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Type 1 Diabetes Everyone who has type 1 diabetes has to take insulin during the day. However, insulin regimens do need to be tailored to the individuals treatment goals, lifestyle, diet, age, general health, motivation, hypoglycemia awareness status and ability for selfmanagement. Social and financial aspects should also be considered. 4 Ideally, the administration of insulin during the day should mimic what would be the normal production and release of insulin. The closest treatment option available to mimic this normal insulin release is to use what is called a basal-bolus insulin regimen where the person usually administers at least three, and sometimes four, injections of insulin a day: a short- or rapid-acting (bolus) insulin before each meal and a longer acting (basal) insulin at supper or bedtime4 Patients using this type of insulin regimen should be frequently (at least three times daily) monitoring their blood glucose levels so they know how to adjust their insulin doses. If patients do not perform regular monitoring of their blood glucose, they are more likely to not use the correct dose of pre-meal (or bolus) insulin and are less likely to keep their blood glucose controlled.6


When patients drop off a prescription or request a refill of insulin, ask whether they are checking their blood glucose or if they need any blood glucose strips today. If the patient indicates that they do not check their blood glucose they should be referred to the pharmacist for further counselling.

There are many other regimens and patterns for giving insulin that are acceptable as long as the pattern meets the persons needs and are able to achieve blood glucose targets.3

KEY POINT: There is no right or wrong way to set up an insulin regimen.

The regimen should suit the person with diabetes and achieve the desired blood glucose results.

Type 2 Diabetes Insulin regimens for type 2 diabetes will be discussed later in the course, in the section entitled, When it is appropriate to initiate insulin therapy to manage type 2 diabetes?

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