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SECTION: _____________________________________
PARENT'S SIGNATURE: ___________________________

DATE: __________
SCORE: ________

Knowing is not enough, we must apply. Willing is not enough, we must do.
-Johann Von Goethe
GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: Read each item carefully before writing your answer. Cheating is STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Avoid erasures.
I. True or false. Draw a star on the blank if the statement is true. If it is not, change the underlined word to make it correct.
_____________________ 1. Historiography means the writing of history.
_____________________ 2. Indigenous people refer to communities or groups of people who share same language, culture, and
_____________________ 3. The Philippines is divided into 17 regions.
_____________________ 4. There is no such thing as 100% objective history.
_____________________ 5. Political Science is the study of production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services.
_____________________ 6. Gradiation is a process that involves the movement of the Earth's crust wherein one side gets more
elevated than the other.
_____________________ 7. According to the Asiatic Theory, the Philippines was formed due to explosions in the pacific basin.
_____________________ 8. It is estimated that the first islands in the Philippines were formed during the Pleistocene period.
_____________________ 9. Manila was considered the gateway to Luzon.
_____________________ 10. Geography is a discipline that encompasses not only the study of the Earth but also of humankind's
activities in it.
II. Identification: Read each sentence carefully, then identify what is being described.
_______________________1. Refers to the alternating directions of the winds.
_______________________2. Moisture content of the atmosphere.
_______________________3. The combined daily condition of weather in one particular place.
_______________________4. The condition of the atmosphere in one particular period and
_______________________ 5. It is the ancient form of Filipino Writing.
_______________________ 6. Refer to sources which belong to the period of the topic being discussed and which can directly
attest to the facts of that topic or event.
_______________________ 7. Study of the structure and development of society and the social relations among people.
_______________________ 8. Refers to a group of people living together in a territory with a shared culture or way of life which
may include religion, a political system, tradition, and values.
_______________________ 9. The study of human past through material remains.
_______________________ 10. Refers to all phenomena connected with the movement of the molten rocks underneath the Earth
towards the surface.

III. Fill in the blanks. Complete the sentences by providing the missing word/s. Wrong spelling wrong.
1. The Philippines is composed of ___________ islands.
2. The bodies of water bordering the Philippines are: _______________________ on the north, _________________ on
south, _____________________ on the east, and _____________________ on the west.
3. _________________________ are lines on the globe stretching from the north to the south, while _______________________
are lines stretching from the east to the west.
4. The Philippines has a tropical climate characterized by the ____________ and ____________ seasons.
5. The average annual temperature of the Philippines is __________.
IV. Match the descriptions in Column A with the noun they're describing in Column B. Write the letter of your answer on the blank
before each number.
______ 1. These types of lands are not suited for forest purposes and can be
sold to private corporations.
______ 2. Known as the salad bowl of the Philippines
______ 3. Popularly known as the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law
______ 4. Material things that have economic value and are not synthetic
______ 5. Can be classified as metallic, non-metallic, or fuel
______ 6. Serves as the rice granary of the Philippines
______ 7. Known as the National Integrated Protected Areas System Act
______ 8. Resources which can be replaced
______ 9. Land covered with or reserved for forests.
______ 10. Known as the Philippine Mining Act

a. natural resources
b. Central Luzon
c. alienable land
d. non-alienable land
e. CAR
f. mineral resources
g. R.A. No. 7942
h. renewable resources
i. R.A. No. 7586
j. R.A. No. 6657
k. romblon

V. Re-arrange the letters in column B to form the provinces comprising CALABARZON, MIMAROPA, and SOCCSKARGEN in Column A.
Write your answers on the blank provided in column C. (15pts)



taorniel mdinoro
occidental romindo
thosu ocabatto
usanlt udkaart
caotbtoa ctyi


VI. Give the meaning of the following Acronyms. Write your answers on the blank. Wrong spelling will not be considered. (6pts)
1. CAR: __________________________________________________________________________________________
2. NCR: __________________________________________________________________________________________
3. ARMM: _________________________________________________________________________________________

VII. Choose from the box the species of hominid being described by the sentence.

1. It was considered as the oldest hominid.

2. Ancestor of the Australopithecus found in Africa.
3. Most popularly known as Lucy.
4. This hominid is also called the handy man.
5. They already knew how to make fire and utilize it in cooking.
6. First human who knew how to think.
7. An example of homo sapiens which had a large skull and knew how to live in a very cold
_____________________________ 8. Proof of the first human existence in the Philippines.
_____________________________ 9. Also known as the Cagayan man.
_____________________________ 10. Most popularly known as the Java man.

homo habilis
Neanderthal man
Homo Erectus Philippinensis

Ardipethicus ramidus
homo erectus
Homo Sapiens Sapiens

australopithecus afarensis
homo Sapien
Tabon man

VIII. Enumeration: Enumerate what is being asked.

Give 3 examples of each:

written history:
unwritten history:

Name the 3 Land Bridges which connected the Philippines to other parts of Asia

BONUS: Who is the Philippine President found on the 50 peso bill?

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