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Mix together 1 oz of chickweed (reduces

inflammation and aids in healing), 1 oz of
wormwood (a great pain reliever), and 1 ounce of
yarrow (an anti-bacterial agent that
also helps relieve pain). The yarrow plant
contains achillein and achilleic acid.
These substances reduce the clotting time of
blood, so they help stop any bleeding.
Yarrow also has pain-killing and
anti-inflammatory properties that are similar to
Add the mixture of herbs to 2 pints of olive oil
and simmer 3 hours.
Strain and add 3 ounces of beeswax and 1
teaspoon of tincture of benzoin.
Test for consistency before pouring into wide
mouth containers.


Place 1 ounce of the buds in 1 pint of hot olive
oil and allow to simmer, covered, 3 hours.
Strain and add 1-1/2 oz of beeswax and 1/2 tsp.
tincture of benzoin to the strained mixture.
Test for consistency and place in sterile jar.
This is a good salve to use on burns, scratches,
swelling injuries. Also good for any skin
The signature of balm of Gilead is the resin
exudation covering the buds.
It contains salicin, which is also found in
It has some of the same pain-killing and
anti-inflammatory properties as aspirin.

Alterative - Producing a healthful change
without perception
Anodyne - Relieves pain
Anthelmintic - A medicine that expels worms
Aperient - Gently laxative without purging
Aromatic - A stimulant, spicy
Astringent - Causes contraction and arrests
Antibilious - Acts on the bile, relieving
Antiemetic - Stops vomiting
Antileptic - Relieves siesures
Antiperiodic - Arrests morbid periodic movements
Anthilic - Prevents formation of stones in
urinary organs
Antirheumatic - Relieves rheumatism
Antiscorbutic - Cures or prevents scurvy
Antiseptic - aims at stopping putrification
Antispasmodic - Relieves or prevents spasms
Antisyphilitic - Having affect or curing STD
Carminative - Expels gas in the bowels
Carthatic - Evacuating from the bowels
Cephalic - Remedies used in diseases of the head
Cholagogue - Increases flow of bile
Condiment - Improves flavor of food
Demulcent - Soothing, relieves inflammation
Deobstruent - Removes obstruction
Depurative - Purifies the blood
Detergent - Cleansing to boils, ulcers, wounds
Diaphoretic - Produces perspiration
Discutient - Dissolves and heals tumors
Diuretic - Increases flow of urine
Emetic - Produces vomiting
Emmenagogue - Promotes menstruation
Emollient - Softens and soothes inflamation
Esculent - Eatable as food
Expectorant - Facilitates espectoration
Febrifuge - Abates and reduces fever
Hepatic - For diseases of the liver
Herpatic - Remedy for skin diseases of all types
Laxative - Promotes bowel action
Lithontryptic - Dissolves calculi in urinary
Maturating - Ripens or brings boils to a head
Mucilaginous - Soothing to all inflammations
Nauseant - Produces vomiting
Nervine - Acts specifically on nervous system,
stops nervous excitment
Opthalmicum - For eye diseases
Parturient - Induces and promotes labor at
Pectoral - For chest infections
Refrigerant - Cooling
Resolvent - Dissolves boils and tumors
Rubifacient - Increases circulation and produces
red skin
Sedative - Nerve tonic, promotes sleep
Sialogogue - Increases secretion of saliva
Stomachic - Strengthen stomach, relieves
Styptic - Stops bleeding
Sudorfic - Produces profuse perspiration
Tonic - Remedy which is invigorating and
Vermifuge - Expels worms from the system

Studies show that this herb has antibiotic
how to: For tea, 1/2 to 1 teaspoon powdered root
per cup, steeped 10 minutes. Up to 2 cups per
The "hip" is the part that remains when the
petals fall off the flower. Rose hips contain
vitamin C.
how to: For tea, 2 to 3 teaspoons per cup,
steeped 10 minutes. Drink as needed.
This popular beverage herb can calm jangled
nerves, relieve stomach distress, prevent ulcers,
speed their healing, and help fight infection.
how to: For tea, 2 to 3 heaping teaspoons per
cup, steeped 10 to 20 minutes. Up to 3 cups per
When chewed or chopped, garlic is a potent
natural antibiotic; it also has anti-viral
It reduces cholesterol and helps prevent the
formation of internal blood clots that trigger
attacks. how to: In food, season to taste. For
tea, steep 6 cloves in a cup of cool water for 6
Historically used to soothe sore throats,
coughs, and upset stomachs, this beneficial bark
is still
available in bulk and in herbal cough drops and
throat lozenges.
how to: For tea, 1 to 3 teaspoons of powdered
bark per cup, boiled and simmered 15 minutes.
Up to 3 cups per day.
Ginseng stimulates the immune system, helps
protect the liver from toxics, and increases
stamina. In one animal experiment, it also
increased sexual activity.
how to: Follow package directions for teas,
capsules, tablets, and tinctures.
Despised as a weed, dandelion can help relieve
premenstrual bloating.
Preliminary studies suggest possible
anti-inflammatory effects.
how to: For tea, 1/2 ounce dried leaf per cup,
steeped 10 minutes. Up to 3 cups per day.
Several studies confirm feverfew's value in
preventing migraines.
how to: Chew two leaves a day, or take a pill or
capsule containing 85milligrams of leaf
material (feverfew is quite bitter). For tea,
1/2 to 1 teaspoon per cup, steeped 5 to 10
Up to 2 cups per day.
This premier pregnancy herb is widely used to
treat morning sickness and uterine irritability,
and to help prevent threatened miscarriage. how
to: For tea, 1 to 2 teaspoons per cup,
steeped 10 minutes. Up to 3 cups per day.
For indigestion, try a cup of mint tea after
how to: For tea, 1 teaspoon fresh or 2 teaspoons
dried per cup, steeped 10 minutes.
Reheat if desired. Up to 3 cups per day. For a
relaxing bath, fill a cloth bag with a few
of dried or fresh leaves, and run water over it.
This plant contains allantoin, which promotes
the growth of new cells and gives it value as
a wound treatment. how to: Place a bruised leaf
on clean cuts or scrapes. Cover with a bandage.
Warning: Do not use internally.
This herb is a powerful laxative. Senna tastes
terrible, so most herbalists recommend a
tincture or a commercial product. To avoid
abdominal distress, do not take more than the
package directions specify.
Research has shown that this bitter herb has
diuretic and urinary antiseptic effects.
Use it in addition to mainstream medical
how to: One teaspoon per cup, boiled 10 minutes.
Up to 3 cups per day.
Ginger prevents motion sickness and may help
prevent the internal blood clots that trigger
heart attacks. how to: For motion sickness, take
2 to 3 capsules of 500 milligrams 30 minutes
before departure. For tea, 2 teaspoons powdered
or grated root per cup, steeped 10 minutes.
Up to 3 cups per day.
Commonly used to treat colds and asthma, Chinese
ephedra (Ma Huang) can also raise blood
pressure and cause insomnia and other problems.
warning: Prior to using Chinese ephedra, seek
advice from a health care practitioner,
especially if you arepregnant or nursing.
It should not be given to children under 13.
Licorice can soothe sore throats and treat
how to: For sore throat, add a pinch of root to
tea. For ulcers, 1/2 teaspoon of powder per cup,
boiled 10 minutes. Up to 2 cups per day.
warning: Large doses can be dangerous.

This is a ritual for healing any problem. This
is usually best performed on a waning moon,
when it is almost new moon. You cannot perform
this ritual on someone else without them
being present. You can, however, guide the
person who needs healing to do this ritual on
their own. It is only effective if the person
with the ailment performs it, so it is ideal to
heal yourself.
Your primary ritual tool will be an element.
Choose one from the list that is most appropriate
for whatever area of the body you will be
Abdomen: Fire Arms: Earth Blood: Air Bones:
Earth Chest: Air
Ears: Water Eyes: Water Feet: Earth Genitalia:
Fire Hands: Earth
Heart: Fire Legs: Earth Lungs: Air Mind: Fire
Nose: Air Skin: Earth
Stomach: Water Teeth: Earth Throat: Air Uterus:
You should prepare for the ritual with a ritual
bath. Once you are ready, you can go to your
magickal place and get ready. Your working area
should be equipped with whatever is needed
to invite the element of choice into the magic.
You can use any method you want to have
the element present, but if you need ideas, here
is some help:
Earth: Stones, crystals, a dish of earth, or
Fire: Candles or a small bonfire (be careful and
keep a bucket of water handy for emergencies!).
Air: Incense
Water: A dish of water will suffice, but if you
can perform the ritual near a body of water like
a river or lake that would be ideal. You only
need to have the element pertinent to your
ritual at hand.
However, if you want to invite all the elements,
that is fine too. Just keep the focus on the one
vital healing
element. You should dress is all white if at all
Cast your circle around your entire prepared
ritual area.
Sit in the center with your element before you.
Inhale and exhale deeply and slowly
to reach a meditative state. With your eyes
closed, envision a pure white light surrounding
Now that you have entered your magical state,
take the element into your hands
(if it is water, hold it in a container; if it
is fire, hold the candle; if it is air, hold the
incense stick, etc.).
Feel the energy of the element flowing through
you. Hold the element over the general area
that needs healing and envision the energy
flowing into that area. See it being healed.
Continue to allow the elemental energy to flow
into the area until a feeling of peace comes
over you.
It is done! Close the circle and return the
element to nature.
(Note: Do not blow a candle out! Pinch it or
extinguish it with a bit of water.)
Have an after-ritual meal of cakes and wine (or
bread and juice).
This ritual will begin doings its work
immediately, but it will not cure anything
Allow it a good amount of time, a week for a
minor ailment, a month for a major illness.
If you are using any medications or supplements
for your illness, it helps to have those
present during the ritual. They will be charged
with magickal energy so that when you take them
they will be doing twice the good!

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