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Season 5 Reference Guide

Season 5 Poster by: SomeArztOnYou


Table of Contents:

I. Episode Guide/Synopsis

1. “Incidentals”…………………………… 4
2. “Genesis”………………………………. 6
3. “The Sun Also Rises”………………….. 10
4. “Family Matters”………………………. 13
5. “Christine”……………………………... 16
6. “Heart of Darkness”……………………. 18
7. “…By Reason of Insanity”…………….. 23
8. “Secret Agent Man”……………………. 26
9. “Ghost in the Machine”………………… 30
10. “The Eyes Have It”……………………. 33
11. “Our Mutual Friend”…………………... 37
12. “Johnny Be Good”…………………….. 40
13. “Redemption” ………………………… 44
14. “The Tampa Job”……………………… 47

II. Character Information/Bio.

1. O6
a) Jack……… 52 d) Hurley…… 54
b) Kate……... 52 e) Sayid…….. 54
c) Sun………. 53 f) Aaron…….. 55

2. Off Island
a) Ben………. 55 g) M. Curie….58
b) Richard….. 56 h) Hanso……. 59
c) Desmond… 56 i) Cassidy…... 59
d) Abaddon….57 j) Kaname….. 60
e) Hawking….57 k) Daniel…… 60
f) Mathias…... 58

3. On Island
a) Sawyer…... 61 h) Miles…….. 65
b) Juliet…….. 61 i) Widmore…. 66
c) Harper…… 62 j) Christine…. 67
d) Jin……….. 62 k) Frank……. 67
e) Rose……... 63 l) Walt……… 68
f) Charlotte…. 64 m) Smokey…. 68
g) Annie……. 64

4. Dead
a) Locke……. 69 f) Troupe…… 73
b) Bernard….. 70 g) Mr. Paik…. 73
c) Cindy……. 71 h) Dave……...74
d) Penelope… 72 i) Giovanni…. 74
e) Libby……. 72

5. Other Notables…………………………... 75
6. Unknowns………………….. (Coming Soon)
6. Dharma Initiative…………... (Coming Soon)
7. Danielle’s Expedition………. (Coming Soon)

III. Il Destino Sinergia…………………………………. 76

IV. The Abaddon Conspiracy………………………….. 77

V. Deaths ………………………………….(Coming Soon)

VI. Stations…………………………………(Coming Soon)

VII. Key Locations………………………….(Coming Soon)

VIII. Timeline of Events……………………..(Coming Soon)

IX. Literary/Song References………………(Coming Soon)


Episode Guide/Synopsis

5.1 “Incidentals”
-Charles Widmore Centric-


It is September 22, 1979 and the episode starts as we witness

the original “Incident” that Pierre Chang talks about in the
“Orientation” video. A 33 year old Charles Widmore comes
running into the Swan Station (he works there) as a washing
machine is flung across the room killing Casey, a romantic
interest of Charles’. Then a metal pipe, flung at high velocity,
cuts off Pierre Chang’s arm. This is how Pierre lost his arm.
Widmore runs out into the jungle where he sees a 17 year old
Benjamin Linus wearing a contamination suit.

Subtitled “Earlier That Day 9/22/79” We see Widmore and

Casey walking out of the Swan Station. They speak of Eric Dane as Young Widmore
Geronimo Jackson and Casey invites Widmore over that
night. Casey is wearing a “Swan Station” jumpsuit and it is revealed she is a Gemologist
who works specifically with Holmium, a non-toxic element with strange magnetic
properties that if not handled right could be “very dangerous.” As Casey leaves, young
Ben walks out of the jungle. Widmore tells young Ben that it is time for their plan to go
into action and for Ben to become the richest 18 year old in the world. Widmore plans to
sell the DI secrets, but needs Ben and Richard’s help to purge them. Ben insists Richard
isn’t ready, but will talk to him anyway.

That night, after the Incident in the Swan hatch, Olivia and Horace Goodspeed confront
Widmore saying that he intentionally set the Swan up to fail and threaten the lives of
everyone on the island. Widmore doesn’t know what they are talking about and they tell
him that they found the tools and notes he used to manipulate the valves in his locker.
They also explain that they have to move the island and kick Widmore off because a US
satellite saw the discharge from space. Widmore insists he was framed and vows to find
whoever did it and make them pay. As he is escorted off the island, Widmore spots a
smug looking Ben Linus on his front porch.

It is now 1996 and Widmore is at the Southfield’s Auction House in London bidding on
the black rock as seen in “The Constant.” Widmore is chatting among a group of friends
when Ben Linus comes up behind him and takes him to the hall. Widmore doesn’t
recognize Ben after all the years until Ben tells Widmore he is sorry for framing him for
the “Incident” in ’79. Widmore gets furious as Ben explains to Widmore that Richard said
it wasn’t time for the purge so he did what he had to do, frame Widmore. Ben then told
Widmore that if he ever wants to get back to the island, he will need Ben as his constant.
Right before leaving, Ben tells Widmore he completed the purge successfully four years
ago in 1992. When leaving, Widmore calls over his assistant, who turns out to be Libby.

He calls her Elizabeth and tells her to follow Ben. Just then, Ms. Hawking approaches
Widmore and tells him that he must give Desmond the address of Penny because
Desmond has to “press the button.” The auction starts as Widmore looks uneasy. He finds
his way back to the seat and the scene plays out as we saw it in “The Constant” except
now the number on his placard is 815 instead of 755, the color of the frame the painting
of the Black Rock is in is now gold instead of silver, the auctioneer is wearing a long tie
instead of a bow-tie and the dress of the woman in the first row is now polka-dot instead
of striped. Something has changed the details of the scene from “The Constant.”

In the last flash we see Widmore walking up to Naomi Dorrit in a park in London.
Widmore explains to Naomi why he chose her for the job. Naomi’s fiancé, who turns out
to be Mathias from the Listening Station that Penny got
the call from in “Exodus”, double crossed Widmore and
has been taken hostage. Widmore shows Naomi the
same video that Ben showed Locke in “The Other
Woman”. He kidnapped Mathias and tells Naomi he can
trust her to go to the island and retrieve Ben Linus
because she is skilled in military work and can fly a
helicopter. He gives her an alibi incase she encounters
the island inhabitants. He hands her the photo of
Desmond and Penny in front of the London harbor and
Naomi crying as Widmore leaves. tells her to tell anyone she encounters that she is on a
rescue mission for him. Naomi agrees in order to get
Mathias back safely. Widmore walks off as Naomi sits on the bench crying.

Real Time:

Widmore meets with Sun outside of a restaurant where he is having lunch with friends.
The scene is where we left off in the Season 4 finale. As Sun walks away from Widmore,
he calls her to come back and gives her his business card and tells her to meet him at his
penthouse later that afternoon. As Sun
leaves Widmore summons his
assistant, Christine DeVries. He tells
Christine to follow Sun’s every move.

That afternoon, in his penthouse,

Widmore meets with Christine who
tells him that Sun didn’t make contact
with anyone. Sun then comes to the
door where Widmore invites her in and
tells her how Ben framed him to gain
her trust. He explains that he doesn’t
know how to help her and Sun leaves.
Sun tells Widmore that she trusts him. Widmore Sun and Widmore’s London Meeting
then gets a phone call to meet someone at his
office later that evening. Sun goes outside and calls someone to tell them that she has

gained Widmore’s trust. She then gets a phone call from Hurley telling her that he spoke
to Shannon, who is dead, and Shannon told Sun to buy a specific coat because where she
is going is going to be very cold. Sun, wierded out by the conversation with Hurley,
hangs up then turns around to a store window. She sees the exact coat that Hurley said
Shannon suggested that Sun should buy.

That evening Widmore meets with Ben at his office. Ben tells Widmore that he moved
the island and that they need each other to get back safely. Widmore asks Ben why he
didn’t use the polar bears to move the island and Ben responds he “was fresh out.” Ben
tells Widmore they need the help of someone named Thomas to find the way back to the
island. Widmore agrees to help Ben and Ben leaves. Needing a drink, Widmore pours
himself a McCutcheon whiskey, but then drops his glass when he thinks he saw Ms.
Hawking standing behind him in his office. Widmore looked terrified.

The next day Widmore meets Sun at Penny’s apartment. He explains to Sun that he
believes Ben kidnapped Penny and he think he hid her on the island. He says this to relate
to Sun and her desire for her daughter, Ji Yeon, to have a father figure in her life. Sun and
Widmore shake hands and Widmore gives Sun a folder with
instructions and plane tickets to her destination where she will
find help to find the island. Sun leaves the apartment and
walks down the street where she meets with a stranger on a
bench. The stranger lowers her newspaper and it turns out to
be Christine DeVries. Sun says that Widmore fully trusts her
and that things are on schedule. Christine suggests that Sun
buy her own plane tickets onto a different flight because, “we
all know what happened the last time he put someone onto a

Inside Penny’s apartment, Widmore goes to a back office

where there are maps and notes all over the
Christine DeVries
walls. It was Penny’s base of operation to find Desmond. There is a
photo of Mathias and Henrik on the wall beside the map. Widmore sits down and looks at
the map as he says, “Where are you hiding this time?” The camera then cuts to the Island,
which is now in the midst of a thick fog and in waters that have icebergs. End.

5.2 “Genesis”
-Cindy Chandler Centric-


Cindy’s flashbacks start with her trip through the jungle with the other tail section
survivors on their way to the beach (The Other 48 Days) where the mid-section camp is.
When Cindy helps get Sawyer’s stretcher up over the embankment she looks down and

notices Zach’s teddy bear sitting in a crevice at the base of the tree. She bends over to
pick it up when she sees Zach and Emma in a space below the tree. There is an opening

The Tail Section Helps Get Sawyer Up Over the Embankment. Note Hole in Tree Trunk
there into the Cerberus Vents under the island. Ivan, an Other, comes out from behind
Cindy and chloroforms her making her pass out. The next thing she remembers is being
dragged through the tunnels by Harper and Ivan. When she awakes she sees that she is in
Room 23 with Ben sitting across from her. Ben asks Cindy where she has been and says
that she hasn’t been acting herself lately. He says that they need to “undo whatever they
did to you.” Ben leaves the room and Harper asks him if she completed her mission. Ben
responds with “obviously.” Cindy is back in the room watching a Room 23 Video
different than we’ve seen before. This one has Christian Shephard in it.

After 2 days in Room 23, Cindy is brought out to the field beside the Hydra Station
where Ben is waiting. Harper has Zach and Emma nearby. Ben asks Cindy if she is
feeling like her “old self” and Cindy gives a vague answer of yes. Ben then tells Cindy
that if she helps take care of Zach and Emma, he will bring Gary Troupe, who had died
when he was sucked into the engine in “Pilot”, to the Other’s Camp. Ben knows Gary is
dead, but is conning Cindy. Cindy wasn’t aware that Gary was on the plane and she
agrees to help Ben. With Cindy out of Room 23, there is room for Walt to be put back in.
Harper radios Juliet and tells her to put Walt back in the room.

About 20 days have passed and we see Cindy running back

to see Jack in the bear cages after her visit with him in
“Stranger in a Strange Land.” He questions her intentions,
but she tells him she had to act the way she did because the
Others are watching her. She then asks Jack if Gary is alive.
Jack tells her he isn’t and Cindy knows that Ben has lied to
her. She goes into hysterics and tells Jack not to trust a
single word they say. Cindy runs off just as Alex throws the
stone to knock out the cameras outside the cages. While
Juliet’s trial is going on, Cindy goes to Isabel’s office and
digs through her filing cabinets. She pulls out her file and a
photo of Gary falls out. It says he is deceased. She gets
very angry as she continues to read through. There are
several mentions of Christian Shephard in her file. Cindy
leaves the office, but not before finding a map that shows
the path of the Cerberus Vents to the Flame Station.

Four days pass and we find Cindy sitting at the computer Cindy at Jack’s Bear Cage
that Locke played chess on in The Flame Station before it blew up. Cindy is finishes
whatever it is she is doing and gets up just as Locke comes back into Flame Station with
Kate. He claims he is going to the basement to look for more guns and Kate exits leaving
Cindy an escape route out the back door. Cindy makes her way out the back door until
she runs into Isabel. Isabel tells Cindy that she knows what Cindy is up to, but hasn’t told
Ben yet. Cindy fakes a fainting spell and hits Isabel with a shovel and runs towards the
vents. Feeling guilty, Cindy turns back, but just as she does the Flame Station explodes.
Cindy goes back into the Cerberus Vents and comes face to face with the Smoke Monster.
The Smoke Monster flashes Cindy, but then leaves her alone.

The last flash takes place before the flight of Oceanic 815 in the Sydney airport. We see
Cindy slip something into Frank Lapidus’ drink in the pilot’s lounge. She then gets
Oceanic Officials and plants little bottles of alcohol on the passed out Frank. The officials
are about to cancel the flight, but Cindy suggests Captain Joseph Stewart to take the
flight. Joseph Stewart is revealed to be the same Joe Stewart who tried to adopt Aaron
from Claire in “Raised By Another.”

Real Time:

Sawyer, Juliet, Miles, Charlotte, Rose and Bernard are sitting

around a campfire they made on the beach shivering from the
difference in temperature. Some time has passed since the
move of the Island. Juliet is noticeably drunk as they all talk
about their situation. Locke comes up with Richard and the rest
of the Others and tells them that Ben moved the Island. Locke
persuades everyone to work together through this situation.
Bernard suggests they go to the Arrow because it is big enough
Ice-Pop Becky

to hold all of them. Rose helps gather everyone, but Becky won’t move. Rose tries to
wake Becky, but she has frozen to death.

On the walk to the Arrow, Bernard attempts to talk to Zach and Emma, but they are
distant and non-responsive. Cindy tells Bernard that the Others are not bad people.
Everyone starts to complain about being tired and cold, but Locke insists that they move
forward. Cindy overhears Miles call Charlotte by her name and make a crack about there
being tunnels below ground. Cindy takes an interest in Charlotte and tells them she will
take them to the Cerberus Tunnels. Charlotte agrees as it will give her a chance to explore
the island. Miles, Cindy and Charlotte leave the group and go off on their own.

Locke and the rest of the group continue on to the Arrow, but Rose notices that Sawyer,
Cindy, Charlotte and Miles are missing. Harper suggests the move forward and Juliet,
who is drunk, questions Harper’s authority and they get into a fist fight. Locke breaks it
up and declares to the rest of the group that they need to work together to make it through
this terrible situation. He tells them it is time for the group to combine and look at it as a
new beginning, the Genesis.

Locke and the others make it to the Arrow where Juliet tells Locke that the island runs on
geothermal power and that if the ground freezes then their source of heat and electricity is
gone. Locke tells Juliet that she is a good
person and that he admires her for her bravery.
They bond. Meanwhile, Bernard finds a hatch
in the floor of the Arrow. When Locke goes to
check it out the power goes out. He asks
Richard what he knows of the hatch and
Richard denies knowing anything. Locke
lights a torch and peers down the hatch hole
and it is very reminiscent of when he found
the Swan Hatch in season 1.
Hieroglyphics inside the Cerberus Vents
Elsewhere, Cindy, Miles and Charlotte are
making their way through the Cerberus Tunnels. Charlotte finds the hieroglyphics
on the walls remarkable, but comes across one which depicts a monster chasing
some men. Cindy tells them that the tunnels were originally the lava tubes to the
Island’s volcano. Some time passes and the Smoke Monster is heard behind them.
The Smoke Monster grabs Miles and takes him away.

Charlotte and Cindy continue on until they emerge from the tunnels in an open
room made of stone. Cindy begins to go a bit crazy and she grabs a gun and aims
it at Charlotte telling her that she has to kill her in order for things to “happen as
they are supposed to.” Right before Cindy fires her weapon, the power goes out
and Sawyer comes into the room and shoots Cindy in the
head. Charlotte sees a woman sitting on a chair in the corner Brenda Strong as
Jeanette Lewis
and it is revealed that the woman is Charlotte’s mother,
Jeanette Lewis. End.

5.3 “The Sun Also Rises”

-Sun Kwon Centric-

Real Time:

The show opens with Sun running through the back alleyways of Narvik, Norway, a small
town that lies within the Arctic Circle. She’s wearing the coat that Shannon told Hurley
she should buy in 5.1. She is being followed by two Norwegian men, one of which she
clubs over the back of the head to
escape. Eventually, the second man
catches up to her and holds her at
gunpoint as she is holding Gary Troupe’s
book, “Bad Twin.”

Sun is taken to the home of Alvar

Hanso, but it is currently under the
control of Thomas Mittelwerk.
Mittelwork asks Sun why she didn’t just
come to him instead of snooping around
his buildings on the docks and she says
Narvik, Norway as seen in day, but the scene was night.
that she heard he is a dangerous and
crazy man. Mittelwerk isn’t pleased and when he asks Sun why she is there, she tells him
that she needs his help to find the Island. Mittelwerk is unhappy about her request and
asks her to accompany him outside on the deck. She follows him where he begins to pull
out a gun and shoot her, but not before Sayid, who must have been following Sun, comes
up from behind him and snaps his neck. Sayid then reveals to Sun that Mittelwerk is the

Sun and Sayid take a set of keys off of Mittelwerk’s body and proceed to the basement
where they find Alvar Hanso being a prisoner in his own home. He tells Sun that he has
been expecting her and that he has been following the story of the O6 on TV. Alvar
explains to Sun that the Dharma Initiative was built for all the right reasons with the help
of Karen and Gerard DeGroot, however, once Hanso donated the Island to them they
found out that it was in habited by a group of natives. The natives didn’t want them
building on or around their Temple, but the DeGroots did anyway causing a rift between
the Islanders and the DI. Eventually, the natives purged the DI in 1992. Hanso explains
that Valenzetti composed an equation that would help find the island. He gives it to Sun,
but tells her to tell Ben Linus to make sure he moves the island again, so that no one will
ever find it. Sun tells Alvar that he is free now, but he tells her that he hasn’t been free in
a very long, long time. Sun and Sayid set off, but Sun decides to go back to Korea to
confront her father, who she knows was an associate of Mittelwerk and a bad guy. Sayid
begs her to reconsider, but she refuses.

Sun goes back to South Korea and to the home of her mother. Mrs. Paik is taking care of
Ji Yeon while Sun is on business in London. Sun, having just found out her father
associates with people she is fighting against, questions her mother about her father and
whether or not she trusts him. Her mother tells Sun that she loves her father and she
doesn’t question his motive. Mrs. Paik tells Sun that Mr. Paik sacrifices his life for his
family. This reminds Sun of Jin and Sun takes off to find her father. The talk her mother
gave her has actually fueled Sun’s rage against Mr. Paik.

While Sun is on her way to the father’s factory, she is stopped outside her home by Ben.
Ben explains to Sun that Mr. Paik has been working with Mittelwerk for quite some time
and that he planned on mining the Holmium from the Island. Ben shows sun a series of
pictures that shows Mr. Paik and Mittelwerk’s meetings over the years. Sun gets furious
with Ben for not telling her this before. Ben defends himself by saying he didn’t want
Sun to compromise the mission, which she is about to do. Ben says that he needs Paik to
finish a Machine that will help them find the Island. Ben explains that a smaller, much
more efficient Machine was built once before, but it has been destroyed. That smaller
Machine is actually the Suitcase Device later found by Bernard on the Island (“Secret
Agent Man”).Sun doesn’t heed Ben’s advice and goes off to find her father anyway.
Sayid and Ben follow.

Sun confronts her father at a waterfront factory by the Seoul Harbor. Her father wasn’t
expecting her back so soon and Sun tricks him by telling him that Widmore wants the
Machine he is building all to himself and needs to store it in another warehouse. Mr. Paik
breaks down and begs to know what
Sun did. She explains that Widmore
told her nothing and that she was
tricking him and he had just told her
everything she needed to know. She
demands to know where the Machine
is and he shows her. It is a large
Machine, about the size of a pick-up
truck and has the Numbers on it. Sun
demands to know if Mr. Paik knew
about Jin being on the island when
he built the Freighter for Widmore
for no charge. Mr. Paik admits he
did. Sun beings to walk out saying
that Mr. Paik will never make it to
the Island by which he responds by
slapping her across the face. Sun The Machine as seen in Paik’s warehouse.
walks out of the warehouse in a fury
and tells Sayid to kill her father. Sayid hesitates then makes his way into the warehouse
and we hear two gunshots. Sun gets into her car and leaves without showing emotion as
Ben sits in the back of his car and crosses Mr. Paik off his hit-list. End.


We see Sun sitting in a park in Seoul when a man, Mr. Barnes, from Hyperion Publishing
confronts her regarding her writing a book about her experiences on the Island. Sun
dismisses the man, but the man tells Sun that it is a strange coincidence that Gary Troupe
was on the same plane as her when it crashed. He goes on to tell Sun that Gary wrote
about her family in his latest book, “Bad Twin,” that also references Paik’s involvement
with Widmore. Sun is perplexed by the situation and finds it to be no coincidence. Barnes
tells Sun that Troupe was in Sydney at a second party editor to edit Paik’s name out of the
book, which was a bit odd. Sun takes a copy of the book and walks off.

Later that day Sun arrives at a houseboat in the Seoul Harbor that belongs to Penny and
Desmond. Sun questions Penny about her father’s involvement with Widmore and Penny
isn’t sure. Sun mentions the book that Barnes gave her and the editing company in
Sydney. Penny realizes that Widmore had sent Christine DeVries to Sydney at the same
time and Sun demands Christine’s phone number. Penny reluctantly gives it to Sun.
Desmond tells Sun that he keeps getting phone calls from someone who doesn’t say
anything and then hangs up.

In the not too distant future, Sun meets with someone at a park across the bay from the
Sydney Opera House. The woman turns out to be Christine DeVries who said she decided
to meet Sun because she didn’t want Sun to blow the whistle on her involvement with
making Troupe change his book and take Paik’s name out of it. Christine also reveals that
she is in Sydney to meet her ex-husband about a matter regarding her children. Christine
reveals to Sun that Widmore had commissioned Paik to build the Freighter and that Paik
hadn’t charged Widmore anything for the job. Christine also tells Sun that Paik has been
involved with someone who calls himself “The Economist.” Christine tells Sun that she is
just as eager to take down Widmore as Sun is and that someone very close to her had died
on the Freighter while it was on the mission to the Island and she blames Widmore for the
death. When Sun is leaving the meeting site, she sees a man who has been following her
and she attempts to run after him, but she is too pregnant. That man turns out to be
Kaname “Steve” T., which we find out later in the season.

Looking like she is about to give birth at any moment, Sun meets with the rest of the
Oceanic 6 at Sayid and Nadia’s house in Los Angeles. She tells Jack that she doesn’t
blame him for the death of Jin, but she is still angry with him. She asks them to each buy
a stake in Paik Industries and asks Hurley for his Lottery Money that he no longer wants
to be associated with. This is how Sun buys out Paik alongside 4 other investors who
name her the CEO. The identities of the rest of the 06 are hidden through foreign bank
accounts. Sun explains the information she got about her father helping Widmore and
Jack refuses to help because he doesn’t want Sun getting involved. Sun eventually makes
Jack feel guilty and pressures him into helping.

It is September 22nd, 2007 and Sun is visiting the grave of Jin with Ji-Yeon. She turns to
find Locke standing there watching her. He has left the Island and visits Sun to tell her
that Jin is alive and that he needs her help for them to all get back. She needs to work
alongside Ben to infiltrate Widmore to get their hands on the Valenzetti book as well as

the Machine that Paik is building. This is how Sun comes to work with Ben, with the
promise of getting back to her husband on the Island.

5.4 “Family Matters”

-Charlotte Staples-Lewis Centric-


Charlotte, age 17, is reading a book, “The Voyage of the Dawn Treader” by C.S. Lewis,
to her two little sisters in her home in Bromsgrove, England. She tells the girls that their
mother, Jeanette Lewis, will be back from her trip to New York City in the morning.
Jeanette was visiting an old friend in NYC. Charlotte walks out into the kitchen where
she sees her father, P.W. Lewis, sitting on the floor sobbing with the phone in his hand.
The date on the calendar is July 17, 1996. She turns to
see what he is looking at. There is a news report on
about the explosion of TWA Flight 800 over the
Atlantic Ocean. Jeanette was on that flight, supposedly.

Charlotte is sitting in her living-room after her

mother’s funeral. There is a knock on the door and
P.W. answers it. Standing there is David Staples. David
News Report of Flight 800 crash. is Charlotte’s biological father. She isn’t happy to see
him because he hasn’t been in her life for many years.
She states that David left her and Jeanette when Charlotte was 2 years old to go live in
the US to run his company. Charlotte is also upset because David has since remarried
someone who is much younger than him. David tries to explain, but isn’t successful. He
leaves a box of photos with Charlotte that were of her mother saying, “This will help you
understand who your mother was.” Later that night, Charlotte looks at the photos. The
photos depict her mother wearing a DI jumpsuit with the Orchid Station logo on it. She
flips the picture over and the date is 8/16/78. Charlotte then picks up a photo of her
mother standing in front of Hunter College in NYC with the same exact date on the back
of the photo. Charlotte realizes her mother is lying about her past.

A few years have passed and Charlotte is dressed in all black sitting on a beach in Long
Island, NY. She is attending the funeral of her father, David Staples, at his home. Charles
Widmore comes up behind her and sits down. Charlotte tells him that somewhere over the
ocean in front of them is where her mother’s plane exploded. Charles tries to consol
Charlotte and tells her that if she ever needs money that he will help her with her degree
in anthropology. She tells him that her interest in the DI is what drove her to become a
scientist. Widmore tells her that he is also fascinated with the DI. She wants answers
about her mother’s past. She thanks him and Penny joins them to tell Charlotte that her
step-mother would like her to stand next to her during the service. Charlotte turns to look
at her step-mother and we realize that David Staples has remarried Libby.

Sometime after the polar bear discovery in Tunisia, Charlotte visits Charles Widmore at
his office in London. She tells him of the great news and that she is getting closer to the
DI. Widmore has funded her expedition to Tunisia and has
contracted Charlotte to work with him in finding the Island.
Widmore then sits Charlotte down and tells her that he wants her
to go along on the mission to the Island, but he warns her it could
be very dangerous. He tells her about Ben Linus and to not trust a
word he says about Jeanette or her father who worked at the
“Number Station”. He also reveals that he was also on the Island
in the DI days. Charlotte gets angry with him for not telling her
the truth beforehand, but tells him she will think about the
mission and get back to him. She obviously accepted. After she
Charlotte in leaves the office, Widmore calls Keamy and tells him that
Widmore’s Office Charlotte knows too much and that she must not ever leave the
Island. He plans on imprisoning Charlotte on the Island.

In the final flash we are back in the Staff Station with Jeanette giving birth to Charlotte.
David is by her side and he is talking to Widmore. It is revealed that David Staples and
Charles Widmore share the same mother, but have different fathers. Charles is Charlotte’s
uncle. David tells Widmore that after Charlotte is born, they are leaving the Island. Right
before Charlotte is born, a young Ben Linus, 17, barges in the room calling Jeanette
“Annie” and saying that he loves her and he will find her one day. Ben is escorted out by
Widmore who tells him that Annie no longer loves him and that it is over between the
two of them. Ben looks furious and heartbroken. Charlotte is then born on the island.

Real Time:

Locke stands over the hatch that Bernard discovered in

“Genesis” under the Arrow. He wants to climb down, but Juliet
suggests that she goes to the Barracks where there is a back-up
generator that can power the Island for a few days. Locke agrees
to wait and sends Juliet, along with Harper and Bernard to the
Barracks to restore power. The three leave for the Barracks and
Locke takes Richard aside and tells him that they need to have
full disclosure about what is known on the Island. Richard scoffs
at Locke and tells him that he isn’t “the one” and that he wasn’t Amelia is Amelia Earhart?
even on “the list,” but tells him that Walt was. Rose questions Locke about how long it is
taking Bernard and the others. Amelia, an Other, comforts Rose and tells her that she has
been around for a long time and everything always works out for the best. When Rose
asks Amelia about her past, Amelia hints to Rose that she is really Amelia Earhart and
108 years old.

Meanwhile, Juliet and Harper are making their way through the jungle to the Barracks.
Bernard had turned back because he felt bad for leaving Rose alone. Juliet and Harper are
still fighting about Goodwin, but bond over him as well. Juliet tells Harper that Ben
intentionally meant for Goodwin to die. Just then they hear the roar of a polar bear and

run to see what is going on. They reach the Sonic Fence where they see a polar bear
running away from it then dying. Just then, a French man runs towards them screaming
something in French. He runs into the fence and dies. Juliet shuts down the fence which
causes the power to be restored to the island. There was a power serge from a tree being
stuck in it. Juliet checks the French man and realizes his arm is missing and that he is
dead. They continue on to the Barracks.

Charlotte and Sawyer take Annie to the Barracks where Charlotte tells Sawyer of her past
and Charles Widmore. He manages to bond with her by telling her how Locke’s father,
Anthony Cooper, was brought to the island too. Sawyer also tells her how he killed him.
Just then, Harper and Juliet join them at the Barracks and they exchange stories of their
days. Out of nowhere, Jin comes plowing through the door of the house in very bad
shape. They decide to rush him to the Staff Station along with Annie. When they reach
the Staff Station, Charlotte realizes that this is where she was born, on the island.

Meanwhile, in the Arrow Station, the power is fully restored. Richard, Locke, and Rose
make their way down the hatch door and down the latter. When they hit the bottom, Rose
finds a light switch and flicks it on. The room they are looking at is completely white and
is huge with about 50 tables that fit 6 chairs at each. There are bodies everywhere. Dead
old bodies much like those found in the "Purge Ditch" but these ones are all wearing
white Dharma lab coats. The people died trying to claw their way out at the walls as if
they were trapped inside. One of the bodies' coats is visible from the front and has a logo
on it. It is a # (number sign). They call it the “Number Station” End.

Storyboard artwork of Locke, Richard and Rose discovering what’s inside the New Number Station
by: SomeArztOnYou

5.5 “Christine”
-Christine DeVries Centric-


The first flash starts with Christine talking to Penny on her cell phone about how
Desmond is going through with the Widmore sponsored boat race around the world. As
she hangs up, we realize that Christine is on the London Eye,
the world’s tallest Ferris wheel. She is with her brother, who
turns out to be George Minkowski. She makes a remark about
him being forced to retire from the US Navy and his duty on
nuclear submarines. He makes a remark about how much
money she has made working for Widmore in just a few
months. Just then, Minkowski goes into a “constant time trip”
and she panics and hits the emergency button in their cabin.
When Minkowski comes to, he says he was just on a boat
with Desmond. Christine thinks he was hallucinating from
low blood sugar due to his diabetes. George Minkowski

It is early morning September 22, 2004. Christine has started her first day at Walkabout
Publishing in Sydney, Australia. She has been planted there by Widmore to con Gary
Troupe into taking Paik’s name out of “Bad Twin.” Before Gary comes into her office she
talks with Widmore on the phone. Widmore tells Christine that it is imperative that she
trades Gary flights to LA later that day. Christine was meant to be 815, but traded Gary
tickets for the earlier flight. He accepts.

Later that day, Christine is walking through the airport on her cell phone. She is telling
whomever she is talking to that she has to take an earlier flight
and she won’t be flying with the rest of the people in her party.
Just then, she walks into Bernard, who is coming out of a door
that says “Employees Only.” Bernard apologizes and Christine
finds a seat in the waiting room next to Leslie Arzt. She has an
awkward conversation with Arzt when Gary Troupe spots her
and interrupts. She tells him that the earlier flight has been
delayed and he offers to trade her tickets back. Christine is
going to do it, but Gary tells her about his plan to propose to
Cindy upon landing in LA. Christine tells him to keep the
tickets and he does. Arzt then inquires if Christine is an
Gary Troupe international prostitute because she changes to an Australian
accent when she spoke to Gary.

We see Christine get up and walk away from Arzt and sit down in an empty seat across
the terminal. Walt walks up and asks her why she is sitting in his seat. She offers to move,
but Walt apologizes and says he is in a bad mood because he has to go to New York to live
with his father now. In conversation, we learn that Brian is the name of Christine’s ex-
husband as well as Walt’s step-father, to whom they each don’t particularly get along

with. The conversation plays out and we learn that Christine has two children about
Walt’s age whom live in LA with her parents. She left them to work with Widmore and
the children rarely get to see their father in Sydney.

In the last flash we see Christine awake in Los Angeles, in LAX airport. She goes to the
information desk to demand to know what is taking flight 815 so long to get to LA. The
attendant points to the TV monitors across the terminal and Christine goes to check it out.
There is a news report on about flight 815’s demise and the news report shows photos
taken from scans of passenger’s passports. Two of the photos were of Christine’s
children, Zach and Emma. Christine panics and realizes that Widmore had something to
do with the plane’s demise.

Real Time:

Christine arrives at an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of LA. She walks into the
warehouse to find Sun, Jack, Kate, Aaron, Sayid and Ben inside. She goes in and takes a
seat. Jack questions Christine’s involvement and Ben says they need her to ensure
Widmore’s cooperation. Just then Desmond and Penny walk into the warehouse. Penny
vouches for Christine’s trustworthiness and Desmond offers to supply a boat that he will
sail to transport the Machine, which is in a Paik warehouse in Seoul. The meeting ends
and Kate stumble’s upon Locke’s frozen corpse in a freezer. Jack says, “…we need to
keep it somewhere.” Elsewhere, Ben tells Christine that he knows of her involvement
with the Troupe con. He then tells her that he needs her to pose as a NY state Child
Welfare Officer in order to get Walt.

Jack and Christine travel to New York City to collect Walt

to get back to the island. On the way, Christine tells Jack
that Minkowski was her brother and that she got him the
job on the Freighter. She has gained Jack’s trust. They
arrive at Ms. Dawson’s house in the Bronx where Christine
poses as an official. When Walt and Christine come face to
face, they both realize they had a conversation with each
other in the Sydney airport. Walt plays along and he
convinces his grandmother that he can take care of himself.
He tells her that Jack is going to take him to see Michael Ms. Dawson reacts to Christine
and Ms. Dawson agrees to let Walt go along with them.

On the trip to JFK airport, Walt asks about Michael and Jack lies and tells Walt that he is
alive. Before they know it, Christine looks out her window and sees Matthew Abaddon
following them on the freeway. Jack pulls some reckless driving skills by slamming on
his brakes causing a pile-up of cars behind them losing Abaddon. They all fly to LA
where Christine admits to Walt that her children died on flight 815.

Elsewhere, Sun and Ben visit Santa Rosa and Hurley. Ben asks Hurley about his personal
journal he kept while he stayed at Santa Rosa the first time. Ben mentions Leonard
Simms and tells Hurley that he may be the key to finding the island. Hurley tells Ben that

Leonard was let out of the hospital a week before and Abaddon followed him. Ben and
Sun drive to Leonard’s sister’s house where he is staying. Ben tells Sun that Abaddon is a
bad guy who can not be trusted and that Abaddon used to work for Widmore, but went
rogue. Ben tells Sun that they need to break Hurley out of the mental hospital sooner than
they thought so they can collect Leonard.

Meanwhile, Sayid visits Nadia’s grave telling her that he is sorry that he is the cause of
her death. He also tells her that he has become obsessed with hunting down the people
who killed her. This is all taking place while someone is watching Sayid through a night
scope lens.

Across town, Kate is having beers with Cassidy Phillips. Kate slips up about knowing
Sawyer when Cassidy tells Kate the federal government took the money that he left
Clementine in Arizona. She then tells Cassidy she has something for her to take a look at.
Kate shows Cassidy paperwork that will make Cassidy the soul guardian of Aaron if
something were to happen to her. Cassidy agrees and they share a tearful hug. END.

5.6 “Heart of Darkness”

-Jin Kwon Centric-

Real Time:

Juliet, Harper,
Sawyer and Charlotte
help Annie and Jin to
the Staff Station
where Juliet tends to
Jin’s wounds. After
Jin’s flash story,
Charlotte finds a letter
sticking out of Jin’s The Dawn Treader Offshore
pocket. She opens it
and reads it. It is signed “Daniel” and Charlotte says that they must go find Locke,


The majority of the episode is Jin’s flash to where he has been for the past two days since
the Freighter explosion and the moving of the Island. It is set up in the style of “The
Other 48 Days” with the day number being subtitled on the screen.

Day 1: Jin is swimming in the ocean near where the Freighter went down. There is much
debris in the water around him and he sees Adelina, one of the mid-section survivors who
made the trip to the Freighter with Daniel. He manages to give her CPR and get her onto
a piece of debris so she doesn’t drown.

Day 2: Adelina is dead and Jin is about to lose hope

until he sees a mid-sized boat named “The Dawn
Treader” pull up behind him. Jin is taken aboard and
sent to the sick bay where a doctor questions him
about how he got there. Jin says he was in a plane
accident and the doctor realizes that the debris is
from a plane wreck. Just then a man comes in, who
turns out to be Leonard Simms, and tells Radzinsky,
the British/African doctor, that they passed through
the storm and that Robert is acting strange.
Djimon Hounsou as Sebastian Radzinsky leaves the room and Jin gets up to figure
Radzinsky when he finds Jin
out where he is. He opens Radzinsky’s log journal
and the date says “International Research Mission, April 23rd, 1988. Jin reads through the
journal and sees that they passed through a storm and Robert started acting strange. He
reads on to see that the crew picked up a strange transmission that was a sequence of
numbers. Suddenly, the boat hits land and Radzinsky asks Jin to help them throw supplies
overboard onto the beach. Jin helps.

Day 3: Jin is sitting on the beach as Sam Toomey walks up to him and introduces himself.
He tells Jin that he and Montand are going to go off into the jungle to find the
transmission. Jin declines the invitation and instead he grabs a gun and walks down the
beach determined to find Sun. Radzinsky catches up with Jin and joins him. Eventually,
Radzinsky questions Jin about his story, but right before Jin can get into it a group of men
wearing the yellow biohazard suits comes out of the jungle and shoots knock-out darts at
Jin and Radzinsky. This is the last we see of Radzinsky. Jin is taken to the Barracks where
he is locked up in a room. Outside the room are Olivia and Horace Goodspeed talking to
another DI member. They decide to keep the wreck a secret from the other members and
perform an unauthorized experiment on the new wreck survivors. They decide to put Jin
in Room 23 for the time being.

Meanwhile, back at the site of the boat wreck, we see Robert and Leonard talking.
Leonard has already begun his obsession with the numbers while another group of
biohazard suit wearing men shoot them with darts. It is revealed that one of the men is
Horace and he finds a very pregnant Danielle Rousseau inside their make-shift tent. Later
that night, Sam and Montand return from the jungle to find Leonard and Robert freaking
out because someone injected them with something. Robert is no long “constant time-
tripping,” but they all agree to pack up what they can and move inland to hide.

Day 14: Robert and Danielle talk about what is going to happen when she has the baby.
They also talk about how all Montand does is make maps and all Leonard and Sam do is
work on their numbers. Robert says he is starting to have his “waking dreams” again and
he thinks the injection he received on Day 3 from the DI helped them. He then says that
he plans on finding the “others” before they find them.

Day 20: Horace tells Ben that he needs Ben to release the neurological gas on the science
expedition team and that only the ones who received the injection should feel the effects.
Horace gives Ben the injections to deliver to the team. Ben asks Horace what is going on
inside the Hydra Station and Horace lies to Ben and hides Jin’s capture. Horace goes
inside to talk to Jin and he asks Jin how he got to the island and who he is. Jin tells
Horace of flight 815, but Horace doesn’t believe him. When Horace asks Jin the date, Jin
tells him it is 2004. Horace tells Jin that it is 1988 and Jin goes ballistic. Horace goes
outside and a DI employee suggests they bring in Harper. Horace says no and that he
must keep Jin a secret. Horace then radios Olivia and tells her to get Pierre ready for Jin
because he believes Jin is experiencing the “time jumps.”

Day 21: Ben reaches Danielle’s camp and pretends that his
name is Brennan and his people have lived on the island for a
very long time. He explains that the DI came to the island and
his group has been fighting them for a long time. He pulls out
the injections that Horace gave him and tells them that they
will help if they are experience “waking dreams” and that
everyone, but Danielle should take them because she is
pregnant. They believe Ben/Brennan and he leaves. Later that
evening, Ben is on his way back to the Barracks when he is
stopped by Richard. Richard tells Ben that they need Danielle’s
baby. Ben tells Richard that Horace wants the baby and that he
isn’t happy with Richard because Richard hasn’t talked to Ben
over two years. Richard says that the “purge” is ready to take Russell Fletcher as
place in the near future and they need Ben as their leader. Ben Sam Toomey
agrees to get Richard the baby.

Day 28: Danielle and her team reach the Black Rock in the “Dark Territory.” They marvel
the sight until Ben/Brennan comes running up to them warning them that the “others” are
coming to take Danielle. He tells them all to run, but Robert, Sam and Leonard stay
behind to fight. Danielle and Montand run back to their camp. On the way back to their
camp, they come across the Smoke Monster who attacks Montand and pins him in a tree.
The Smoke Monster flashes Montand several times and leaves him hanging in the tree by
his arm. Back at the Black Rock, the DI come wearing biohazard suits and set the
neurological gas agent off next to the team. When the three of them pass out, Ben walks
out from behind a tree and shoots the DI members all dead.

Day 29: Ben is in a conference with Horace who isn’t happy about how the showdown
went between the DI and the science team. Ben lies to Horace and tells him that the
pregnant woman was shot and killed along with the DI members. Horace is very angry,
but he is happy that the gas was set off. He tells Ben that he must collect those who were
infected a week later.

Meanwhile, at Danielle’s camp, she is sitting next to a fire alone and is crying. Just then,
Robert comes back with Montand, who has cut his arm off in order to free himself from
the tree. Leonard and Sam return as well.

Day 37: It is a week later and Leonard and Sam are really beginning to lose their minds
over the Valenzetti Equation. Robert is very sick and Danielle is taking care of him as
Leonard and Sam begin to get violent with each other. To scare them into calming down,
Danielle goes around to the side of their dug-out bunker to get her gun. When she does
this she is knocked out by Ben with
chloroform. When Danielle awakes later
that night, she is being watched over by
Ben/Brennan and Montand. She doesn’t
remember what happened, but Ben/Brennan
tells her and Montand that he found her
alone and bloody in a field across the
island. Montand tells her that Leonard, Sam
and Robert are missing and that she must
have killed them. Montand gets fed up with
the island and goes searching for the radio
tower. Ben stays behind to comfort Danielle
and tells her that she acted in self defense
Michael Vartan as Harold Montand at the camp
because the others were carrying the

Day 39: Horace is in the Orchid Station talking with Pierre about Jin. Horace is upset that
Pierre hasn’t gotten very far with studying Jin, but Pierre tells him that he needs some
more time and that he may have found a way to stop the “time skipping.” Horace gives
him a couple more weeks and leaves. When Horace leaves, an unseen man comes out of
the shadows holding a gun to Pierre. Pierre asks the man if he was happy with his lie. The
man says that he will be happy when Jin is back to his time. We later find out in “The
Tampa Job” that the man is Daniel Faraday.

Day 47: Danielle and Montand are outside of their camp. Danielle is beginning to go
insane and has been crying and rocking back and forth for days. Montand is upset with
her and goes off to find food. When he leaves, she reads his journal that says he is sick of
her and he thinks that he may have to “take care” of her soon. In an act of defense,
Danielle takes the firing pins out of the guns. Later that night, Montand returns and sees
that Danielle is holding a gun. He decides to get a gun for protection and when he comes
back out Danielle is pointing her gun at him accusing him of trying to kill her and her
baby. Montand pleads with Danielle, but she fires her gun shooting him above where he
lost his arm. He falls to the ground and Danielle runs off into the jungle alone.

Day 48: Danielle has a dream in which she awakes outside of the bear cages at the Hydra
Station, all though, she has never been there herself. Her entire crew is in the bear cages
and she sees Ben/Brennan and he is holding a set of keys. He then tells her that he needs
her baby to save everyone. Danielle wakes from her dream and is lying in a field close to
the Radio Tower. Ben/Brennan is standing there and she accuses him of trying to steal her
baby so she runs to the Radio Tower and locks herself in. This is where she makes her

distress call and broadcasts it over the island. She doesn’t distinguish between reality and
her dream and this is why she says that “Brennan is outside and he has the keys.”

Day 49: Danielle returns to her camp to find Robert standing there. He has been released
by the others and his death, along with Sam and Leonard, were faked. Robert asks her
where the rest of the team is and she tells him that she killed them because they had the
sickness. Seeing that Danielle has completely lost it, Brennan picks up a gun. Danielle
raises her gun to Robert and is hysterically crying as she accuses him of wanting to take
her baby. With a tear in his eye, Robert aims his gun at Danielle and pulls the trigger, but
she has taken the pins out. Seeing that Robert was about to kill her, Danielle shoots him
in the chest and he dies. She sobs out of control.

Day 59: Danielle is sitting outside of her camp holding a newborn Alex. She looks happy
for the first time in a long time. Beside her is a fresh
grave with a cross sticking out of it with Robert’s
name on it.

In the Number Station, we find Sam and Leonard

working away with the equation along side many
other people all dressed in white.

In the Orchid Station, Pierre injects Jin with an

orange liquid and puts him into the metal chamber
that Ben blew the side out of to get to the Frozen
Donkey Wheel. Unbeknown to Jin, Montand busts
into the station and demands to go with Jin to escape
the island. He succeeds and the two are transported
back to present time. Montand escapes, and as seen in
“Family Matters,” is killed in the Sonar Fence. Jin is
very drugged up, but makes it to the Barracks where
he is found by Sawyer, Juliet, Harper and Charlotte. David Wenham as Robert as he
END. confronts Danielle at camp
5.7 “…By Reason of Insanity”
-Hurley Reyes Centric-


Hurley has a dream/flash where he is re-living when he was outside the Cabin in “The
Beginning of the End.” This time, when he closes his eyes, he can’t make it disappear.
He walks into the Cabin and he finds Christian Shephard.
Christian tells Hurley that he wasn’t on the list and has been
nothing but trouble; however, the Island now needs him. He
tells Hurley that he will be visited by some old friends to
help him find his way. Hurley turns around but Christian is
gone and a forceful wind blows through the Cabin and
blows Hurley back out the door on his ass. The Smoke
Monster then begins to attack Hurley and he wakes up from
his dream.

Hurley is somehow transported to the sight of Henry Gale’s

hot air balloon crash. Hurley tries to get Henry’s attention,
but Henry can’t see or hear Hurley. Hurley watches as
Henry writes a note on a
20 dollar bill then
Henry Gale’s Balloon Crash attempts to use his
satellite phone to dial out. Eventually, Henry gets a
voice mail of someone and he leaves a message saying
that he reached the island, but his balloon was damaged
and that he is trying to get a hold of Widmore. He also
says the date is December 15th, 2003. Just then, Ben
comes out and questions Henry about who he is. Henry Henry writes note to wife
is glad to see Ben and thinks that Ben also works for
Widmore. When Ben finds out what he needs to know from Henry, he has Ethan snap his
neck and bury his body. Hurley snaps out of the flash.

This flash involves a visit with Miles. They are standing on the edge of the Barracks
where they watch as Sawyer, Charlotte, Juliet, and Harper help Jin and Annie to the
Staff. Hurley asks why it is so cold and Miles cracks a joke about the North Pole. Hurley
asks if Miles sees dead people too and Miles responds by saying that they aren’t dead,
they are “unstuck.” Miles tells Hurley that he, along with the Oceanic 6, must return to
the island to save their friends. He also warns Hurley of Abaddon.

After the encounter with Rose in the bathroom, Hurley is taken to the Number Station
where mass chaos is happening around him. Once again, he can see everyone, but no one
can see him. He watches as Rose is carried down into the station by Sawyer and Harper.
Harper says that if what is happening outside doesn’t kill Rose, what is happening to her
physically will kill her. Hurley looks down and he sees an old equation that Leonard
wrote back in 1988 during his stay on the island. He picks it up and realizes that it is the
completed Valenzetti Equation.

In this last flash, Hurley is back on Oceanic flight 815 before it crashed. He is standing in
the isle as Cindy tries to get past him, but can’t. This time, the people around him can see
and hear him. He looks at the seat in front of him and he sees Dave. Dave invites Hurley
to sit down. Dave explains to Hurley that he was never a figment of his imagination. In
fact, Dave was alive and on the plane before it crashed. Dave
tells Hurley that he actually talked to Dave on the flight and
thought he was a hallucination, but Dave had no idea what
Hurley was raving about at that point in time. Dave explains to
Hurley that after the crash he became “unstuck” and that he went
back to Santa Rosa years before to talk with Hurley. Hurley asks
Dave why he never told him about the plane crash in the past.
Dave explains that if he told him, he would never have gotten on
the plane and did what he has to do. When Hurley asks Dave
why he doesn’t remember meeting him on the plane, Dave Dave on flight 815
explains that Hurley must have lost his memory due to a head
injury in the crash. Hurley is relieved that he was never insane and he goes down the isle
telling strangers that he isn’t crazy. Just then, the plane hits turbulence and a flight
attendant forces Hurley to take his seat. Hurley sits down and, several rows ahead of
Hurley, Dave pokes his head up and says “I’m going to tell you what I told him to tell
you… (Just then Mr. Eko runs down the isle to his seat) … lift up your head and look
north!” Just then, the cockpit section of the plane rips off and Dave flies away. A suitcase
falls from the overhead and hits Hurley in the head causing him to pass out. Hurley snaps
out of the flashback and tells Ben that the island is in the Northern Hemisphere.

Real Time:

Hurley is sleeping in his bed

at Santa Rosa until he has a
dream of Christian Shephard
telling him the island needs
him. He wakes up in a panic
and looks at himself in the
mirror, where in the
background there is a strange
black man in his room. It
turns out it is Henry Gale and
Henry takes Hurley back to
the time he had his balloon Hurley watching as Kate’s car explodes at Santa Rosa

The next day Hurley researches Henry Gale and learns that he departed from Bahia de
Caraquez, Ecuador and is declared dead. Kate then comes to visit Hurley and she asks
him if it’s true that he sees dead people. When Hurley tells Kate that he does, she tells
him that she saw Claire in a dream the night before. This is the dream Kate had in the
season 4 finale. Hurley goes into more detail and he tells Kate that she isn’t supposed to
raise Aaron. Kate storms out of Santa Rosa to the parking lot where she hits her car alarm

button on her keys. A nurse tells Kate she forgot her cell phone so Kate goes back to get it
as her car explodes. She had almost been killed. At the same time Hurley is watching
from the yard when he gets a cryptic visit from Miles.

Meanwhile, Jack and Walt are at Jack’s apartment when someone knocks on Jack’s door
and leaves a box outside of it. He picks it up and hears it is clicking. He throws the box
down the hall and slams his door just in time as the box explodes. Jack and Walt get out
of there.

Across town, at that same time, Christine is at her mom’s house taking a swim in the
pool. When she emerges from the water, she sees Abaddon sitting there staring at her. He
tells her that she will never get back to the island to see her children and hints that he is
going to kill Jack.

That night, Sayid goes to break Hurley out of Santa Rosa as seen in the season 4 finale.
They need Leonard to solve the Valenzetti Equation. They drive to the home of Leonard’s
sister and they see him playing Connect Four on the front porch. Sayid tells Hurley that
he needs him to get Leonard. After some convincing, Hurley goes and talks to Leonard,
who doesn’t budge. Suddenly, there are bullets flying past Hurley’s head. He runs to the
car with Leonard in tow as Sayid has a gun fight with the shooter. Eventually, Sayid
shoots the man and they take off to the Hideout House where Ben and Sayid have been

Because of the attempts on their lives, Jack and Kate

are already at the Hideout House and they are fighting
about how Kate is giving Cassidy custody of Aaron if
something happens to her. Sayid is in a room trying to
get Leonard to do the equation, but is having no luck.
Hurley goes to the bathroom after being insulted by
Sayid and that is where he sees Rose, who convinces
Hurley that everyone on the island needs him more
than ever. In his flash, he sees the solved equation in
Hideout House, South Central LA
the Number Station and shows Leonard. Leonard tells
Hurley that the island is evil and that he went crazy because no one has ever believed him
about its existence. Hurley tells Leonard that he isn’t crazy and Leonard is finally acting
normal after 19 years. Leonard finds the island; however, he can’t determine whether or
not it is in the Northern or Southern Hemisphere. It is a 50/50 shot.

In the kitchen, Penny, Desmond and Christine arrive where they talk about Widmore’s life
being in jeopardy and Jack says that the only person who needs him is Ben. Jack says that
Ben could die as long as they take his body to the island. Ben assures Jack that they need
him alive and well. Christine goes outside and Jack goes to comfort her. They have an
intimate moment as Kate watches out the window.

Over the mid-west, Widmore is on his private jet on his way to LA. He gets a phone call
from someone telling him to be smart and not screw anything up. It is only 10a.m. and
Widmore is already drinking MacCutcheon whiskey.

The next morning Sayid offers to take Leonard home, Hurley wants to go, but Sayid
urges him to stay behind. Hurley stays behind and confronts Ben about the killing of
Henry Gale. Hurley threatens to kill Ben if he hurts his friends. Meanwhile, Sayid takes
Leonard to a warehouse where Leonard thinks he is going to be killed. Instead, Sayid
gives Leonard a briefcase full of cash, a fake passport and a car. He tells him to disappear.
Leonard goes into the warehouse to get his car and Sayid leaves. Sayid calls someone and
tells them that Leonard is taken care of. The voice on the phone says, “No, now it is taken
care of,” as the warehouse Leonard is in explodes.

Elsewhere, Abaddon meets with Casear, an Italian man in his 40’s. Casear threatens
Abaddon to get the job done. Abaddon assures Casear that everything is going as
planned. Casear references to “she” and said she won’t be happy if he screws this up.

Back at the Hideout House, Hurley flashes again to Dave who tells Hurley to “lift up
your head and look north.” Hurley realizes the island is in the Northern Hemisphere. Ben
puts a push pin in Antarctica and says that it is their departure point. End.

5.8 “Secret Agent Man”

-Bernard Nadler Centric-


Two men, dressed in black SWAT team like get-ups, swing through the windows of a
high rise in Paris. One man runs to the back bedroom and the other runs to the couch
where there is a woman sitting. Her
name is Madame M. Curie-Lamèch.
The first guy holds up a photo of
someone and she says that he left
earlier that day. The second man
comes out of the bedroom and says
that the guy isn’t there. The first man
goes to the desk and rummages
through it. He comes across a note to
M. Curie which tells her he conned
her. The second guy knocks M. Curie
out as the first man flips up his helmet
cover. It is Bernard and he says they
Bernard and his CIA partner breaking into apartment just missed the suspect.

A few years later in 1976, we see Bernard in the office of CIA director General Talbot.
Talbot commends Bernard for his work as an information officer, but not as much a field
operator. He tells Bernard that he will never be Rambo, then hands Bernard the book,
“First Blood” by David Morrell. Bernard tells Talbot that he is ready to retire because he
wants a normal life. When Talbot asks Bernard what he is going to do with the 4.8
million dollar bonus from the US government, Bernard says he is going to open up his
own dental office. Talbot tells Bernard that he must change his identity for safety reasons
and Bernard reveals that his real last name is Landsworth, not Nadler. Talbot tells
Bernard that his wife must also change her name. Bernard was married before Rose.

Many years have passed and Bernard and Rose are in the New York City courthouse after
having just been married. On their way out, Rose realizes she forgot something in the
judge’s chambers. She goes back for it and Bernard has an encounter with Matthew
Abaddon. Abaddon tells Bernard he knows of Rose’s cancer and he gives Bernard a
brochure for Isaac of Uluru in Australia. Abaddon tells Bernard that he can heal Rose and
that one day, Abaddon will ask for a favor in return.

A few months later, Bernard is at his office and he gets a message to meet Emily at the
World Café in Times Square. Bernard goes to the meeting and passes Ms. Dawson at the
café. He then spots Emily, who is sitting in a wheelchair with oxygen tanks. It turns out
that Emily is actually Diane Janssen, Kate’s mother. Diane changed her name in ’76
when Bernard left the CIA. She tells Bernard that Abaddon visited her and threatened to
blow the whistle on her past if she didn’t convince Bernard to do a favor for him. She
tells him that all she has left in her life is her name. Bernard agrees to do it for her. She
leaves him with a folder and 2 plane tickets for him and Rose on Oceanic flight 815.

Bernard and Rose are in the Sydney airport waiting to

board flight 815 when he tells her he has to use the
bathroom. Bernard goes through a door marked as
Employee’s only and down under the terminal where he
finds the checked baggage for the flight. He finds a
suitcase marked with a red cross and opens it. It is the
Suitcase Device. He turns it on and takes a remote
control device from the case. When he attempts to go
back into the terminal, he is stopped by a security guard
who is about to take him to the airport police. That is
until he gets a radio call about an Iraqi causing trouble.
He lets Bernard off with a warning. Bernard comes out Rose and Bernard Sydney airport
of the Employees Only door and run into Christine as
he did in 5.5, “Christine.” He passes Cindy, who calls Abaddon to tell him that Bernard
did his job. The camera cuts to the inside of the plane during the flight. Bernard looks at
his watch and gets up to go to the bathroom where he pulls out the remote control. He is
about to push a button, but the plane hits turbulence and he drops the remote into the
toilet and accidentally flushes it. He didn’t complete the mission that Abaddon had for
him. Abaddon promised Bernard the device would interfere with a terrorist plot aboard
the plane. Bernard feels horrible and he is forced into a seat in the tail-section of the plane

by a flight attendant. The plane tears apart directly in front of Bernard and he is sucked
out of the plane.

Real Time:

Bernard is on his way back from his departure from Juliet and Harper to the Barracks
when he finds himself lost and stumbles upon Danielle’s expedition camp in the jungle.
He sees the grave of Robert and he goes inside of the dugout where he opens a chest that
has a winter parka and the maps of the island drawn by Montand. Bernard realizes he’s
seen Robert’s name before and flashes
back to Paris. Bernard reads the maps
and he sees a Dharma Logo on it. He
thinks that it must be the Arrow, so he
follows the map there. Bernard finds
out that the station on the map is
actually the Tempest Station. Bernard
makes his way to the Tempest and
finds a secret room inside. In the room
is a lot of electronic maps of the island
and the label above them are a
temperature index. Bernard thinks it is
an index of the outside temperature,
which must be wrong because the
maps read that it is hot, but it is cold
outside. He finds paperwork regarding
the “Pythia Experiment” with photos Bernard reaches the Tempest Station
of Leonard, Sam and Robert. The
gasses used to make them hallucinate were mainly methane which was supplied by the
island’s underground volcano pressure. Bernard by mistake knocks over a computer and
hits a button releasing the gasses. A valve in the room breaks and the room is sealed off
trapping Bernard.

Meanwhile, in the Staff, Juliet and Sawyer treat Jin, who wakes up in an outrage. Juliet
pulls out a syringe to sedate him and she sees an orange stain on his arm from a recent
injection. She realizes that she’s seen the orange substance before and decides to go out
and confront Richard. Charlotte confronts Harper about her mother. Charlotte noticed
that Harper looked particularly shocked to see Annie and demands answers. Harper lies to
Charlotte and tells her that she doesn’t know anything about her mother except that she
has telekinetic abilities. Harper tells Charlotte that there is a file on her mother in the
Number Station.

In the Number Station, Locke and Richard speak about how Locke wasn’t on the list.
Richard tells him that Jacob must need him for something now. Locke finds a door in the
room and wants to go inside, but it’s locked. They start checking pockets of the DI
workers and Locke comes across a drawing of a man in a boat with light pouring out of
his head. There is a suitcase sitting beside him with a cross on it. Upstairs, Rose and

Amelia are worried about the others and their food ration when Juliet and Charlotte come
in. Charlotte demands to see Locke about the letter she found from Daniel on Jin in
“Heart of Darkness.” Charlotte goes downstairs to Locke and she reveals that there is a
key in the envelope that opens the door to the locked room. Locke opens the door and a
blinding light pours out of it. Upstairs, Rose asks Juliet about Bernard. When Rose
realizes Bernard is out there alone, on his own, she rushes out to find him. Juliet follows.

Meanwhile, in the Tempest’s secret room, Bernard awakes as the room is now being re-
opened by the quarantine system. Bernard turns to see Ana-Lucia standing there. Ana-
Lucia tells Bernard that he has brought her to him and that he has started a chain of
events that can not be stopped when he hit that button. She tells him that he has a mission
and he must find the Suitcase Device. On his way out of the station, he runs into Rose and
Juliet. He is hallucinating from the methane and he thinks that Rose is Diane/Emily
Janssen. He tells her that he will find the device for the good of the island and he runs
out. Juliet tells Rose that he is hallucinating and that there is a volcano under the island
that hasn’t been active in hundreds of years. She tells Rose that wherever the island
moved, it must be sitting on an active fault line because there are large amounts of

In the Number Station, Locke enters the locked room and the door slams behind him. He
meets with Christian Shephard who seems unhappy with Locke. He tells Locke that he
told him to move the island, not Ben. He then tells Locke that his work is now off island
and this makes Locke angry. Locke leaves the Arrow in search of Jacob’s Cabin.
Charlotte goes into the room and she finds an envelope with a video in it addressed to
John Locke, 2009. There is also a photo of Annie who is
apparently levitating an upside down bicycle. Charlotte turns
to leave the room and Miles, who was dragged away by the
Smoke Monster in 5.2 “Genesis,” is standing there with a gun
in her face.

John reaches Jacob’s Cabin and when inside he finds Claire.

She gives John a list of people who must return to the island,
including an unknown man, Kaname T. They are the list of
people who were there when the island was last stable, before
Desmond turned the fail-safe key in the Swan. She tells John
he must bring Kate back and to find Bernard because Bernard
has something that Locke needs.

Bernard is running through the jungle trying to complete his Stewart as General Talbot
mission that Ana-Lucia gave him. Bernard, still hallucinating, sees General Talbot and
Madame M. Curie-Lamèch in real time, but they are from his flashbacks. General Talbot
points upwards into the tree where Bernard was stuck in after the crash. On a limb beside
the tree is the Suitcase Device. Bernard climbs the tree and gets the device, but he falls
out of the tree and lands flat on his back. He completed his mission, but is gravely
injured. End.

5.9 “Ghost In The Machine”

-Machine/Suitcase Device Centric-


Penny meets with Mathias at a park in London. She thanks him for finding Desmond and
the tracking device she put on “The Elizabeth.” She pays him a large amount of money
and tells him to get out of London before her father finds him. Mathias leaves and goes to
his car in the parking garage. Widmore pulls up in his limo and one of his henchmen put a
blindfold on Mathias. Widmore looks up and sees Tom is videotaping him. Widmore has
someone videotaping the abduction as well. He later shows the tape to Naomi, as seen in
5.1 “Incidentals.” Inside the limo Widmore demands to know why Mathias double
crossed him. Widmore asks Mathias if the anomaly he detected in the Antarctic was from
a manmade device or if it were larger. Mathias tells him that he thinks there was a
discharge from the Swan Station, S2 Finale. Widmore reveals that Mathias used to work
for the DI on the island. Widmore knocks Mathias out
and calls Paik to tell him that the Suitcase Device was
not used to take down flight 815; fate stepped in and
took the plane down without Bernard’s help. The
Suitcase Device is in Ben’s hands now. He tells Paik to
being a new device, which is the Machine that Sun finds
in Paik’s warehouse in 5.3, “The Sun Also Rises.”

Juliet is outside of Room 23 and she checks the chart for

Cindy Chandler as she writes the date next to the
"Patient Check" as 11/9/04. Ben comes in and asks
Juliet if Cindy has said anything about the Device. Juliet
says that Bernard put it on the plane as he was supposed
to, but apparently he didn’t need to use it. Ben tells
Juliet that the device works due to Holmium and
negative electromagnetism. Ben radios Tom and tells
Juliet’s reaction to Julian’s father him to search for it. Ben then hands Juliet a document
with the name of Rachel’s baby’s, Julian, father. Rachel had been inseminated with
donated sperm. Juliet’s face looks surprised as Ben says, “…so you see why it's in your
best interest to help, Juliet?”

Harper is in the Number Station with Dr. Timothy Leary as they set off the “Pythia” gas
that Horace used on Danielle’s team in 5.6, “Heart of Darkness.” They put on gas masks
and gas all the other patients in the room, including Sam Toomey and Leonard Simms.
Sam draws the drawing that Locke found in 5.8, “Secret Agent Man” that depicts a man
on a boat with the Suitcase Device. Harper shows the drawing to Dr. Leary, who puts it in
his pocket, the pocket of the corpse Locke found it in. An alarm sounds and Harper and
Dr. Leary look panicked as they try to escape up the ladder to the Arrow station before it
is sealed up. Sam and Leonard also run for the ladder causing Dr. Leary to fall off. Sam
and Leonard get out and attempt to seal Harper in, but she manages to get out in time.
Leonard knocks Harper unconscious as they make their escape.

In 1996 at JFK airport in New York City, Tom confronts Jeanette/Annie Lewis and tells
her that he needs to speak to her about the DI. Reluctantly, Annie agrees and she follows
him into a side corridor where Ben is waiting for
them. Ben tells Annie that they need her on the
island and she turns to run out, but not before Tom
shoots her with a tranquilizer. Tom asks Ben if her
flight is taken care of and Ben nods his head. Ben
set up the crash of TWA flight 800 so he could
abduct Annie with everyone thinking she is dead.
He needs Annie to complete the Machine he is
building on the island. The scene cuts to the
Orchid Station where Annie is strapped down to a
chair in a room. Richard injects Mathias with the
orange substance and Mathias steps into the
Mathias has teleported to Portugal
Chamber. Ben tells Mathias to call Mikhail as
soon as he gets to Portugal. Richard turns on the Machine and the Chamber fills with
light as Annie, strapped up to wires and a metal helmet, appears to be in total pain. The
Chamber is opened and Mathias is gone. Ben radios Mikhail and Mikhail tells Ben that
Mathias checked in 10 minutes ago from Portugal. Richard says the experiment was a
success and that he can harness Annie’s telekinetic abilities so they won’t need to use her
anymore. Ben looks at Annie in the room, with her nose bleeding, as a tear forms in his

The scene takes place in a loft in Los Angeles. Locke is packing a suitcase and the
Suitcase Device is sitting next to his bed as someone knocks on the door. Locke opens it
and it is Richard. Richard comes in and tells Locke that the island is demanding a
sacrifice, Locke. Richard tells Locke that if Locke doesn’t die, then they will all die on
the island. Locke understands and he puts a rope across a beam on the ceiling. He stands
on a chair and is about to kick it out from under him, but he can’t. Richard walks over to
Locke and kicks the chair out from under him. Locke struggles for life, but Richard
apologizes and picks up the Suitcase Device. He also takes the list of returnees that
Claire gave Locke in 5.8 out of his pocket. Richard takes the device and walks out of the
room leaving Locke for dead.

Real Time:

Jack, Kate, Desmond, Penny, Ben, Christine, Widmore, Walt, Sayid, Sun, Hurley and
Aaron are all aboard a cargo plane along with the Machine from Paik’s factory. When
Jack asks Penny how she secured their destination, she tells him that it is the Listening
Station that she had Henrik and Mathias stationed at to find Desmond via the tracking
device she planted on “The Elizabeth” that Libby gave Desmond. Penny had Libby give
Desmond the boat so she could keep an eye on him. Libby was Penny’s aunt because
Libby was married to David Staples, Widmore’s half brother. Hurley asks Jack how he
found the pilot, which turns out to be Frank Lapidus, and Jack says that he loves
conspiracies. The plane lands in the Antarctic.

They all enter the station and Penny hugs Henrik, who turns out to be her ex-fiancé after
Desmond left her. He broke up with Penny because of her obsession over finding
Desmond. Henrik tells them the exact spot they need to fly over and activate the device to
arrive on the island, which is on the opposite side of the world. Ben gives Jack the exact
data to enter into the Machine incase something happens to Ben before they take off.
Kate questions Jack about his intentions with Christine and Jack reassures Kate that he is
doing this to help Zach and Emma for her. Christine tears up and goes outside where Jack
comforts her. When he is hugging her she takes the data Ben gave him out of his pocket.
Inside, Desmond and Penny are saying their goodbyes to everyone and tell them that
Henrik is going to fly them back to the mainland. Ben pulls a gun on Desmond and tells
him that he must go along for everything to be right. Desmond calls his bluff and Ben
shoots Henrik giving Desmond no choice but to go. Desmond attacks Ben and the gun
goes flying. Sayid picks up the gun and aims it at Desmond, but Hurley grabs Sayid’s arm
and the gun goes off hitting Penny. Penny falls to the floor. Outside, they hear the plane
start. Christine has hijacked the plane with Widmore, and unknowingly Walt, still on it.
She has a gun to Frank’s head and demands he takes off. Once they are over the spot,
Christine activates the Machine and they disappear over the Antarctic sky. The people left
behind are defeated as they watch the flash in the sky from the plane departure to the

Ben, Hurley, Kate and Jack watch as Christine hijacks the plane. Sun runs after in desperation.
Storyboard Artwork by: SomeArztOnYou

Elsewhere, Abaddon meets with Alvar Hanso. Abaddon slides the list of returnees that
Claire gave Locke towards Alvar and tells him that they won’t be getting back to the
island because he has an inside man within the 06. Alvar looks very sick and has tubes
coming out of him into medical machines. Abaddon leaves the room holding the suitcase
device. Somehow, Abaddon got the device from Richard after Richard killed Locke.

On the island, Rose and Juliet find Bernard, who has fallen from a tree when trying to get
the Suitcase Device. When Rose picks up Bernard’s head, a rock is dislodged and
Bernard bleeds to death. Locke and Harper come out and find the others. Locke sees the
Suitcase Device and realizes that it is the same drawn on the picture he took from Dr.
Leary’s pocket. Harper looks interested in the device as well. Harper suggests they bury
Bernard on the beach nearby, where the tail-section crashed.

Meanwhile, Miles has Charlotte at gunpoint as they make their way to the Staff Station
where Annie is with Jin and Sawyer. Miles tells Charlotte that he has to kill Annie, much
like Cindy said, in order for things to go as they need to go so everyone doesn’t die. Once
at the Staff Station, Miles holds them all hostages and begins to go a bit crazy from
hearing voices all around him. Annie jumps up and Miles shoots at her, but somehow,
because of Annie’s telekinetic abilities, she stops the bullet before it reaches her. Sawyer
tackles Miles and Jin holds him down.

Later on the beach, there is a service for Bernard. Juliet, Locke and Rose speak on his
behalf, but before the end of the ceremony there is a bright flash in the sky and a cargo
plane appears out of nowhere. It is Christine, Frank, Walt and Widmore after Christine
hijacked the plane and used the Machine. In the ocean, they see a boat coming close to
shore. These are the visitors Claire told Locke about. END.

5.10 “The Eyes Have It”

-Miles Straume Centric-


The flashback begins with Miles

waking up in a cave with no escape
but above him. He is laying on a
stone slap and he sits up to see a 3
The Smoke Monster
foot wide hole in the wall. Miles
goes over to it and he hears the Smoke Monster. Smokes starts pouring out of the hole
and Miles panics and calls for help. Eventually the entire room is a smoke cloud and
Miles is in the center of it. Through the cloud we can see bits and pieces of memories
from people who have been flashed. Eventually the camera pans through the cloud and
the Smoke Monster flashes Miles hundreds of times really quickly. Miles gains all of the
memories from the Smoke Monster.

The rest of the flashbacks are all from the first person point of view, which means the
camera, is the eyes of the character whose flashback it is. The flashes are all memories
that were taken by the Smoke Monster when it physically flashed the people it
encountered. The flashes are through Miles because he somehow communicated with the
Smoke Monster and gained the memories from it.

The first is a memory of Miles when he lived in Los Angeles. Miles meets a friend, who
is a gang member, in an alleyway that is being surrounded by the police. The friend
refuses to give up without a fight and pulls a gun on the police. Miles is put on the ground
by one of the police officers. Ana-Lucia is one of them and when the gang member fires
his gun, Ana pulls the trigger shooting Miles. Miles later wakes up in a morgue after
being dead for eight hours.

The second memory is of Harold Montand from 1976. Montand sleeps with Madame
M.Curie-Lamèch and talks to her about how he is a criminal. He asks her how her
company would feel about this. She says she doesn’t care. When Montand goes to the
kitchen to get wine, M. Curie snoops through his bag and finds a document with Il
Destino Sinergina’s logo on it. Montand drugs her wine and she passes out. Montand then
steals information from her desk regarding the location of the island pre-1979 when it
was moved. He calls Widmore and tells him to pack his bags. He found the island.
Montand writes M. Curie the note that Bernard finds when he breaks into M. Curie’s
apartment later on. Bernard was looking for Montand for the CIA, but Montand escaped.

The third memory is of the captain of the Black Rock. The Black Rock is being attacked
by pirates and the captain is knocked out. When he awakes, he finds himself in his
chambers with the lead pirate telling him that they are stealing his ship full of British
convicts being transported to Australia. In an attempt to
escape, the captain stabs the eye out of another pirate
and grabs the ships log, which was later sold to Widmore
at the auction in London. Before the captain is taken
prisoner on his own ship by the pirates, he manages to
give the journal to MacCutcheon, a 15 year old
shipmate, who will later grow up to be the famous
general and whiskey maker. He tells MacCutcheon to get
it to the Royal Court so they can find and help him.

The fourth flash is when the captain wakes up and finds

that the ship had somehow been transported to the
The Black Rock at sea middle of an island. He questions another naval officer
and the officer tells him that the island just appeared under the ship. Convicts are
escaping out of the side of the ship and suddenly there are men in loincloths shooting
arrows at everyone. The captain runs into the jungle where he encounters the Smoke
Monster and is flashed. Richard, who was a convict on the ship, ends up saving the
captain of the Black Rock.

The last memory is a flash forward of Jack Shephard. Apparently, the Smoke Monster
can also take future memories of someone. Jack must have been flashed by the monster
when he got separated from Charlie and Kate in the Pilot Episode. The flash shows Jack
confronting Abaddon in an abandoned office building. He demands to know where
Kaname T. and Sun are and Abaddon refuses to tell him. To prove that Jack is serious, he
turns and shoots Hurley, who is tied to a chair, in the arm. Jack says that Abaddon needs
Hurley in order for his plan to come to fruition. Abaddon tells Jack where Kaname is and
Jack takes a DS , Il Destino Sinergia, ring, much like Charlie’s, off of Abaddon. Kate is
tied up in the corner sobbing. As Jack leaves the room he passes Desmond and Ben. Ben
says that they will leave for the island in two days. Jack steps over the body of Sayid,
who is on the floor surrounded by blood, and walks out.

Real Time:

The scene starts within the cargo plane that Christine has hijacked with Widmore, Walt
and Frank on board. Widmore finds a parachute and jumps out of the plane. Christine and
Walt prepare for a crash landing. The camera cuts to black then reopens with Christine
running from the Smoke Monster through the jungle. She looses her footing and falls
down an embankment and almost off of a cliff.

Locke and Juliet shield their eyes from the blinding light of the Machine as Widmore jumps to safety.
Storyboard Artwork By: SomeArztOnYou

On the beach, Locke tells Richard to scout out the plane wreckage. Richard takes off
while the rest of the crowd waits for the boat that they saw offshore at the end of the
previous episode. Eventually, in a small raft, a fisherman comes to shore. He speaks
Dutch, but we learn that his name is Giovanni Boccaccio, originally an Italian. He tells
them that he was fishing off of the north of Greenland when suddenly he saw a bright
flash and lost control of his ship’s navigation instruments. When Giovanni begins to
question his whereabouts, Locke has Juliet knock him out and tie him up. Having this
situation under control, Locke has Juliet go help Richard.

Meanwhile, Christine finds herself lying

next to the edge of a cliff. She accidentally
falls over the side, but her arm gets caught in
some vines. Richard finds her and helps her
up, but then he pins her to a tree and
demands answers. In a fit of panic, Christine
knees Richard in the privates and takes off
into the jungle. Richard starts off after her.

In the Staff Station, they hear the crash of

the cargo plane. Sawyer takes off to find out
what the noise was and leaves Charlotte and Christine lying on the edge of a cliff after her
Jin alone with Miles. Charlotte questions Jin Smoke Monster encounter
about where he was for the missing four days. He tells her of Montand and Miles flashes
Montand’s story. Later, Christine, along with Annie, Miles and Jin head out into the
jungle to get to the Arrow Station. On their way, they come across Widmore and
Charlotte is very unhappy to see him. She questions him about his intentions and he says
that he is going to move the island with the help of Annie, but first he wants to see the
Black Rock. Miles flashes the story of the Black Rock on the way. He also tells Widmore
that Jack is coming to the island. Miles flashes Jack’s future memory.

Richard is in the jungle looking for Christine when he happens

upon Claire. Claire tells Richard that he must correct Locke’s
mistakes and bring Kate back to the island. When Sawyer is out
in the jungle he crosses paths with the Smoker Monster. Sawyer
is running through the jungle from it when he passes Richard.
Richard turns to find Claire gone and he too runs with Sawyer
from the Smoke Monster. They have no place to run and they
jump into a lake. The Smoke Monster stops on the edge and
leaves them alone. Sawyer and Richard get out of the water and
Richard suggests they strip off their clothes to avoid getting
hypothermia. Just as they are standing there naked, Frank comes
Claire confronts Richard out of the jungle and finds them. Frank cracks a joke then tells
them they need to get to the cargo plane. The three make it to the cargo plane.

On the beach, Locke confronts Harper about what she knows of the Suitcase Device. He
noticed she looked interested in it and to force information out of her he pulls a gun on
her. She eventually tells him of the “Pythia Experiment” she did on Leonard and Sam.
She explains to Locke that the gasses made the men hallucinate and
possibly predict the future. She didn’t believe it until she saw the
Suitcase Device and the drawing Sam did. She tells John that she
thinks the drawing is of him. She also tells John that it is the tip of
the iceberg. She tells John about the Temple and she takes him to it.

Before he leaves, Locke tells Rose and Amelia to keep an eye on

Amelia takes Giovanni. While on watch, Christine comes out of the jungle and
Giovanni’s ring spots Zach and Emma on the beach playing with sea shells. When
she runs over to them, they don’t remember her or the fact that she is their mother. She
questions Amelia and Amelia sends a red-shirt to take Christine back to the Arrow to
keep an eye on her. Rose notices Giovanni has the same DS ring that Charlie had. Rose
pulls the ring out of her pocket and she begins to wonder about the DS. Amelia notices
the ring and apologizes to Rose before she punches her in the face knocking her out.
Amelia then takes the gun that Juliet left behind and shoots Giovanni in the forehead.

Juliet is at the plane crash site and she is almost crushed by the Machine that busted out
of the back of the plane upon arrival. Luckily, Walt is there and saves her life. End.

5.11 “Our Mutual Friend”

-Desmond Hume Centric-


Desmond flashes to his encounter of

Penny at the Stadium in LA where he
met Jack. Penny tells him that she
can’t wait forever and Des agrees. It is
a few weeks before the beginning of
the Widmore sailing race around the
world and Desmond is lying in bed
next to a woman. The woman turns
over and we see that it is Libby. Libby “Elizabeth” Libby in Santa Rosa as Desmond visits
rolls over and realizes that Des is
thinking about Penny, so she goes into the bathroom. She isn’t acting herself and she
seems like there is a lot going on in her head. Desmond calls Penny and leaves her a
voicemail. He then goes to comfort Libby, but the bathroom door is locked. He breaks it
down and finds that Libby has slit her wrists and is lying in the bath tub. He calls 911.

The day before the race, Desmond goes to Santa Rosa to visit Libby. Nurse Cratchit tells
him that she is suffering from multiple personality disorder. When Desmond talks to
Libby, she tells him that her name isn’t Elizabeth, but it is Libby and that she is on a field

study as a psychologist at Santa Rosa studying the insane people. Desmond feels horrible
that Libby is so delusional, but gets up to leave. When he does, Libby tells him that
Elizabeth has a message for him. Libby allows Elizabeth to come forward and Elizabeth
tells him that Il Destino Sinergia is trying to change the course of the world. It is up to
him to save everyone. She tells him that he is the key and that he must use it. Desmond
leaves and on the way he runs into Carmen Reyes. She is bringing Hurley to the
institution for the first time. Desmond looks down and Hurley and Desmond miss each
other by seconds.

When at “simon’s pLace,”

Desmond flashes back to 1986
when he was 18 years old and
working at the Butlin’s Resort in
Wales. We see Charlie learning
how to swim with Liam and Simon
as a young boy calls Desmond’s
name. The boy tells him that the
boss needs to see him. The boss
tells Desmond that a co-worker, Simon Pace teaches Charlie how to swim at Butlin’s, 1988
Linda, is late and she needs him to
set up the conference room. She also tells him to make sure he puts out a bottle of
MacCutcheon whiskey. After setting up the room, Desmond begins to exit, but walks into
Dexter Stratton, Charlie’s great grandfather. Stratton offers Desmond a drink of
MacCutcheon, but he hears Widmore coming. Desmond leaves in a hurry and misses
Widmore by a second. The, Desmond sees Brother Campbell enter the room as well.
Linda, the late co-worker, comes up to Desmond and they listen in on the meeting.
Stratton tells them that they have Montand ready to go on the fake science expedition to
find the island, but they need to secure more unknowing people to make it look real.
Widmore asks if “she” is coming and they say she isn’t. Widmore believes that “she”
doesn’t actually exist. We later find out that “she” is Ms. Hawking. Stratton says that they
must find out what Valenzetti is up to. This is a meeting of Il Destino Sinergia.

When visiting Brother Campbell, Desmond flashes back to the circumstances that made
him cross paths with him. Desmond realizes that his old friend, Donovan, had been trying
to talk him out of marrying Ruth because Brother Campbell had paid him to do so.
Brother Campbell takes Desmond to the monastery. The next day, Desmond wakes to
find Brother Campbell sitting across the room. They talk about Desmond’s stay at the
monastery then Brother Campbell goes outside and tells a black man that Desmond has
been secured. They shake hands and it is revealed that the black man is wearing a DS

Desmond’s life flashes before his eyes after he shoots himself in the head. In the flashes
we see that Ms. Hawking was at every major event of Desmond’s life from the time he
was born.

Real Time:

Jack is piloting Henrik’s plane off of Antarctica and is planning on landing in New
Zealand where they can all catch international flights home. Jack can fly small planes as
we learned in the “Pilot” episode. He tells Kate that they should just give up about
getting back to the island. In the back of the plane, Desmond is holding Penny’s lifeless
body. She has died. Hurley thinks it is best to get rid of her body before landing in New
Zealand so there aren’t any questions about her death. Desmond decides to let Penny’s
body go over the ocean. It is very emotional as Desmond says goodbye to Penny and has
a look of hopelessness in his eyes.

Ben, Hurley and Sayid all take separate flights from Desmond, Aaron, Kate and Jack.
When arriving in Los Angeles, Aaron is playing with Charlie’s DS ring. Desmond notices
it and asks Kate where she got it. She tells him and Desmond takes the ring from her right
before Kate is arrested for breaking her parole. Kate is taken to prison as Jack calls his
mom telling her that he will be home soon. Because Kate is arrested, Aaron is given to
Cassidy due to Kate’s custody agreement with her. Desmond goes to the bookshop and
buys a copy of “Our Mutual Friend,” the book he will read before he dies. Desmond is
planning suicide.

Jack goes home to his mother’s house where he finds family and friends waiting for him.
His mother, Margo, has put together an intervention because she believes Jack is drinking
again. Jack freaks out on everyone and forces them to leave after he realizes that the
people on the island are the ones who
truly care about him. Sarah Shephard is
there and she tells Jack that everything
will be ok and that Christian truly loved
him. Jack then notices a photo of
Christian with Cindy chandler on the
fireplace that he never saw before. Jack
asks Sarah if she knows anything about
Christian and Cindy’s relationship and
Sarah gives Jack some advice she tells Jack they she has seen them
meet before about a group they both
belong to. She tells Jack that it is Il Destino Sinergia. Jack goes to visit Kate the next day
in prison where Kate demands that Jack finds a way to get Aaron back from Cassidy.
Jack tells Kate that he needs to find out about his father’s involvement with Cindy and
the DS. Kate gets furious and tells Jack to leave. When Jack goes outside he sees
Matthew Abaddon on the phone standing next to his car. Jack chases Abaddon through
the streets of LA, but Jack is hit by a car and Abaddon gets away. Jack, completely find
from the accident, goes back to Abaddon’s car and retrieves his laptop.
Desmond arrives in the UK and sought out Charlie’s father, Simon’s butcher shop. Before
he goes in, Desmond receives another mysterious phone call from someone who keeps
calling him, but doesn’t say anything. Desmond hangs up and goes to visit Simon to give
him Charlie’s ring. Simon tells Desmond that the ring belonged to Charlie’s great-
grandfather, Dexter Stratton. Desmond sees a photo of Charlie’s family at Butlin’s

Holiday Camp in Wales. Desmond flashes back and realizes that Brother Campbell has
been in Desmond’s past before. Desmond leaves, but not before he tells Simon that
Charlie was a hero and saved the lives of everyone who got off the island. Desmond then
visits Brother Campbell at the monastery and Brother Campbell tells Desmond that he is
part of Il Destino Sinergia. Desmond sees the picture of Brother Campbell and Ms.
Hawking on the desk and Brother Campbell directs Desmond to visit her. Desmond
finally visits Ms. Hawking and she tells him that Desmond has constantly been watched
his entire life by her, personally. She tells him that his life has been completely controlled
by the DS and she tells Desmond that he has never had any free will. Desmond, in an
attempt to take control of his own destiny, shoots himself in the head. Ms. Hawking calls

Back at the Hideout house, Hurley finally arrives and Sayid breaks away from Ben telling
him that he doesn’t take orders
from him anymore. Sayid is
feeling guilty about accidentally
killing Penny and he leaves.
Later, we see Sayid meet with
Abaddon and Abaddon tells
Sayid it is time for them to take
action regarding plan B.

Meanwhile, Sun arrives at Mrs.

Paik’s house in Seoul, South
Korea to find out that Ji Yeon has
been kidnapped by a Japanese
man. There is a note for Sun and
she storms out and rushes to
Tokyo where she finds an empty
building. She walks in and pulls
a gun on someone, who turns out
to be Daniel Faraday. End. Sun encounters Daniel Faraday in Tokyo

5.12 “Johnny Be Good”

-John Locke Centric-


Locke finds himself teleported to the middle of the desert in California near Yuma,
Arizona, and next to the Mexican boarder. He is lying on the red raft he left on with the
Suitcase Device sitting next to him with a rush of water escaping the area around him. He
can’t move his legs at first, but he eventually gets them moving and he sees a 50’s Diner
in the distance.

He walks to the diner and goes in and the song “Johnny B. Good” by Chuck Berry is on
the jukebox. Unsure of the year, he asks the 50’s looking waitress and she tells him it is
1958. He later learns she was joking and he calls Helen to come pick him up at the diner.
Helen arrives and she reveals that it is 2007, but she can’t believe Locke is alive and can
walk. They have a romantic kiss and a heartfelt reunion as Helen drives Locke to Los

Locke finds his way to Santa Rosa to visit with his mother, Emily Locke. While waiting,
he reads an article about how Hanso plans to restart the DI back up in 2009. When he
sees Emily, she is very old looking and is suffering from Parkinson’s disease as well as
senility. Locke asks her who his real father is and she denies that it is Anthony Cooper,
but it is unclear if she is completely with it.
When Locke asks her if she knows of Richard
Alpert, she gets hysterical and Locke is asked
to leave. Hurley steps forward and claims that
he knows Locke and Locke’s allowed to stay
for five minutes to talk to Hurley. Locke
reveals that he is going by the name Jeremy
Bentham. Hurley reveals he has seen Charlie
and Locke tells Hurley that the people on the
island need his help and that he has to go
back. When leaving, Hurley tells Locke that
Charlotte Malkin visited him and told him
that Locke was in trouble. Locke smiles at
Charlotte Malkin appears to stop Miles Hurley because he knows Hurley is special.

Locke makes his way to New York City to talk to Walt. He finds Walt playing basketball
with his friends and notices his friends are calling him Chris. When Walt sees Locke he
tells him that he had a dream that Locke was about to commit suicide, but Walt stopped
him. Locke thanks Walt for that and tells him that the island needs him to go back. Just
then, Mrs. Dawson, his grandmother, comes and takes Walt away from Locke. As Locke
is walking away, Abaddon pulls up and tells Locke that Locke owes him a favor.

Sometime soon after the encounter with Abaddon, Locke teams up with Sayid and Jack to
manipulate Ben into thinking Ben is on the same side as Locke and Sayid. They need Ben
to get to Widmore. Sayid tells them that Sun would be a good candidate to convince
Widmore to help them. In essence, Locke, Sayid, Abaddon and Jack are conning Ben to
con Widmore. Locke and Abaddon leave Jack’s apartment and Locke tells Abaddon that
Locke knows he is going to die. He makes Abaddon promise that he will get those people
on the island to safety. Abaddon agrees, but it is an obvious lie.

Real Time:

Locke and Harper reach the Temple where we see that it is simply an entry way into the
side of the mountain being held up by Roman columns with hieroglyphics all over them.
When Locke turns around to ask Harper a question, he sees she is gone and he goes

inside. While inside, Locke sees the same drawing of the man on the boat with the
Suitcase Device that he found in the lab coat of Harper’s associate in the Number Station.
It is the same drawing that Sam Toomey drew while under the control of the Pythia gas,
but in hieroglyphic form. Locke goes further down the stairs and sees the room that
Cindy took Charlotte to kill her. He sees Cindy’s body, but continues on. Locke finally
reaches the bottom, which is a huge room with hieroglyphics everywhere and nothing but
an altar in the middle. Locke walks to the altar and finds the skeletal remains of British
Royal Navy officer with a broken arm bone. He then sees the Scripture. Right as Locke
begins to look at the Scripture, he hears the sounds of the Smoke Monster and a loud
voice moaning. Just then, the Temple begins to shake violently and the next we see Locke
is outside of the Temple holding a few pages of the Scripture in his hand. How he got out
is unknown.

Meanwhile, Juliet and Walt talk and Walt tells Juliet what happened. Juliet stumbles upon
the body of dead Locke from the cargo plane. He was inside an ice packed crate on the
plane the whole time and was destined to be returned to the island. Juliet sees this then
tells Richard, Sawyer and Frank about her discovery. Juliet also tells Richard the identity
of Giovanni, the man who came to the island on the fishing boat. Richard looks worried
at the mention of Giovanni’s name and asks Sawyer to help him get to the beach. When
Walt asks about his father, no one can answer his question except for Frank, who is the
only one knows of Michael’s fate. Frank decides to take Walt to the Arrow Station as
Juliet takes off to find Locke. Richard and Sawyer make it to the beach where they run
into Amelia after she has killed Giovanni. Sawyer checks on Rose as Amelia tells Richard
that Giovanni is part of Il Destino Sinergia and she killed him as a favor to Richard.
Richard isn’t pleased with Amelia’s actions and tells her to go to the Arrow and check on
Christine. Richard and Sawyer then depart for the Temple in search of Locke.

In the Arrow, Christine is tied up and in the corner. She manages to trick a red-shirt into
helping her and head-butts him to knock him out. She manages to escape the station and
run into the jungle. Amelia reaches the Arrow and finds Christine is missing. She sends a
group of the others out to find her. Walking towards the Arrow, Walt and Frank run into
Christine. Christine tells them how her children, Zach and Emma, no longer remember
who she is. Walt suggests that they were brainwashed in Room 23 and Christine demands
that Walt take her to that room. Walt tells her that it’s on another island and he isn’t going
back there. Christine tries to trick Walt into saying she overheard the others say that
Michael was on the other island. Frank doesn’t like that Christine is manipulating Walt
and tells Walt that Michael had died. Walt gets furious and out of nowhere, a polar bear
is standing there 10 feet from Frank. Walt may have manifested the polar bear there.

Charlotte, Jin, Miles and Widmore are on their way to the Black Rock to find something
that Widmore left there before he was banished from the island. On the way, Miles
escapes, but the group continues on to the Black Rock. Aboard the massive ship,
Widmore goes to the captain’s chambers and retrieves something very valuable to him.

Miles had escaped and somehow caught up with Locke, surprising him. Miles holds a
gun to Locke’s head before telling him that Locke is about to make a great mistake.

Locke reassures Miles that Locke is going to change things once he gets off the island
and make everything all better. Miles doesn’t buy it and as he is about to pull the trigger,
Charlotte Malkin, the girl who drown in Australia then came back to life, appears before
them. She screams “Let John Locke Go!” just as she did in the autopsy tape that Mr. Eko
heard in his flashback during season 2. Charlotte Malkin somehow got “unstuck” during
the time of her death and wound up here, at this point, on the island. Miles listens to
Charlotte and runs off into the jungle. Just then, Juliet finds Locke and tells him that she
has to show him something.

Juliet takes Locke to see his own dead body. After an emotional scene, Locke accepts his
fate and decides he must leave the island. He gives Juliet control of his power and makes
her the new leader. Locke then takes off to the beach where he finds Giovanni’s boat and
Rose. Rose tells Locke that her father used to be a tugboat captain and she ferries John to
the outskirts of the island. John decides to cross through the electromagnetic field around
the island before he uses the Suitcase Device to transport him to the mainland (or
wherever he turns up because he has no clue). Once outside the island’s grasp, Locke
activates the Suitcase device and vanishes. Rose makes her way back to the island, but on
the way, she starts to suffer the same symptoms that Desmond suffered when he left the
island to go to the freighter. Rose is time skipping. End.

Rose goes back to the Island after dropping Locke off outside the Island’s grasp. Locke w/ Suitcase Device
Storyboard Artwork By: SomeArztOnYou

5.13 “Redemption”
-Kate Austen Centric-


Kate flashes back to right after her breakfast meeting with Ben on the beach in 3.1. Tom
puts a hood over Kate and she is taken to the Hydra medical station. While there, Juliet
performs tests and procedures on Kate’s lady parts while Kate is handcuffed to the table.
The whole process is very uncomfortable and unpleasant for Kate as she screams in either
pain or dismay. After she is done, Juliet confronts Ben in the hall and tells him that she
didn’t sign up for this. She tells Ben that she hates him and storms off. Kate is returned to
her cage looking
at the wounds
from the
handcuffs on her

When Kate and

Sawyer are
working on the
Hydra Island
runway, Juliet
comes to tell Kate
that she needs to
see her. This is
Kate’s wounds from the handcuffs during her medical procedure when Juliet takes
Kate to see Jack
to persuade him to do Ben’s operation. On the way to Jack’s cell, Juliet talks to Kate
about the procedure. Juliet tells Kate that Kate is unable to have children because she has
rare blood disease that doesn’t allow her body to produce fertile eggs. Juliet tells Kate
that she is going to keep the secret from Ben because Ben will just kill Kate and Sawyer
if there is no chance of her getting pregnant.

This flash skips ahead to after Kate leaves the island as a 06 and she is calling someone.
We find out she calls Mittelos Bioscience and she asks where they are located. The
woman, Diane, who answers the phone sounds very hesitant on the phone and keeps
putting Kate on hold. Eventually Diane asks Kate who referred her and Kate tells her that
Sawyer did. Just then, a man gets on the phone and tells Kate that they can’t help her and
hangs up.

Skip back to the island and the scene where Kate and Sawyer are in bed at the Barracks.
After Kate slaps Sawyer she storms out and Sawyer follows after her. He sees that she is
crying, so he asks her what’s wrong. Kate tells Sawyer about the tests Juliet did. Kate
tells Sawyer she can’t have kids and Sawyer begins to tell Kate something, but Kate
rushes out of the house thinking Sawyer is being a jerk. Kate flashes again to the
helicopter scene where Sawyer whispers in her ear, “Mittelos Bioscience in Miami.... for

your baby problems... they can help you, I promise...” This is where Kate gets the idea to
call Mittelos in the previous flash. Sawyer somehow knows of Mittelos.

In the last flash, Kate is at a playground with Cassidy, Aaron and Clementine. It is
sometime right after Kate’s trial and Cassidy reveals that she sought out Kate after she
saw her on the news. Cassidy wanted to know if Kate knew Sawyer. As the two of them
are talking, Jeremy Bentham/Locke approaches Kate. Cassidy leaves and Locke tells Kate
that she needs to go back. He explains to Kate that she is the island’s true leader. Locke
pulls the pages of the Scripture he found in the Temple out of his pocket and shows Kate
that it is a prophecy of who the true leader is. The criteria are: The leader can not have
children, the leader will kill their father and the leader’s mother’s name is Emily. This is
where Kate learns her mother’s real name was Emily Landsworth, as we saw in 5.8.
There is more to it, but that is all Locke tells Kate. Kate calls Locke insane and Locke
tells Kate that this is her chance at saving her friends, a chance at redemption.

Real Time:

Kate is sitting in her jail cell in the dark and handcuffed.

She looks down at her hands in the cuffs and she begins
to have an emotional breakdown. In a fit of complete
rage she really cuts her wrists up with the handcuffs,
which leads her into her first flash. Just then, the guard
tells Kate she has a visitor. The visitor turns out to be
her step-father, Sam Austen. Sam came to tell Kate that
her mother had died. In a moment of disbelief, Kate tells
Sam the truth about Aaron and how he isn’t her true son.
Instead of scorning Kate, Sam tells her that he has never
been so proud of her in his life. Kate and Sam have a
heartfelt reunion. The next day, Kate is visited by Kevin
Callis, the man she married in Miami and then left when
the federal marshal was hot on her trail. Apparently,
Kate called Kevin months ago to ask him for
Kevin Callis visits Kate in prison
information on Sawyer and Mittelos. Kevin scolds Kate
for what she did to him, but he ultimately forgives her and gives her the information he
found on Sawyer and Mittelos. We find out that Sawyer and Mittelos were somehow
involved in the Tampa Job. Kevin also tells Kate that he researched Mittelos and it
appears as if it never existed. Kate and Kevin kiss before Kate heads back to her cell.

Elsewhere, Jack is in his jeep holding a bottle of vodka and Abaddon’s laptop that he
stole from Abaddon’s car in 5.11. Jack is about to take a drink, but he accidentally pushes
a button that has several photos of Aaron on the computer. Jack decides to throw the
vodka out the window and he goes to Cassidy Phillip’s house and kidnaps Aaron while he
is sleeping in his bed.

Sayid meets with Abaddon where they decide they need to move fast because Jack has
the laptop and all of the information and plans of Abaddon now. Abaddon tells Sayid to

take care of Ben and he will take care of their other problem. Sayid calls Ben and tells
him to meet him in a secluded place.

Ben and Hurley are in the Hideout House and Hurley is watching TV as Ben is trying to
get some work done. Annoyed at Hurley’s lack of consideration, Ben leaves. Later on,
Sayid arrives at the Hideout House and he tells Hurley that they need to leave before Ben
gets back. Just then, Ben turns on the light to reveal that he is there. Ben realizes that
Sayid has double-crossed him and the two of them have a full out battle in the living
room. Sayid eventually knocks Ben out and Sayid and Hurley leave. On the way to
Abaddon’s office downtown, Hurley starts to question Sayid about his intentions. Sayid
explains that Abaddon is the good guy and they don’t need Jack or Ben to get back to the
island. Hurley doesn’t like the sound of this, so he tries to take control of the car, but
Sayid knocks him out. Later, we see Sayid tying Hurley up to a chair, much like we saw
in 5.10 in Miles’ flash forward when Jack shot Hurley. Sayid assures Hurley that this is
all for the best.

Jack and Aaron make it to the Hideout House where he finds Ben. Jack and Ben join
sides and Ben tells Jack all about Il Destino Sinergia (refer to Il Destino Sinergia in the
guide for full explanation). Jack and Ben drive downtown and stake out Abaddon’s

Meanwhile, in the prison, Abaddon visits Kate and he lies to her by telling her he is there
to break her out per request of Jack and Ben. Abaddon somehow managed to get the
judge to let Kate out on bail. Reluctantly, Kate agrees and she leaves with Abaddon.

In Tokyo, Sun meets with Daniel Faraday. Daniel briefly explains to Sun what has
happened to him, but the viewer doesn’t get the details.
Daniel says that “it” is a far easier way than anything he
ever accomplished in his lab. Just then, there is a knock
on the door. Daniel answers and it is the first time we
see Kaname T. Sun sees him and she flashes back to a
time where she saw him on the beach, when she was
giving birth to Ji-Yeon and mistook him for Jin and the
time when she was in Sydney meeting with Christine
DeVries. Sun is shocked and Kaname tells them all to
call him Steve.

In London, we see a man get a text from Sayid saying

they will be leaving soon for the island. The nurse tells
the man that he is very lucky and it is revealed that the
man is Desmond. He did not die in his attempt at
suicide. When he leaves the hospital, Ms. Hawking is
waiting for him. She tells him that a silly bullet can’t
kill him because he has “work to do.” End. Ms. Hawking waits for Desmond

5.14 “The Tampa Job”

-James “Sawyer” Ford & Juliet Burke Centric-


Juliet is in a motel in Tampa, Florida getting dressed and dancing around to the tune “Let
Me In” by the Sensations. She picks up a Mittelos brochure with Richard’s phone number
on the back and starts to dial the phone, but she is interrupted by a team of Tampa police
who break into her room and question her. They show her a picture of Albert Hibbs,
Sawyer’s conning partner. Juliet says he isn’t there, but she tells the police she is dating
him. The police then arrest Juliet for aiding and abiding Hibbs with the break in at Juliet’s
ex-husband’s lab. In the next room over, the police hunt for someone else. It turns out to
be Sawyer after he jumped out the window. Both are arrested and taken in.

It is the night before the arrest and Juliet

is out on a dinner date with Hibbs in
Miami. Hibbs accidentally, but really
intentionally, knocks his glass of wine all
over Juliet. When she goes to the
bathroom, Hibbs digs through her bag and
steals the keys to Edmund Burke’s lab. He
then runs outside and gives the keys to
Sawyer. When Hibbs returns to the table,
he asks Juliet to meet him in Tampa the
next day to get away. Juliet agrees and he
gives her the keys to the motel room.

After Sawyer retrieves the keys, he goes

to the lab and lets himself in. He finds
Juliet’s office, unknown to him the J.
Burke is Juliet, and steals paperwork
Hibbs watches Juliet walk to the bathroom regarding her experiments on male lab
rats. Before he leaves, he sees the paperwork Juliet had on her desk from Mittelos
Bioscience and he takes note that they can do wonders with infertility. This is why
Sawyer tells Kate in 5.13 to contact Mittelos about her problem before he jumps out of
the helicopter. Just then, Edmund spots Sawyer in the lab. In a rush to leave, Sawyer
knocks over two medical Coolers. He stops to pick them up and label them correctly with
a “shipment” label and a “storage” label. Edmund chases Sawyer, but Sawyer jumps out
of a window and drops Juliet’s keys. Edmund finds the keys and suspects Juliet’s

The afternoon prior to the above events, Juliet is in her lab working away. Sherry comes
into the office to deliver mail to Juliet. One of the items in the mail is the first letter she
ever received from Mittelos Bioscience. Juliet notes that it is Sherry’s first day on the job
and asks her if she has donated any eggs in the name of science. Sherry says no and Juliet

tells her that Juliet has. In fact, she is studying her eggs as she speaks. She then packs up
her samples and puts them in a Cooler for storage. There is another Cooler sitting next to
it which is meant for shipping for fertilization by a sperm donor. The shipment eggs are
Rachel’s, Juliet’s sister. Juliet marks the Coolers accordingly and tells Sherry to mail
them that evening. We see that Sawyer, in the previous flash, had mixed up the labels and
Juliet’s eggs have went to the fertilization center. That left Rachel’s eggs to go to storage.

A week before all of the above, Sawyer is seen in the lab carrying a cup to the
receptionist’s desk. Sawyer then goes out to the car where Hibbs is waiting. He tells
Hibbs that he donated the sperm and cased the joint. He tells Hibbs that there is no
security and he should be able to do it. Hibbs tells Sawyer they will wait a week so he has
time to seduce his target and steal the keys. Sawyer asks why they are doing a job like
this and Hibbs tells Sawyer that the money is great. He tells Sawyer that Mittelos hired
him to steal the research with no questions asked. Hibbs also reveals that his old friend
Tom, presumably Mr. Friendly, tipped him off and introduced him to the man in charge of
Mittelos. Sawyer is nervous about donating his sperm, but Hibbs assures Sawyer that no
woman in her right mind would choose Sawyer as a father.

Real Time:

Sawyer and Richard at the Temple and had just witnessed Locke’s departure from the
island. Richard is upset about this and says he needs to fix Locke’s mistakes. Just then,

Richard and Sawyer outside the Temple as Locke departs using the Suitcase Device offshore
Storyboard Artwork By: SomeArztOnYou

Charlotte, Annie, Widmore and Jin come out of the jungle. Richard sees Annie and his
eyes light up with an idea. Then he sees Widmore and his expression turns to dismay.
Richard tells Charlotte he needs Annie and they need to get to the Orchid Station. She
agrees and on the way, Widmore tells Richard that he will keep his secret and winks at
him. It is unclear how Widmore knows Richard. The group goes to the Orchid and
Sawyer stays behind to go back to the Barracks for some rest. Vincent runs out of the
jungle as Sawyer is walking back and Vincent is going crazy. Sawyer decides to follow
Vincent to see what all the fuss is about. Sawyer follows Vincent to the scene or the polar
bear incident in 5.11 with Walt, Christine and Frank. What Sawyer sees is a gruesome
scene with the dead bodies of the others that Amelia sent out in search of Christine.
Vincent is barking up a tree and he looks up to see a mangled polar bear hanging from the

Meanwhile, Juliet finds Walt, who is covered in blood. She asks him what happened to
him and where Frank is. Walt doesn’t answer and Juliet checks him for wounds, but he
doesn’t have any. She decides to take Walt back to the Barracks to clean him up. When
they arrive at the Barracks, Juliet tells Walt that she knows what he can do and gives him
the book “Carrie” by Stephen King and tells him it is a good read. She seems nervous
about being around Walt, probably because of the incident in Room 23 we saw in the

On the beach, we see the fishing boat that Rose ferried Locke out to see on coming full
throttle towards the beach and slams into land. Harper finds Rose on board with a bloody
nose. Rose comes to and Harper realizes that Rose is “time skipping,” but Roses current
conscious is going back in time. Harper asks Rose where she was and Rose tells her that
she was eating dinner with her daughter. Rose said she told her daughter of the island, but
her daughter called her crazy. Harper asks Rose if she has been in contact with high
amounts of radiation or electromagnetism. Rose tells Harper that she had cancer and had
many chemotherapy treatments with radiation. Harper tells Rose that there is an injection
(orange liquid) that could possibly help stop the “time skips” at the Barracks in Ben’s
house. The two make their way there.

Once reaching the Orchid, Jin begins to remember his time there back in 1988. He
remembers Pierre Chang sedating him then putting him into the Chamber at the request
of a gun toting Daniel Faraday. Before they can ship Jin back to the future, Montand
runs in and manages to get into the Chamber with Jin before Pierre hits the switch. They
both return to the island in the present time.

Richard has Annie strapped into the same chair we saw in 5.9 when she helped in
teleporting Mathias to Portugal. To Richard’s dismay, he finds that Ben had destroyed the
Chamber when he moved the island. Richard resorts to the original method, according to
him, of teleporting off the island. He picks up a bag of Holmium dust and dumps it over
his head. He then grabs onto a harness next to Annie and tells Charlotte to hit the switch.
Charlotte can’t do it, so Widmore does and Richard vanishes in a midst of white light.
Charles can’t believe that Richard succeeded and he pulls out the item he took from the
Black Rock in 5.12. It is the original coordinates and time that the island became special.

He holds Jin, Charlotte and Annie at gunpoint and tells Annie that she is going to move
the island there. Before he does this, he informs Jin that he is a father and that Sun is
looking for the island. In an attempt to foil Widmore’s plan to move the island so he can
see Sun again, Jin attacks Widmore so that Annie and Charlotte can escape. Widmore
manages to knock Jin out and he finds Annie in a small room. Annie manages to inject a
sedative into Widmore’s neck and he collapses. Jin and Charlotte move Widmore to the
room where Annie is strapped into the chair again. Charlotte asks her mother why they
don’t just kill Widmore and Annie tells Charlotte that they aren’t that kind of people.
Instead, Annie plans on teleporting Widmore off the island by the same means Richard
did. They are about to go through with it, but the island begins to shake violently and
their plans are foiled.

Sawyer reaches the Barracks where he finds Walt and Juliet. Sawyer sits down and sees a
paper that shows Juliet’s last name is Burke. Sawyer tells Juliet that he is the one who
robbed her research for Mittelos. He also tells her that he knocked over the Coolers and
he accidentally switched the labels. Juliet realizes that it was her eggs that were sent to
fertilization and she is in fact, the mother of Julian, Rachel’s son. Juliet then tells Sawyer
that Ben showed her the paperwork of Julian’s father, as seen in a flash in 5.9. Juliet tells
Sawyer that Rachel selected his sperm sample and he is Julian’s father. Juliet and Sawyer
both have a child together. It is Julian. Just then, Harper comes in with Rose. She tells
Juliet that she needs to get the injection to try to help Rose from time-skipping. Juliet
confronts Harper about her real past with the island and Harper tells Juliet that she didn’t
arrive in 1996 like she told everyone. Juliet is furious with Harper for lying, but allows
her to get the injection and help Rose. Harper administers the injection to Rose in hopes
of saving her life.

Meanwhile, outside,
Walt and Vincent are
reunited. However,
when Walt sees
Vincent, he kicks him
and Vincent runs off.
When Walt looks up,
he sees Christian
Shephard standing
there. Christian tells
Walt that what he just
did wasn’t nice, but
then goes on to tell
Christian Shephard appears and pets Vincent after Walt kicks him Walt that “it has
begun.” Just then, the
mountaintop in the background explodes. The volcano on the island is erupting. Juliet,
Sawyer and Harper run out and they don’t like what they see.

Elsewhere, Christine and Frank come out of the jungle after the polar bear encounter a bit
freaked out. Christine asks Frank why Walt just “stood there.” Christine then spots the

fishing boat and manipulates Frank into helping her get to the Hydra Island where Walt
told her Room 23 was. Frank reluctantly agrees and they set off. On the way, Christine
spots the sunken remains of Danielle’s expedition boat, “The Dawn Treader.” Upon
arrival to the Hydra, Christine is looking for a place to dock, but can’t find one. Just then,
they witness the island’s volcano erupting from the distance. End.

Character Summaries

-The Oceanic 6-

Jack Shephard
06 (alive) currently off-island.

Jack Shephard first appears in episode 5.2 in a Cindy flashback of the bear cages.
He is last seen teaming up with Ben in 5.14 to take on Abaddon.

In season 5, Jack gets together with Locke, once he leaves

the island, Sayid and Abaddon to work against Ben in
getting back to the island. At this point, Abaddon is a good
guy in Jack’s eyes. However, something unknown happens,
and Jack turns on Abaddon and actually takes sides with
Ben to get back. We see Jack and Kate’s awkward
exchanges after their break up. Jack goes to New York with
Christine to get Walt and during that trip he and Christine
grow close. Christine eventually cons Jack by kissing him in
Antarctica and stealing the Machine’s data so she can hijack
the plane. After their plan of return is ruined, Jack turns to
drinking again, but his mother has an intervention for him
that is unsuccessful and Jack pushes everyone in his off-
island life away and realizes that the people on island need
him more than ever. From a photo, he finds out that Cindy
and Christian are somehow connected through Il Destino
Sinergia. Jack encounters Abaddon at a later point and hunts
him down, only to lose him, but Jack gets Abaddon’s laptop
and all his information. Jack kidnaps Aaron from Cassidy’s custody while Kate is in
prison. He then teams up with Ben as his side-kick to bring down Abaddon after Abaddon
kidnaps Kate and Hurley. In a flash-forward, we see Jack shoot Hurley in the arm and
threaten Abaddon’s life if he doesn’t reveal where Sun and Kaname T. are.

Kate Austen
06 (alive) currently off-island. Episode: 5.13 “Redemption”

Kate was first seen in Cindy’s flashback at the

Flame Station before it exploded. She was last seen being
freed from prison by Abaddon.

In season 5, Cassidy finds Kate from seeing her

on TV. The viewer was mislead by thinking Kate found
Cassidy because of Sawyer, but really, Sawyer whispered
to Kate in the helicopter to find Mittelos Bioscience for
her infertility problems. On the island, Kate is tested by

Juliet in the 3rd Season and Juliet tells Kate she has a rare blood disorder that leaves her
barren. Kate reveals to Sawyer later on that she isn’t capable of having children and
Sawyer tells Kate to find Mittelos. When they decide to go back to the island and face
danger, Kate has Cassidy sign legal guardian papers for Aaron incase something happens
to her. Cassidy later gets custody of Aaron when Kate is arrested for leaving the country
during her unsuccessful attempt to get back to the island when Christine hijacked the
plane. Kate’s final persuasion to go back to the island is when Jeremy Bentham visited
her and told her, because of prophecy, that Kate is the rightful leader of the island because
she is barren, killed her father, and her mother’s name is Emily. When in prison for
breaking parole, Kate is visited by her father who tells her that her mother, Diane/Emily,
has died. Sam Austen also tells Kate that is proud of her. Kevin Callis visits Kate and
gives her information on Sawyer, The Tampa Job and Mittelos. He too forgives Kate for
what she had done. We last see Kate when Abaddon helps her get out of prison.

Sun Kwon
06 (alive) off-island. Episode: 5.2 “The Sun Also Rises”

Sun is first seen meeting Widmore in London. She is last seen meeting Daniel
Faraday in Tokyo.

In season 5, Sun works with Ben and the others to con

Widmore into giving her information on the whereabouts of
the Economist, who turns out to be Thomas Mittelwerk. Sun
begins her revenge on Widmore alone after Mr. Barnes, a
man with Gary Troupe’s publishing company, visits her and
tells her about her family’s involvement with Widmore. Sun
learns from Penny that Christine met with Troupe to take
Paik’s name out of the book Bad Twin so that there would be
no affiliation between the two companies. When meeting
Christine, Sun learns that Christine hates Widmore as well
and Christine shows her that Paik built the freighter for
Widmore for free. With the money Hurley won from the
lottery, Sun has the 06 buy out her father’s company and
name her as the CEO. This is how she gets involved with Widmore. Sun travels to
Norway to find Mittelwerk and Hanso to get the Valenzetti Equation in order to find the
island. She succeeds then goes back to Korea to confront her father about his connection
to Mittelwerk. She learns from her father that he has built a Machine that is capable of
finding the island. When Sun questions her father about the crash of 815, he admits that
he knew about it. Sun has Sayid kill Paik. After returning from the failed attempt to return
to the island, Sun returns to Korea to learn that Ji Yeon was kidnapped by a Japanese
man. She tracks the man down to Tokyo where she finds Daniel Faraday. Sun also meets
Kaname T. and realizes that he has been following her since the return from the island.
Kaname was present during Ji Yeon’s birth and the secret meeting with Christine in

Hugo “Hurley” Reyes

06 (alive) currently off-island. Episode: 5.7 “…By Reason of Insanity”

Hurley was first seen in 5.1 when he called Sun to give her a message from
Shannon to buy a warm coat for her trip to Norway. He was last seen tied up to a chair in
an abandoned office building in LA after Sayid kidnapped him.

In season 5, Hurley begins in Santa Rosa where he is

visited by Ben and Sun about the whereabouts of Leonard.
The day before Sayid breaks Hurley out to secure Leonard;
Hurley has several strange flashes to events that happened on
the island in the past, present and future. He sees Henry
Gale’s death, the current situation on the island and future
disaster. Ultimately, Hurley’s flashes lead them to realize the
exact location of the island. Hurley also learns that Dave was
a real person he met on 815 that became “unstuck” after the
crash and visited Hurley all those years ago. Hurley was
never truly insane. Christine Shephard visits Hurley in a
dream telling him that he will be crucial in the return of the
06, but Christine foils their plans of return. After the attempt,
Hurley lives with Ben until Sayid kidnaps him and takes him
to Abaddon’s abandoned office. In a flash-forward, Hurley gets shot by Jack in an attempt
to prove to Abaddon that Jack isn’t messing around.

Sayid Jarrah
06 (alive) currently off-island.

Sayid is first seen in 5.3 when he comes to Sun’s rescue and kills Mittelwerk. He
is last seen kidnapping Hurley for Abaddon.

Like Jack, Sayid had worked with Locke and

Abaddon after Bentham left the island. Unlike Jack,
something happened that left Sayid secretly working for
Abaddon without anyone else aware of it. Sayid aides
Sun in her journey to Norway where he kills
Mittelwerk, who is also the Economist. He later kills
Sun’s father at her request. Sayid helps in the
kidnapping of Leonard to help solve the Valenzetti
Equation. Once Leonard’s help is no longer needed,
Sayid takes him to an abandoned warehouse and gives
Leonard a new identity, a new car and lots of money to
disappear. Unfortunately, the warehouse explodes after
Sayid leaves by the hand of Abaddon. In the attempt to
return to the island, Sayid accidentally shoots Penny and killing her. Feeling much guilt
about what happened, he returns to LA where he meets Abaddon and is told to kidnap
Hurley so they can make the return themselves. Sayid kidnaps Hurley. In a flash-forward,
Sayid is seen laying a pool of his own blood in the abandoned office where he takes

Hurley. It is unknown whether he is dead and it is unknown his reasoning for aiding
Abaddon until this point.

Aaron Littleton
06 (alive) currently off-island.

Aaron was first seen in 5.3 at the meeting Sun conducted to take over her father’s
company with the help of the 06. He is last seen in the backseat of the car with Jack and
Ben after being kidnapped by Jack from Cassidy.

In season 5, Aaron is living with Kate and is best

friends with Clementine, Cassidy’s daughter. After a
failed attempt to return to the island, Kate loses Aaron
when she goes to prison for skipping her parole. Kate
had signed legal rights over to Cassidy incase
something happened to her. Aaron is later kidnapped
from Cassidy by Jack and is with Ben and Jack in their
attempt to take down Abaddon.

Benjamin Linus
Other. (alive) Currently off-island. Flash: “Ghost In The Machine”

Ben is first seen in 5.1 as Young Ben talking with Young Widmore outside the
Swan Station in 1979. He is last seen with Jack attempting to take down Abaddon.

Ben and Widmore were originally partners

wanting to take down the DI for financial reasons. Ben,
however, sides with Richard and agrees that Widmore is
detrimental to the cause and Ben sabotages the Swan
Station creating “The Incident” and framing Widmore
for it. In 1988, Ben disguises himself as Brennan to fool
Danielle Rousseau and her team into thinking he is a
friend and an enemy of the DI. He eventually gasses and forces hallucination upon
members of Danielle’s team by order of Horace for the “Pythia Experiment.”
Ben/Brennan also fools Danielle and steals baby Alex from her for Richard. In 1996, Ben
kidnaps Annie from JFK and blows up TWA flight 800 to make it appear as she had died.
He takes her to the island for Orchid experiments. We also learn that Ben and Annie once
had a romantic relationship. After moving the island, Ben teams up with Bentham, whom
double crossed him and worked for Abaddon, and Sun to con Widmore into helping them
find a way back. He is successful in finding the island, but fails to return because of
Christine’s hijacking of the plane. When returning from the attempt, Ben lives with
Hurley until Sayid tries to kill him for Abaddon. When realizing that Sayid has double
crossed him, he teams up with Jack to take down Abaddon.

Richard Alpert
Other. (alive) Currently off-island. Flash: “Ghost In The Machine”

Richard was first seen in 5.2 with Locke’s group in search of the Arrow. He is last
seen being transported off the island in search of finding Locke to kill him.

In season 5, Richard is revealed to have been a prisoner on his way to Australia on

the Black Rock. Richard eventually saves the life of the
captain of the ship. We later see Richard in 1988 convincing
Ben to steal Danielle’s baby. In 1996, we see Richard
completing the Machine in the Orchid, successfully sending
Mathias to Portugal via the Chamber and help from Annie. On
the island, Richard guides Locke and tells him that he isn’t the
true leader, which pushes Locke to become a better leader.
Once the arrival of the cargo plane happens, Richard steps
into high gear trying to fix all of Locke’s mistakes. Sawyer
discovers Richard only has 4 toes, but it looks like he once
had five. Richard happens upon Claire who tells him he must
leave the island and bring Kate back. When Giovanni arrives
to the island and is wearing the Il Destino Sinergia ring,
Amelia kills him and tells Richard she did it to protect him from the DS. Richard is
somehow affiliate with the DS and this is further supported when he encounters
Widmore, who tells Richard that his secret is safe with him. Richard eventually uses
Annie to teleport himself off the island. In a flash, we find out that Richard killed
Bentham/Locke and took the Suitcase device from him, which later somehow ends up in
the hands of Abaddon.

Desmond Hume
Returnee. (alive) Currently off-island. Episode: “Our Mutual Friend”

Desmond was first seen in 5.3 when Sun visited him and Penny on their
houseboat in Seoul, South Korea. He is last seen leaving a hospital in London with Ms.
Hawking after shooting himself in the head.

After Desmond was given the “Elizabeth”

from Libby, he had a short love affair with her. It
wasn’t until later he found out Penny had set him up
with the boat after she planted a tracking device on it.
When Libby attempts suicide, Desmond calls 911 and
she is sent to Santa Rosa where he visits her and she
tells him of his importance to the island. Once
Desmond and Penny leave the island after season 4,
they hide out from Widmore in Seoul, South Korea near Sun on a houseboat. When told
of the attempt to return to the island, Desmond offers to sail a boat with the Machine on
it. When the island is found in the Arctic, the departure point is land bound in Antarctica.
Penny has connections there so he goes along for the trip. Once there, Ben tries to force
Desmond to return with them, but he refuses. Penny is accidentally killed by Sayid and to

avoid suspicion in New Zealand before returning to the UK, Desmond pushes Penny’s
body out of a plane over the ocean. After returning to LA, Desmond sees that Kate has
Charlie’s DS ring. Desmond takes it as a souvenir and wants to return it to Charlie’s
family. Distraught, Desmond purchases a copy of “Our Mutual Friend” at the airport and
reads most of it on his return flight home to the UK. Once in the UK, Desmond visits
Simon Pace who tells Desmond about Dexter Stratton. Desmond sees a photo of Charlie
from a Butlin’s Holiday Camp he worked at in Wales when he was 18. We find out that
Desmond had encountered Brother Campbell and Dexter Stratton in his past at Butlin’s
Resort when they had an Il Destino Sinergia meeting there. He recalls seeing Brother
Campbell when he was 18 and he decides to visit and question Brother Campbell at the
monastery. When visiting Brother Campbell, Desmond learns that Il Destino Sinergia has
been controlling Desmond’s life since he was born. Almost having the book completely
read, and preparing for his suicide, Desmond visits Ms. Hawking who tells him that
Desmond is a key factor in the plans for Il Destino Sinergia. In an attempt to control his
destiny, Desmond shoots himself in the head, but he survives by the will of the island. He
is last seen leaving the hospital with Ms. Hawking telling him that “…he has work to do.”
Desmond is seen in a flash-forward at Abaddon’s abandoned office in LA as Jack
threatens Abaddon. Desmond appeared to be angry at Jack.

Matthew Abaddon
Il Destino Sinergia. Currently off-island.

Abaddon was first seen in 5.5 chasing Jack’s car in New York City. He was last
seen getting Kate out of prison in 5.14.

In season 5, Abaddon had teamed up with Locke/Bentham after

leaving the island. Abaddon found Locke visiting Walt in New York
City and told Locke he owes him a favor. Jack, Sayid and Locke are
on Abaddon’s side when Abaddon promises to save their friends on
island, however, something unknown goes wrong and Jack leaving
Sayid his only inside man. Abaddon is revealed to be a part of Il
Destino Sinergia and connected to Ms. Hawking. He is currently in
possession of the Suitcase Device and is rounding up the 06 for
unknown reasons. Much of Abaddon is still a mystery.

Ms. Hawking
Il Destino Sinergia. (alive) Currently off-island.

Ms. Hawking was first seen in 5.1 at the Black Rock

auction telling Widmore to give Desmond the address of Penny.
She was last seen walking out of a hospital with Desmond after he
shot himself in the head.

In season 5, it is revealed that Ms. Hawking has been

following the entire life of Desmond by being there for every
major event, even his birth. She tells Desmond that he is the key to

the future, the future Il Destino Sinergia wants to happen. Ms. Hawking is the new leader
of Il Destino Sinergia since Hanso stepped down. Hawking visited Widmore at the Black
Rock auction to tell him that he must give Desmond the address he asks for. She tells him
that Desmond must push the button and Widmore gets a bit nervous about whom Ms.
Hawking is. After she leaves, small details in the room change such as the colors of
things, Widmore’s placard number and the dress of a woman in the first row. This is
much like how the picture frames changed in Mile’s first ever flashback. Later, Hawking
tells Desmond that the DS has been following him his whole life and controlled his every
life event. In an attempt to take control of his destiny, Desmond shoots himself in the
head. Hawking calls 911 and later tells him that he can’t die yet. He has work to do.
Hawking, like Richard, appears to never age.

Ex-DI. (unknown) Currently off-island.

Mathias is first seen in 5.1 in the video Widmore shows Naomi in order to get her
to cooperate with the Freighter Mission. He is last seen in 5.9 being kidnapped by
Widmore to give Naomi incentive to work for him.

In season 5, Mathias is found out to be a former member of

the DI. He was used in an experiment by Ben and Richard as
the first teleportation off island in the Orchid station by means
of the Chamber, the Machine and Annie. Many years later,
Penny meets with him and thanks him for his job in helping
find Desmond on the island after being lost for three years.
Mathias is later kidnapped by Widmore for double crossing
him. Widmore finds out from Mathias that 815 crashed due to a
discharge from the Swan. Widmore knows that the Suitcase
Device is in the hands of Ben now because of Mathias. The
current whereabouts of Mathias are unknown. He was last seen
as a captive of Widmore.

Madame M. Curie-Lamèch
Ex-DI. (unknown) Currently off-island.

M. Curie was first seen in 5.8 circa 1976 when Bernard, as a CIA agent, bust into
her apartment looking for Montand. She was last seen in 5.10 when Miles’ had a
memory/flash of Montand stealing the location of the
island from her hinting she was a former DI.

M. Curie was somehow affiliated with the DI

and Montand seduced her for Il Destino Sinergia,
drugged her and stole the location of the island in 1976.
We later see Bernard break into her apartment to find
Montand, but he fails. Bernard then hallucinates her
right before he dies because she was his one failed

Alvar Hanso
DI. (alive) Currently off-island.

Alvar was first seen in 5.3 when Sun and Sayid freed him
from captivity from Mittelwerk. He was last seen in 5.10 when
Abaddon visits him telling him that the 06 have no chance of
completing their goals because they don’t know about Kaname
and he has the Suitcase Device.

Alvar was being held captive by Mittelwerk/Economist for years. Alvar is also
very sick with a rare blood disorder so Mittelwerk was his successor, who turned bad.
Alvar tells sun that the DI was meant for good, but Karen and Gerald DeGroot stepped
too far on the toes of the natives by building a station on their sacred land. Since then, the
DI went downhill. Abaddon visits Hanso later on to tell him that the 06 will not make it
back. Abaddon talks to Hanso in a threatening manner. In Mile’s flash, he says that the
man with all the tubes sticking out of him is going to kill them all. This man is believed
to be Alvar Hanso because he has many medical tubes that appear to be sticking out of
him. Ben tells Jack that Alvar Hanso was the leader of Il Destino Sinergia until there was
a fraction in the group when Valenzetti discovered that there are possible ways to change
the ultimate outcome of the future. Hanso created the DI to make those changes to save
humanity. Abaddon and Hawking want the future to happen as intended. In 5.12, Locke
is reading a magazine where he sees that Hanso has plans to restart the DI.

Cassidy & Clementine Phillips

Connection of Kate/Sawyer. (alive) Currently off-island.

Cassidy was first seen in 5.5 visiting with Kate and signing legal papers. She was
last seen when Jack kidnapped Aaron from her in 5.14.

Cassidy moved to LA and when she saw Kate’s press

conference on the news, she sought Kate out to ask her about
Sawyer. A misconception is that Kate sought Cassidy out
because of his whisper to her before he jumped off of the
helicopter, but that wasn’t what he whispered. Kate and
Cassidy, because of their past, became great friends and Kate
financially helped Cassidy out. Cassidy tells Kate that the
money Sawyer left for her in Arizona was claimed by the
government when he was declared dead. As Kate’s best friend,
Kate asked Cassidy to be the legal guardian of Aaron incase
something bad happened to her. Cassidy gained custody of
Aaron when Kate was sent to prison for breaking parole. Jack
later kidnapped Aaron from Cassidy.

Kaname “Steve” Tanizaki

Returnee. (alive) Currently off-island.

Kaname was only seen in 5.14 when Desmond introduces him to Sun. He was
seen random flash backs and on island in past seasons.

Kaname T. was first mentioned in 5. He is on the

list of people that Claire gave Locke to bring back
to the island. No one really knows who he is, but he
was a background middle-section survivor.
Somehow he got off the island and has been in
contact with Daniel Faraday as they are both in
Tokyo, Japan when Sun goes there to retrieve her
kidnapped daughter. Mrs. Paik told Sun that a
Japanese man kidnapped Ji Yeon, which likely
points to Kaname. Kaname is of some importance
because after Richard killed Locke and took the list
of returnee’s from Locke, Richard ripped Kaname’s
name off the list. When Sun finally sees Kaname, she realizes that she had seen him
before on the beach as well as times after the 06 rescue. She saw him once when she
mistook him for Jin while she was giving birth and once when she was having her secret
meeting with Christine DeVries in Sydney. Kaname has some sort of interest in Sun,
which is still unknown.

Daniel Faraday
Ex-Freighter. (alive) Currently off-island.

Daniel was first seen in 5.6 when he held Pierre Chang at gunpoint to return Jin
back to the present island time, but the viewer didn’t know it was Daniel at the time. He
was last seen in Tokyo with Sun and Kaname in 5.13.

Daniel somehow managed to go back in

time to 1988 and get off island like the 06 in
present time. In 1988 we saw him holding Pierre
Chang at gunpoint forcing him to return Jin to
present time. Daniel also put a note in Jin’s pocket
for Charlotte to find and give to Locke. Daniel
had placed a video in the Number Station
addressed to John Locke 2009 for Locke to watch,
but he never did. In Tokyo, Daniel is with
Kaname T. and they apparently kidnapped Sun’s
baby together to lure her to Tokyo. It is unclear
what Daniel’s intentions are, but he doesn’t
appear to be a threat. He hints at time travel when
talking to Sun in Tokyo.

-On Island Characters-

James “Sawyer” Ford

Survivor. (alive) Currently on-island. Episode: “The Tampa Job”

Sawyer was first seen in 5.2 after the island move. He was last seen in 5.14 as the
volcano erupted.

In season 5, Sawyer has been somewhat of the hero.

He rescued Charlotte and Annie from Cindy by shooting
her in the head in 5.2. Sawyer spent much time in the
Staff Station this season helping Juliet take care of Jin
and Annie. After the cargo plane accident, Sawyer finds
himself running from the Smoke Monster where he
meets up with Richard. Sawyer and Richard dive into a
cold lake to escape. After they get out, Richard suggests
they take all their clothes off to avoid hypothermia.
Sawyer and Richard are naked as Frank finds them.
Eventually, Sawyer finds out who was on the cargo
plane that crashed. Richard, in his first act of reaching
out to the crash survivors, asks Sawyer for help in
finding Locke. Sawyer and Richard make it to the
Temple and on the way Sawyer sees that Richard only has 4 toes. Sawyer splits off from
Richard and, with the help of Vincent, finds the carnage caused by something that flung a
polar bear into a tree and killed about a dozen others. In his flashes and unknown to
Sawyer, we find out that Sawyer’s Tampa job involved trying to rob Juliet of her fertility
research for Richard. During that process, Sawyer donated sperm to get inside the labs.
The sperm he donated ended up being the sperm Rachel, Juliet’s sister, used to fertilize
her eggs. Those eggs, because of a mix-up at the lab caused by Sawyer’s break in,
belonged to Juliet. Juliet and Sawyer are the parents of Rachel’s son, Julian.

Juliet Burke
Ex-DI. (alive) Currently on-island. Episode: “The Tampa Job”

Juliet was first seen drunk in 5.2 and last seen

witnessing as the volcano erupts in 5.14.

In season 5, Juliet is all over the island taking care

of people. She and Harper have a few falling outs over
Goodwin and Harper’s true history on the island, but they
seem to mend most of their past animosity. Juliet reveals
that she helped Kate out by not telling Ben about Kate’s
infertility problems so that he wouldn’t kill her. Juliet later
finds out from a document Ben gives her that Sawyer is the
father of her sister’s, Rachel, son. Sawyer once donated
sperm to the lab that Juliet worked for. Juliet was also part
of the Tampa Job, unknowingly conned by Hibbs so he could get the keys to the lab from

Juliet to give to Sawyer to break in and steal her research for Mittelos. Hibbs set up Juliet
and she was arrested, but the charges were dropped by her ex-husband. Juliet never knew
it was Sawyer who broke in until Sawyer sees her last name on some paperwork in her
house at the Barracks. Sawyer then reveals to Juliet that he mixed up her work in the lab.
Juliet realizes that her eggs, not Rachel’s, were the ones sent to get fertilized. Juliet is the
mother of Julian. Before Locke left the island, he gave Juliet the power of being the
leader. Juliet also realizes that it is Sawyer’s fault that she is on the island. If he wouldn’t
have been caught, then Richard would have had her research and wouldn’t have needed
her there at all.

Harper Stanhope
Ex-DI. (alive) Currently on-island. Flash: “Ghost in the Machine”

Harper is first seen in 5.2 when the two groups combine for survival. She is last
seen witnessing the eruption of the volcano.

In season 5, we learn much about Harper. Harper

claims that she was brought to the island in 1996 when
Annie was brought there, but through Jin’s flash back
we see that she was there prior to 1988. Harper studies
psychology and she took a great part in the “Pythia
Experiment” which did psychic tests on patients like
Sam Toomey and Leonard Simms in the Number
Station. Harper was unaware the Ben meant for
Goodwin to die before Juliet told her in 5.4. Since then,
Harper has been becoming friendlier and less secretive
about her past. Harper has shown that she does care
about the survivors like when she and Juliet go to the
Barracks to restore the power and when she helps Rose
as Rose begins to “time trip.” Harper was always
helpful to Ben, but it seems like Ben was rather rude
with Harper and never really treated he with respect.
Harper, held at gunpoint by Locke, reveals to him what the Temple is and takes him there.
She ultimately makes
Locke understand that he needs to leave the island.

Jin Kwon
Survivor. (alive) Current on-island. Episode: “Heart of Darkness”

Jin is first seen in 5.4 when he suddenly shows

up at the Barracks very weak and injured. He is last
seen attempting to banish Widmore from the Island in

In season 5, Jin flashes the story of where he

was for the first four days since the island moved. It is
revealed that Jin somehow got transported back to 1988 when he was in the ocean along

with Adelina, a woman who escaped to the Freighter, but ultimately died. Jin was rescued
by Danielle’s science expedition team at sea. The team’s boat runs aground and Jin
doesn’t understand what is happening to him. He goes off to search for Sun alongside
Radzinsky, but is captured by the DI and taken to Room 23 where Horace Goodspeed
tries to figure out who Jin is. Horace keeps Jin’s presence on the island a secret from
everyone, including Ben and Harper. Horace believes that Jin is “time jumping,” but he
really isn’t, and sends Jin to Pierre Chang to have tests run on him. For nearly two
months Jin is held in captivity by Pierre until one day Pierre puts Jin in the Orchid’s
Chamber while being held at gun point by Daniel Faraday. Before Jin is shipped back to
the present time he is injected with the Orange substance. Before Pierre flips the switch,
Montand makes his way into the Chamber and is transported along with Jin. Back in
present time, Jin is nursed back to health by Juliet. When Miles attempts to shoot Annie,
Jin tackles him and watches over Miles until Miles escapes while Jin is going to the
bathroom. Jin then accompanies Widmore and Charlotte to the Black Rock and then goes
with them and Richard to the Orchid. While at the Orchid, Jin remembers his time in the
past with Horace and Pierre. While at the Orchid, Widmore tells Jin that Sun is searching
for the island and that she gave birth to Ji Yeon nearly 4 years ago. Jin is happy to hear
that and when Widmore tries to use Annie to move the island back in time, Jin stops him
because he wants Sun to find the island. Annie tries to send Widmore away from the
island, but their plan is foiled by the volcanic eruption.

Rose Nadler
Survivor. (alive) Currently on-island.

Rose is first seen in 5.2 when she discovers that Becky has frozen to death. She is
last seen in the midst of a “time trip” while at the Barracks in 5.14.

In season 5, Rose has become a main character. Rose helps

Locke find the Number Station in 5.4 and she takes off through
the island in search of Bernard in 5.8. Unfortunately, when she
finds Bernard’s injured body in the forest, she picks up his head
against the orders of Juliet and she dislodges a rock from his
head that was keeping him alive. Rose then has the funeral for
Bernard and she spots Giovanni’s fishing boat. Rose and
Amelia keep watch over Giovanni when Rose realizes he is
wearing the same DS ring that Charlie had. When Amelia
discovers Rose is asking questions, she punches Rose in the
face and knocks her out. Rose later reveals that her father was a
tug-boat captain and she aides Locke in his return to the main
land by ferrying him out to sea where he activates the Suitcase
Device and teleports. On the return trip to the island, Rose crosses the electromagnetic
field and later tells Harper that she has had chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Because
of this, Rose is suffering from the “time-tripping” that Desmond had encountered.

Charlotte Staples-Lewis
Ex-Freighter. (alive) Currently on-island. Episode: “Family Matters”

Charlotte was first seen in 5.2 when she, along with Cindy and Miles, explored
the Cerebus Vents. She was last seen in 5.14 at the Orchid attempting to banish Widmore
from the island.

In season 5, Charlotte has evolved into a huge

player. We find out that Charlotte was born on the
island from her mother Jeanette “Annie” Lewis and
her father David Staples. Before the incident in 1979
her family left the island and went to the UK where
David’s family is from. David turned out to be
Widmore’s half brother from their mother and
Charlotte’s uncle. In 1996, Charlotte was lead to
believe her mother died in the TWA flight 800 plane
crash, but Ben had actually kidnapped Annie and
staged the accident. After her mother’s funeral, David
came to visit Charlotte and gave her a box of photos
from her mom’s past. Charlotte then realized her mom
was a DI member and that led her to become an
anthropologist. Widmore funded her expedition to
Tunisia where she found the polar bear and he then asked her to join the team on the
Freighter knowing very well that he wanted her to stay on the island because she knew
too much. On island, Cindy attempted to kill Charlotte and Annie because of some
prophecy and later Miles stated he wanted to kill them for the same reason. When
Widmore came to the island, Charlotte realized he is an evil man and with the help of
Annie, she attempted to banish him from the island, but just as she was going to flip the
switch, the island’s volcano began erupting. Charlotte and Sawyer have become very
close and Charlotte has spent a lot of screen time with Jin and Annie.

Jeanette “Annie” Lewis

Ex-DI. (alive) Currently on-island. Flash: “Ghost in the Machine”

Annie was first seen in 5.2 when Charlotte discovered her in the Temple. Annie
was last seen hooked up to the Machine that would banish Widmore from the island.

In season 5, Annie has added to the overall

mythology of the show. We learn that she used to be a DI
member who worked in the Orchid, but she and David
Staples left the island after she had given birth to Charlotte.
Off island, Annie got a divorce from David two years later
and remarried P.W. Lewis and had two more children with
him. In 1996, Annie went to New York City to visit an old
college friend, but we later find out she never went to
college, and on the return flight she is kidnapped by Ben
and Tom from JFK airport. Ben then blows up the plane

Annie was supposed to be on to make it appear as if she had died. When Annie returned
to the island, Richard and Ben used her abilities to transport Mathias off the island.
Richard found a way to harness her powers without needing her anymore and with the
help of the Orchid and the Chamber, this is how the others got back and forth from the
island. Annie was then locked up in the Temple station for a long time. Cindy, for
unknown reasons and working with the DS, has a mission to kill Annie and Charlotte
because of some prophecy. Cindy fails and Annie becomes rather catatonic until episode
5.10 when Miles attempts to shoot her, but she stops the bullet in mid-air and we see she
has telekinetic abilities. In 5.14, she aides Richard in leaving the island to kill Locke and
foils Widmore’s plan to move the island back in time. She attempts to banish Widmore
from the island with her powers, but she doesn’t succeed due to the volcanic eruption.

Miles Straume
Ex-Freighter (alive) Currently on-island. Episode: “The Eyes Have It”

Miles was first seen in 5.2 exploring the Cerebus Vents with Cindy and Charlotte.
He was last seen attempting to kill Locke in 5.12, but ran into the jungle.

In season 5, Miles is taken by the Smoke Monster in 5.2

while traversing the CVs under the island. We don’t see
Miles again until 5.7 when he visited Hurley in a flash and
told him that he was able to unstick himself from time. In
5.8 he appears in the Number Station with a gun pointed to
Charlotte’s head. In 5.10 we learn that Miles somehow
communicated with the Smoke Monster, but it is unclear
how. We learn that before the island, he was a gang member
and was ultimately shot dead by Ana-Lucia. Somehow, like
Charlotte Malkin, Miles awoke 8 hours after his death and it
is believed that this is when he started communicating with
the dead. While communicating with the Smoker Monster
he gained all of the flashes and memories the Smoke
Monster has taken from people over the years. This is how
we learn about the fate of the Black Rock and see a Jack based flash-forward that shows
Jack shooting Hurley. Miles also claims that he saw complete destruction due to a man
with tubes sticking out of him. That man is most likely Hanso. Miles says he has to kill
Annie in order to ensure they don’t die. Annie foils Miles’ plan by telekinetically
stopping his bullet and Jin tackles Miles. Later, when Widmore arrives, Miles tell
Widmore that he won’t succeed in his plans. Miles then escapes from Jin and finds Locke
where he tries to kill him so Locke doesn’t mess up the future. Suddenly, Charlotte
Malkin from season 2 who died and came back to life screaming “Let John Lock Go”
during her autopsy in Australia, appears and stops Miles. Miles runs off into the jungle
and we haven’t seen him since.

Charles Widmore
Ex-DI. (alive) Currently on-island. Episode: “Incidentals”

Widmore is first seen in 5.1 meeting with Sun in London. He is last seen passed
out in 5.14 after Annie attempted to banish him from the island using her telekinetic
abilities, but the volcano stopped her.

In season 5, we learn that Widmore was

once a DI member prior to 1979. Widmore is also
the half brother of David Staples, Charlotte’s
father. Widmore had intentions, along with a young
Ben, to steal the DI secrets and purge the members
and return to the mainland to sell the secrets back
to Hanso in order to gain vast wealth. They needed
the help of Richard, but Richard refused and had
Ben frame Widmore for causing “the incident”
which was a Swan malfunction that ended up
taking the life of Casey, a DI Gemologist, and the
arm of Pierre Chang. Widmore was banished from
the island to never return by Horace and Olivia
Goodspeed. In 1996, Ben visits Widmore at the
Black Rock auction and tells him that he can’t ever
return and he can’t kill Ben because Ben is his
constant. He is then visited by Ms. Hawking who
tells Widmore that he must tell Desmond Penn’s
address in order for things to happen as they are
supposed to. Later, it is revealed that Widmore is a part of the DS and he helped
commission Danielle’s research team to the island. In present time, Widmore is conned
by Ben who is being conned by Abaddon, Jack, Locke and Sayid to help with the return
to the island. Widmore tells Sun that Mittelwerk has the equation back to the island and
tells her where to find him. It is later found out that Widmore worked with Paik in
creating the Machine that will transport them to the island once it is found. We learn
through other flashbacks that Widmore had blackmailed Naomi to help with the freighter
team because he had kidnapped Mathias, Naomi’s fiancé, after having paid Mathias to
help him locate the island. Mathias double crossed him by helping Penny so Widmore
kidnapped him. Widmore returned to the island when Christine DeVries hijacked the
plane from Antarctica. Once on the island, Widmore went to the Black Rock to retrieve
the coordinates to the original location of the island and planned on using Annie to move
it there, but he was foiled by Jin and Annie attempted to banish him from the island, but
was unsuccessful when the volcano erupted. We learn that Widmore has some connection
to Richard and Widmore suffers from a delusional God complex. He believes the island is
his destiny, much like Locke.

Christine DeVries
Connection to Zach & Emma. (alive) Currently on-island. Episode: “Christine”

Christine was first seen in 5.1 working for Widmore. She was last seen in 5.14 on
her way to the Hydra Island with Frank.

In season 5, we are introduced to Christine DeVries.

She is Widmore’s assistant and has done some shady
things in the past, but when she finds out that Widmore
had something to do with the crash of 815 and the
explosion of the Freighter she teamed up with Sun and
Ben to manipulate Widmore into helping. Christine was
responsible for Gary Troupe being on 815. Originally,
Christine was supposed to be on the plane, but Widmore
made her trade tickets with Troupe to ensure he would
crash and die. Christine realized that Widmore originally
intended her to be on the plane to die because she knew
too much about him. We later find out that Christine’s children are Zach and Emma and
that her brother was George Minkowski. She had gotten George the job on the freighter
through Widmore. Christine desperately wants to go to the island to get her kids, but Jack
won’t let her. So, when Christine and Jack go to New York City to collect Walt, she gains
Jack’s trust and plays the victim card. Later she gets closer with Jack while talking about
her kids. One day, she is confronted by Abaddon who tells her that she will never see her
children again. This prompts Christine to go with the gang to Antarctica. When there, she
seduces Jack and kisses him as she steals the coordinates to the island. Then, when no
one is looking, she steals the plane and hijacks it with Widmore, Frank, Walt and dead
Locke on board. On the island she finally sees her kids, but they don’t remember who she
is. In an act of desperation, Christine talks to Walt and he tells her about Room 23 and
that Zach and Emma were probably brainwashed. Christine wants Walt to help her to the
Hydra and lies to him about his father being alive to lure him there. Frank tells Walt the
truth and a horrible incident with a polar bear occurs, but we still don’t know what
happened. Christine and Frank spot Giovanni’s boat on the beach and they take it and sail
to the Hydra Island after Christine uses guilt on Frank to help.

Frank Lapidus
Ex-Freighter. (alive) Currently on-island.

We fist see Frank in a flashback in 5.2 where Cindy

drugged him before flight 815. We last see him on his way to the
Hydra with Christine.

In season 5, we don’t see real-time Frank until 5.9. Jack

found him to pilot the cargo plane to Antarctica and then to the
Island. Frank agrees to go because he loves a good conspiracy.
However, Christine holds him at gun point and forces him to take
off without the rest of the Oceanic 6 leaving him, Christine, Walt, Widmore and Locke’s

dead body to make it to the island. We learn that the reason Frank didn’t pilot 815 on the
day it crashed was because Cindy, under the orders of Abaddon, drugged him and made it
appear that he was drunk. When the Oceanic officials saw this, they were going to cancel
the flight, but Cindy suggests Captain Joe Stewart, which is the same man that attempted
to adopt Aaron. Frank was set up so Joe could fly the plane to the island. On the island in
present time, Frank tells Sawyer about the time difference between the island and the real
world. He then is put in charge of taking Walt to the Arrow by Juliet, but on the way they
run into Christine and Frank tells the truth to Walt about Michael being dead. Something
happens with a polar bear and Frank and Christine run to the beach where Christine sees
Giovanni’s fishing boat. Christine forces Frank to go to the Hydra with her to find out
what happened to her children, Zach and Emma.

Walter Lloyd
Returnee. (alive) Currently on-island.

Walt is first seen in 5.5 when Christine and Jack go to New York City to get him.
We last see Walt in 5.14 acting very strange and kicking Vincent and seeing Christian

In season 5, we find out that Walt is on the list of returnees

to the island that Claire gave Locke. After Locke left the
island, he visits Walt and tells him that he needs to go back.
Walt tells Locke that he dreamed of Locke trying to kill
himself, but Walt stopped him. Locke thanks Walt. Later,
Christine and Jack go to NYC to get Walt. They tell Mrs.
Dawson that they are taking him to see Michael, but this isn’t
true. Walt is taken to the island when Christine hijacks the
plane and they crash. Once on the island, Walt finds out from
Frank that his father is dead. Walt appears to manifest a polar bear and the polar bear
wreaks havoc on a group of others. Walt appears to Juliet covered in blood, mute and
acting strangely, but not hurt. Juliet gets Walt to the Barracks for him to clean up and
while there she tells Walt that she knows what he can do. She hands him a book, “Carrie”
by Stephen King. Juliet feels uneasy around Walt, possibly because of what happened
with him in Room 23. Later, Walt goes outside and is reunited with Vincent, however,
instead of being happy, Walt kicks him and he runs off. Walt then sees Christian Shephard
who tells Walt it has begun.

Smoke Monster
Monster. (alive/dead/unknown) Currently on-island.

The Smoke Monster is first seen in 5.2

when it takes Miles away. It is last heard in
5.14 when the volcano erupts.

In season 5, the Smoke Monster has

been seen flashing many people including
Montand, the captain of the Black Rock,

Cindy and Miles. The Monster has chased Christine, Richard, Sawyer, Miles, and Hurley.
It is revealed that the Smoke Monster has a means of communicating with Miles. It
shared all its previous flashes of everyone it has encountered with miles in 5.10 allowing
Miles to see all the memories of the people who were flashed. This allows Miles to flash
the story of the captain of the Black Rock, Jack and Montand. The monster appears to be
very angry once the cargo plane reaches the island when the island’s volcano erupts. The
Smoke Monster hasn’t killed anyone this season, but it has let certain people such as
Montand and Cindy go after it flashed them. There seems to be some reasoning behind
why the Smoke Monster kills some people and not others.

-Dead Characters-

John “Jeremy Bentham” Locke

Ex-Leader/Survivor. (dead) Currently on island. Episode: “Johnny Be Good”

Locke is first seen in 5.2 uniting the others and the survivors. Locke is last seen in
real-time when he leaves the ocean from Giovanni’s life raft using the Suitcase Device.

In season 5, Locke is now the leader and his first

goal is to combine the survivors with the others into
one group, a genesis group. He is also determined to
get everyone to safety and the first task is to find
warmth. Taking a suggestion from Bernard, they all go
to the Arrow where Bernard finds the Number Station
under the Arrow. Locke, Rose and Richard go into the
arrow. While there, Richard tells Locke that he was
never on Jacob’s list and that Locke isn’t the true
leader. Locke finds a drawing in the pocket of a
scientist and the drawing looks a lot like Locke on a
raft using some sort of device. Just then Charlotte
shows up with a key and a letter from Daniel (from
1988) addressed to Locke. Locke uses the key to open
up an office in the Number Station. Inside, Locke finds Christian Shephard who tells
Locke to let go of the island. In an act of defiance, Locke goes to Jacob’s cabin where he
finds Claire. Claire gives him a list of the returnees and tells him to find Bernard, who
has something Locke needs. When Locke finds Bernard, he finds the Suitcase device that
was on the drawing. During Bernard’s funeral, Locke spots a boat off shore and then the
cargo plane crashes onto the island. Meanwhile, Charlotte finds an envelope addressed to
Locke 2009. With the plane on the island, Locke starts to turn into Ben and tells Richard
to go scout it out. Locke then interrogates Giovanni, the man who arrived on the fishing
boat. He has Rose and Amelia watch over Giovanni while he holds Harper at gunpoint
and asks her why she looked so interested in the Suitcase Device. Harper tells Locke that
the drawing he found is a prophecy from Sam Toomey when he was on the “Pythia Gas.”
The man in the drawing is Locke. Locke wants more answers so he has Harper take him
to the Temple where he finds the Scripture that depicts the true leader. When leaving the

Temple, Locke comes across Miles who wants to kill him for the good of the future. Just
then, Charlotte Malkin appears and stops Miles. Juliet finds Locke and takes him to the
plane where Locke sees his own dead body from the plane crash. Somehow, his dead
body from when he leaves the island ends up back on the island and Locke accepts his
destiny. Locke leaves for the mainland, but before he does, he makes Juliet the leader.

Once Locke leaves the island, he arrives in the desert and walks to a diner where
he calls Helen to pick him up. Helen doesn’t believe that Locke is alive and can walk.
The two share a heartfelt kiss. Locke then makes his way to Santa Rosa where he visits
his mother who is suffering from senility. She tells him that Anthony Cooper isn’t his
father and then she freaks out at the mention of Richard Alpert’s name. Locke tells
Hurley he has to go back. Locke then tells Sun that Jin is alive and that she has to go
back. Walt later visits Kate and Walt as well. Locke shows Kate the Scripture and tells
her that she is the true leader, not him. He tells her that he didn’t kill his father, which
Sawyer did. Because of that, he is not the leader of the island. At some point, Locke
meets with Abaddon, Sayid and Jack to device a plan to con Ben into helping them con
Widmore. They need Widmore to find out where the island is. One night, Locke is in his
apartment in LA and he is visited by Richard who tells Locke that he has to die. Locke is
a sacrifice that the island demands. Locke doesn’t hesitate to hang himself, but he can’t
go through with it in the end. Richard ends up kicking the chair out from under Locke.
Locke struggles and eventually suffocates to death. Richard takes the list of returnees out
of Locke’s pocket and takes the Suitcase Device as well. Locke is dead.

Bernard Nadler
Survivor. (dead) Episode: “Secret Agent Man”

Bernard is first seen in 5.2 suggesting they all get warmth at the Arrow. He is last
seen dying in Rose’s arms in 5.10.

In season 5, Bernard suggests they find warmth in the

Arrow Station because it is large enough to fit them all. Once
they get there, he finds the entrance to the Number Station
below. Just then the power goes out and Bernard offers to go
with Juliet and Harper to turn on a backup generator at the
Barracks. On the way, he feels guilty about leaving Rose, so he
turns back. On the way back he gets lost and stumbles across
Danielle’s science expedition camp. While there, he sees
Robert’s grave and notices Robert’s name on the cross. He
somehow knows Robert, but it isn’t said how. Bernard then
finds Montand’s maps and follows them to a DI station he thought was the Arrow, but
turns out to be the Tempest. Bernard goes inside and finds a secret room that controls the
island’s geothermal power. He accidentally releases the methane gas from the island
which ultimately causes the island to get warmer and the volcano to erupt in 5.14. When
Bernard releases the gas he manages to hallucinate and see Ana Lucia. Ana tells Bernard
that his mission is to find the Suitcase Device. Bernard flashes back and we see that he
used to be a CIA agent. His first mission was trying to capture Montand in Paris, but he
failed. He then retired from the CIA and had to change his name. His wife at the time also

had to change her name. It turns out that his wife is Diane Janssen. Before she changed
her name, it was Emily Landsworth. Abaddon visited Bernard in the past and told him
about the faith healer in Australia for Rose. Abaddon also told Bernard that he would owe
him a favor one day. Well, Diane comes to NYC to see Bernard and tell him that
Abaddon threatened to reveal her real name to people if she didn’t persuade Bernard to
put the Suitcase Device on flight 815. Bernard agrees to do it and she gives him 2 plane
tickets and the brochure to the faith healer from Abaddon. Rose and Bernard go to
Australia and on the flight home, Bernard attempts to activate the Suitcase Device, but he
isn’t successful. Instead, because Desmond didn’t press the button, the plane went down
anyway. Back on the island, Bernard is on the hunt for the Suitcase Device. He
hallucinates again and sees his old CIA boss, General Talbot. Talbot points to the device
in the tree and Bernard climbs the tree. He wants to prove to Talbot that he can complete
the mission. Once Bernard gets the Suitcase Device, he falls from the tree and impels his
head on a rock. Against Juliet’s advice, Rose removes the rock and Bernard dies. There is
a touching service for him on the beach and Locke obtains the Suitcase Device from
Bernard which he later uses to leave the island.

Cindy Chandler
Ex DI/DS/Survivor (dead) Episode: “Genesis”

Cindy was first seen in 5.2 leading Charlotte and Miles into the Cerebus Vents
(CVs). She was last seen in real-time in 5.2 after being shot in the head by Sawyer.

In season 5, we find out a lot about Cindy’s past. It turns

out Cindy was a DI member at some point in her life, but
left the island on some kind of mission for Ben. While off
island, she got tangled up in the DS. She has met with
Christian Shephard and Matthew Abaddon in the past. She
helped Abaddon get the Suitcase Device and Christian
Shephard body onto the plane. Once on the island, she is
kidnapped by Harper, as seen in season 2, and Ben tried to
brainwash her to undo whatever happened to her off island
in Room 23. The brain-washing wasn’t a complete success
so Ben tells her that if she cooperates with him then he will
bring Gary Troupe, Cindy’s fiancé, to the Other’s camp.
Cindy complies up until she learns from Jack in the bear cages that Gary is dead. In a fit
of rage, Cindy breaks into Isabelle’s office and steals her file along with someone else’s
file. She then gets the plans to the CV maps to take her to the Flame Station. At the Flame
Station, Cindy contacts someone on the outside world. When leaving, she runs into
Isabelle and Cindy knocks her out with a shovel. Cindy feels bad, but makes her way
back towards the CVs as the Flame blows up, along with Isabelle. Inside the CVs, she is
confronted by the Smoke Monster which only flashes her, then leaves her alone. Cindy
goes back to the Other’s camp as if nothing ever happened. Back in present time, Cindy
takes Charlotte and Miles through the vents to the Temple where she plans on killing
Charlotte and Annie. Charlotte finds Annie tied up in the corner and is astonished her
mother is in the island. Cindy raises her gun and says it is destiny that she does this, but
then Sawyer comes in and shoots Cindy in the head, killing her.

Penelope Widmore
Connection of Desmond. (dead) Flash: “Ghost in the Machine”

Penny was first seen in 5.2 while in hiding in Seoul. Was last seen dead being
tossed from an airplane by Desmond in 5.11.

In season 5, we find out that Penny is Charlotte’s

cousin and Libby’s niece because Libby was married to
David Staples, Widmore’s half brother. Penny used her
connection with Libby after David’s death to have Libby
donate her boat to Desmond. Penny put a tracking
device on it and when the Swan Imploded, Henrik found
the boat and Desmond. Penny was at one time engaged
to Henrik which is why she went to Antarctica. They
used the listening station as a place to refuel. After the
06 were to leave, Penny, Desmond and Christine were
going to catch a flight back to the mainland with Henrik,
but in an effort to force Desmond to return, Ben shot
Henrik. Without Henrik no one could fly them home.
Desmond attacks Ben and in an attempt to stop them,
Sayid aims the gun at Desmond. Hurley tries to stop
Sayid by grabbing the gun, but the gun accidentally goes
off shooting Penny dead. After Christine hijacked the
cargo plane, the 06 return to the mainland, but on the way Desmond dumps Penny’s body
out over the ocean so they wouldn’t be questioned when they landed in New Zealand.

Elizabeth “Libby” Staples

Survivor/possible DS (dead)

Libby was first seen in Widmore’s flash as his assistant

in 5.1. She was last seen at Santa Rosa with split personality
disorder in Desmond’s flash in 5.11.

In season 5, we learn the rest of Libby’s back story. It

turns out that Libby originally worked for Widmore as his
assistant. Libby then met David Staples and married him. After
his death, Elizabeth inherited his sail boat, which she gave to
Desmond, but not before her niece, Penny, had Elizabeth put a
tracking device on it. After Elizabeth gave Desmond the boat,
she continued to see him. Elizabeth started going a bit crazy
one night after having sex with Desmond. She felt pressure
from “them” and she ended up attempting to kill herself by
slitting her wrists. Desmond called 911 and Elizabeth was sent to Santa Rosa for having

multiple personality disorder. This is where the alternate personality, Libby, developed.
Libby claimed to be a psychologist in Santa Rosa to study insane people. Desmond visits
her and Libby turns into Elizabeth and tells him that he is the key factor to helping the
people on the island and making things right. It is here we assume she knows of the DS’s
plans for Desmond. Desmond leaves and Elizabeth ultimately turns into Libby from here
on out. This is why Libby doesn’t seem to know anything about the DS while on the

Gary Troupe
Connection to Widmore/Paik/Cindy. (dead)

Gary Troupe was first and last seen in Christine’s flashes in 5.5.

In season 5, Gary Troupe is found out to be an author who is

obsessed with the Widmore family as well as the Valenzetti Equation.
He has devoted his life to researching the equation and he holds the
Widmore family responsible for hiding the truth about it. Gary wrote
a book with the basis of the equation, but not the complete thing.
Gary was in Sydney to use a publishing company, Walkabout.
Widmore planted Christine DeVries in the company to pose as the
chief editor. She was put there to ensure Gary would take the Paik
name out of the book so there would be no ties between Widmore
and Paik. Christine meets with Gary and, at Widmore’s request, she trades flights with
Troupe putting him on flight 815. Widmore knew the plane was going to crash, so he
arranged for Troupe’s death. Troupe was going to propose to Cindy once they landed in
LA, but that never happened.

Mr. Paik
Possible DS. Connection to Widmore and Sun. (dead)

Mr. Paik was first seen in 5.3 when Sun confronted him at his warehouse. He was
last seen in a Penny based flash in 5.9.

In season 5, we learn that Paik was connected to

Widmore and just as interested in finding the island
himself. We aren’t sure why Paik was so interested, but
we do know that he wanted to mine the island for its
Holmium deposits. Widmore and Mittelwerk
commissioned Paik to build the Suitcase Device to
place on flight 815. Even though Paik knew Sun was on
the flight, he allowed the Suitcase Device to be used.
He was later commissioned by Widmore to build
another machine, this time for Widmore to use to get to the island himself. Paik almost
had the machine completed, but Sun’s complete fury let her to have Sayid kill him. Sun

took over the Paik Empire with the help of Hurley’s lotto money and finished the
Machine herself.

Died on 815. Connection to Hurley. (dead)

Dave’s only appearance was in 5.7 when he appeared to Hurley aboard flight 815.

In season 5, we learn that Dave was an actual passenger on flight

815. He was sitting in the cockpit section, so his body was never
found by Hurley. Dave comes to Hurley in a flash/vision and tells
Hurley that he was in fact on 815 and had talked to Hurley on the
flight before it crashed. He said that Hurley had seen him before
and that he was a figment of Hurley’s imagination. At the time of
the flight, Dave thought Hurley was crazy he said. It wasn’t until
after the flight and Dave became “unstuck” that he finally
understood what Hurley meant. Dave had “unstuck” himself and
went back to Santa Rosa to keep Hurley company for some reason. When Hurley asks
Dave why he didn’t tell him about the crash, Dave told him that Hurley wouldn’t have
done what he needed to do and by that, he meant get on 815. Hurley is relieved that he
isn’t crazy. Dave then tells Hurley what he said he told Mr. Eko to tell Hurley, “lift up
your head and look north.” This is what Eko said to Locke right before he died in season
3. Because of Dave, Hurley finally realized that the island was in the Northern
Hemisphere and not the Southern.

Giovanni Boccaccio
DS. (dead)

Giovanni’s first appearance was in 5.10 when he arrived on the island from his
fishing boat. Giovanni’s last appearance was in 5.11 when he was dead, shot by Amelia.

Little is known about Giovanni. He had a DS ring

much like that of Charlie’s great-grandfather, Dexter
Stratton. This signifies that he was part of the DS. He
claimed to live in Greenland, but he was an obvious
Italian man. He said he was simply fishing north of
Greenland before there was a bright flash of light and his
instruments went crazy. He then found the island. Rose
finds his DS ring and when Amelia sees this, she knocks
Rose out and shoots Giovanni in the head.

-Other Notables-

1) Alex (Born to Danielle on Island)

2) Ana-Lucia (Shot and “killed” Miles, appeared to Bernard as hallucination)
3) Barnes, Mr. (Gary Troupe’s publicist who tips Sun off to Widmore/Paik)
4) Becky (Mid-section survivor who froze to death after the island move)
5) Burke, Dr. (Owns lab that Sawyer Robbed. Turned Juliet in to police)
6) Casey (Gemologist that died in the “incident”)
7) Charlie (Was at same resort as Desmond when he was child)
8) Dawson, Mrs. (Walt’s grandmother)
9) DeGroots (Helped found DI. Caused the rift between natives and DI)
10) Diane Janssen (Kate’s mom. Ex-wife of Bernard, changed her name from Emily)
11) Eko (Plays chess with Hurley)
12) Emily Locke (Now Senile, Locke visits her and she denies Cooper is his dad)
13) Gen. Talbot (Bernard’s former CIA boss. Appears to Bernard before death)
14) Henrik (Was 06 helper and fiancé to Penny, shot by Ben and died)
15) Henry Gale (Killed by Ethan & was mining island for Holmium for Widmore)
16) Hibbs (Conned Juliet to get access to lab for Mittelos “Tampa Job”)
17) Isabel (Other’s sheriff. We learn she died in the Flame explosion)
18) Ivan (An other who helped in the kidnapping of Cindy)
19) Ji Yeon(Daughter of Sun and Jin)
20) Joe Stewart (Piloted 815 to it’s doom and tried to adopt Aaron from Claire)
21) MacCutcheon (As a boy, a deckhand on the Black Rock. Returned journal
22) Michael (The driving point for Walt to return to the island)
23) Mikhail (Aided in the transport of Mathias to Portugal)
24) Minkowski (Christine’s brother. She got him job on Freighter)
25) Mittelwerk (The Economist who commissioned the Machine and took Hanso)
26) Nadia (Lived with Sayid and worked for unknown man)
27) Naomi (Partner of Mathias, blackmailed by Widmore to go on freighter)
28) Paik, Mrs. (Sun’s mother)
29) P.W. Lewis (Charlotte’s Step Father)
30) Shannon (Gives Sun a Message via Hurley)
31) Tom (Got Hibbs for “Tampa Job” for Richard)
32) Vincent (Walt’s dog, leads Sawyer to polar bear carnage. Walt kicks him)
33) Zach&Emma (Christine’s children, most likely brainwashed in Room 23)

Il Destino Sinergia

Known Members:
1) Valenzetti (ex)
2) Ms. Hawking
3) Hanso (ex leader)
4) Abaddon
5) Casear
6) Widmore (ex)
7) Giovanni (ex)
8) Montand (dead)
9) Cindy (dead)
10) Christian (unknown)


Il Destino Sinergia was started and founded by Enzo Valenzetti. Valenzetti

believed that he found an equation that could determine the exact time and date
the world is going to end. In that research, Valenzetti also found it possible,
through numbers, to determine and predict every possible outcome anyone or
anything could have. What he found was that no matter the decisions or actions
someone takes, the equation ends up the same way. Valenzetti found this to be the
ultimate proof that life is not made of free will, but instead it is made of destiny.
Enzo formed Il Destino Sinergia (The Destiny Synergy in English) to promote
this new found vision.

Not many people took kindly to Valenzetti’s new outlook on life,

especially those in the religious world. Valenzetti and his group were forced to go
underground and soon enough, they were forgotten. After some time and some
further research, Valenzetti came across a phenomenon. There are very few people
on Earth whose numbers can alter the equation and change the possible outcome
of the future. Valenzetti disproved his own equation.

Even though his equation was no longer valid, many other members of his
group didn’t want to believe it. Valenzetti wanted to disband the organization, but
his fellow members decided to throw him out and continue on with the idea of
destiny. Out of fear, Valenzetti fled Italy. It is believed that Valenzetti died soon
after in a plane accident, however, many suspect that he was killed or faked his
own death.

Today, Il Destino Sinergia is still active. Its numbers have dwindled

significantly, but they are still adamant in their beliefs. The group will go to any
lengths to protect the future as they see it, the way Valenzetti first envisioned it.

The Abaddon Conspiracy

When Locke left the Island, Abaddon found him. It is unclear what transpired
between the two, but Abaddon had convinced Locke that he was a friend and he would
help Locke save the people on the Island. Apparently, Locke gained trust in Sayid and
Jack to go along with Abaddon’s word and the three of them teamed up to save their
friends. They needed to find the island, and to do that they needed the help of Ben, but
they didn’t want Ben controlling anything. They wanted Ben to believe he was
controlling everything, so Abaddon stepped back and let Locke, Sayid and Jack be
approached by Ben to let him think he is running the show. They used Ben to get to
Widmore, who had means and connections to Mittelwerk, in order to find the equation
that Hanso had in his possession. The equation could determine where the island is
located. In essence, Abaddon conned Ben who conned Widmore to find the island.

Something along the lines went wrong and Jack stepped away from the group.
Even though Jack backed off and became an alcoholic, he never told Ben of the plan. As
of right now, with Locke dead, Abaddon and Sayid are the only two still apart of the
Abaddon conspiracy.

What is at question right now is what to believe. Who is good? Abaddon? Ben?
Neither? Do they each have their own agenda? Jack has teamed up with Ben and
Abaddon is teamed up with Sayid. The lines are drawn, but who will come out the

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