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INTRODUCTION: Indian coffee is the most extraordinary of all beverages which offers interesting features and stimulating intensity.India is the 5th largest producer of coffee allover the world.The history of coffee in India began around four hundred years ago ..when saint Bababudan brought seven coffee beans from Yemen and planted them in Chandragiri hills of Karnataka. Indias most known coffee beans are Mysore and monsooned Malabar. The other varieties include kents,S.795,cauvery and Sln.9. in india coffee is mostly cultivated in traditional areas of south india like Karnataka,kerala,tamilnadu,non traditional areas like Andhra Pradesh and Orissa and north eastern states comprising of Assam ,Manipur,Arunachal Pradesh,Mizoram,Tripura Nagaland. GROWING CONDITIONS: Indias coffee growing regions have diverse climatic conditions,which are well suited for cultivation of different varieties of coffee. Some regions with high elevations are ideally suited for growing Arabicas of mild quality while those with warm humid conditions are best suited for Robustas. Arabica being tropical in nature, require that the plant receive 1,200-2,200mm of rainfall per year and grown a ambient temperature of 15o-24oC. Depending on the species, coffee plants can grown to a height of 2.5-4.5 meters, though shrubs are typically pruned to 2-2.5m for easier harvesting. Robusta on the other hand

slightly more rainfall (2200-3000mm/yr) and can grow up between 4.5-6.5m in height PRODUCTION IN INDIA: India is the 5th largest producer of coffee in the world. The production is estimated to drop from 3,05,000 mt in the yr 2010-11 to 2,88,000 mt in the yr 2011-12 due to the adverse weather conditions. 90% of the total production is from the traditional areas of southern states like kerala,tamil nadu and Karnataka. Due to the expansion of coffee cultivation in the non- traditional areas like Andhra Pradesh and Orissa,coffee production area has increased in the recent years. But larger cultivation of coffee in India is restricted due to the climatic conditions especially for variety like Arabica which needs cooler temperatures at higher elevations. Thus the coffee production in India is approximated to be around 3,00,000mt. India accounts for 4.5% of the world coffee production and provides employment to 6lakh people.the total area under coffee production in india accounts for 419125 hectares in which Karnataka shares the highest percentage with 56.9%(227840 hectares).Robusta coffee accounts for 67.3% of the total production and Arabica coffee shares 32.7% .with a view to expand coffee cultivation,coffee board has been implementing developmental programmes for coffee development in North Eastern Region and Non Traditional areas.During 11th Five year plan,coffee board has proposed to support coffee expansion programme taken up by the Integrated Tribal Development Agency on 24000 ha.area in Andhra Pradesh and 850 ha.area in North Eastern Region.

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