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• ¿What is a coffe plantation?
R/ is a large area of land dedicated to the cultivation of coffee of a certain class can also be said to be a set
of what is planted and the land on which plants are grown, therefore they are called planting.
• ¿What are some processes used in coffre plantations?
R/ They should be put in water 24 hours before planting. The seed is sown at 1 or 2 centimeters depth and
cover with sand. Don’t put too much pressure on the sand. It may take 2 months or more to germinate,
depending on factors such as how long the seed takes since it was obtained. The longer it’s stored, the
harder it’s gonna be to germinate. It should be watered since the soil needs to be damp, you should fertilize
the fields and then advance the harvest when they have a dark red color without being seen to be green.
• ¿What are some famous coffee beans?

R/ In the world there are three types of coffee beans, which are considered famous. These are:

"Arabica" produces a soft and deep flavor at the same time.

"Robust": Contains twice as stimulating as "Arabica" grains.

"Kopi Luwak": A type of gourmet coffee extracted from Indonesian civet dung. The digestive system
processes the fruits giving it a special flavor.

• ¿How much is the coffe industry worth?

R/For the years 2017-2018 coffee reached its maximum price of one and a half dollars per pound in 2017
and 2018 at a minimum price of 0.98 cents.
• ¿Which country is the largest producer of coffe?
R/ Brazil, is the largest producer of coffee in the world, this country covers a third of the
world’s production; then we have countries like Vietnam, Colombia, Indonesia, Ethiopia, Peru
and Ecuador.
• ¿How many people work in coffe farms in South America?
R/ In Colombia alone, 563,000 families work in coffee plantations; approximately, we could
say that in South America more than four million families work in the planting, harvesting
and production of coffee.
• ¿What is the total production of coffe in South America in 2016?
R/ World coffee production in 2016 reached 115.8 million bags, a level higher than the
consumption of the same that reached 153.1 million bags.
It’s the right moment to
have a good cup`of
coffee and fill up energy.

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