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Print Friendly and PDF Focus Charting How ToFocus Charting of F-DAR is intended to make the client and

client concerns and strengths the focus of care. It is a method of organizing health information in an individuals record. Focus Charting is a systematic approach to documentation. Three columns are usually used in Foc us Charting for documentation: Date and Hour; Focus and; Progress Notes. The pro gress notes are organized into (D) data, (A) action, and (R) response, referred to as DAR (third column). Here is an example of a format of Focus Charting or FDAR Date/Hour Focus Progress Notes 3/7/20108:00pm Focus of care, this may be: a nursing diagnosis a sign or a symptom an acute change in the condition behavior DataActionResponse The Data Category The data category is like the assessment ph ase of the nursing process. It is in this category that you would be writing you r assessment cues like: vital signs, behaviors, and other observations noticed f rom the patient. Both subjective and objective data are recorded in the data cat egory. The Action Category The action category reflects the planning and impleme ntation phase of the nursing prosess and includes immediate and future nursing a ctions. It may also include any changes to the plan of care. The Response Catego ry The response category reflects the evaluation phase of the nursing process an d describes the clients response to any nursing and medical care. Focus Charting Samples Listed below are sample focus charting for different problems. Pain The focus of this problem is pain. Notice the way the D,A,R were written. Date/Hour Focus Progress Notes 5/20/20108:00pm Pain D:>Reports of sharp pain on the abdomi nal incision area with a pain scale of 8 out of 10>Facial grimacing>Guarding beh avior>Restless and irritableA:>Administered Celecoxib 200mg IV >Encouraged deep breathing exercises and relaxation techniques >Kept patient comfortable and safe R: >Patient reports pain was relieved Hyperthermia Date/Hour Focus Progress Not es 5/20/20108:00pm Hyperthermia D:>Temperature of 38.9 OC via axilla>Skin is flu shed and warm to touchA:>Tepid Sponge Bath (TSB) done7:30pm>Administered 250mg I V Paracetamol as per doctors order>Encouraged adequate oral fluid intake >Encoura ged adequate rest R: 10:00pm>Temperature decreased from 38.9 to 37.1 OC Another Variation This is DAR made by Jay-D Man of with some modificatio ns made. This is a very good variation. F1: Ineffective Breathing Pattern D1: in crease respiratory rate of 24 cpm D2: use of accessory muscle to breath D3: pres ence of nonproductive cough F2: Hyperthermia D1: skin warm and flush to touched D2: increased body temperature of T= 38.9 degree celsius/axilla F3: Fatigue D1: less movement noted A: 9:00am monitored v/s and charted regulated IVF and charte d morning care done assessed patient needs and performed handwashing before hand ling the patient advised SO to always stay on patient bedside promote proper ven tilation and a therapeutic environment elevated the head of the bed (moderate hi gh back rest) provided comfort measures and provide opportunity for patient to r est due meds given 9:30am tepid sponge bath done instructed SO to provide blanke t and let patient wear loose clothing F4: Discharge Plan (12:00nn) D1: discharge d order given by Dr.Name/Time M advised SO to give the ff. meds at the right tim e, dose, frequency and route E encouraged to maintain cleanliness of the house a nd surroundings T advised to go to follow-up consultations on the prescribed dat e H encouraged to do chest tapping to facilitate mobilization of secretion O obs erved for signs of super infections such as fever, black fury tongue and foul od or discharges D encouraged to eat fresh vegetables and fish S advised to continu e praying to God and hear mass on Sunday 2:00pm out of the room per wheelchair w ith improved condition Conclusion Do you have another variation on how to do the F-DAR method? You can leave your comments below! References: A very helpful gui de on F-DAR or Focus Charting via Fundamentals of Nursing by Kozi er and Erbs Image Source from here Read more at Focus Charting (F-DAR): How to do Focus Charting or F-DAR

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