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Assistance League National Resource Development Committee Resource Library July 2012

2. Example Orientation Form for New Member and/or Evaluation Form for Annual Evaluation of Grants Committee
Task Enter Complete (If not complete, develop goal and/or objectives for next fiscal year with appropriate time line.)

INTRODUCTION Grants Committee appointed Grants Chairman appointed Grants Committee members joined Orientation to process to write grants for chapter Members have writing and computer skills Dropbox established Dropbox folders established Following documents loaded into Dropbox: Chapter Demographics Chapter Mission Statement List of Positions and Names of Board of Directors IRS Determination Letter Audited Financial Statement Chapter Budget Profit & Loss Budget vs Actual IRS Form 990-PF FUNDING Grantor name searched; spreadsheet developed Grantor evaluation elements GrantStation search capacity Foundation Center (as available) search capacity Guidestar search capacity Grantor Form 990-PF understood Able to save grantor form to Dropbox folder Able to match between grantor and program needs Able to write justification for writing letter of inquiry or grant WRITING Identify grantor requirements Construct chapter history Construct program narrative Able to construct a letter of inquiry Able to construct a grant proposal Able to construct a cover letter Able to gain a person to edit or review documents Able to use autorecover Able to track changes Able to check documents for spelling and grammar Able to track number of words Able to save documents as .doc files SUBMISSION Determine paper or online submission requirements Able to upload documents online Able to complete reporting requirements Able to file a hard copy in chapter files

Assistance League National Resource Development Committee Resource Library July 2012


Enter Complete (If not complete, develop goal and/or objectives for next fiscal year with appropriate time line.)

Able to complete Grant Checklist and file Able to file a completed copy as a .doc or .pdf Able to use Monthly Grants Standing Worksheet Able to provide cover sheet or first page grant to appropriate chapter chairman Able to monitor timeframes of anticipated decisions DECISION Able to complete thank-you letter Able to attempt to determine why proposal was not accepted Able to communicate decision per Grants Committee protocol Able to update Monthly Grants Standing Worksheet Able to update the Chronological Binder Worksheet Able to write justification letter as required by grantor Able to publish receipt of grant in local media Able to promote grantors in other chapter public relations opportunities, i.e., website COMMITTEE DEVELOPMENT Able to identify strengths of a strong Grants Committee Chairman Subcommittee focused on new grantors developed Action plan to mentor new members accomplished Annual evaluation of Grants Committee performance completed

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