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Appendix |1

Toy story part 3 movie

The time duration is about 22 minutes and 40 seconds

Man (Toy): money, money
Woody (Toy): you have a date - - - with justice
Man (Toy): sorry, Sheriff! I’m married man.
Woody (Toy): and eye-pirate.
(Then Woody is dropped down from a rail by Man.)
Cowboy Girl (Toy): you dropped something. Give it up your end is near.
Man (Toy): I always wanted to end with a bang.
Cowboy Girl (Toy): No!
Woody (Toy): The Orphans!
Man (Toy): I don’t want to leave early, but our ride is here.
Three Brothers (Toy): it’s me or the children. Choose.
Woody (Toy): ride like the wind. Keep quiet.
Cowboy Girl (Toy): Woody, hurry up. No…
Buzz (Toy): But I can catch the train.
Woody (Toy): now some catching criminals
Buzz (Toy): infinity and beyond
Woody (Toy): reach for the sky
Man (Toy): you can’t make me. I brought my attack dog with a force field
Woody (Toy): and I eat my dinosaur that force fields.
Woody (Toy): Buzz, shoot your laser on my badge.
Buzz (Toy): No, I will kill you.
Woody (Toy): just do it. You go to jail. Watch out.
Andy (Child): Mom!
Mother: Do go if I am not there.
Andy (Child): (shout to his younger sister) No, Molly!
Mother: It’s okay honey.
Andy (Child): A baby of 1.5 meters from space. And now she tramples everything. Run for your lives!
The red light means that it works.
Appendix |2

Mother: say Happy Birthday to Molly.

Father: Happy Birthday honey.
Andy (Child): charming
Mother: look how big you are
Andy (Child): Buzz light year to rescue. Good Job Sherriff.
Ten Years Later
Woody (Toy): everyone in position
Woman (Toy): I think my other eye whose foot is in my face
Pig (Toy): my, give back.
Three Brothers (Toy): (They talk to Man) you saved our life. We are eternally grateful.
Man (Toy): yes, ok! But keep silent
Cowboy Girl (Toy): Buzz, do you mind if I sit down next to you?
Buzz (Toy): yes…no no, why should I care? It’s hot here
Dino (Toy): Here, they come.
Woody (Toy): sergeant did you?
Sergeant 1 (Toy): mission completed
(All of them are exultant)
Woody (Toy): be careful. Guys we have a chance. Everybody is ready.
Three Brothers (Toy): ready, ahead with it
Woody (Toy): ok, Buzz makes the call
Buzz (Toy): target is moving
Woody (Toy): just as we practiced
Andy (Child): (Telephone is ringing) Hello, is anyone there? Hello...
Molly, stay out of my room.
Molly (Child): I’m not there
Andy (Toy): anyone who sat on my stuff
Molly (Child): I do not
(Few minutes later)
Man (Toy): that went well
Dino (Toy): he held me really down. This is bad.
Donkey (Toy): he is 17 years. There is no longer with us played.
Woody (Toy): guys, we do a meeting
Appendix |3

Pig (Toy): not again

Woody (Toy): oh come on. We - - -
Dog (Toy): yes, we are together, but.
Woody (Toy): we all know that surgery was a gambler run time. More a failure
Man (Toy): it’s not about to be played - - -
Woody (Toy): But, as like what I said
Cowboy Girl (Toy): we are there for Andy. We know that.
Dino (Toy): we can try again.
Woody (Toy): I termination, boys. We stop it. Andy goes to college soon. This was our last chance.
Woman (Toy): we go to the attic
Buzz (Toy): keep your tools close spare parts, batteries and everything for a little transition period.
Man (Toy): transition? We have been there - - - we done finish.
Woody (Toy): hey, hey. Come on guys. We knew this day was coming there.
Sergeant 1 (Toy): yes, but now he is.
Sergeant 2 (Toy): any toy that goes.
Buzz (Toy): hey, what are you doing?
Sergeant 1 (Toy): the war is over? We will fight elsewhere.
Woody (Toy): elsewhere. Absent without leave.
Sergeant 2 (Toy): we have our duty. Andy is grown and come and face.
Sergeant 1 (Toy): and trash bags upstairs. We are first in dirt bags.
Woody (Toy): who said anything about that?
Sergeant 1 (Toy): it was an honor to fight with you. Good luck and good bye.
Sergeant 3 (Toy): that will you need.
Woody (Toy): no, no, wait!
Pig (Toy): Oh are we disposed of - - -
Woman (Toy): no, no way
Dino (Toy): how do you know?
Cowboy Girl (Toy): we are left behind.
Buzz (Toy): moving fine, it is good Jessie.
Cowboy Girl (Toy): so, why do they then depart?
Woman (Toy): should we leave. We went not - - - to the attic?
Dog (Toy): I hate this uncertainty
Appendix |4

Woody (Toy): Hold down, wait just silence. No one is thrown away. We are still here. We lost a
couple indeed Wheezy and Etch.
Dino (Toy): Bo-peep
Woody (Toy): yes even Bo. All good toys for new owners, but at every garage sale each spring
cleaning and loved us. He must care about us. If we were not here and brings us nice
snug and safe in the attic and we are all together and - - -
Buzz (Toy): we are love together
Woody (Toy): exactly. There are games and books there - - -
Buzz (Toy): racetrack circuit
Woody (Toy): and the racetrack, thank you.
Dog (Toy): And the old TV?
Woody (Toy): voila, the old TV and those guys from the Christmas tree. These are also great, right?
Buzz (Toy): it assures them?
Woody (Toy): I do not know, Buzz? What else can I say?
Buzz (Toy): we are all means always together. To infinity and beyond.
(Suddenly Molly and Andy come to room)
Molly (Child): I get your stereo?
Andy (Child): no.
Molly (Child): I get your computer?
Andy (Child): no,
Molly (Child): your video games?
Andy (Child): oh, forget it Molly.
Mother: Andy, let us begin. Everything you do not bring or go the attic or in the trash, right?
Andy (Child): I leave Friday only.
Mother: come on, it is garbage. Ok, move it is simple - - -
Andy (Child): mom…
Mother: skateboard: college. Little league trophy may be attic. Clock house: waste. The rest is up to
Molly (Child): why did you have these - - -
Andy (Child): Molly, out of my room.
Molly (Child); still three days and it is mine
Mother: Molly, you will also still work and you have more toys than you can play, they (toys) can
make other children happy.
Molly (Child): which children?
Appendix |5

Mother: one from the crche, they always ask for donation.
Mother: Andy, come on! You have to make decisions.
Andy (Child): like what?
Mother: like what you going to do this. Donate Sunnyside? May be sell online?
Andy (Child): no, mom. Nobody would want them.
Buzz (Toy): what happens?
Man (Toy): we dispose, idiot.
Pig (Toy): Andy threw us away.
Woman (Toy): he called us waste
Man (Toy): how could he
Pig (Toy): it succeeds at nothing
Woman (Toy): this we should know.
Cowboy Girl (Toy): it is just like Emily. The Sergeant was right and Woody - - - was wrong.
Buzz (Toy): hey, hold down! Wait not hysterical
Dog (Toy): since it is perfect time hysterical
Dino (Toy): hysterical, hysterical.
Buzz (Toy): hey, hey may…
Cowboy Girl (Toy): ya…hoo, I know what to do. We gonna go.
Buzz (Toy) wait, wait. How about Woody?
Cowboy Girl (Toy): he will be ok, Buzz.
Buzz (Toy): you’re right. Come on.
Woody (Toy): Buzz, what’s going on?
Buzz (Toy): Woody.
Woody (Toy): everything under control. We have a plan.
Dino (Toy): we go to the crche.
Woody (Toy): are you crazy?
Man (Toy): and was our disposal and - - -
Woody (Toy): no, he wanted go in the attic.
Man (Toy): attic. How did we put on the sidewalk?
Woody (Toy): a mistake. Andy’s mom found - - - your waste.
Pig (Toy): But, Andy put us in a garbage bag.
Man (Toy): and called us waste.
Appendix |6

Woody (Toy): I know this is bad. But you should believe me.
Man (Toy): of course, high school boy.
Cowboy Girl (Toy): Andy. Moving on Woody and we must do the same.
Cowboy Girl (Toys): it is okay, Barbie. Gonna be okay.
Barbie (Toy): (she says sadly) Molly and I were together for years. I can’t believe they throw me.
Cowboy Girl: yes I know. Stop, do not be sad.
(Sherriff suddenly talks)
Woody (Toy): okay, we need to go back to Andy. We hide under the seat us. (He talks while pick
mandolin) Let it move you.
Man (Toy): he does not want us anymore.
Woody (Toy): he put you in the attic - - - attic!
Cowboy Girl (Toy): he left us behind on the sidewalk.
Buzz (Toy): both calm down.
Woody (Toy): ok, fine fine! Wait until you see how the crche. A sad lonely place for old toys with no
(They arrive at Sunnyside Playground)
Playground guard: okay, outside playtime, come on!
(At Sunnyside room, they are greeted by other toys that exist in the Sunnyside Playground)
Blue Bear (Toy): Welcome to Sunnyside, I’m Lotso the bear, but call me Lotso
Buzz (Toy): Buzz light year, we come in - - - ouch
Blue Bear (Toy): what you should know about me. Is that I am a knuffelaar.
Dino (Toy): Mr. Lotso, they (Children) play here every day with toys?
Blue Bear (Toy): all day, five days a week.
Cowboy Girl (Toy): what if the children grow up?
Blue Bear (Toy): I will tell you, when they get old. There will be new to. If they are old, replace them
new. You never outgrow them, or never left or forgotten. No owners, it means no
broken heart.
Cowboy Girl (Toy): it is a miracle.

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