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SIXTH FORM BULLETIN Week Beginning 28th November 2011

INDUSTRIAL ACTION Due to Industrial Action the school will be closed to students on Wednesday 30th November 2011. ANY DRAMA STUDENTS SHOULD CHECK WITH MRS CORNELL AS THEY MAY BE REQUIRED TO ATTEND A FORMAL ASSESSMENT ASSEMBLIES Year 13 Tuesday 29th November Year 12 Thursday 1st December THANK YOU We had a lovely cream tea for Mr Connelly who is leaving the school after 22 years at Simon Balle. The afternoon would not have been the success it was without the help of Kate Warrington, Natalie Palmer, Kirsty Alder and Chris Holdys. They were so professional and attentive and really made the event run smoothly. I would like to thank them for giving up their time and being such a credit to the school. Mrs Harman, School Manager AMNESTY INTERNATIONALS 50TH BIRTHDAY I'm looking for a group of sixth formers to take round a giant 50 during lunches and break times to be signed by students, to raise awareness of Amnesty International's 50th birthday. If you have a spare 10 minutes to come and meet with me beforehand and then half an hour during the w/c 5th Dec to carry the numbers round. It should be quite fun! Miss Hill CERTIFICATES If you did not collect your certificates when they were handed out in the common room, please go to the exams office to pick them up. GEOGRAPHY LECTURE Dr Viv Jones will be speaking to sixth form students about Climate Change and the Arctic. All A Level Geographers are required to attend but if anyone else would like to come a long then please email Miss Baynham to book a place. Dr Jones is one of our governors and a lecturer at UCL. The lecture will take place in the Lecture Theatre on Monday 12th December at 15.45 until 16.45. INTERESTED IN STUDYING ABROAD? Amy Newnham from "Degrees Ahead" is coming in on Tuesday 29th November at 3pm to talk to any students interested in studying abroad for a degree. She will have information on all aspects of studying at universities from across the world. Please sign up for a place via the sheet on the careers board or see Julie Calder for more information.

CHRISTMAS FAIR Friday 9th December 3:30 6:00 SIXTH FORM COMMON ROOM You may have noticed the posters that have been put up around the school site advertising this event. The students organising this event now need you to sign up and take part - details on the white board. If you or anybody you know would like to attend we would love to see you! LES MISERABLES HELP NEEDED The school production is drawing ever closer and in the costume department we still have quite a bit to do. This is a call for help in making the final costume accessories - garters, scarves, rosettes etc..... anyone who is handy with a needle and thread or even just willing to make tea, coffee and serve pizza if we feel the need for sustenance will be very welcome! I am running a costume workshop on Thursday 1st December for everyone and anyone who can help us get the costumes sorted. Starting afterschool in the textiles room and continuing until we are done / have had enough - whichever comes first! I would really appreciate the support here and Les Mis is an enormous show that will definitely be one to watch, the students and staff involved have been working so hard for such a long time now that I really want them to look their best. Many thanks Hannah Draper

HELP WITH TIME MANAGEMENT With exam season fast approaching If you would like help with your time management please see Mrs Salt who is more than happy to help. APPLICATIONS TO JOIN OUR SIXTH FORM If you know of anyone who is looking to join our Sixth Form in September 2012 full application details can be found on our website. LIBRARY NEWS We thought that it was time for a reminder of the service the Library provides with regards to periodicals. Below is a list of the current periodicals that the Library receives. We can arrange for you to receive a copy of the contents page of any of the periodicals that are listed. This will enable you to decide whether there are any articles that you may find of use. If you wish to receive the contents page of any of the listed periodicals, please reply to this email with the details of which ones you required. Please note that anybody that is currently receiving a photocopy of a contents page will continue to do so (unless you have changed your mind, in which case please let us know). Authentik en Francais, Biological Sciences Review, Chemistry Review, Empire, Focus, Geography Review, Media Magazine, New Scientist, British Journal of Photography, Physics Review, Psychology Review, Ceramic Review, New Books, Sight and Sound, Sociology Review, TBK, Caterer and Hotelkeeper, E Magazine. The Library Team UK SENIOR TEAM MATHS CHALLENGE UK Senior Maths Challenge took place on Thursday 24th November at Queen Mary University London. Mr Cheal entered a team of 4 senior students this year and was delighted with their performance. The 4 boys thoroughly enjoyed themselves and I certainly enjoyed seeing how pupils at another school attacked the problems. All agreed that they would recommend it to others in school next year. As to the rounds, our team had the head of Maths at Westminster marking their solutions and I was doing the same for our very near neighbour, Haileybury. After one round we were well down the list of 37 schools (most private or selective) and had scored 30 out of 60, the same as Haileybury. In round two (a fiendish cross number round) we fell behind them scoring 42 out of 56 to their 52. In round three, the chain answer round, where you need the solution from the other pair to answer your question, we scored 38 out of 60 (which they were very disappointed with) but Haileybury's students imploded and only scored 18. Yes our clever sparks beat the best from Haileybury and overall came 12th out of 37. Yes they definitely enjoyed the day and the Y12's are desperate to enter next year. Our congratulations go to Sam Lumley Y13, Richard Andrews Y13, Jonathon Witty Y12, Josh Armstrong Y12. And finally our thanks to Mr Cheal for making it happen. IF ANYONE HAS ANY IDEAS OR SUGGESTIONS FOR OUR BULLETIN PLEASE CONTACT LYNN SALT. SIXTH FORM IMPORTANT DATES Christmas Fair Friday 9th December Les Miserables 14th 16th December Sixth Form Christmas Event Thursday 15th December

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