of the process are shown in the following example.


Graphically determine the result of subtracting the velocity vector B from A, J = A ->B as
shown in the figure below.

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1. Construct the Vector Diagram
To determine the result, the vectors are located in the tip-to-tail form, but vector B points
toward vector A. Again, this occurs because B is being subtracted (opposite to addition).
The vector diagram is shown in the figure below.

2. Measure the Result

The resultant extends from the tail of A, the origin, to the tail of B. The length vector J is
measured as 56.8 in./s.
The direction is also required to fully define the vector J. The angle from the horizontal
to vector J is measured as 99°. Therefore, the proper manner of presenting the solution
is as follows:


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The component method can be best used to analytically determine the result of the subtraction
of a series of vectors. This is done in the same manner as vector addition. Consider the
general problem of vector subtraction defined by the following equation:

J = A +> B -> C +> D +> …

For the general problem stated here, the horizontal and vertical components of the result can
be written as follows:

Analytically determine the result J = A -7 B +7 C +7 D for the velocity vectors shown in the
figure below.

1. Sketch a Rough Vector Diagram
The horizontal and vertical components of each velocity are determined by trigonometry
and shown in the figure below. Also shown are the vectors rearranged in a series: tip-to-
tail for addition and tail-to-tip for subtraction.

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2. Use x-axis, Angle Method to Determine Components

Values of the Components

3. Determine the Components of the Resultant

Algebraic manipulation of the individual horizontal and vertical components gives the
components of the resultant:

4. Combine the Components of the Resultant

The magnitude and direction of the resultant may be determined by vectorally adding
the components.

The magnitude of the resultant can be determined from Pythagorean Theorem;

The angle of the resultant can be found from the tangent function:

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Vector operations can be expressed in equation form. The expression for subtracting two
vectors, J = A -> B, is actually a vector equation. Vector equations can be manipulated in a
manner similar to algebraic equations. The terms can be transposed by changing their signs.
For example, the equation A +> B -> C = D can be rearranged to A +> B = C +> D.

The significance of vector equations has been seen with vector addition and subtraction
operations. In vector addition, vectors are placed tip-to-tail, and the resultant is a vector that
extends from the origin of the first vector to the end of the final vector. Figure 2.14a illustrates
the vector diagram for the following:
R = A +> B +> C

Figure 2.14 Vector Equations

The equation can be rewritten as B +> C = R -> A. The vector diagram shown in Figure 2.14b
illustrates this form of the equation. Notice that because vector A is subtracted from R, vector
A must point toward R. Recall that this is the opposite of the tip-to-tail method because
subtraction is the opposite of addition. Notice that as the diagram forms a closed polygon, the
magnitude and directions for all vectors are maintained.

This verifies that vector equations can be manipulated without altering their meaning. The
equation can be rewritten once again as (Figure 2.14c):
-> B +> R = A +> C
As illustrated in Figure 2.14, a vector equation can be rewritten into several different forms.
Although the vector polygons created by the equations have different shapes, the individual
vectors remain unaltered. By using this principle, a vector equation can be written to describe a
vector diagram.

Write a vector equation for the arrangement of vectors shown in the figure below.
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1. Write an Equation to Follow the Two Paths from to O 1 to P1
Use point O1 as the origin for the vector equation and follow the paths to point P 1:

The upper path states: A +> B +> C +> D

The lower path states: E +> F

2. Write an Equation to Follow the Two Paths from O2 to P1

Another equation can be written by using point O2 as the origin and following the paths
to point P1:

The upper path states: C +> D

The lower path states: - > B -> A +> E +> F

Thus, the equation can be written as follows:

Notice that these are two forms of the same equation.


Each vector in an equation represents two quantities: a magnitude and a direction. Therefore,
a vector equation actually represents two constraints: The combination of the vector
magnitudes and the directions must be equivalent. Therefore, a vector equation can be used to
solve for two unknowns. In the addition and subtraction problems previously discussed, the
magnitude and direction of the resultant were determined. A common situation in mechanism
analysis involves determining the magnitude of two vectors when the direction of all vectors is
known. Like the addition of vectors, this problem also involves two unknowns. Therefore, one
vector equation is sufficient to complete the analysis.


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In solving problems where the magnitude of two vectors in an equation must be determined,
the equation should be rearranged so that one unknown vector is the last term on each side of
the equation. To illustrate this point, consider the case where the magnitudes of vectors A and
B are to be found. The vector equation consists of the following:
A +> B +> C = D +> E
and should be rearranged as;
C +> B = D +> E -> A

Notice that both vectors with unknown magnitudes, A and B, are the last terms on both sides
of the equation.

To graphically solve this problem, the known vectors on each side of the equation are placed
tip-to-tail (or tip to-tip if the vectors are subtracted) starting from a common origin. Of course,
both sides of the equation must end at the same point. Therefore, lines at the proper direction
should be inserted into the vector polygon. The intersection of these two lines represents the
equality of the governing equation and solves the problem. The lines can be measured and
scaled to determine the magnitudes of the unknown vectors. The sense of the unknown vector
is also discovered.

This process of determining vector magnitudes can be completed graphically, using either
manual drawing techniques or CAD software. Whatever method is used, the underlying
strategy is identical. The solution strategy can be explained through example problems.

A vector equation can be written as;
A +> B +> C = D +> E
The directions for vectors A, B, C, D, and E are known, and the magnitudes of vectors B, C,
and D are also known (Figure below). Graphically determine the magnitudes of vectors A and

1. Rewrite Vector Equations
First, the equation should be rewritten so that the unknown magnitudes appear as the
last term on each side of the equation:
B +> C +> A = D +> E

2. Place All Fully Known Vectors into the Diagram

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Using point O as the common origin, vectors B and C can be drawn tip-to-tail. Because
it is on the other side of the equation, vector D should be drawn from the origin (Figure a

3. Place Directional Lines for Unknown Vectors

Obviously, vectors A and E close the gap between the end of vectors C and D. A line
that represents the direction of vector A can be placed at the tip of C. This is dictated by
the left side of the vector equation. Likewise, a line that represents the direction of
vector E can be placed at the tip of D (Figure b above).

4. Trim Unknown Vectors at the Intersection and Measure

The point of intersection of the two lines defines both the magnitude and sense of
vectors A and E.

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A complete vector polygon can be drawn as prescribed by a vector equation (Figure c

The following results are obtained by measuring vectors A and E:


To determine the magnitude of two vectors in an equation, analytical method can also be used.
In these cases, the horizontal and vertical components of all vectors should be determined as
in Section 3.10. Components of the vectors with unknown magnitudes can be written in terms
of the unknown quantity. As in the previous component methods, an algebraic sign convention
must be followed while computing components. Therefore, at this point, a sense must be
arbitrarily assumed for the unknown vectors.

The horizontal components of the vectors must adhere to the original vector equation.
Likewise, the vertical components must adhere to the vector equation. Thus, two algebraic
equations are formed and two unknown magnitudes must be determined. Solving the two
equations simultaneously yields the desired results. When either of the magnitudes determined
has a negative sign, the result indicates that the assumed sense of the vector was incorrect.
Therefore, the magnitude determined and the opposite sense fully define the unknown vector.
This method is illustrated in the example problem below.

A vector equation can be written as follows:
A +> B -> C +> D = E +> F
The directions for vectors A,B, C,D, E, and F are known, and the magnitudes of vectors B, C,
E, and F are also known, as shown in Figure below. Analytically solve for the magnitudes of
vectors A and D.

1. Use x-axis, Angle Method to Determine Vector Components

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The horizontal and vertical components of each force are determined by trigonometry.
For the unknown vectors, the sense is assumed and the components are found in terms
of the unknown quantities. For this example, assume vector A points upward and vector
D points down and to the right. The components are given in Table below.

Vector Components for the Above Example

2. Use the Vector Equations to Solve for Unknown Magnitudes

The components can be used to generate algebraic equations that are derived from the
original vector equation:
A +> B -> C +> D = E +> F

Horizontal components:

Vertical Components:

In this case, the horizontal component equation can be solved independently for D. In general,
both equations are coupled and need to be solved simultaneously. In this example, the
horizontal component equation can be solved to obtain the following:

D = - 68.4 in/s2

Substitute this value of into the vertical component equation to obtain:

A = - 29.4 in/s2

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3. Fully Specify the Solved Vectors

Because both values are negative, the original directions assumed for the unknown
vectors were incorrect. Therefore, the corrected results are;

Problem Exercises

1. Analytically determine the angle θ and the length of side A in the figure below.

2. For the swing-out window in Figure below, determine the length, s, of the two
identical support links when x = 850 mm, d = 500 mm, and β = 35°.

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3. Determine the vertical height of the basket in Figure below when a = 24 in., b = 36
in., c = 30 in., d = 60in., e = 6ft, and f = 10ft.

4. For the vectors shown in Figure below, analytically determine the resultant, R = A +>
B +> C +> D +> E.

5. A vector equation can be written as A +> B +> C -> D +> F. The directions of all
and magnitudes of A, D, E, and F are shown in Figure below. Analytically determine
vectors B and C.

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Answer Key

1. A = 17.3 in
2. s = 175 mm
3. h = 83.1 in.
4. ?
5. ?
Note: Answer for number 4 and 5 will be given and discussed next meeting.

Long Quiz will be conducted online at the conclusion of this lesson.


Beberth J. Samillan 30
ME 32/L – Machine Elements Module 2 –Lesson 1- Vectors

1. David H. Myszka (2012). Machines and Mechanisms, 4th Edition. Pearson Education,

Beberth J. Samillan 31

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