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March 2011

CMR 419 Box 139 APO AE 09102 Phone: 641-569-7246

Austin & Katy Van Wyk

Serving military families in Heidelberg, Germany Facebook: Austin & Katy Van Wyk Dear friends, Well, 2011 is steaming right along! It's hard to believe that we're almost a quarter of the way through this year already! We are blessed to witness God working in this community, and we're excited to be a part of such great teams; both the staff whom we get to work with every day and YOU who hold us up in prayer and generously enable us to be here through your financial partnership! Part of our ministry here within the Heidelberg community is the regular scheduled times we provide and facilitate for students to get together, be real with each other, and learn more about the God who loves them with an everlasting love. Club and Bible Studies happen on a weekly basis, and we also have the unique privilege of holding a "Lunch Club" in the high school on the first and third Wednesday of every month. Lunch Clubs have been centering around the subject of relationships since just before Valentine's Day, and the study topics have generated some great discussions with students about navigating dating relationships in a God-honoring way. A couple of weeks ago as Lunch Club was getting started (we provide food so students don't have to bring or buy their own lunches on Lunch Club days), Austin heard a couple of students talking in the hall. When he went out to invite them in he heard one of the boys say, "No, I'm not going to Lunch Club, it's a bunch of Christians in there, and every Christian I know hates me!" "I don't hate you, and I'm a Christian," Austin replied. That caught the student off-guard and he changed his mind! He came in, ate lunch, and stayed for the entire discussion! God is so good! We facilitate a Bible Study called DIVinE (derived from "Dive In") that meets every Sunday afternoon from 4 to 5:30 pm. We have 10-12 "regulars" and about half a dozen other students who come from time to time. We meet in the chapel basement, eat pancakes, play a game, and DIVE into the Word. We are currently smack in the middle of a book study on Crazy Love by Francis Chan, and it is so exciting to see the students gaining a deeper understanding of the incredible love that God has for us and how we can love Him in return! This is just a little sampling of the many things God is bringing our way as we settle into life in Germany! We are so thankful to you all for your continued prayers and support! Transition is never easy, especially when it is cross-cultural, and we have had our snags and our down days, but knowing that we have such a "great cloud of witnesses" going before us in this ministry and standing behind us with prayer and financial support helps us keep on keeping on! Your partners in ministry, UPCOMING EVENTS: This spring and summer are going to be VERY busy! We have a lot of events happening within the next few months, and this makes our lives crazy first, because Austin and the community staff (and often Katy as a volunteer) take students to these events and second, because Katy and the service center staff are responsible for the big-picture logistics of making these events happen! Please pray for these specific event dates as well as all of the preparation that goes into putting them on!

Team building day with Chaplain (LTC) Duckworth, Chaplain (MAJ) Kammer and Sgt Morrissey (a Chaplains assistant)

The cast and crew of the Heildelberg High School production of Guys and Dolls. Ten Club kids were involved. We attended on closing night to cheer them on

Austins Club talk on Gideon was a big hit! Such a great picture of Gods power and His working through not perfect but obedient people

Middle School Adventure Camp in Durbuy, Belgium - April 12-16 International Staff Conference in Tirrenia, Italy - April 28-May 3 Spring Staff Training in Tirrenia, Italy- May 3-6 Service Project in Cluj, Romania - June 24-July 2 World Youth Day in Madrid, Spain - August 16-21 LEAD (Leadership, Evangelism, And Discipleship) in Effelder-Rauenstein, Germany - October 7-11

For the ministry of:

Austin & Katy Van Wyk

Account: 30607 Serving military families in Heidelberg, Germany
Donation Information:

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