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% MATLAB SIMULATION OF FS-1015 LPC-10e % COPYRIGHT (C) 1996-99 ANDREAS SPANIAS and TED PAINTER % % % % % % % % % % % This Copyright applies

only to this particular MATLAB implementation of the LPC-10e coder. The MATLAB software is intended only for educational purposes. No other use is intended or authorized. This is not a public domain program and unauthorized distribution to individuals or networks is prohibited. Be aware that use of the standard in any form is goverened by rules of the US DoD. This program is free software. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. There is no commitment or even implied commitment on behalf of Andreas Spanias or Ted Painter for maintenance or support of this code.

% MATLAB is trademark of The Mathworks Inc % ALL DERIVATIVE WORKS MUST INCLUDE THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE. % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % ****************************************************************** CHANL PORTED TO MATLAB FROM LPC-55 C RELEASE 3-30-94 ****************************************************************** DESCRIPTION Duplicate the channel effects built-in to LPC-55 C implementation. All reflection coefficient quantized parameters are sign extended, given their bit allocations. DESIGN NOTES Sign extension takes into account the actual bit allocation. For example, a 3-bit quantized parameter is sign extended from the 3rd bit on up. The MATLAB version must duplicate the behavior of 2s complement encoding in the C version. This is complicated by the fact that all MATLAB variables are floating point. Unlike the C implementation, which packs 54 bits per frame into a bitwise buffer, this implementation only duplicates the channel output for a given channel input. The intermediate bit packing (Parallel to serial at transmitter) and bit unpacking (Serial to parallel at receiver) have been omitted for simplicity. Bitwise manipulation in MATLAB becomes very clumsy because of the floating point representation and the lack of bitwise operators. The important fact is that this channel will produce identical output to the C implementation for a given channel input. See Also: Version 52 release notes VARIABLES INPUTS irc Integer reflection coefficients

% OUTPUTS % irc - Sign extended integer reflection coefficients % % INTERNAL % t - Temp vector for sign extending RCs % ti - Index vector for RCs to be sign extended % % ****************************************************************** function irc = chanl( irc ) % SIMULATE THE EFFECT OF THE CHANNEL BUILT IN TO THE C IMPLEMENTATION % BY SIGN EXTENDING VALUES, GIVEN THEIR BIT ALLOCATION % SIGN EXTEND 5-BIT PARAMETERS t = irc(1:4); ti = find( t >= 16 ); t(ti) = t(ti) - 32; irc(1:4) = t; % SIGN EXTEND 4-BIT PARAMETERS t = irc(5:8); ti = find( t >= 8 ); t(ti) = t(ti) - 16; irc(5:8) = t; % SIGN EXTEND 3-BIT PARAMETERS t = irc(9:10); ti = find( t >= 4 ); t(ti) = t(ti) - 8; irc(9:10) = t;

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