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To sponsor a bulletin, please send an email to ShomreiTorahEmailer@gmail.

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Benjamin Yudin, Rabbi

27 Av, 5771 August 27, 2011

Andrew Markowitz, Assistant Rabbi

Erev Shabbat Candle-lighting: Early: 6:22 PM Zman: 7:22 PM Mincha: Early: 6:07 PM Zman: 7:27 PM Daf Yomi: 8:00 AM Shacharit 7:45/ 8:45/9:00AM Sof Zman Kriyas Shema: 9:38AM Pre Mincha Shiur w/ Jonathan Bloom 6:25PM Mincha: 7:10PM Dvar Torah at Seudah Shlishit w/ Shalom Zharnest Shabbat ends: 8:33 PM Parsha: Artscroll: p998 The Living Torah: p924 Hertz: p799 / Haftorah: Artscroll: p1199: The Living Torah: p1233 Hertz: p818 This week we read Perek 6 of Pirkei Avos. Kiddush: Kiddush upstairs: follows davening. Young Couples Kiddush: follows davening. Youth Minyan Kiddush: is sponsored by the members of the youth minyan in honor of Aharon Schreiber and Zack Schreiber who are always ready, willing and able to step up and do whatever it takes to keep the minyan going. Seudah Shlishit: follows Mincha. Thank You to: Elli Bloom for giving Dvar Torah at Young Couples minyan Deena & Daniel Jarashow for sponsoring a Torah Tuesday on Thursday (8/25) in honor of Zev putting on Tephilin for the first time. Rabbi Menachem Rosenfeld for giving Dvar Torah before Mussaf at the Upstairs minyan th Torah Tuesday learning group for sponsoring a Torah Tuesday (8/23) in honor of Rabbi Lapp on his 80 birthday. Shalom Zharnest for the Dvar Torah at Seudah Shlishit Mazal Tov to: Juliana and Elie Addi on the birth of a boy. The Shalom Zachor will be at the Addi house at 2-26 Lyncrest Avenue from 911PM. Rene and Abe Fishweicher on the engagement of their daughter Dana to Ori Rackovsky. Mazal tov to the grandparents Rabbi Israel and Sarah Fishweicher and Ruth and Isaac Reifer. Pearl & Milty Frank on the birth of a granddaughter Avery Madison to Andy & Sivan in London. Judy and Arthur Goldberg on the Bar Mitzvah of their grandson Yona Goldsheider. Bracha and Zvi Loewy on Ephraim's engagement to Aurlee Reich. Ephraim's grandparents Sara and Shmuel Shicker and Cele Loewy on Ephraims engagement to Aurlee Reich. Liz and Dov Mintz on the engagement of their daughter Shani to Yaakov Greenman. Pam and Yisrael Simchi on the marriage of their son Ari to Penina Siegel Condolences to: Jack (Chaim) Alster on the loss of his brother Joseph. Refuah Shelaimah to: Bernice Grossman (Breina bat Leah), Judy Goldberg ( Yehudis Razal Bas Sarah), Evelyne Hait (Esther Frimmet bat Raizel), Ceil Heller (Tzivia Rivka bat Naomi Chedvah), Regina Klepfisz (Rivka bat Tzipporah Sima), Jeff Packard (Chayim Zelig ben Sarah Rivkah), Stuart Schochet (Shimon Yaakov HaKohen ben Chava Sheindel), Lola Weisfeld (Leah Devorah bat Priba Tziral), Talya bat Yehudit Shlomit & Avichai ben Rivka, In Our Shul: We are preparing the Rosh Hashanah Scroll and 2011-2012 calendar. To enhance our calendar, we invite all to list your special dates. Forms have been sent out by e-mail as well as US mail to those who do not have e-mail and are also in the shul rack. Checks should be made out to Sisterhood of Shomrei Torah and sent to Beverly Bloom. The Deadline is Tuesday August 30, 2011. Torah Tuesday (8/30) is sponsored by the Torah Tuesday Learning Group in honor of Jake Blatt, Rabbi Sonny Gershon, Michael Heller, Joseph Jarashow, Ephraim Loewy, Rabbi Andrew Markowitz, Arie Schnipper and Rabbi Avaraham Weintraub, for filling in for Rabbi Yudins Torah Tuesday class. Women's Tefillah class lead by Sara and Rabbi Andrew Markowitz will begin again on Monday September 12th at the home of Marilyn Barth 4-25 Lyncrest Avenue at 8:15p.m. . For information please contact Marilyn Barth at 796-5902 Save the Date: Sunday September 18th for the Sisterhood Dinner honoring Allyson Paris! PLEASE RSVP--Invitations have been sent out via email (or US mail if we don't have your email address). If you would like to be a "SPONSOR" or "PATRON" please remember to include this on your RSVP. If you have not received an invitation or have any questions please contact Lynn Bloom (201) 797-9461.

Shomrei Torah is once again in the process of compiling a updated Yizkor booklet which we hope to use G-d willing, starting with this coming Yom Kippur. The revised booklet will contain the Yizkor prayers and will be utilized each time we say Yizkor collectively in Shomrei Torah. As always, it will also contain a list of the people we want to remember during the recitation of this prayer. The deadline for receipt of the names you wish to have recorded in the Yizkor booklet is Monday, September 12, 2011. Please make every effort to return your forms no later than that date. Positive Jewish Parenting in Shomrei Torah September 16-17, 2011. Alex Bailey, Ph.D. and Lauren Roth, LSW will lead sessions and give talks on Friday Night at 9:15PM at the Sheps and Fishweicher residences and on Shabbos morning after davening as well as in the afternoon in the shul at 5PM. Sponsorships are available. Volunteers are needed to present and host the women's Rosh Chodesh Shiur. Please support the program and volunteer. Contact Roza Gandelman at or (201)773-0030. The next Simcha Kiddush is September 17. Please contact Alla Kavesh or Lina Fleyshmakher to be a sponsor. Rabbi Yudins shiurim on Wednesday Morning as well as Monday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings will resume the first week in September. Please note the following Simcha Kiddushim dates: Nov 19, Dec 24, Feb 18, 2012, March 17, April 21, May 19 and June 16, 2012. To sponsor a Simcha Kiddush, please contact Alla Kavesh or Lina Fleyshmakher. Lockers are available in the shul to rent or buy. If interested, please contact Peter Weissmann at or call at 201 797-1949 High Holiday Seats: *Credit Card payments are available* Once again seats will only be sold through the mail. Forms are located in the lobby and have been sent by e-mail and US mail. For info call (201)791-7910 option 8. Reminder: There is no parking in the mikveh spots after 7PM. Rabbis email service for non urgent halachic questions is: Look forward to hearing from you! In our community: Hold the date: Mark Rosenberg Memorial Lecture Sunday, September 11, 2011 at 8 pm at Congregation AABJ&D 700 Pleasant Valley Way, West Orange, NJ 07052. The lecture will feature Rabbi Shlomo Weissman. Rabbi Weissmann was a close friend of Mark Rosenberg, A"H. TorahWeb Yomim Noraim Leil Iyun / RCBC Teshuva drasha will IY"H be Sunday, September 18, 8 PM, in Beth Abraham (in the main shul). 8:00 PM - Rav Mayer Twersky - Teshuva: It's Not Just About ME, 8:45 PM - Rav Hershel Schachter - Serving Hashem HIS Way, Not Mine.
SUN AUG 28 28 Av MON AUG 29 29 Av TUES AUG 30 Rosh Chodesh Elul 30 Av WED AUG 31 Rosh Chodesh Elul 1 Elul THURS SEPT 1 2 Elul FRI SEPT 2 3 Elul SHABBOS SEPT 3 4 Elul
Parshiyot Shoftim


Earliest Tallis & Tephilin: 5:23AM SOF ZMAN K SHEMA: 9:38AM

5:24AM 9:38AM 5:45/ 6:30/ 7:45AM 7:15PM 1:30PM 7:45/ 9:00PM

5:25AM 9:39AM 5:35/ 6:30/ 7:45AM 7:15PM 1:30PM 7:45/ 9:00PM TUES 8/30 6:30AM 8:00 PM 7:30AM
9AM Torah Tuesday

5:26AM 9:39AM 5:35/ 6:30/ 7:45AM 7:15PM 1:29PM 7:45/ 9:00PM

5:28AM 9:39AM 5:45/ 6:30/ 7:45AM 7:15PM 1:29PM 7:45/ 9:00PM THURS 9/1 6:30AM 8:00 PM 7:30AM
9AM: Torah Tuesday on Thursday

5:29AM 9:40AM 5:55/ 6:30/ 7:45AM

Candles: Early: 6:12PM Zman: 7:11PM Mincha: Early: 5:57PM Zman: 7:16PM

5:30AM 9:40AM 7:45/ 8:45/ 9:00AM Mincha: 7:00PM

Shabbat ends:

Shacharit Mincha: (Earliest) Maariv

6:30/ 7:00 8:00/ 9:00AM 2PM/ 7:15PM 7:45/ 9:00PM SUN 8/28



MON 8/29 6:30AM 8:00 PM

WED 8/31 6:30AM 8:00 PM 7:30AM

FRI 9/2

SHABBOS 9/3 8:00AM


6:30AM 7:30AM

GEMORAH 7:30AM SHIURI MONDAYS: M/ 9AM: Torah Tuesday on Monday 7:30PM Ladies Tehillim OTHER

Rabbis Shiur


Pachim KTanim from Rabbi Yudin : In honor of Parshas Reah and the mitzvah of tzedakah. The late Rabbi Moshe Feinstein ZTL with receiving thousand of halachic questions often bemoaned the fact that people did not ask enough questions in certain areas of halacha including tzedakah. So to sensitize all of us a hospitalized patient who does not get visitors repeatedly asks for visitors. The hospital is however far away, and travel costs are approx. $100 a visit. Can ones own th maaser money be used to defray the costs? The Rama Y.D. (249:1) rules that maaser money; giving 10 of ones income to charity is to be used exclusively for the poor. The Shach in that chapter of Shulchan Aruch says one can use maaser money for mitzvos for someone else. Like making a wedding or a bris for a poor person. Here, while one is obligatory to do Bikur Cholim, they are not necessarily obligated to spend money as found in the Bava Metzia (30A) one is not obligated to lose money to refund a loss object. Therefore if the carfare is challenging to the visitor, money may come from his maaser account.

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