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Snard of Alderrnen


In csnnection witlr the Tentative 2011-2012 Budgeto and pursuant to Section 42 af the CharJer of
the City of Ansonis, the Ansonie Eoard af Aldsrmsn b.ereby propoces the following BUFGET

I. Bpcgmmendatiosg.t$heFosrdofAppgfti*nmsLt-andTaxation.

FIRST, that all req$oueble ef."srt$ he made to achieve a final budget tha.t rcprenents a zen'
percert increass ftom the 20"0-?0i1 budget;

SECOND, that dl necss$ary long-term cnpital irnprovemente requested by crty deparhnents,

be omittsd from the 201 l -?{) 12 budg*t, and incorporated intc a municipal bonding praposal.
At this time, the Board of Al lennffi specifically the follorving pmjects proceed
to bonding:

a) The levee recertificat.orr pmject proponed hy the Fepartrrent ofPublic Works"

b) A11 easential mpair* and renovations to buildings cantrolled by the A$sonia Board sf
Educ*tion, including rchool roofs.
c) Any necessary upgrarles to tlre city's emergency seryice equipmrnt.

n. RecommeadFtions tr the Officr of the M*ror,

FIRST, tbat tle Cityof Anrcnia irnplement city-wide furloug! days during the 2011-1012
budget year.

SECOND, that the work week fur all ncn-ess€,ntial serrice dep*rtrnents be rEduced to fiirty
two (32) hour*. Non-esseflti'rl servico dry*rtnr.arts inciudg bul are not limilad to: the Nalure
Center, the Senior Canter, th': Departrnent of Economic Developmfl1t, thc Assessor'$ Officc,
*nd the Atsonia Library.

THIRD, tirat health in$uratc'r so+eymeilts far nll arnployees in the City of Anssnia be

FOURTH, that a bonding eflort for nece$tary long-term c*pital improvemmrt pmjeots be

FIFTH, that s zero percent u:lary incresse be negotiated far union errrployeet in &e 2011-
3012 fiscal lear.

By: I'insnte Commlr'tee of the Board of Aldermen

E?"/!.9/?8Ll L3: &E 2fl3?348S81 ANSUNIA FIHSNCE PAGE fi31A4

Board of Aldermen


The Finance Committoe of the B,rard of Aldermen han completed it$ tentative budget for the
ficcai year 2011-?012. In accorc ance with the Ansonia City Charter, th* preliminary budget wili
soon bepassod on to ths Board cf .{.ppropriation and Taxation forreview and finalization.

Along with the tentative brrdget, the Committee has established a list of official
recammendations to the Bnard of Apprcpriatian and Taxation arrd lr{ayor's Office. It is cur
intattion that, if implema:ted, ft*se cost saving recammendatians will constitnte a trffnfirdou$
benefit ta Ansonia's taxpayem.

You will ilote that the teillative.lnrdget represents an increase from the previous yo*r. However,
we af,e confident that tbis iru rease can be affset, bqfare the budget is finalized, by the
implunmtation *f this Csmmittt'e's recomtxendations.

The Ieltative 2011-l0t 2 Budg el

The Finance Committee reduced the initial budget requests of the city deparrnent by over oue
rnillion dollrrs. Specifi.cally, nrr:! lver€ able to cut $1,592,243 out af increases proposed by the
city departments. This wru acce ,npli*tred via in-depth disc.ussjons with dspaf,trnent heads flnd
by tinre, *tiergy aad soul searchtrg on ourbehatf^

Thetentativebudgettotals$58.89t1,S90. ThisequatestoanincreasEof$1,25?,817sr.9?rnills.
If this budget is ndopted by the I onrd of Apportianrnent and Taxation, the mill rate nrill increass
from 25.75 to 26.67.

?hefollowing is an explanation rrfnatabtc itams in the badget:

r Insuraflce and Debt Su-r'ice reflects an unavoidable increase in the cost of insurance:
Medical {net.aftm' EE copa$ $305,720 increase
Dentrl $ 11"89S increase
Workers Comp*nrution $156,347 increase
Buildings & tiab lity $ 30,75CI increase

r The Police Departrrent irrcrea$e is du* to the State cf Connccticut's percent raile increase
for the City'r confi:ibutio r to the state penoion plan"

r The Senior Center sust$cian ralary rvas not included in the 2010-2011 budget. Tbe City
tansfsrrsd the custodiau iob b*ck ta ths Seniot Center *om Publis Works ac ofJanu{ry
1, ?011,'which explaint the teiatively large increase.

' City Sovemment has inclerlssdby $1,633,941 to contralize all utilitiee. Howev€rn pleare
note that this is offset by reductians in Public Warks trept.

. The Arreouia Library buc get has been reduced due to stslf reduction'
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r The estimates in the tentr,tive budget are bflsed otr th$ Committ*e 's projnctiort of a zsm
percent inmease irr union *nplo1ee eaiariea for the 2011-3012 fis*al year.

Finance Cpmmittqets Retom$ andrtious

In addition to the tmtative budgr t, the Finsnce Commitlee is prnpcsing so$t $aving
recornmendations to the Bcsrd c lAppropriation and Taxetion utd tri[ayor's OfHce. These
rssommendstions are being rnad'l for the benefit of Ansonia'E tixTayelB.

Ihe foll*wing ars sws,ral notabl t renemrnendations :

r $everel city deparftn*nts have reque*ted ns$e$sa,tf capi.tal improver:rents. This includcs
ps,rformance of a state minlated Sut not ftnded) levee rerertification, Rsther than place
these items in the budg*, u,hich wculd raise the mill rate subCItantialiy, we rec*mmend
r,*fering these project* tr: bonding.

. The implementation of city-wido firlough days during fte 2S1L-2012 fiscal year. Each
fudough dayi* oxpected :e save taxpayer* approxim*teiy $38,149.2?.

r Redu*ing the wcrk week for all non-essential service deparlmsnts to thirty-twc (32)
hours. This would seve t:rxpayers at least $50,000.00.

r Lncrpasing health rnsuran,:e co-peyrilentt for atl employetr in the City of Ansonia.

r Negotiation of a zero pen,ient incres$e in union employee salaries for the 2011-2012
fiscal yeat.

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