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Interview: Laura Kampman

She is discovered by the Italian Vogue, she has walked on the catwalk in New York for Calvin Klein, last week she was in Paris for her modeling. Her career as model is unstoppable! Despite of all this shes just a normal girl without arrogance.
1. What's your name? My name is Laura Kampman. 2. How old are you? I am 16 (almost 17) years old. 3. Why did you become a model? I was always interested in photography.One day in a restaurant I was asked by a woman if I wanted to be a model. Then I realized that standing in front of the camera was maybe as fun as standing behind the camera. 4. What do you like about it? The nice thing about being a model is meeting a lot of people, who are, just like me, also interested in art. And of course the travelling, they bring you to beautiful places all over the world to do photo-shoots and other things. 5. Why? I have always wanted to travel around the world so modeling is therefore extra amusing because that brings me to all those places I want to see in the world. 6. How long have you been a model? I have been a model for 2,5 years now, but I have been doing serious modeling for about 6 months now.

7. Have you always wanted to be a model? No, I had never thought about being model before. When I was little I wanted to be an actress but actually I am a kind of actress now. Because in front of the camera during a photo-shoot I have to act. 8. How did you become a model? I was in a restaurant with my dad when a woman with a modeling bureau came up to us and asked me if I had ever thought about becoming a model. Actually I had not but when I thought about it, it seemed like fun to me. 9. Who is your role model? I think Freja Beha Erichsen is a very cool model. She does all kinds of big fashion events like Chanel campaigns. And she has a very cool style. 10. How did you think about modeling before you became a model? I never really thought about it it always seemed cool to me to be on the cover of a magazine but I had never considered that, that could be me. I did not know what to think about that world. 11. And how do you think about it now? Now I found out that being a model is very hard work, it is not as glamorous as everybody thinks. Sometimes I only sleep for 3 hours because I have to work till late and the next day I have to start early again. It is also a very hard world, if you do not have the perfect face you dont have a change. But beside all those negatives points I secretly enjoy it a lot to stand on the catwalk while 50 cameras and 300 eyes are on you.

12. Where do you see yourself in about 10 years? In about 10 years I hope I have earned enough money with modeling so I have my own cottage in the South of France and an apartment in New York and Paris. Maybe in about 10 years I will have already stopped with modeling and have studied photography at the Kunst academy and then I might be a great photographer. I really dont know how my life will look like in about 10 years!

13. What did you do before you became a model? Before I became a model I was just a student at the secondary school. I did not really have a sideline. Modeling was my first real job haha. 14. What do you want to accomplish with your work as model? I hope to meet a lot of interesting people and go to the most beautiful places on earth. Also I hope to earn a lot of money so I can go on vacation a lot and I would like to pamper my family and friends (and myself a little bit) 15. What do you want to do after modeling? After my modeling I would like to be an actress or go back to school and study at the kunst academy. 16. Where have you already been in the world for your modeling career? For modeling I flied to New York twice. I have also been to Paris a couple of times and to London for one day. And at the end of the month Im going to New York again to a couple of weeks! 17. Which country has the most beautiful art? I like France with Paris is a beautiful country. I like the architecture in Paris very much. There are also a lot of famous artists from Paris and the city really radiate that.

18. What kind of art do they have there? In Paris you have beautiful buildings, for me that is the most striking and beautiful art of Paris. I did not visit a lot of museums there so I cannot name more things.

19. Do you know a lot of famous models? I dont know a lot of other models yet because I have just started with serious modeling. I have already seen some famous models like Freja Beha Erichsen. She walked in the show from Balenciaga like me. I have also met some models who are famous in the modeling world but not so famous in the world outside. 20. Who? Models I have met and very famous in the fashion world are: Nimue Smit, Patricia van der Vliet, Freja Beha Erichsen and Iris Egbers. 21. What do you think fashion has to do with art? For example fashion exist of clothes and photography. That are two kinds of art. Clothes from famous designers are showed in museums. Just like photos from the world famous photographer Steven Meisel. 22. What do you think art is? I think art is a way of expressing yourself. with the clothes you wear people can see how you feel and what kind of person you are. To paintings or some clothes from designers you can also see that. It is a piece of personality you can show the world. 23. What do you like most about art? The nice thing about art is nothing is to weird. Everything is possible and you do not have to follow rules. 24. Why? You can totally be yourself with art. 25. What do you think is the most beautiful piece of art in the fashion world? I think the most beautiful piece of art in the fashion world are the photos from Steven Meisel.

26. Why? His photos are very extra ordinary and really beautiful. He also makes the important photos; the covers for the American and Italian Vogue. 27. What do you think is the most beautiful piece of art? I think the paintings of Dali are very cool but I also like the clothes of Chanel. 28. Why? The paintings of Dali because they are extra ordinary and they look like a nonexistended world. I like the clothes of Chanel because they are timeless and there is a history behind it. 29. What have you already reached in your life with your work as model? The experience of being alone in New York for two weeks as a 16 year old girl and participating in the shows of Calvin Klein and Balenciaga! 30. Which of these things you think has to do most with art and why? The fashion shows in which I was invited to walk because I walk in the art the designers made for the outside world.

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