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Bits and Pieces of Info to Make Life on the Ranch Easier to Manage

Whats Happening Around Town

We have arrived at the last full week of January by Gods grace! This month has been filled with new uncertainties about life without dear family members and friends, and the first blast of winter finally arrived just as we were beginning to notice longer periods of daylight. The routine, steadiness of life we felt in the past has seemed to have been sent spinning into orbit, yet God promises in Isaiah 33:6 that He will be the stability of your times. God never changes, and He assures us He will be our Rock! What comfort we can have in Him! Therefore, we will continue our trek forward in math, phonics, writing, science, and history. I am also looking forward to celebrating the 100th day of school this week. Due to the present circumstances, I do not know exactly which day we will be able to celebrate with the other classes, but I will pass that information on as soon as things settle down a bit. I can tell you that the 100th day will include all sorts of activities and lessons dealing with the number 100! The day will begin with a 100th day of school breakfast, provided by Miss Hult, and our day will continue with numerous opportunities to count to 100, write using the number 100, and make a couple of unique 100th day of school crafts! Please take note of the information under the Future Frontier section of the newsletter concerning the family project for the 100th day of school! May you find yourself wrapped up in the warmth of our Savior, Jesus Christ, and may you rest in His steady and faithful hands! Praying for you! Miss Hult

Answers to Questions on the Ranch

A: At a Handwriting Without Tears Workshop, I received a list of activities which can be used to build find motor skills. You will find several ideas listed below, as well as a few ideas to practice forming letters of the alphabet. Enjoy! -Cut pictures from magazines or newspapers. Take a large black marker and draw a line around the pictures to give a guideline. -Squeeze a kitchen baster to move cotton balls with air. Have a race on the table. -Use small marshmallows and toothpicks to form letters. -String popcorn, cereal, or beads to make necklaces. -Knead dough or clay, and build objects. Hide small objects in the dough or clay, and have your child find them. -Gather small objects from around the house (small buttons, beads, etc.), and place them in a container. Then have your child pick them up off of the table and place them back in the container. -Let your child create a design on a piece of paper with a hole punch. -Make letters with pipe cleaners. -Use a flashlight and make letters on the wall. You or your child has to guess the letter that was made. -Have your child write your shopping list. -Trace a letter on your childs back and have him/her guess and write the letter on a piece of paper. Take turns tracing/writing.

A Bible Course Map for the Upcoming Week (Gen. 42:1 - 45:8) Josephs is placed in charge of everything in Pharoahs palace, and when his starving brothers arrive in search of food, they do not recognize their brother. Joseph gives a dinner for his brothers, and he tells them who he is after discovering their hearts have changed and they had love for their brother and father. Tuesday: Review of previous lesson. Wednesday: Chapel review and extension. (Gen. 45:9 - 50:22) Josephs entire family moves to Egypt to live with him during the famine. He rejoices in the truth that though his brothers had intended to harm him God meant it for good in order to bring about this present result, to preserve many people alive (Gen. 50:20). Obedience always brings blessing, though it may not be in our own timing. Review of previous lesson.

Upcoming Lessons and Skills Joseph; Letter Bible verse - name; words and sentences - Intro to Children Around the World - sight words; reading and writing sentences; AlphaTales book C - 100th Day of School challenges!
As part of our 100th day celebration, we are doing a special project, and we need your help! Today, your son or daughter is bringing home a Ziplock bag with a 100s chart inside of it. Each student is asked to find an item commonly found around the house, such as a cotton ball, a cheerio, or a paper clip, to use to cover the 100s chart. The goal of the project is to give students an opportunity to practice counting. After selecting the item of choice to cover the chart, you can help your child by counting by ones to 100 or even by tens to 100! Hopefully this project will be an enjoyable way you can practice some math with your child at home. Students are asked to glue the item of choice in each square and then place their completed charts in the Ziplock to return to school by Thursday, January 26! I cant wait to see the students creativity!

Quick Glimpse Calendar Chapel - Theme: kindness; Show and Tell 100th Day of School Celebration??? :) - Early dismissal - 12:00 due to teacher in-service

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