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Essay Response On Dumpster Diving In the essay On Dumpster Diving, Lars Eighner discusses American waste as well as the

true art of dumpster diving. More importantly, Eighner talks about how living simplistically or how a change toward a simplistic lifestyle slowly brings about a sense of enlightenment. Eighner states the few stages a new scavenger experiences as, disgust and self-loathing, ashamed, leading to a more experienced scavenger who, has the last laugh, but becomes, lost with collecting various items which they have no use or storage for. In addition, Eighner describes two important lessons learned as, take what you can use and let the rest go by, and transience of material being. Even though he does not have objects from the past he states he still has the sentiments, and because everything he keeps on him has been reused, he sees himself as valueless. However, this all changes when, at the end of the essay when Eighner states, This is an attitude I share with the very wealthy- we both know there is plenty more where what we have came from. On Dumpster Diving, is not just about how much an average American wastes, but how an enlightened simplistic person can take only what they need, knowing how and where to get more. Eighner, Lars. On Dumpster Diving. Power of Language- Language of Power. Vol. Second Custom Edition for Ozarks Technical Community College. Boston: Pearson Learning Solutions, 2011. 253-65. Print.

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