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Module and Code : Visual Basic.


Names of members : Praveena Sarathchandra(CB003403)

Pulasthi Perera (CB003472)

Aritha Hettiaratchi (CB003516)

Intake Title : Diploma in Computing and IT

Intake Code : DF0931ICT

Submitted to : Ms. Nadeera Ahangama

Date Assigned : 11th August 2009

Date Due : 29th September 2009

Criteria Score
(Maximum 5 marks awarded for each Excellent Good Adequate Poor Very
criteria) poor
(5) (4) (3) (2) (1 or 0)
Screen Report and Database
Flowchart or Pseudo code
(Accuracy and Correctness)
Naming Conventions and
Meaningful variables
Indentation and remarks
Content and Completeness
Quality of presentation
Weekly Reports
(On time and quality content)
Introduction, Project
Description and Conclusion
(Testing plan and results)
Functional Quality and Validations
System Interface
Reports generation
*5= *4= *3= *2= *1=

Group Marks (60)


Lecture’s Use Only

Individual Student Marks (Total 40 Marks) – Presentation
Criteria **Presentation **Clarity of Skills and Ability to Total
abilities Explanation Knowledge Questions

Name 10 10 10 10 40




**Clarity of Explanation Understanding of the project requirement 4 [ ]

Description / justification 3 [ ]
Analyzing the problem (6) 3 [ ]
**Presentation abilities Confidence 3 [ ]
Pronunciations 3
[ ]
Eye contacts 2 [ ]
Language 2 [ ]
Total Marks (100)

_________/ 60 + _________/ 40 = _________/ 100


_________/ 60 + _________/ 40 = _________/ 100


_________/ 60 + _________/ 40 = _________/ 100


Table of Contents


Project Description.........................................................................................................7

1.1 Functionality of the project..................................................................................7

Hardware Software Specifications.................................................................................8

2.0 Data Flow Diagrams.....................................................................................................9

2.1 Context Diagram......................................................................................................9

2.2 Level 0....................................................................................................................10

2.3 Level 1....................................................................................................................11

3.0 Sample Output............................................................................................................12

4.0 Database Design.........................................................................................................15

4.1 Entity Relationship diagram...................................................................................15

4.2 Table design...............................................................................................................16

4.21 Customer Table....................................................................................................16

4.22 VCD Table...........................................................................................................16

4.23 VCD Rental Table................................................................................................17

5.24 VCD Return Table...............................................................................................17

5.0 Testing........................................................................................................................18

6.0 Limitation...................................................................................................................23

7.0 Further Development..................................................................................................24



Gantt Chat....................................................................................................................26

Minutes of Mandatory Meetings..................................................................................27

Agreed Work Percentage.............................................................................................30


We would like to thank our lecturer Ms. Nadeera Ahangama, without her continuous
guidance and assistance we wouldn’t have been able to get anywhere close to what we
have done in this project. She also made it through her very busy schedule just to help us
with our problems that we faced while developing this program and for that we are very
thankful to her.

Also, our gratitude goes to APIIT Lanka (PVT) Ltd for providing the necessary library
facilities which we used a lot to complete this project and also the computer laboratories.

Finally we would extend our thankfulness to our batch mates of DF0931ICT for their
help with even the smallest problems that we encountered while working on this project.

Last but not least we are indeed grateful to all our friends stood by us helping in various


Our assignment topic was to develop software for a VCD rental shop, where the entire
system is computerized to allow burrowing, returning modifying, updating and many
other new features which accommodate with regard to this kind of system.

We developed this project by using the software Visual Basic. NET for the coding and
also the designing of the interface, this was aided with the software Microsoft SQL
Server where we used this as our database to store and retrieve the data from.

The system is designed so that it will appear first with a splash screen, also known as a
welcome screen, which then moves on to a login screen where the username and the
password has to be entered in order to differentiate between the operator, administrator
and the customer. This is done so that these different users have restricted access to the

A customer has the privileges only to view:

 To view his or her details and the VCDs that are available at the rental store

The operator has the access to the following items:

 The customer details and also the VCD details in order to operate the
transactions taking place in the rental store.

In addition to the above items, of both the customer and the operator, the administrator
has the privileges to the following:

 The administrator has all the writes, when we take a look at all the other two
groups. The administrator has the privileges to add, delete and modify
customer’s details and the VCD details.

Project Description

1.1 Functionality of the project

This is a system that is developed for a VCD rental shop that keeps track of the VCDs
that are being rented, the customers that borrow the VCDs and the transactions that take
place. This system is handled by the shop keeper, who is the operator in our case. The
administrator is the head of this business and has all the privileges that are provided with
the software. Like the deletion of customer details, modifications and also addition of
new customers, these can only be done by the administrator. The operator has access to
all the details of the customers and also the VCD details but doesn’t have the privilege to
change any of the information. The customer also has been given an interface to deal
with, where the customer has only the privilege of viewing details such as his or her
account details or search for the available VCDs available at the store.

These three categories are being differentiated when it comes to the login screen where
the administrator has to enter their unique username and password and they will be taken
to the administrator form. If the username and password matches that of the operator
then the operator form will be displayed, and if the customer enters his or her username
and password the customer form will be displayed.

The fine and all the dates of when the customer joined and when a VCD was borrowed
has been programmed to be auto generated so that the user wouldn’t make any mistakes
and the chance of errors will also reduce, which means that the program will be having a
good error handling system. The fine will be added if the user has rented the VCD for
more than three days.

Hardware Software Specifications

Minimum Requirements

Processor Personal computer with a Pentium 2 class processor,450

Operating System  Windows XP Professional

 Windows Vista
 Windows Seven

Memory  Windows XP Professional, 160 megabytes (MB) of


 Windows 2000 Professional, 96 MB of RAM

 Windows 2000 Server, 192 MB of RAM

 Windows NT 4.0 Workstation, 64 MB of RAM

 Windows NT 4.0 Server, 160 MB of RAM

Hard Disk 500 MB on system drive, 2.0 gigabytes (GB) on installation


Drive CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive.

Display Super VGA (800*600) or higher resolution monitor with 256


Mouse Microsoft mouse or compatible pointing device.

2.0 Data Flow Diagrams

2.1 Context Diagram

Fine Details

Damages, Late return

Customer Customer Details

Membership Request


Customer ID
2.2 Level 0
Rent Items
Return Details
Extreme Video Center
2.3 Level 1

Fine Details

Add new customer

New ID
Rent Items
Return Details
Rules Return
Add stock Details
Return accept

Damage, late return


Operator Administrator

3.0 Sample

Login Screen

Welcome Screen


10 | P a g e
User Details

11 | P a g e
Borrowed Items

12 | P a g e
4.0 Database Design

4.1 Entity Relationship diagram

PK user id
user name
Age item records running time
registered date id
vcd id
customer id
sales rented date
due date
returned date
id fine
vcd id code
vcd title FK1 user id
user id
date issued

13 | P a g e
Field Name Data Type
Customer-ID Auto Number(Primary Key)
Name Text
IC Number Text
Address Text
Gender Text
DOB Date
Age Numeric

4.2 Table design

4.21 Customer Table

14 | P a g e
Field Name Data Type
VCD-ID Numeric
Customer-ID Numeric
Rented Date Date
Status Boolean(IN\OUT)

Field Name Data Type

Customer-ID Auto Number(Primary Key)
Name Text
IC Number Text
Address Text
Gender Text
DOB Date
Age Numeric

4.23 VCD Rental Table

15 | P a g e
5.24 VCD Return Table

Field Name Data Type

VCD-ID Numeric
Customer-ID Numeric
Rented Date Date
Status Boolean(IN\OUT)

16 | P a g e
5.0 Testing

User ID/Customer ID:

Test: Numbers will be auto generated.

Result: Entry of any characters is restricted. Only numbers should be accepted.


Test: Enter names into the textbox.

Result: Alphabets should be allowed

IC / Passport No:

Test: Enter Alphabets and numbers.

Result: Both types should be accepted.


Test: Enter Alphabets and numbers

Result: Both should be accepted.

17 | P a g e

Test: Select the radio buttons.

Result: Both selections should be accepted.

Date of birth:

Test: Select Alphabets and numbers

Result: Date of Birth should be according to the data time picker.


Test: Enter alphabets in the text box.

Result: Only numbers should be accepted. And there should be admin rights


Test: Entering Alphabets and numbers

Result: Both should be accepted.


Test: Entering Alphabets and numbers

Result: Both should be accepted.

18 | P a g e
Item id:

Test: Enter numbers in the text box.

Result: List the item details

Rented date:

Test: Alphabets and numbers are acceptable. System date should be rented date. Auto
generates it.

Result: Numbers are according to the date time picker. Auto generates it.

Return date:

Test: alphabets and numbers are acceptable. Auto generated date.

Result: Numbers according to the data time piker. Auto generates using system date.


Test: Auto generated fine, by calculating late days.

Result: Only numbers should be accepted.


Test: Auto generated bill according to the amount of fine.

19 | P a g e
Result: Alphabets and numbers should be accepted. Print the all details. Ex: customer
id, item id and amount of fine.

Amount paid:

Test: Enter amount. It should be number.

Result: Only numbers should be accepted.

VCD id

Test: Entering alphabets and numbers in the text box.

Result: Entry should be limited. Only Administrator should be accepted.


Test: Entering Alphabets and numbers

Result: Both should be accepted.


Test: Entering Alphabets and numbers

Result: Both should be accepted.


Test: Entering Alphabets and numbers

Result: Numbers according to the data format should be accepted.

20 | P a g e

Test: Select the category in combo box.

Result: All selections should be accepted.


Test: Entering Alphabets and numbers

Result: Only numbers should be accepted.

Available copies

Test: Entering Alphabets and numbers

Result: Only numbers should be accepted.

21 | P a g e
6.0 Limitation

 When compiled to an “.exe” format the program would not run on Mac machines
since they use a different operating system when compared to the normal
windows operating system.
 The password that is given when the person registers to the system has to be used
and cannot be changed.

22 | P a g e
7.0 Further Development

The further developments that we would like to have added were mainly the new
features, which are like:

 Uploading of images and trailers of a particular movie that has been recently
 The system should have the option of generating reports as graphs so that it
would be easier to understand and also more user friendly rather than having
only to look at lists of data.
 Allow the user, operator or the administrator to change their password since they
are given one and they have to keep on using that.
 Provide a help function so that it would be easier to get help at that moment
instead of asking the operator help.

23 | P a g e

Visual Basic.NET is user friendly software whose abilities were clearly seen in our
project. It gave us a hand on experience about the software, what it is used for and how
it can be applied to a day to day situation.

The project which was carried out with the purpose of designing a computerized system
for a VCD rental shop, developing it and implementing it successfully was the main
objective of this whole process. This documentation was a guide to all the readers, the
viewers who are interested in using the system for evaluating the project or trying to get
an idea how to carry out the similar projects in the future.

This documentation is carried out according to the requirements highlighted and

discussed in the meetings. The system is successful in terms of interface design and the

The Learning that was Gain carrying out this project was achieved while developing and
coding, implementing. Each member gained the experience about visual as
they are coding, according to the project requirements given in the description.

Critically evaluating the system it is user friendly and with providing the basic aspects
highlighted in the project description.

24 | P a g e

Gantt Chat

25 | P a g e
Minutes of Mandatory Meetings

Meeting No. 01

Date: 13/ 08/ 09

Start Time: 5.00pm-6.00pm

Venue: L3-SR

Purpose: Overview of project


Praveena Sarachchandra (group leader)

Pulasthi Perera

Aritha Hettiarachchi


The scenario was discussed, taking each action that involves with the lending of a VCD
until returning of a VCD, with respect to procedures and transactions. A DFD was
sketched summarizing the procedures that take place in the VCD rental shop.

Meeting No. 02

Date: 25/ 08/ 09

Start Time: 1.00pm-1.45pm

Venue: Cafeteria

Purpose: Designing structure for database and interface


Praveena Sarachchandra (group leader)

Pulasthi Perera

Aritha Hettiarachchi

26 | P a g e

DFDs of members were discussed and a finalized DFD was drawn. The ER-Diagram
was drawn, taking concern of the DFD and required specifications for table design.

Meeting No. 03

Date: 30/ 08/ 09

Start Time: 3.45pm-5.30pm

Venue: L2-SR2

Purpose: Developing database


Praveena Sarachchandra (group leader)

Pulasthi Perera

Aritha Hettiarachchi


The ER-Diagram was converted to tables and modifications for several tables were
discussed. The tables were divided to each of the group members to be developed.

Meeting No. 04

Date: 14/ 09/ 09

Start Time: 3.30pm-5.00pm

Venue: L2-SR2

Purpose: Starting with the appropriate coding


Praveena Sarachchandra (group leader)

Pulasthi Perera

Aritha Hettiarachchi

27 | P a g e

Necessary validation checks were discussed along with the logic briefly. The modules
were broken down to group members to start out with the coding.

Meeting No. 05

Date: 30/ 09/ 09

Start Time: 2.30pm-6.00pm

Venue: L3-CR8

Purpose: Finalizing project


Praveena Sarachchandra (group leader)

Pulasthi Perera

Aritha Hettiarachchi


It was decided to finalize the interface for the forms and get the sample output screens,
altogether with the combining of documentation, on the day of the submission itself.

28 | P a g e
Agreed Work Percentage

Name Percentage Signature

Work Done


Aritha Victor Hettiaratchi

In situations where they is a dispute, then each group member should complete the
following assessment form as outlined below. In this form each member divides the
100% between himself/herself and the other members of the group and fills in a column
(either A, B, C, D, E, F) where A, B, C, D, E, F reflects student names and the table
below must be substituted with actual names when used.




A’s B’s C’s D’s E’s F’s
signature signature signature signature signature signature

29 | P a g e
Total of

I, hereby agree that the above members have undertaken the above tasks and their work
is reflective of what I have written above.

Name of Group Leader:

Group Leader’s Signature: ____________________

30 | P a g e

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