Archaelogy Of Bangla Grammar

It was a Foucauldian intervention in the realm of Bangla grammars (written in 19th. C. and in the first phase of 20th. C.) by deploying post-colonial irrationality. The work shows process of appropriation of grammatical discourse under the colonial rule in Bengal and the becoming of an imagined state. The author had tried here to relate non-discursive formation (like colonialism, nationalism etc.) to the discursive formation of Bangla Grammar written under the colonial rule. NEOLOGISM: Epistemological Amalgamation, allocurriculeme, n-glossia. ELABORATION: 1. If grammar is within S/HS, why are you writing grammar? Speaking on speaking means meta-speaking and that is the project of grammar, philology and linguistics despite their fuzzy as well as determined thresholds. Grammatical orders of things are controlled/appropriated/approximated/codified by the statist and familial non-discursivity. Grammar is political action that codifies S/HS’s docile body. Text books of grammar were analyzed to show the affinities between statist constitution and the constitution of grammar. 1.1. Therefore, let us have an anti-grammar—a pedagogical praxis in unschooling. 1.2. Linear deterministic history of language is a nation statist project—a genealogical fantasy confirmed by pratyavijna. Inanimate arbitrary signs are animated—thus philology has become leisure class’s cup of tea. None talks about historicism. 1.3. Linear history of Bangla literature had overlapped with the “development” and “origin” of the Bangla language in the discourses of philologists and literary historians. Put why-question here as a connoisseur. 1.4. Compensatory lengthening or deaspiration phenomena as described by Bengali philologists, are results of writing-obsession. Reduplication, as a term , tautologous. Relative degree of arbitrariness or switching over of sense organs in case of so-called icons, though was observed, were ignored. However large corpus was generated to show the autonomous status of imagined order: Nation state Bangla. 1.5. Kolkata “dialect”, the process of and history of standardization, the triglossic situation was observed by the (s)talker in the early stage of his career.