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White credits start to roll on a black screen; the titles are fading

slowly in and out of the screen. There is a soft piano style symphony
playing quietly in the background, slowly rising to a high volume.


The camera fades from black to the sky.
Close up – White fluffy clouds, camera tilts down to show a big beige
building, lined with lots of large windows and balcony’s. It then
becomes a wide shot of the street. The street is quiet and lined with
bright green grass and smooth grey pavements. We see SALINA BLACK
walking along the road, up to a set of steep but short steps. She is
dressed in dark work wear, and her heels hit the ground with a loud tap.
Her step is strong, but her face is not, it looks tired, weak and
strained. She fiddles with her hair. She walks up to a set of steep but
short looking steps.

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